The Santini Collection 1-4 (27 page)

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Authors: Melissa Schroeder

BOOK: The Santini Collection 1-4
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Sounds good to me.”

Chapter Three

ometimes I think I think too much for my own good. –Kianna

Relief coursed through Gianni as he pulled her against his body. He cupped her face and leaned in slowly to kiss her. Part of him wanted to rush…gorge himself on her. He fought those urges. He wanted this to last, to be the one thing that they both remembered for decades to come. He swept inside, taking in the taste of the tiramisu she had made. Was there anything as delicious as that? He needed to see her skin, touch her flesh. He walked her back as he tried pulling up her shirt. It took a few tries to get the shirt up and over her head. He threw it somewhere on the floor behind him as they kissed their way into her bedroom. It was dark but he did his best to get her to the bed. They fell onto the bed and bounced up together. She was still laughing when he kissed her. He swallowed her joy, lapped it up. He had never met a person with so much love for life.

He kissed his way down her body, pausing long enough to undo her bra then continuing on. By the time he had her naked, he was barely able to think of anything but her. He pulled himself up to his knees and looked down at her.

Thank the good lord for curvy women.


Sorry,” he said trying to shake his head to get his brain to work.

He didn’t want to wait. He wanted to dive into her, feel those muscles wrap around him and lose himself in the wonder of being inside of her. But, he knew better than to rush it. It had been a while for him—because of the deployment and before it. He’d been preoccupied with things…and hadn’t met anyone worth the effort.

Until Kianna

He leaned down and kissed her belly, then slipped down between her legs. He kissed each one of her thighs. With each lick, he inched closer to his goal. When he finally settled himself between her legs, he drew in a deep breath. Her arousal mixed with her unique scent drifting over him…teasing him…tempting him.

Gianni didn’t hesitate. He placed his mouth on her sex. The first taste of her danced over his tongue. Decadently delicious. Her fingers slipped through his hair as he teased her clit, tugging on it with his teeth. She shivered, telling Gianni that she was close….very close.

He pulled back and she moaned. When he rose to his knees again, she was frowning at him. He wanted to laugh, but he figured Kianna wouldn’t be any happier with him.

What’s the matter?” he asked, teasing her.

I’m naked and you’re not.”

He looked up at her. She was leaning back on her elbows as she looked at him. Just like that first day, she stole his breath away.

That is something I can definitely rectify.”

He pulled his shirt over his head, but when he tried to undo his buckle, he was embarrassed to find his hands shaking.

He slipped out of bed and tried again, but she was already there to help. She slid to the edge of the bed, grabbed hold of the waistband of his jeans and tugged him closer.

I can help you with that,” she said, her voice husky with her own need. She undid the buckle then unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. Within moments, he was naked and she had her clever hands running over him. She teased his cock, sliding the tip of her finger from the base to the tip, then, she followed it with her tongue. Damn.

He usually had better control, but the action had his body raring to go. He thought she would stop but instead, she took him into her mouth.

He leaned his head back and groaned. She tormented him for only a few moments before he called a stop to it.

That’s not very fair,” she said pouting.

He smiled. “I’ll let you be as bad as you want to later. Right now, I just want you.”

Then, he realized he hadn’t come prepared. The man who prided himself on always being ready, came without his safety equipment.

Gianni? What’s the matter?”

I forgot to bring a condom.”

She laughed. “Is that it?” Slipping out of bed to open her nightstand, she grabbed a condom.

I wanted to make sure if there was a chance, that I was prepared.”

He laughed and took the condom. He cupped her face and kissed her. He expected it to be quick, but it turned into something else. Keeping his eyes open, he deepened the kiss, stealing inside, letting her taste herself on his tongue. She closed her eyes and hummed. He felt it all the way to the soles of his feet.

They fell on the bed again. He didn’t waste any time. Ripping open the package, he got the condom out and rolled it on. He slipped his hands beneath her ass and pulled her up, entering her in one hard thrust.


She had been prepared, and oh, damned, so fucking wet, but she still gasped at the intrusion. He knew he should apologize, but he couldn’t seem to bring himself to do it. It felt so fucking good to be inside her.

He pulled himself up to his hands and started to move. Immediately, she picked up his rhythm. Soon, she was coming undone as she screamed his name. Her muscles pulled him deeper into her causing him to almost come. But he didn’t want to. He wanted to see her lose herself in pleasure and be there right with her when it happened. He rose to his knees, and tugged her up so that they were face to face.

Gianni,” she said, her voice deepened with her release. It sent a spike of heat coursing through his veins.

He kissed her, open mouth, hot, wet…then said, “Come again for me, Kianna.”

He felt it slam into her, saw her eyes go blurry with her pleasure as they shut and she leaned her head back with a moan. He was helpless then, watching her release, feeling all those little muscles clamp down on his cock. He followed her, shouting her name.

* * * *

Okay, I might be dead,” Gianni said.

