The Scent of Seduction (15 page)

BOOK: The Scent of Seduction
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"He's making sure the house is clear,” Jeff said as he sat on the couch.

"Wouldn't the security system have alerted us to an intruder when we entered?"

"Yes, but Cooper doesn't always trust technology."

Nicole shrugged, but she wasn't worried. “I guess better safe than sorry."

"It's all clear. You can go into the kitchen now."

She went into the kitchen. The overcast day made the room dim and she ordered the lights to activate over the counter. Leaning against the counter, she stretched up to pull the kettle and bean grinder out of their storage cabinet. She hummed a little tune to cut through the silence of the room. She activated the stovetop and filled the carafe. The insta-heat system cut the boiling time down on the water, but it would still take a minute. Nicole placed the bean grinder on the power mat. She selected a coarse ground and waited as the whirring sound drowned out her soft humming.

A few minutes later, the rich aroma of hazelnut coffee filled the air of the kitchen. She waited for the coffee to finish brewing then slowly pressed the plunger down. She was opening the cabinet where they stored the coffee mugs when Jaryn's large arms came around her waist and a pair of lips pressed against the side of her neck.


"Hi, love. So you've had a bit of an exciting afternoon."

"Hmm, yes.” She tilted her head back against Jaryn's chest. “That feels awfully good."

"As soon as our guests leave I'll make sure you feel good all over. Now, can I help you carry the coffee in?"

"Thank you. Let me get the creamer out of the fridge. Did you talk to Cooper?"

"Yes, for all the good it did. I can tell he still feels responsible."

Nicole's shoulders fell and she sighed. “I wish he wouldn't."

"It's his nature. If anything, I can trust that from now on he'll be doubly on guard, so when I leave I know you'll be in safe hands."

* * * *

"Fuck yes. Suck my cock, sweetheart."

Jaryn lay back on their bed, fists clutching the sheets as Nicole's tongue made a pass over the glistening head of his cock. The ribbon of warmth twirled around the broad circumference, before dipping into the slit where it wiggled and caused Jaryn's breath to hiss out in pleasure. Her lips opened wide as she lowered around his engorged flesh, but didn't yet enclose his length in the hot cavern of her mouth. Her head lifted and she lapped up and down his hard cock, following the snaking veins with the tip of her tongue.

Jaryn groaned. “You are a devil woman,” he said raggedly. She was driving him crazy. He was near to pleading with her to take him deep into her throat, but his sultry little mate was bent on teasing him till he expired from insatiable lust.

Nicole looked up at him from beneath the fringe of her russet lashes. The moon shone through the skylights in their bedroom and once again, Jaryn thought he saw a glow radiating from his mate's eyes. He'd seen it a handful of times since they mated, and as with the previous occurrences, the anomaly was gone almost as quick as it appeared. It had to be a trick of the light. There was simply no other explanation.

When Nicole's warm silken lips finally brushed over the ridge of his cock and slid down his length, he thought his head would explode as the heat of her mouth sank through the layers of skin. Emotion and hunger bubbled up from the depths of his soul and threatened to explode from every pore of his body. Fierce possessiveness radiated throughout his system and he fisted one hand in the mass of hair falling across his hip.

Nicole's head began to bob in earnest and Jaryn watched as each inch slid between her slick lips over and over. Her hand cradled his balls, and one finger slipped lower to massage the patch of sensitive skin beneath. As incredible as this was, he didn't want to come in his mate's mouth. He wanted to once again find heaven locked inside her body. With the last ounces of restraint in his system, he halted Nicole's ministrations. She pulled off his cock with a popping sound and an expression of confusion.

"Get up here,” he growled.

