The Scarlet King (9 page)

Read The Scarlet King Online

Authors: Charles Kaluza

Tags: #young adult, #surgery, #medical fiction, #sacred water, #medical science fiction, #adventure and science fiction

BOOK: The Scarlet King
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An elderly male stood and spoke in the
language of Larby's people, "We would hear your story and of
Larby." He then pointed to a low bench built of reeds and branches.
Heather remained standing while the others sat behind her. She
summarized their encounters with those of the Red and their voyage
of exploration. Her facial expression told the story of Larby's
infection far better than the words the young priest translated.
The details of the war were very brief and then she began
explaining how the treaty was to be negotiated. The elders nodded
in appreciation when they heard that Larby was included in the

By now Betty's boy and Heather's baby were
both tired of being held and were soon set free to explore their
surroundings. The elders kept their attention mostly on Heather but
could not help but smile at the antics of the little ones. Soon
toys made from small pieces of wood and bone began to appear as
others would enter and leave the room. When Heather had finished
her story the spokesman of the elders said, "We will now share in
the gifts of the God of the Sea, and after hear of this warning you

Without any command obviously given, food
began to arrive. They were served bowls of fish soup along with a
bread-like substance. They sipped the soup directly from the bowl,
emulating the action of the elders. Daniel asked how the bread
substance was made. One of the women who was serving replied, "The
seeds of the great grass of the sea are harvested, dried and
ground. When mixed with a little water and allowed to sit for two
days it is ready for baking."

Daniel thanked her saying, "I would learn
more of your foods, for you appear healthy despite the burden
imposed by those of the Red."

Heather discreetly nursed her baby while they
ate; Betty's child seemed to just keep eating, which pleased their
host greatly. When the meal was complete Heather was asked to
explain the threat she saw. She again stood but spoke somewhat
softer and with less confidence saying, "Betty has had a vision of
a darkness coming from the east which has frightened her greatly.
We know not what this darkness is but I would assume it is an
invasion. Those of the Red were driven from their native country by
another invading people and I fear they may be again invading."

The elders of Larby's people conferred
quietly amongst themselves before asking, "Why should we be
concerned that an enemy of our enemy may be approaching?"

Heather chewed on her lower lip before
replying, "This enemy may be far worse and result in the total
destruction of our societies."

Again the elders conferred quietly before
asking, "What would you have us do?"

Heather carefully chose her words before
replying. "You are people of the sea, not warriors. Your role is to
survive and serve as eyes on the sea to warn those who are
warriors." She continued, "Your people and my people are
descendants of those who survived the last invasion. We need to
prepare so that we survive if another invasion does occur." She was
silent for a while before continuing, "Your homeland is now known.
I would you prepare other secret homes which could be used if the
invasion occurs."

Another of the elders stood and spoke,
saying, "This is the home of my ancestors and I would it be the
home of my descendants. Our stories tell of the time when our
people lived entirely aboard their boats. This we can do again if
need be." He then glanced at the other elders before continuing,
"If we are to be the eyes of the sea, how do we communicate with
you from the north?"

Heather spoke quietly to Betty before
replying, "Betty can hear the mind of the one who is the mother of
Larby. For now we must depend on this ability, but for the future
we need to establish trade—for our homes are an entire moon cycle
of sailing north of here."

Further conversation stopped when the sound
of the boat's whistle was heard. As everyone looked out, another
ship was seen entering the harbor. It was a ship of those of the
Red flying a green and white flag. Heather could clearly see
Captain Cook preparing the cannons. She said, "I must return to the

Larby's people helped her descend the ladder,
and the young man who had first approached them prepared his boat.
Daniel was holding their baby. Heather hugged them both before
climbing aboard the small craft saying, "Hide here until we are
sure it is safe."

By the time Heather was again aboard ship,
the second ship had dropped anchor and was displaying no sign of
hostility. Soon a boat was lowered and began to approach their
ship. Standing in front was a sailor in formal uniform who
announced as they approached, "We sail under the flag of Don the
Great and seek only information of the envoys from the distant

Captain Cook responded, "I am Captain of this
vessel and sail under the authority of Heather with the Golden
Hair. We also seek those who sailed as envoys from our lands."

The sailor was obviously scrutinizing their
ship, with those of the Forest perched in the rigging with their
bows ready and the cannons pointed at their ship. He replied, "I
will inform my Captain." With that the order was given and the boat
turned back to the second ship.

They watched in silence for but a short time
before Captain Cook said, "If you wish the others to rejoin us we
need to send the boat now before the tide drops further." Heather
considered the risk and decided having the others aboard was worth
the risk and the boat was lowered to retrieve them. Heather's baby
announced their return with his demand to be fed.

They waited not long before the boat on the
second ship again returned, this time with an officer aboard. As
they approached within hailing distance the sailor called out, "The
Captain of our ship acting for Don the Great wishes to speak to
your Captain."

Captain Cook had the call returned by the
boatswain’s mate: "Permission to come aboard for the Captain of
your ship."

The ladder was lowered and the ship’s officer
dressed in the uniform of Red ascended the ladder. He arrived on
deck and stood silently until Captain Cook approached. He then said
in the high language of those of the Red, "I sail under the
authority of Don the Great searching for the envoys of the distant
lands who were forced from our lands by political intrigue. He
seeks knowledge of their safety and has offered my services to
ensure their safety."

Heather stepped forward and replied with her
limited ability in the high language, "I accept your offer. I would
we confer at table."

The Captain of the Red signaled his boat and
replied, "As you wish."

