The Sanctuary (13 page)

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Authors: Arika Stone

BOOK: The Sanctuary
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His face was over mine. His eyes burned into my soul. His hand made its way between my legs and began to rub my clit. “Tell me.”

I gulped and closed my eyes.

“Open your eyes, Eve. Look at me and tell me.”

I looked at him, but no words escaped my mouth. He leaned across the bed and grabbed the lube again, drizzling it over my clit. It oozed down my pussy onto my ass, dripping onto the sheets beneath me. His hand again found its way to my ass, rubbing my puckering asshole.

“I want you to…” Having his finger so close to my ass made me tremble in anticipation. It was all very naughty, very taboo, and very not me. With a smooth motion, his finger was back inside of me.

“Ohh!” I moaned. His face was full of delight. He proceeded slowly at first, watching me go through the cycles of pleasure.

He withdrew his finger after a few minutes, keeping it at the edge. His voice was calming. “Bear down.”

I questioned his intentions. What did he want me to do?

He shook his head. “Don’t ask. Just do it. Do you trust me?”

I nodded and took a deep breath, following his instructions. As soon as I bore down, a second finger slid effortlessly into me.

“Oh my God!” I exclaimed. I felt pressure inside. His fingers seemed huge. Subconsciously, my hand traveled to my clit. He took his other hand and held mine, stopping me from masturbating.

“Not yet, I want to come with you.”

My ass clenched around his fingers. Val coached me. “Relax. The more you fight it, the more it will hurt.”

I inhaled deeply, and he withdrew his fingers from me. I felt empty inside. As much as it was uncomfortable, it was also highly pleasurable.

“I don’t think this is the best position for you, not for your first time anyway.”

“How did you know?”

He smiled and kissed me, embracing my hot skin against his. “I would love to watch you as I penetrate you, but I’m afraid I will hurt you. Roll over.”

“Say it again.” My eyes scanned his face. “Say ‘as I penetrate you.’”

His lips curled into a smile. “As I pen-a-trate you.”

His voice sent shivers up my spine. Our lips locked into a kiss. Our salvia was as sticky as our bodies were.

He pulled away from our embrace and tried to roll me over.

But I stayed firmly on my back. “I want you to watch me. I want to watch you.” I was beginning to understand why he liked to watch.

“No. It will be easier if you’re on your knees.”

“I want to be with you for this.”

He was taken aback by my words, but he agreed, reluctantly. “If you need me to stop, I will.”

He leaned into me and began to kiss me softly on my mouth, moving my legs apart with his body. I wrapped my legs around his torso, shifting myself upward for a better angle. My heart beat rapidly. It felt as though he was taking my virginity.

He rubbed his cock and my ass with lube, making sure we were both dripping. He directed his cock to my ass, pressing against it gently. But I wouldn’t open up. My ass puckered in protest, shutting him out.

Val backed off. “Just relax.”

I inhaled deeply as he descended into me again, his head pushing into me with force. But again, he couldn’t penetrate me. My ass wouldn’t open up.

“Eve, if I force it, I’m going to hurt you.”

Our eyes deadlocked. “Then hurt me,” I said bluntly.

I could tell from his face he didn’t want to. Instead, he brought his finger back to my ass, to open me up again.

I shook my head on the damp pillow. “No. I want your cock inside of me.” I was about to lose my nerve.

He laughed. “You need to relax.” He slid a finger inside then two, preparing me to accept him. He pulled out and grabbed his cock, bringing it to the opening. He pressed into me, pushing with such a force I thought I was going to break in two.

“Ahhhh…” I screamed out in pain, my teeth clenched in agony. I twisted my head, digging my nails into his arms.

“I can’t do this…” He began to withdraw.

“No!” I arched my back, tightening my legs around him, holding him inside. “I want this. I want you.”

He remained on top, kissing and nuzzling me. “Let me know when you’re ready, love.”

I held on to him. It was a completely different feeling than when he fucked my cunt. Every nerve ending was electrified, every minute movement felt. My ass clung to him, cradling his cock. I nodded for him to continue.

“Are you sure?”

“Positive.” I grabbed his shoulders, pulling his weight onto me.

