The Santini Collection 1-4 (9 page)

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Authors: Melissa Schroeder

BOOK: The Santini Collection 1-4
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He poured a little of the feed into her hands. “What’s not to love? Pretty day, beautiful woman, and animals.”

Maryanne shook her head. “That sounds wrong.”

He laughed and tossed some of the food. “Yeah it does, but it doesn’t matter. I’m feeling too good.”

What made you think of bringing me here?”

He shrugged and she thought she noticed his cheeks turning ruddy. “I thought it would be fun.”

It was a good idea. I don’t do enough in San Antonio to enjoy it.”

It was one thing Mom insisted on. Dad didn’t always get stationed in the best places, but Mom always made sure we got out and enjoyed it.”

I’ve lived here for three years and never made it back to the zoo. I came with my grandmother when I was in middle school.”

What was it like being raised by your grandmother?”

She hesitated. She was never comfortable talking about her childhood.

It was different, that’s for sure. Dad was there…but not really. You know how that is.”

He nodded. “I can just imagine for someone who is on the fast track like your father. I think it’s one reason Vince has never settled down.”

Your brother’s on the fast track, is he?”

Leo shrugged. “Probably. He made O-5 early. And, well, Vince sort of has some unrequited love thing going on.”

She smiled. “Really. Somehow he doesn’t look like he’s suffering that much.”

Looks can be deceiving.”

The tone in his voice caught her attention. She turned to look at him, but he was smiling as if nothing was wrong. For most of her life, Maryanne had shied away from serious personal discussions. In her family, they were frowned upon. As a child, she understood that discussions like that led to lies or arguments. Her father might be a kick ass Marine but he didn’t handle messy personal issues very well.

I understand that.”

Yeah, I bet you can.”

Of course, he could see her side of it. Sure, life as a military brat had benefits but there just as many sacrifices.

Dad always wanted to pretend everything was okay, like we were a normal family.” Not wanting to ruin their day, she shook herself free of those thoughts. “But my grandmother was great. She was my salvation in a household of men. Taught me how to cook. She also taught me to stand up for myself, which I am sure you can understand is important in a Marine household.”

He smiled. “Well, I like you the way you are, so I’m glad she was around. Especially since she taught you how to cook that red sauce.”

Again, she knew there was something behind the words, but she didn’t want to worry about that today. She just wanted to enjoy their time together. “So, are you only going to feed the animals, or does your date get some popcorn?”

Leo tossed the rest of the feed out and grabbed her hand. “Never let it be said that Leo Santini doesn’t know how to spoil a date.”

She followed along, pushing the weird mood aside, intent on enjoying the day and the man.

* * * *

Dammit,” Jeff said as Maryanne and an orderly helped him back into his bed. A month after she started pushing him harder, and she was feeling a lot better about his progress. He was not.

I feel like an infant after you get done with me.”

That’s exactly what I want to invoke in a man. It’s probably the reason I’m not married.”

He chuckled as she pulled his covers up and over him.

I just feel like I should be further in my development. I wanted to be further along.”

She shook her head as she poured him some water. “No. You are actually further than I thought you would be. You’re doing remarkably well.”

He smiled. “Does that mean when I get out of here you’ll allow me to take you to dinner?”

She handed him the glass. “I don’t date my patients.”

I won’t be your patient by then.”

He was attractive, always had been. But for some reason…she hadn’t been attracted enough to even think about the offer. She did have a hard rule about patients. Even after they weren’t under her care anymore, she didn’t date them. It was not something that she thought would be good for either of them.

Let me guess. Santini?”

She shook her head. “He has nothing to do with this.”

Damn, I can’t believe he stole my woman. I thought we would marry and have ten kids.”

She chuckled. “You have got to be kidding me.”

I think we would make a cute couple.”

No, I was talking about the ten kids. What makes you think I want that many kids or any kids at all?”

She had never been sure of marriage or kids. It had been something she didn’t want to think about right now, especially since she was pretty sure she was falling for Santini.

Aw, Johnson.” He took her hand and looked around the room to make sure no one was within earshot. “You would make the best mother.”

The simple statement and the sincerity of it had a lump rising to her throat. It was possibly the sweetest thing one of her patients had ever said to her.

Thank you, but I am not ready for that yet, and I can assure you that you aren’t either.”

He chuckled and released her hand. “If Santini screws it up with you, let me know. I would definitely like to make up his mistakes for you.”

You act like he isn’t your friend.”

His eyes widened. “He is. It’s just…I want to make sure he appreciates you.”