Jaryn dragged her body up his. He rolled them over on the large bed till he braced his weight above her. Time suspended as he examined every delicate feature of her face, then in incremental movements, he lowered his mouth to hers. It was a kiss of hunger and of claiming. It was a kiss that said, you belong to me. He pulled away from the temptation of his mate's lips and dipped his head to capture one nipple. He sucked on the hard tip while caressing the underside of the plush mound. He lifted the weight in the palm of his hand to kiss the tender skin on the underside. Nicole's natural taste was stronger here, held securely within her skin from the heat of her body. A little moan from above signalled that she enjoyed that particular touch, so Jaryn took the time to kiss and lick her swollen and aroused breasts. He found out since their mating that Nicole's body did in fact have tiny freckles all over, and one of his favourite games was to play connect the dots, so to speak. He could feel his wolf's desire build in his system—the ever-present need to reassert his claim on his mate. To plunge inside and take them on a journey to unparalleled heights of pleasure.

His hand slid down the smooth expanse of her abdomen and his fingers dipped into the slick creases of tender flesh he longed to drive his cock between. One finger circled the opening of her body, tracing the contours in a lazy pattern. Nicole's thick cream coated his finger and Jaryn spread it around the blood-infused folds. Her hips thrust up towards his hand.


"I want to hear you, sweetheart. Tell me what you want. Tell me about the need raging through your body."

"Oh God...” Nicole panted. “I... I need to be filled. I need you to claim me."

He stared down at the woman he loved, as he fed a single digit into the tight channel of her pussy. “Is that what you needed?"


He added a second finger and his thumb brushed over her clit, causing Nicole to arch up and a soft pleading cry to escape from between her lips.

"How about that?"

"Please, Jaryn. You. I need you,” she pleaded.

"You have me, love. I'm inside you just like you asked."

"Your cock. I need your cock."

"All you had to do was ask."

Jaryn rolled onto her body. His arms gathered Nicole close as their bodies rubbed together. Her hard nipples skimmed the hair on his chest. Jaryn cupped one thigh and lifted it. His hips slid into position and his cock nudged the wet opening of her body. He moaned as her pussy stretched around his invasion. He slowly moved up into her, taking his time to fully merge his body with hers. Her fingers dug into his shoulders and her nails scored his skin, adding another sensation on top of the ones already rioting through his system as Nicole's body enveloped his cock in fiery bliss.

"That's right, love. Let me feel your mark."

His voice was raspy even to his own ears. He took a large breath and his torso shuddered. There was a distinct burn on his back as Nicole dragged her fingers up to the top of his shoulders. He started to move, slowly drawing out of her body. The motion made all the nerve endings in the head of his cock jump in excitement and the veins climbing the hard length pulse in a throbbing tempo. Her thighs closed around his hips. Their skin pressed together. The sweat created by their exertions made their motions slick. A whimper rose from her lips as he thrust deep, his entire body heaving against hers. His hand pushed back the damp edges of her hair and he pressed a kiss to her mouth.

He kept his momentum steady, driving his cock deep with each thrust. This wasn't a time to rush their coupling. Jaryn wanted to draw out every moment in Nicole's arms. Pleasure caused his body to tighten and his lower back tingled as their need climbed. His mouth left hers and her neck arched. Jaryn watched her pulse flutter in the moonlight. His teeth grazed the side of her neck. His cock plunged hard enough to rock the bed, and his mate met every thrust with her hips as she pleaded for more. His lungs burned as pleasure washed over him. The wave slammed over him, at the same time Nicole's pussy clamped around his cock. Jaryn held her tight as he buried his cock deep inside her, sank his teeth into his mark, and offered up every ounce of his seed into the clutches of the flesh that milked him to completion.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Nine
* * * *

Nicole rolled onto her back without opening her eyes, reaching out beside her for Jaryn. However, instead of the strong warm male body she desired, she found cool cotton. Her lashes slowly lifted, and she turned her head to look at the clock on the bedside table. She smiled when she noticed that the room was darker than it should have been given what the glowing blue numbers implied. She rolled to her right and scooped up Jaryn's pillow, pulling it close. She inhaled his scent from the fabric. How considerate of her mate to activate the smart-dimming windows in their bedroom. He'd quickly realised that nothing bothered her more than waking up to a face full of blinding sunshine.

Nicole curled herself around Jaryn's pillow, reluctant to leave the haven of their bed, knowing that by now Jaryn was already in the air on his way to the Northwoods. What dangers he would face when he got there, Nicole didn't know and quite frankly was scared to contemplate. But time waits for no man or woman, and there was a lot to do while Jaryn was gone. Not the least of which was find out exactly who'd been following her.