He sank into me, causing me to tense up again. He whispered in my ear, “If you bear down, it won’t hurt so much because you prevent the muscles from contracting.”

I followed his instructions, and with each stroke, I needed to push less and less. After a few minutes, it became effortless as my body opened up and accepted him.

I began to rock with him, holding on to his shoulder with one hand while my other rubbed my clit.

“Tell me when you’re ready to come.” He breathed into my ear. “I’m holding out for you.”

With those few little words, it dawned on me. He was going to come inside of me,
inside of my ass.
And with that dirty little realization, my body began to shake in pleasure under him.

His cock pulsated inside of me, squirting several warm streams of semen into my ass. It was an odd sensation, and it made the area that surrounded his cock extremely slippery. He pulled out, satiated, and lay next to me.

“Eve,” he gasped. “I love you.”

I rested for a brief second. “I think I need to use the bathroom.” I darted over him and ran upstairs, unable to tell him how I felt. Perhaps it was for the best.

Chapter 15

I sorted through my clothing, flinging piles of clothes on the floor. “I have
to wear.”

“You went shopping last week. What do you mean you have nothing to wear?” Val stared at the mess I had made. “I can’t even walk in here. You have too much stuff.”

“Oh, you should talk with your multiple wardrobes.”

“Go out and buy something then.” He sighed.

“I don’t want to go to this interview.”

“Then I’ll go. Stay home.”

“Why? So you can tell the reporter some ridiculous story?”


“Don’t Eve me!” I whined.

“What do you propose we do?” he asked, crouching down to my eye level.

I twisted my mouth, pondering the situation. “I want my stylist.”

“There isn’t time. We need to be on set in three hours.”

I pouted; I hated doing interviews, period. I hated them even more when I had nothing to wear. This was why I had a stylist. I could have a huge selection of designer clothes no one had ever seen me in, and I didn’t have to think how it would look on camera.

“What’s in here?” Val held up a bag of items with the tags still attached.

“I guess I could wear these.” I pulled out a pair of jeans and slipped them on.

Val grabbed the tag and ripped it off, trying to help. He furrowed his brows. “You spent 350 euros on jeans?”

“Sure, why not? They look good on, don’t they?” I spun around and looked at my ass in the mirror.

He rolled his eyes and threw the tags in the garbage.

“Okay.” He backed off, sorting through his wardrobe. “I’m not arguing with you.”

“You’re a wise man.” I laughed. He wouldn’t win anyway.

He pulled out a purple scarf and matching hat.

“Oh no, you’re not wearing that.” I pulled the hideous items out of his hands. “It will clash with me.”

Val leaned on the closet door. “I give up. What would you like me to wear?”

“Anything but purple. Something that looks good next to me.”

“I thought I looked good next to you?” he teased.

“My, my, isn’t your head big? Just find
. I have to do my makeup.” I headed into the bathroom.

He sauntered in a few moments later.

“That’s not what you're wearing, is it?” I stared at him. He was dressed in tuxedo pants, a jacket and a V-neck black tee. “You look like you’re headed to a funeral.”

“With your attitude today, I may be.” He grabbed the eyeliner out of my bag and started putting it on. “Give me a break, will you?”

“Sorry, I’m irritable.”

“It’s okay. We all have those days. But I’m not the enemy, remember that.”

“I think I need a Xanax or a Valium or something. I’m on edge.”

Val opened the medicine cabinet. “What would you prefer?”

I stared into the open cabinet; it was filled with prescription bottles. “Do you take all this shit?”

“When I need to or, now, when you need to.”

“You don’t take all of this, do you?” I wondered if I was dating a junkie. I never saw so much legal dope in one place.

“Not anymore, but I used to have panic attacks. Do you want anything?” He handed me a bottle of Xanax.

I looked at the date. The script was two years old. I shook my head. “No, those are too strong. I’ll pass out if I take one.”

“Quarter the stick then.”

“It’s still a half of a milligram. I’ll fall asleep.” I was curious about his panic attacks. “Do you still get attacks?”

“Occasionally, but not like I used to.”

“What caused them?”

He looked at me in the mirror. “An irritable ex.” He leaned down to kiss me on the neck. “Don’t worry. It’s in the past. I’m okay now.”

