The Second Chance Hero (12 page)

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Authors: Jeannie Moon

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: The Second Chance Hero
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A breeze caught her hair and caused Kim to shiver. “Are you cold?” he asked. “Let’s go inside.”

He took her hand and brought her through the door to be greeted by a wiggling mass of black fur. “There she is.”

Kim squatted down and rubbed the dog up and down her neck.

“Hi, Casey. Hi, girl. She’s so quiet.”

“We woke her up.” He crouched down with her and the puppy rolled onto her back. “She’s settling in and she seems to like me . . .”

“She’s sweet.” Kim rubbed her belly and the pup twisted her head, trying to lick her hand. “And you’re easy to like.”

“She is. Everyone at the office loves her.”

Kim loved that soft spot she saw in him. Having the dog close by at work was proof of Owen’s big heart. He may have been a big, bad marine on the outside, but on the inside this guy had a heart of gold.

“It’s good to be the boss. Or one of them, at least.”

Content, Casey stood and went back to her bed on the far side of the kitchen, and Owen drew Kim up. Kissing her as soon as she was close enough. This time there was heat as his mouth took hers and his body pressed so close she could feel his very impressive erection against her belly. “So are we going to mess up the kitchen like we said?” She loved the wicked glint in his eyes when she reminded him of their conversation at the diner.

“As much as part of me would love to bend you over that table and do you right now, I’m taking you to my bed.” Owen took her face in his large, wonderful hands, and brushed his thumbs over her cheeks. “I’m going to make love to you so you never want to leave.”

Kim wondered right then if she’d made a mistake because he’d just raised the stakes, made this matter. When she’d first thought about sleeping with him, she thought it would be a way to deal with a very intense mutual attraction. But now he was talking about forever. About wants and needs, and by throwing that out there, he forced Kim to face the lies she’d been telling herself. This thing between them was about a lot more than sex. Kim was starting to see that it could very well be about the rest of their lives.

He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her through the house. She nuzzled against his neck, loving how he felt, how his arms banded around her, the long powerful stride she could feel as his hips shifted. Everything about his body was controlled, strong.
Hers. He was hers.

Owen flipped on the light in his room and Kim glanced around. The walls were a rich blue and the furniture was crafted from simple, dark woods. A chest of drawers stood in the corner, and night tables flanked either side of the bed. There was also a large, flat-panel TV mounted to one wall, and there were two armchairs in one corner facing it. Simple, comfortable. The dominant piece of furniture was a large four-poster bed. But the most striking feature was the set of French doors that led to a deck overlooking the harbor. Large windows flanked the doors, creating almost a full wall of glass. Simple drapes framed the windows and the doors.

The space told her a lot about the man. That he liked things functional and easy. That he liked to be connected to his environment inside and out. He was a billionaire, and while this wasn’t a space just anyone would have, it wasn’t ostentatious or overdone. He wasn’t about ego. Owen, well, pretty much everything about him was perfect.

He eased her onto the soft mattress and hovered over her, looking sweet and menacing at the same time. “I have no idea what to do with you first,” he ground out.

“You’ve been thinking about this?”

“Since I met you.”

“I’ve been dreaming about you.”
Oh, did she say that?

“Yeah. Want to fill me in? Maybe I can make those dreams a reality.” He grabbed the band of her sweatshirt and pulled it over her head, exposing her to the cool air. Then he went for the button on her jeans, working it, and within a few seconds her jeans were on the floor. He’d shifted her so she was on the bed, only a pink thong and her very skimpy bra covering her. He, on the other hand, was still fully clothed, which did not seem fair.

Until he touched her, and then Kim didn’t give a shit about fair. All she cared about was how she felt, what his hands and mouth were doing to her. “Mmm . . .”

His mouth had just brushed her nipple. “My bra . . .”

“What bra?” Owen ran his hand up her back, and with a snap, the bra was off. He smiled up at her, and even though she’d pretty much lost control of the situation, she had never felt safer, or more protected in her life. If she had any doubts about being with Owen, the look in his eyes told her she had nothing to worry about.

