The Seadragon's Daughter

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Authors: Alan F. Troop

BOOK: The Seadragon's Daughter
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Table of Contents
Dragon Moon
“This is, like the first volume, an entertaining, action-oriented story deepened by a dollop of thoughtful ambiguity.”

“Troop has powerful command of his fanciful scenario. . . . The author also has a gift, sharper than ever, for suspense and action, and his dragon mythology is every bit as inventive, beguiling—and sexy—as anything Anne Rice has written about vampires.”

South Florida Sun-Sentinel
“Surpasses its predecessor in imagination and humor, and leaves the reader wanting more [Dragon DelaSangre] tales.”

“Eminently satisfying . . . Troop maintains a riveting pace that manages to explore his characters rather deeply without ever impacting on the action and suspense. Ultimately,
Dragon Moon
is a work of fantasy about loss and love, the importance of family, honor and bravery, making this tale of modern dragons a thoroughly human story.”
“Alan F. Troop does for dragons what Alice Borchardt has done for werewolves.”

Midwest Book Review
“I am amazed at the ingenuity of this story. . . . Filled with adventure, this contemporary fantasy skewers our vision of the world.”
—SF Site
“A rousing adventure tale worthy of its predecessor.”

“If you love dragon stories this is one that you don’t want to miss. Mr. Troop has written a story that you can’t put down until the last page.”
—Paranormal Romance
The Dragon DelaSangre
Named by
as One of the Top Ten Horror Novels of Recent Years
“Comparisons with
Interview with the Vampire
are almost inevitable . . . however,
ultimately carves out its own territory . . . unabashed fun, with just enough moral ambiguity to raise it above the level of a pure popcorn book. A promising debut.”

“Any book that has us cheering for a human eating dragon is definitely well-written.”

Chicago Sun-Times
“As equally fascinating as the man who wrote it.”

The Miami Herald
“A very thoughtful and rewarding read.”

New Mobility Magazine

The Dragon DelaSangre
is the most original fantasy I’ve read in years, its strength coming in no small part from Alan Troop’s remarkable ability to deliver a sympathetic but distinctly non-human protagonist. Just when I thought there was nothing new in contemporary fantasy, along comes Alan Troop’s terrific
The Dragon DelaSangre
to prove me wrong! I loved this book!”
—Tanya Huff, author of
Summon the Keeper
“Alan F. Troop has done for dragons what Anne Rice has done for vampires and Laurell K. Hamilton has done for werewolves. . . . An exciting fantasy. . . . Horror lovers will have a feast.”

Midwest Book Review
“An exciting, inventive, unique novel with, in Peter, a surprisingly sympathetic protagonist.”

(starred review)
“You won’t be able to put [it] down.”

Aventura News
“Troop proves to be quite skillful at characterization . . . light and fast-paced . . . engrossing.”

The Davis Enterprise
“Alan F. Troop tells an intense tale of more-than-human characters who can be quite human in their souls. Very intense.”

The Weekly Press
“A powerful, passionate, gripping tale that brings dragons into the modern era. . . . Just when you think dragons are overdone and nothing new can be said about them, this book comes along to challenge that notion and put it in its place. Don’t ignore this one.”
—The Green Man Review
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First Printing, December 2004
Copyright © Alan F. Troop, 2004
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eISBN : 978-1-101-49820-0

For my mother, Bernice M. Troop,
the first woman in my life and a bright star in the
universe that now unfortunately burns no longer.
She will always be missed and she will always be
remembered with much love.

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