I thought it would be best to change the subject. I didn’t need any more drama before the show. “Do you think they will pre-interview us? This show isn’t live, is it?”

“No and no. They are going to pop some questions we won’t expect them to ask. That I am sure of.”

“These things make me nervous.” I finished my makeup and twiddled with my hair.

“Relax, I’ll handle it.”

“Right, you’re a pro…” I left the bathroom and proceeded downstairs. I didn’t want to talk to him anymore.

“Eve…” he called out, but I needed to go outside and get fresh air. My nerves were getting the best of me. I knew if I didn’t settle down I’d blow this interview.

Three hours later, I was shaking my foot, waiting under the hot lights to hear those famous little numbers.

“On three…”

And there they were. I gripped Val’s hand. This was unnerving. He whispered to me, “Deep breath.”


Little did he know as soon as we were on I would be cool, calm, collected, and professional.


“And we’re on…”

“Good evening, everyone. I’m Phineas Chatfield, and you’re watching
. Tonight we have an exclusive interview with two of the hottest celebrities everyone’s been talking about, Val Ruska and Eve Lauren.”

Mr. Chatfield turned to us. “Welcome.”

Val draped his arm on the couch behind me, taking the alpha role. “Thank you, we are glad to be here tonight.”

Mr. Chatfield focused his attention on me. “Eve, you are quite the shining star in America, but your European fans know little about your history. Is your rags to riches story true?”

“I’m not sure if 'star' or 'rags to riches' are accurate descriptions. I started my event planning company,
Luxe Life
, on a shoestring budget in college. It blossomed into what it is today, catering to an all-star clientele.”

“But your story is much more than that. I read you struggled your entire life. Your parents died when you were seven, and you moved in with relatives you hardly knew. What can you tell us about your childhood? How has it impacted your success?”

I clenched my teeth in a smile and shot a sideways glance at Val.

Val interjected, “I don’t think this has anything to do with the reason we are here tonight.”

I placed my hand on Val’s knee and turned my attention to Mr. Chatfield. “I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. My past shaped who I am today, but it doesn’t control who I am. Everyone struggles with obstacles. I wouldn’t have my life any other way.”

It was a textbook answer I was skilled with, generalize and relate to the audience.

“It’s wonderful to hear stories of people overcoming obstacles. All of your life, you’ve searched for love in a way. I suppose it was natural to go into event and wedding planning?”

“People search for love all the time, Phineas. I think it’s natural to want love and to be loved. Wedding planning comes naturally to me; I am in love with the concept of love.” I felt confident in my answers.

“And in your quest for love, you were previously dating Jude Wright, the co-founder of Smith & Wright Entertainment Agency. Correct?”

I sighed. “Yes, Jude and I dated, but it’s in the past.” I smiled at Val.

Mr. Chatfield had a funny look on his face, “Well, Eve, I’m not sure how in the past Jude is to you.” He stood up. “Please welcome Mr. Jude Wright.”

My heart pounded with each step Jude took as he approached the set. He looked stunning in his Armani suit and his perfectly coiffed espresso hair. I got up from the couch. “I’m leaving.” I couldn’t deal with seeing him. Val followed.

“Cut!” someone shouted.

“Eve, please,” Jude called out as I neared the exit.

I could feel the tension building inside, and my heart started to race as I clenched my fists. I abruptly turned on my heels, knocking into Val, who was directly behind me.

“No, Eve, just
.” Val was determined to leave.

I pushed past him in a fury. I wasn’t going to back down from Jude. He had no right to come here, and I was determined to give him a piece of my mind.

Val interjected, “Eve!”

But I ignored his calls. I approached Jude. “Why are you here?”

“I want to explain.”

“Fuck you!” I slapped him across the face. “You have the balls to come here, to what? Break up my relationship?”

Jude grabbed my arm. “It’s not what you think.”

“Let go of me.” I tried shaking him from my arm, but he wouldn’t let go.

“You heard the lady. Let her go,” Val said from behind in a commanding voice.

“And what are you going to do about it?” Jude turned his attention to Val.

“It’s over! I will not tolerate a man who cheats on me.”

“But I didn’t cheat on you, Eve,” Jude stated somberly.

“Like hell you didn’t.” I shook him off, pushing him with all my might.

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