The Satanist (70 page)

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Authors: Dennis Wheatley

BOOK: The Satanist
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The strain on his arms was terrible. He felt as though they were being dragged from their sockets. But he reached the T-shaped head of the pylon. As he grasped it and clung there panting another cheer went up. For a moment he remained there to recover his breath. Then he scrambled down the steel latticework of which the pylon was constructed.

Mary, half lying on her side, had been holding her breath as she watched him. When he got down to within a few feet of her she breathed again, and murmured,

‘Oh Barney, Barney! Just to think you’ve risked your life for me – even though you despise me.’

‘Despise you!’ he echoed. ‘Oh Mary, Mary, how can you say that? I love you. I love you. And you risked a worse death than a broken neck when you saved me from the Great Ram in the chapel.’

As he was speaking he passed the loop of the spare rope over her head. With a moan of pain she raised her broken arm and got it through the loop. He drew it tight and made it fast to a strut of the pylon. Then he made his own rope fast to another strut and lowered himself on to the snow beside her.

A shiver shook her and she moaned, ‘I’m so cold, darling; so cold. I couldn’t have hung on for another five minutes.’ Yet despite her pain she was smiling.

Even if the snow gave the ropes would hold them now. Taking her in his arms, he said, ‘They’ll get us up soon, my sweet, and I’ll never let you be cold or lonely again.’ Then their icy breath mingled as their lips met in a long kiss.

.    .    .    .    .

It was nearly half past twelve before Mary was hauled up to the platform outside the cave, now crowded with the Alpine troops. Yet the rocket had not been fired. As they wrapped her in blankets and laid her gently on a readymade stretcher, C.B. knelt down beside her, took her hands and chafed them. In a husky voice he said,

‘Mary, my dear; I’ve known a lot of brave women but you are the bravest of them all. Thank God we arrived in
time to save you; and may He bless you all your days.’

Her eyes were shining. ‘Thank you,’ she murmured. ‘Thank you. But He’s blessed me already. Barney has asked me to marry him.’

‘I’d have bet any money that he would,’ C.B. smiled. ‘It remains only for me to ask His Lordship if he’ll have me for best man at the wedding.’

She frowned. ‘Please don’t joke about it. His calling himself Lord Larne was just a part of his phoney Character for the job.’

Verney shook his head. ‘You’re off the mark there, my dear. He became the Earl of Larne five years ago; but when he came into the title he made a complete break with his old life and decided not to use it in the new one until he had lived down his raffish past. You’ll make the loveliest Countess of Larne they’ve ever had in the family.’

At that moment Barney was hauled up over the edge. After smiling at Mary he turned quickly to C.B. and asked, ‘What happened? Did something go wrong with the rocket when Lothar tried to launch it, or was he hit by that single shot I heard just before midday?’

Verney came to his feet. ‘Neither, partner. That shot was fired by Otto from a pistol lent him by the Swiss. He realised that we couldn’t get up here in time and shot himself through the heart.’

‘D’you mean he committed suicide in despair?’

‘Not in despair. He died a hero’s death. I’m sure of it. When the first troops got here they found Lothar lying flat on his face. As he wasn’t bleeding they thought he’d had a stroke and undid his tunic. Over his heart there was a great black bruise, as though he’d been kicked there by a mule. Otto knew better than any of us the way in which what happened to one twin could affect the other. By shooting himself he killed his brother with a heart attack.’

After a moment, C.B. added, ‘Although there was no thunderbolt or stroke of lightning, I shall always believe that at the eleventh hour, through Otto Khune, God intervened to defeat the powers of Evil.’

A Note on the Author


Dennis Wheatley (1897 – 1977) was an English author whose prolific output of stylish thrillers and occult novels made him one of the world's best-selling writers from the 1930s through the 1960s.

Wheatley was the eldest of three children, and his parents were the owners of Wheatley & Son of Mayfair, a wine business. He admitted to little aptitude for schooling, and was expelled from Dulwich College, London. In 1919 he assumed management of the family wine business but in 1931, after a decline in business due to the depression, he began writing.

His first book,
The Forbidden Territory
, became a bestseller overnight, and since then his books have sold over 50 million copies worldwide. During the 1960s, his publishers sold one million copies of Wheatley titles per year, and his Gregory Sallust series was one of the main inspirations for Ian Fleming's James Bond stories.

During the Second World War, Wheatley was a member of the London Controlling Section, which secretly coordinated strategic military deception and cover plans. His literary talents gained him employment with planning staffs for the War Office. He wrote numerous papers for the War Office, including suggestions for dealing with a German invasion of Britain.

Dennis Wheatley died on 11th November 1977. During his life he wrote over 70 books and sold over 50 million copies.

Discover books by Dennis Wheatley published by Bloomsbury Reader at

Duke de Richleau
The Forbidden Territory
The Devil Rides Out
The Golden Spaniard
Three Inquisitive People
Strange Conflict
Codeword Golden Fleece
The Second Seal
The Prisoner in the Mask
Vendetta in Spain
Dangerous Inheritance
Gateway to Hell

Gregory Sallust
Black August
The Scarlet Impostor
Faked Passports
The Black Baroness
V for Vengeance
Come into My Parlour
The Island Where Time Stands Still
Traitors' Gate
They Used Dark Forces
The White Witch of the South Seas

Julian Day
The Quest of Julian Day
The Sword of Fate
Bill for the Use of a Body

Roger Brook
The Launching of Roger Brook
The Shadow of Tyburn Tree
The Rising Storm
The Man Who Killed the King
The Dark Secret of Josephine
The Rape of Venice
The Sultan's Daughter
The Wanton Princess
Evil in a Mask
The Ravishing of Lady Mary Ware
The Irish Witch
Desperate Measures

Molly Fountain
To the Devil a Daughter
The Satanist

Lost World
They Found Atlantis
Uncharted Seas
The Man Who Missed the War

Mayhem in Greece
The Eunuch of Stamboul
The Fabulous Valley
The Strange Story of Linda Lee
Such Power is Dangerous
The Secret War

Science Fiction
Sixty Days to Live
Star of Ill-Omen

Black Magic
The Haunting of Toby Jugg
The KA of Gifford Hillary
Unholy Crusade

Short Stories
Mediterranean Nights
Gunmen, Gallants and Ghosts

This electronic edition published in 2013 by Bloomsbury Reader

Bloomsbury Reader is a division of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 50 Bedford Square,
London WC1B 3DP

First published in Great Britain in 1960, by Hutchinson & Co

Copyright © 1960 Dennis Wheatley

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The moral right of the author is asserted.

eISBN: 9781448212613

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