“You’re very sneaky,” she said, pulling his head down for a kiss. A sweet, tender kiss.

“I won’t hurt you. I promise.”

“I know.” Working the buttons on his shirt, Kim couldn’t wait. She couldn’t handle not seeing him, feeling his skin against hers. He rolled his shoulders and she pushed the shirt up and over, allowing her to feel his long, lean muscles, the soft hair on his belly.

“No more waiting,” she whispered.

“Kim. I . . .”

“No games. Just us. Make love to me, Owen. It’s time.”


It’s time.
Those words hit him right in the heart, because it was time. He’d known from the first moment he’d held her in that hospital in the desert—grieving, broken—that he would be her lifeline, her protection if she ever needed him. And now he could be so much more. Friend, lover . . . the possibilities staggered him. Suddenly, Owen saw himself as a husband and father when he thought those things had passed him by.

He worried, though. The secrets he was keeping could hurt her, and he knew he should get things out in the open. They had to have a clean slate. Pushing himself up on one arm, he moved back from her.

“Kim, I should tell you something.” He could not believe he was doing this. He wanted her so bad, it hurt.

“Owen.” She pulled him close and held fast. “Love me now, talk to me later,” she whispered.

That was it. Owen couldn’t hold back anymore as she helped him out of his jeans. Sliding them over his hips, her hands were warm, soft against his skin.

He watched her face as their skin made contact. The charge was electric, but it was more than just sex. More than he ever experienced with any woman. Being with her was the reason he cared so much, worked so hard, and risked his life for his country. Everything he ever did had sense and purpose now because of her.

She rained gentle kisses over his shoulders, tenderly stroking his back and neck. He opened his nightstand drawer and grabbed a condom, and she helped him roll it on.

If she was nervous about being with someone new, he couldn’t tell. She was warm and giving, and all Owen wanted was to deserve her.

He entered her slowly, knowing it had been a long time, but she was wet and ready and they came together with an ease that belied reason. “You feel perfect,” she whispered.

He moved slowly and Kim responded, the pace picking up, their bodies working together, climbing, heating up. He felt her breathing quicken; her gasps and sighs were like music. “Oh, Kim. It’s so good.”

“Owen, I . . .” Her words caught as the orgasm hit and she flew up and over. Her back arching and her body clenching around his was all he needed, and he finished with one strong thrust, his world making sense for the first time in forever.

The last year in Afghanistan had been nothing but heat and death. It had been hell, but finally, looking at Kim, he saw the only reason he needed for having gone. It may have been hell, but the angel he’d found there had delivered him.


Kim stood in Owen’s kitchen sipping coffee at oh-five-hundred hours because she had to get home in time to take Anna. Kevin was still away for one more day and Harper’s schedule at Reliance was packed full, so Kim was going to have a very busy week. Hopefully, she’d find some time for Owen.

The last thing she wanted to do was leave his bed. Their night had been perfect, and all Kim could hope for was that he wanted the relationship as much as she did. Feeling his arms slip around her from behind was probably the best thing that was going to happen to her the rest of the day.

“You have to leave?”

“I do. Anna is up by seven thirty and Harper has to get ready for work.”

She turned in his arms. He was sporting some very sexy stubble to go along with his T-shirt and running shorts. “Working out?”

“I’m going to take a run before I go to work. I have meetings all day so I won’t be able to use the gym.”

“You’re so disciplined,” she teased. “I wish I could see you today, but I’m going to be busy.”

“I am, too. I can stop on my way home. We can mess up your kitchen if you want.”

Kim grinned and kissed him. “That sounds like a plan. Bring me Chinese food around seven and I’ll be your slave.”

He laughed out loud. “This is getting better and better.” He stroked her cheek. Suddenly tender. “I had fun. I loved being with you.”

“Me too. I was nervous, but you made it perfect.”

He was rubbing her upper arms, keeping it easy. Everything with Owen was easy. She stood on her toes and kissed him. “I have to go. Harper is going to be all over this.”

“It will be fine. She might give you shit, but deep down she wants you to be happy.” He kissed her again. “I’ll be thinking about you.” And again. “All damn day.”