Kianna laughed. “Yeah?”

Tell my mother I loved her and it was worth it.”

Her body was still warm and she hadn’t gotten her breath back and he was teasing her. She loved a man with a good sense of humor.

I will, although she will wonder who I am.”

Vince will know who you are.”

That was interesting. “Yeah? So can I have his number?”

He rose up to look at her. He was frowning at her but his eyes danced with amusement. Not for the first time, Kianna thought she might be able to eat him up with a spoon.

No. I am not giving Vince a chance to even get close to you.”

She let one eyebrow rise. “And why is that?”

He’d make a play for you.”

She shrugged, enjoying him, enjoying the moment. “But you’re dead, so it wouldn’t matter.

I would come back from the dead to haunt both of you.”

She smiled at him. “Then you might get an eye full.”

He rolled over on top of her. “Reports of my death might have been exaggerated.”

He pressed himself inside her. He was already hardening again and she shivered.

Then he cursed. “I need a condom.”

He pulled out of her, grabbed a fresh condom and had it on pretty fast. She expected him to cover her again but instead, he reversed their positions and she found herself on top of him.

Take me in, Kianna.”

She trembled just from the sound of her name on his lips. It spoke to something in her soul, something she was afraid to even think about. Brushing those thoughts aside, she wrapped her fingers around him and slowly slid down his length.

His fingers dug into her hips as she started to move, gyrating her hips every few times. Each time she did, she pulled a groan from his lips. She was still wet from their last time but she felt herself grow wetter by the minute. Seeing the power she had over him, just this little bit, sent a surge of arousal through her. It jolted her to her core but it also made her so damn hot. He leaned up and she thought he would take back control. Instead, he wrapped his arms around her and took her nipple into his mouth. She had never been someone with very sensitive breasts, but each time his teeth scrapped across the tip of it, heat danced over every nerve ending in her body.

Soon, though, his teasing, the feel of his breath on her flesh, and the sensation of being filled with him got to be too much. She bent her head down to kiss him as her orgasm rushed through her. Kianna was barely through with her last orgasm when a second slammed into her. This time, Gianni leaned his head back, and groaned her name as he came.

It was possibly one of the most beautiful sights she’d ever witnessed.

Moments later, they collapsed. Kianna was sticky with perspiration and she was going to be sore in so many places.

And it felt so good.

Okay, I might be dead too this time. We better leave a note,” she said.

He laughed, wrapping his arms around her, kissing the side of her neck. “Thank you for the best homecoming ever.”

Kianna snuggled closer, enjoying the feel of him beneath her. Within moments she was drifting off to sleep to the beat of his heart.





Chapter Four

One of the things I miss the most while I’m deployed is lazy Sunday mornings. –Gee

Kianna woke to the smell of something sweet and savory cooking. Keeping her eyes closed, she drew in a deep breath. If her dream smelled that good, she didn’t want to wake up. She wanted to sleep in, then mosey her way down to Anna’s for something decadent for breakfast. Something with cream and sugar she could lick off her fingers.

She frowned realizing that she hadn’t been dreaming it. She was awake. Opening her eyes slowly. The memory of the night before washed over her, through her. She smiled and reached for Gianni only to find his side of the bed empty.

She sat up, the sheet falling to her waist. She gasped when she realized she was still naked. Pulling the sheet up to cover her breasts, she sighed. It had been a really long time since she’d slept naked. It had been since she and Charley had first married. She was a lot younger and definitely not as curvy at that point of her life. She vaguely remembered getting up to throw on a nightshirt at some point, but Gianni had told her it was a waste of time to get dressed.

She pulled her legs up and rested her head on her knees. Damn the man had her head spinning. She couldn’t get all tangled up in the idea that they were going to be involved for a long time. He was Air Force and would be moving on soon. Plus, he was younger. He wasn’t interested in settling down. But, she couldn’t resist the fantasy of having the man in her bed every night.

Daydreaming, professor?” he said breaking into her thoughts.

She lifted her head and found him leaning against the doorjamb. Was there ever a more beautiful man who’d been in her bed? She didn’t think so. Luck was rarely on her side, but it seemed for right now, she had her share and she wasn’t going to waste it. “No, not really. Just thinking how much fun last night was.”

It wasn’t a big lie. It was part of what she had been thinking about.


She nodded.

He gave her a brilliant smile and she felt her heart lodge in her throat. No one, man or woman, should be that pretty in the morning.

I would call it one of the best nights of my life,” he said.

Then he walked into the room and leaned over her. He brushed his lips over hers. “Good morning, Kianna.”

Good morning, Gianni.”

He shuddered. “Damn, I love the way you say my name. That southern accent of yours makes me so fucking hot.”

She slipped her arms around his neck to pull him into bed. “Then come back to bed.”

He shook his head and untangled himself. “No, I will resist you because I have made you breakfast. Get dressed and I’ll set the table.”

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