The Rock Star Next Door #1 (6 page)

Read The Rock Star Next Door #1 Online

Authors: Starla Cole

Tags: #series, #rock star, #erotic romance

BOOK: The Rock Star Next Door #1
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Her eyes flew open. “Yes. I am.”

She seemed alarmed, so he slowed down. “You still okay?”

She nodded, but he could see the glistening of tears.

“No, no you’re not.” Shit. She was feeling bad about what they’d done. Damn it. He shouldn’t have pushed. He should have let her be. “I’m sorry, Jewel. I should have had more self control.” He braced his hands on the bed and shifted so he could pull out of her.

But she squeezed her legs around him, preventing him from going anywhere. “I just have to get used to this. I’m not a one night stand sort of girl.”

“There was that guy Rob.”

She half-laughed. “Oh, right. That guy.”

“You picked a winner that time. Ripped jeans, chains, spiked hair, attitude.”

Jewel reached up to tweak his hair. “Not so different from someone we know.”

“I don’t THINK so!” Rage pushed down into her again, causing her to gasp. “I don’t call you ‘Bitch Babe.’”

Jewel sucked in a breath as he thrust into her. “Say it again.”

He floated above her a moment, then crashed into her and said, “Bitch Babe.”

She let out a sharp, “Oh!”

Now he didn’t think he could hold out any longer. He crashed into her, pumping hard and deep. She clung to his shoulder now, crying out with every movement. He jerked out of her and pulled back, breaking her hold on him. “Turn around.”

She scrambled onto her hands and knees and he knelt behind her to run his hands across her breasts, along her ribs, down her thighs, then spread her wide. God, he was ready for this. He thrust his cock inside her and she screamed, bracing herself on her elbows.

He plunged on, and she said his name over and over, sometimes Rage, sometimes James. The pressure built up in him and when he knew it was about to spill over, he reached around her to finger her clit, crashing into her, feeling how tense she was too.

He forced himself to wait, to hold on, until she started to quiver and groan, and as soon as he felt her start to come, he let it all go, the release into her as powerful as anything he’d ever done, from guitar riffs to finishing a new song to making a crowd scream the lyrics he’d written. He felt he’d lost his head, come to some incredible new plane, now that Jewel was with him. He pulsed hot into her, holding her hips, until both of them sagged against the bed.

Rage leaned over her back, pulling her hair aside so he could see her. She turned her face to him and he kissed her cheek. “No one has ever been like you,” he said. “You were made for me.”

She closed her eyes, so he pulled out of her and turned her around to embrace her.

Her skin was warm and soft and breathtakingly perfect against his. He wrapped his arms around her, reveling in every curve, her breasts smashed against his chest, her small waist beneath his forearms, the swell of her ass under his hand. She was perfect. “Can I tell you I love you? Would that be too terrible?”

She shook her head against his shoulder, and he could feel the wetness on his skin.

“No, I can’t tell you? Or no, it isn’t terrible?”

Jewel pulled back to look him in the eye. “I’ve always known you felt strongly about me. This is just, a different thing. You were always my little brother’s friend.”

He nodded. “I never thought I’d ever have a chance with you.”

“Should I give up that job? Not go back?” Her face was full of confusion and fear. “What do I tell them? And what if I lose all my contacts? Hell, I might never get a real job. My degree, for nothing.”

Rage pulled her down on the bed, shoving the bedspread aside so he could cover them. “We can worry about all that tomorrow. And the next day. And the day after that.” He curled her into him. “Tonight, we can just be glad we’re here.”

Jewel snuggled against his side, her head on his shoulder. “Okay. We’ll talk about it again tomorrow.” She rested a hand on his belly, and his dick started waking up again.

Settle down, he told it. We’ve got all the time in the world now. He squeezed Jewel's arm and brushed a finger across the soft curve of her breast, once again in awe that she was beside him, naked in his bed, and was already using those common sense smarts of her to figure out how they would make this work, how they could be together.

“I’m the luckiest man alive,” he said.

“Mmm hmm,” she murmured, and he could tell she was falling asleep. He kept stroking her hair until her breath was measured and even.

Her phone buzzed on the side table just behind her bed. It was angled out, so he could see the screen. Some friend of hers, it looked like, Jackie. She’d sent a text message. Rage didn’t want to read it, but the thumbnail of the image looked familiar, so he reached around Jewel and picked it up. Shit, it looked like this hotel.

He slid his finger along the unlock and pulled up the message in full size. The message said, “What is this about?” and linked to an image on a celebrity site, posted half an hour before.

The picture had to have been taken in the hallway, when they were fighting that crowd. Rage and Jewel holding hands. The site had circled their joined fingers with a bold caption, “Who’s that girl?”

The article didn’t name Jewel, but obviously this friend had recognized her. Which means she wasn’t his secret anymore.

He had told Jewel that Stacey, the producer’s daughter, was a plant. But that wasn’t the whole story. Rage had no interest in her, but she had set her sights on him. He didn’t worry too much about it, but Stacey liked her publicity to look a certain way, and this gossip going around was going to be a slap in her face. She might act out. Make Jewel miserable.

Damn it. He’d need to do something about her. Ease it off gently so she didn’t go crying to Papa, who controlled many elements of his schedule, tour, and album production.

Jewel stirred against him. He flipped the phone off and stuck it back on the table. There were some dark days ahead, he had a feeling. But she was here. He’d protect her as much as he could, shield her from the glare of reporters, and give them as much time to figure this out as possible. He’d hire another bodyguard, maybe two. They’d make it work. He couldn’t let her go.

Somewhere in the room, his own phone started buzzing, urgently, incessantly. His agent probably, or someone he knew. The picture might be getting out. Or maybe it was something else.

He ignored it, letting sleep take him, Jewel tight against his side. The rest of the world was outside these doors, and it could wait.

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About the Author:

Starla Cole is a boudoir photographer and writer. She began her Boudoir Sessions stories after some crazy guy called her once and said he was so hot, she'd want to have sex with him during the photo session.

After she hung up, she thought--hmmm. What if he WAS? And wrote the story
Naughty Santa

The characters Syria and Tyson seemed to decide they wanted an actual relationship, so the Boudoir Session series has continued. She has also started a series with her husband (who was *not* amused by the phone call) called
Couples Play
Watch for more work from Starla at her web site:
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Need a little more Starla?

Here’s the opening pages to Syria’s Seduction. You can read it
for FREE
on Amazon. But we can get you started.

Syria’s Seduction

Chapter One

If Syria had to stick one more needle into one more vein, she was going to shove an enema bulb up somebody’s back end.

Nurse Calhoun frowned beneath her curtain of black bangs. Syria sighed. If there was anything she hated more than practicing phlebotomy, it was Nurse Calhoun. She took a deep breath, picked up the hypodermic needle from the metal tray, and pricked the skin of her friend and fellow student Jennifer, who stared intently at the ceiling so she wouldn’t have to look.

“Work with confidence,” the nurse said. “You can’t dig around in there.”

Syria withdrew the needle, too nervous with the beastly woman standing over her. Jennifer gave her a sympathetic look. No one else in Syria’s class had offered to allow her to practice a real blood draw. They had all seen the mess Syria made on the lab arms. But they were supposed to start clinicals in a week, and Syria was going to flunk out if she couldn’t get a proper draw.

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