Owen crated Casey before grabbing his phone and walking her out to her car. He gave her another kiss for good measure. “Text me when you get home.”

“Okay, but I’m sure there’s no traffic on the road.”

“Still.” He kissed her again.

“You need to stop kissing me.”

He considered her for a few seconds. “No. I don’t think so.” And he kissed her again. “I’ll call you later.”

“Okay.” Finally able to leave, she thought about how one event, one thing, could change everything.


Two and a half hours later, in Harper’s kitchen, Kim was drinking her second cup of coffee of the day when Harper flew in and stopped short. Kim looked up at her boss’s crooked grin.

“So, young lady. You let dawn kick you in the ass this morning. Out all night, were you?”

Kim was so exhausted she almost snapped at Harper, but she was too happy and she couldn’t contain the smile that broke as she took another sip of her coffee.

Am I supposed to check in?”

“And we’re a little defensive.”

“No. We’re tired.” And it was glorious to be tired because you were making love all night. Kim’s body tingled just thinking about Owen.

“I don’t mean to pry, but well, you were out
night. I feel, I don’t know, responsible for you.” Kim shook her head. The sarcasm dripped off Harper’s words.

“I’ve been to war, Harper. I promise I can take care of myself, but in case you need to be reminded, you had a few all-nighters yourself with the Baseball God.”

Kim giggled as Harper sputtered for a comeback. There were more than a few all-nighters, actually, and she patted herself on the back because Harper was without words.

Setting down her mug on the shiny granite countertop, Kim approached her friend. “I know you care, but you have to let us figure this out.”

“I know, but . . .”

“I’ve always had people watching out for me, Harper. And don’t get me wrong, I know it’s coming from the right place. But I’ve seen things that would bring you to your knees. The same goes for Owen. You have to step back.”

This was a first for Kim. Granted, Harper was still a new person in her life and she didn’t wield the emotional clout of her own mother, or even Tom’s mother, but Kim was proud she’d stood up for herself.

“I’m sorry. You’re right. If you want to talk . . .”

“I’ll let you know.” That pretty much ended the conversation. There was an uneasy quiet for a minute or so, but Kim knew she and Harper had come to a good understanding. It would be okay.

“I may be late tonight. I have a meeting at four thirty.”

“On the calendar. You said not to plan on you until at least seven. Is that still correct?”


“Anna has an appointment at the pediatrician on Wednesday at four o’clock. Do you want to take her or do you want me to?”

“I think I can do it, but can we keep it open?”

“Sure.” Kim was marking each item in her iPad, but Harper was wringing her hands. Something was on her mind, bothering her.

“Did you tell him everything about Tom?”

“Not yet. I will, though.” That wasn’t a conversation she was looking forward to. Keeping her memories of Tom away from the relationship she was building with Owen was important and she didn’t know why.

“I meant what I said. If you need to talk, I’m here.”

Kim took a deep breath because she meant what she’d said to Owen. She loved Harper like a sister, but she didn’t want to become a matchmaking project. She was tired from being up all night with Owen, but Kim was glad she and Harper had talked. As much as she wanted to keep the relationship between the two of them, the truth was that wasn’t going to happen.

Harper took Anna from her high chair and sat with her at the kitchen table while Kim cleared the dishes. Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she peeked. The text from Owen, a simple
Thinking about you
, made her smile.

“I think he’s falling for you, hard.”

“Excuse me?”


“I don’t know, Harper. He doesn’t know me that well.” Such a lie. He knew her very well. Intimately. Between their lovemaking, they talked. They talked about everything. It had never been like that with Tom. She and Tom, they had known each other for a long time, but there just wasn’t that much to talk about. With Owen she opened up, and her soul just spilled out.

“I don’t know what it is, but he’s protective of you. He came after me with a vengeance when he thought I crossed a line. He’s never done that before.”

“Seriously?” She had no idea. Kim sat across from her at the table. “I really like him. I do. But I need you to do something for me.”


“Stop talking about it.”

“But . . .”

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