She rolled across the expanse of mattress till she reached the edge and pushed until she sat up. Her feet dangled over the side of the mattress and the cool air made her bare skin chilled. The weather had become decidedly colder, and Nicole swore she could scent snow in the air. They were predicting another winter storm to hit sometime in the next twelve hours. When she'd chatted with Landon upon her arrival in town back in September and he'd mentioned the town turning white, Nicole hadn't been quite prepared for exactly what he'd implied. Stonepass had already exceeded what she was used to on an annual basis. When she'd asked Jaryn, he'd laughed and told her that their quaint little town averaged somewhere around seventy inches a year, and it wasn't unheard of for there to still be white stuff on the ground come St. Patrick's Day. She'd been a little shocked, but then logically thought that, as wolves, her mate and his pack probably weren't that fazed by the winter conditions. However, why the humans chose to settle here still bewildered her. In her opinion, mornings like this called for a hot shower then a snuggly place in front of a roaring fire.

A few steps and Nicole found herself in the master bath Jaryn had designed. After taking care of her morning needs and brushing her teeth, she eyed both the shower and sunken tub. While a hot soak did sound nice, she knew only the pounding jets of shower's multiple heads would wake her up.

She tapped the screen of the control panel outside the enclosure to bring it out of hibernation. “Activate for Nicole."

The sound of water hitting the smoothed floor of the stone filled the space, and she stepped under the spray. Nicole felt every single drop of water pelt her skin, and while she'd been hoping for a soothing morning wake-up, the antsy feeling that had plagued her all week seemed to increase.

Over the last several days, she'd tried to hide from Jaryn just how unsettled she was. She tried to talk herself into believing that it was nerves about her mate raiding a compound run by a sadistic wolf, but something deep inside argued. Nicole had even found herself talking out loud, and occasionally she could have sworn she heard a voice answer her back.

She got out of the shower as quickly as possible and hurriedly dressed in a pair of jeans she'd managed to finally break in from the wardrobe Jaryn had bought her when she first arrived. At the time, she'd specifically told him all she needed were a few pairs of jeans and some tops until she got settled and figured out what she was going to do for a job. But Jaryn had spent a fortune, in her estimation, on a full wardrobe he'd bought from department stores on the world network. She smiled as she remembered the time shortly after their mating when she'd come into his home office to find him perusing a lingerie store using the 3D virtual modelling feature and an uploaded scan of herself. Now she thoroughly appreciated not only her mate's generosity, but his taste for good quality clothing.

She went out into the great room and headed for the kitchen, needing her morning infusion of caffeine. The stimulant probably wouldn't help her nerves calm down, but she was a creature of habit.

"There's some coffee already made on the stove."

Nicole jumped and clutched her hand to her chest. “Holy shit, Cooper! Don't startle a woman like that."

Cooper bowed his head and took a step back. “My apologies."

She felt bad about the sharp exclamation. Jaryn had explained to her that the other wolves in the pack now looked at Nicole as being the Alpha female, and as such would actively seek out her praise. Yelling at Cooper probably meant to him that she was displeased with him, which was not at all the truth.

She went over to the window where Cooper stood and placed her hand on his arm. “No, I'm sorry. I'm not much of a morning person and for some reason today that seems to be doubly the case. Thank you for making the coffee."

"I put the kettle on to boil when I heard you activate the shower. So it should be finished brewing by now."

Nicole smiled. “Come have a cup with me?"

Cooper nodded and they went into the kitchen together. Nicole sat at the table while Cooper brought over the carafe and mugs. He seemed to like doing this for her, and while it went against the training her mother had given about being a proper hostess, at this moment and with this man it felt right.

"I'd like to go visit Jaryn's parents today. I promised Charlie the other day that I'd help him with his science project."

A little grin arched the corners of Cooper's mouth, but he quickly covered it with the rim of his mug.

"Better watch out. That pup will have you twisted around his little tail in no time, and you'll find yourself doing most of the work."

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