With the young priest acting as the
interpreter, the Captain of the Red had soon told the story of the
political intrigue and the escape of their friends. Daniel had to
nod in appreciation of Jeremy's use of his cloth trick in the
escape but said not. When the Captain had finished his presentation
Heather asked, "You sail under the authority of Don the Great, and
of your loyalty to your Scarlet King?"

The Captain was obviously uncomfortable with
the question, but was able to face Heather directly and replied, "I
have sworn my loyalty to the King but not to those who would usurp
the power of the King. It is my judgment that the actions of Don
the Great represent the real goals of the throne and therefore I
sail under his authority and the green and white flag."

Heather asked, "And the rest of the

"The palace guard remains under direct
control of the King but they are limited to the palace itself. The
remaining military force is working under Don the Great in

Heather asked, "From the darkness arising in
the east?"

The Captain just stared at Heather before
replying, "Yes, the black ships have been spotted to our east."

Heather responded not to his inquiring look
but instead told him of the local command and their submission to
capture. She then discussed the need to protect Larby's people so
they could act as eyes of the sea. She asked, "Would the local
commander pledge loyalty to your flag?"

The Captain responded, "I know him not. If he
is a true military man he will pledge loyalty to Don the Great in
his service of the Scarlet King."

Heather then told the Captain how the Spirits
of the Forest have connected Betty and Edna. By this connection
they knew that their friends were yet far to the south and east of
them. The Captain listened intensely and replied, "I had hoped
their voyage had succeeded in rounding the cape before the great
storm hit. That they have survived such a storm is great testimony
to your God's power." He added, "The waters to the south and east
are not friendly, with many islands without anchorage and reefs
just below the surface."

Heather nodded, saying, "The Spirits of the
Forest have sent us to help them. We depart at the high tide on the
day following the morrow. Sail you with us?"

The Captain responded, "I am pledged to your
service at the request of Don the Great. I will need to take on
fresh water and food if it is available. We will be ready to

Heather responded, "Let us meet with the base
commander tomorrow, and if it is successful, with the elders of
these people of the sea. A treaty between them would improve
security for all."

The meeting with the base commander followed
the breaking of the fast and was held at their compound. He was
troubled not at pledging allegiance to the green and white flag,
but seemed uncomfortable in reaching a treaty with the local
peoples whom they had abused so severely. Heather said, "The
survival of our peoples may depend upon this cooperation. I will
talk with these people of the sea. They are not a vengeful people
and understand the danger. I think they will cooperate."

As the Captain and the base commander worked
out the issues for local defense, Heather met with the elders
again. She explained the principles of trade which would be
required for the food they would provide to those of the Red. They
talked about how to plan for an evacuation if necessary, and more
importantly, advanced warning. They shared the midday meal before
the discussions were completed. In the end they agreed to work in
peace with those of the Red.

As Heather was preparing to return to the
ship, Larby's mother presented her with a small carving, saying,
"This is the talisman with which I have prayed to the God of the
Sea for my son. I would you keep it."

Heather accepted the gift and in return took
a small metal pin from her cape. She gave it to the elderly lady,
saying, "This is from the Forest and with it I wish you the
protection of the Spirits of the Forest."

The young man who had first presented to
their ship was waiting with another for Heather. He was dressed for
travel and said only, "I would travel with you."

Heather thought for a minute and agreed,
saying, "You may travel with us but there is probably great

He replied only, “I am the Listener. The God
of the Sea sends me, so I go."


Chapter 6

With favorable winds Larby was able to make
their ship sail reasonably well. Jason took charge of navigation
and spent long periods immersed in the charts the Captain had left
behind. He was forever comparing the positions of the stars and the
sun with the compass trying to estimate their position. Larby
assumed command of the helm at night and Jason during the day, with
others helping us much as they could. It was not that they were
short of manpower but rather very short on training. Even the
envoys from the Northern Kingdom who were not used to work pitched
in by manning the pumps as needed. The handling of the sails was
left mostly to Larby and Jeremy with Edna occasionally helping
despite her bad knee.

They sailed for two weeks to the south with
only rare glimpses of mountains to the west. The charts showed many
reefs around the cape, and Jason wished to make his turn far enough
out to sea so as to avoid the reefs. They sailed for two additional
days before he agreed to head west. Larby was becoming worried, for
the sky was changing. The sun still shone but there was a pinkness
to the dawn which unsettled him.

The sailing was now more difficult, for they
needed to tack back and forth into the wind. Jason was having far
greater trouble figuring their position; the stars no longer
shifted but rather the time of sunrise. On the third day the winds
began to increase and clouds could be seen on the horizon. Jason
had given the order to turn back to the north, and with the winds
on the reach they were now making good headway. The charts had
indicated a single mountain which formed the cape itself. It was
their landmark for safety. Behind the mountain was a small harbor
for shelter.

Jeremy stayed atop the mast, straining his
eyes looking for the mountain. When he looked back to the south and
west he saw the clouds changing and the darkness developing. Jason
was checking and rechecking his figures while Edna managed the helm
to the best of her ability. Jason would frequently call up,
reminding Jeremy to be looking to the northeast, to which Jeremy
would reply, "I am looking. There is nothing but water and clouds
to be seen."

The afternoon was getting late and Jason was
frustrated; according to his figuring the mountain had to be
visible. He was about to call up yet again to Jeremy when Jeremy
began screaming, "I see it! Ahead and to the right!"

The yelling brought Larby topside, but he
looked not at the mountain but at the wall of clouds approaching.
Jeremy could feel the change in the air from his perch atop the
mast. It was as if his hair was trying to stand up on its own.
Larby immediately took command, telling Jeremy to lower the main
sail. He had Edna turn the helm and bring the ship about.

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