Thinking of the lunch he had brought to her she knew he did. “He does.”

He smiled. “Thought he might. Of course, you know what they say about Santinis?”

Uh, no since I don’t know the rest of them. I met Vince, but not the rest of the family.”

Ah, well, they are well known for being very loyal, very…hearth and home kind of guys. Once they find a woman they want, nothing will get in their way.”

And just how do you know that? He said all his brothers were single.”

Oh, well, his father and his uncles. My dad and his served together, both Marines. When all the young guys were going out carousing, Santini was either writing letters or coming up with ways to do things for his wife. Dad said he was one of the few of his buddies still married and all his uncles are still married or widowed. They fall hard, or so the legend goes.”

She shook her head. “Like your father pays attention to what his friend is doing. He’s making that up.”

Nope. Promise. He was Special Forces and they all live in each other’s lives while they work. Guys notice when you stop going out, partying, especially with the Santinis. They party as hard as they love…or so says my father.”



It was weird hearing a guy talk that way and she didn’t like the way it made her feel. Panic welled in her stomach. Leo wasn’t in love with her. Sure, they had spent most of their time together in the last few weeks. But…he wasn’t in love with her. Hopefully.

I have another appointment. You make sure you let the on duty nurse know if you have any pain that doesn’t feel right.”

Now I know you’re the woman for me, Johnson. You know there is a kind of pain that feels right.”

She rolled her eyes and resisted the urge to smack him against the back of his head like she would one of her brothers.

As she walked down to her office, what Jeff said started working its way through her. She hoped that Leo didn’t think he was in love with her. Sure, she was in love with him, but that didn’t mean…

Oh shit

She was in love with Leo. This was wrong, so wrong. Falling for that idiot wasn’t what she wanted. Sure, he was all tough on the outside and all sweet on the inside. Making love with him had taken her to a whole new level.

Hey, MJ, whatcha doing?” Freddy asked her.

She shook her head. “Nothing. Just tired.”

The older man smiled. “More like in looooooove.”

What are you talking about?” she asked, trying to quell the panic that was now blooming in her chest.

Please, woman, I’ve never seen you moon over a guy before. This Santini has you wrapped around his finger.”

The fact that Freddy noticed was worrisome and she didn’t like it one bit. She needed time to think. “Have you been dipping into the meds, Freddy?”

He chuckled. “Just let me know because Dave and I would like to plan your wedding.”

I am not getting married and I am not about to let you and Dave plan the wedding. I’ve never met two gay men who knew less about style than you and your husband.”

With that, she started down the hall again.

Ohhhh, this is going to be fun, MJ. You can run, but you can’t hide.”

She slipped into her office and shut the door. Collapsing in her chair, she closed her eyes. Being in love with a Santini was hard on a girl.



Chapter Eight

Leo glanced at Maryanne, trying to discern the weird mood she’d been in since he’d arrived at the apartment. It wasn’t anything she said. In fact, if he had one complaint, she had been a little quiet. She was never that talkative during movies, but there was something definitely eating at her.

How was your day?”

She gave him a wary look. “Okay. Looks like I’ll have a new patient tomorrow.”

She went back to biting on her thumbnail and staring blindly at the TV screen.
Not good at all

You haven’t heard from Jack, have you?”

What?” It took her a moment to look at him. She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Oh, no. I doubt I’ll hear anything soon. He’ll probably email at some point but I got the idea we won’t get to talk often.”

Then, she turned her attention back to the screen again. She’d been distant for several days now. He had let it go because he had already learned that Maryanne had her own little moods and he knew her entire world didn’t revolve around him. He knew it was best to leave her alone while she worked through it.

Maryanne seemed to be getting worse though. He wasn’t happy with the situation but he didn’t want to push her. Still, he didn’t want her to think that she could use problems outside of their relationship to push him away. And, he could be with her while she worked through it and not be a bother.

He took her hand and stood up. “Come on, love.”

She looked down at their joined hands. “What?”

Let’s go,” he said. When she raised her gaze he could see the confusion darkening them. “Don’t think, Johnson, just come on.”

He pulled her up off the couch.

She took her time following him as he tugged her along. “I’m not sure I want to do this.”

I think it will make you feel a whole lot better.”

Guys always say that, but it’s always about how they feel.”

He kept walking through her room.


He ignored her and led her into the bathroom. He released her hand and started a bath. He knew she didn’t like people to know her weakness for something so girly as a bubble bath, but he did and was about to use it against her. He poured some of the bubbles into the bath.

You might want to get naked because your gonna be uncomfortable in those sweats when they get wet.”

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