The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life's Big Questions (16 page)

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Authors: Inna Segal

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Healing, #Health & Fitness, #Self-Help, #Alternative Therapies, #Personal Growth

BOOK: The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life's Big Questions
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Rub your third eye with your middle finger for about a minute in a circular motion.

Concentrate on activating your intuition and having clarity in any area of your life,

where you are currently experiencing confusion.

Seventh Chakra—Crown

The seventh chakra, also known as the crown chakra, is located around the top of the

head and is seen as the center for higher intelligence. The dominant colors of the sev-

enth chakra are white or violet.

This chakra is related to the area at the top of the head, the brain, pineal gland, and

the entire nervous system. It is our connection to our Divinity, spirituality, and syn-

chronicity. Through this center, we can develop miracle mindedness, connect to our

higher purpose, and discover our unity with all life.

Through meditation, prayer, and surrender of our limitations and fears, we can

transcend the illusionary and egoic mind and enter the infinite field of consciousness.

We can experience miracle healings, transcendental states of consciousness, and Divine


The crown chakra absorbs Divine Energy, which nourishes all the systems, organs,

and centers of the body. The clearer this chakra is, the more life force energy we can enjoy.


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Inna Segal

This center is associated with energetic disorders, chronic exhaustion and immune

system disorders, major depression, cancers, sexual dysfunction, hypertension, muscular

system disorders, bone and skeletal problems, blood problems, fibromyalgia, dizziness,

Parkinson’s disease, paralysis, epilepsy, multiple personality disorders, multiple sclerosis,

schizophrenia, and dementia.

The seventh chakra gives us the ability to see larger aspects of life. Here, we

develop our capacity for devotion, spiritual healing and evolution. This is also where we

can experience the dark night of the soul, where we may feel alone, abandoned, and dis-

connected from all that is soulful, loving, and Divine. This can often occur when

someone endures an emotional crisis or a physical trauma, witnesses or participates in a

natural disaster or war, discovers that they have an incurable illness, or suffers a loss of

a loved one, either through death, heartbreak, or a dispute.

The dark night experience can also arise when a person moves through the stages

required to fully surrender to Divinity. This may arouse feelings of deep isolation, depres-

sion, fear, loneliness, and nothingness, as well as bliss, oneness, peace, all-encompassing

understanding, and illumination. Our ability to keep the faith and exercise our courage,

even in the most difficult situations matures in this chakra.

Because it is connected to higher realities, the seventh chakra constantly evaluates

whether our choices are for our highest good and serve our Divine potential. Many of

the greatest visions and inventions were accessed through the crown chakra. Meditation

and self-healing are excellent ways to transcend ordinary human limitations into

extraordinary possibilities. The information we are able to access in this chakra is mysti-

cal, non-linear, and visionary.

Clearing this chakra will allow you to experience a profound connection to the

Divine, help you to follow your life purpose, give you a deeper ability to understand

others, have greater compassion and experience oneness. When your crown chakra is

clear, you may experience higher states of consciousness, access your healing ability, and

receive messages from the Divine. You will also feel more balanced, stronger, healthier,

and more alive.


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The Secret of Life Wellness

Process for Clearing Your Crown Chakra

Crystal to work with—Clear Quartz

Rub your hands together vigorously for about a minute. Place your palms next to each

other without touching. You will most likely feel a tingling sensation. Visualize holding

a large white ball of energy between your hands. Focus on this ball of energy and allow

it to intensify. Play with this color for about thirty seconds, exploring how far you can

extend this energy by widening the distance between your hands.

Place your hands above your head without physically touching your body. Take

slow, deep breaths and inhale this white light.

Visualize the white light moving through your chakra and beginning to clear and

dissolve any density in your crown chakra and rejuvenate it.

Say: “Divine Healing Intelligence, please help me release any stress, exhaustion,

disconnection from my Divinity, fear, worry, confusion, depression, loss of direction,

and any other painful patterns that are stored in my crown chakra. Help to bolster my

immune system and cleanse my nervous system. Give me access to higher Understand-

ing and the ability to see a bigger picture. Deepen my connection with the Divine and

allow me to experience higher states of consciousness. Awaken my love, compassion,

and kindness toward myself and others. Thank you.”

Repeat the word “CLEAR” several times with the intention of releasing any nega-

tivity and amplifying any positive aspects.

Interlace your fingers without touching your palms and place your hands just above

your head with the thumbs just touching your hair. Extend your thumbs away from

your index fingers and feel the pulsing vibration move through your thumbs. Hold for

one to two minutes while focusing on energizing your crown chakra. Take slow, deep

breaths and focus on breathing in purity, clarity, and ease. Take a minute to meditate on

your connection with the Divinity of life. Then lower your hands in front of your heart

with your thumbs extended towards your heart and the rest of the, fingers still inter-

laced. Meditate for one or two minutes about all you are grateful for in your life.


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Eighth Chakra—Akashic Records

This chakra, also known as the Akashic Records chakra, is located about four centime-

ters or roughly one and a half inches above the head. This is where the Akashic

Records, the “books” which contain records of all we have ever experienced (saw, felt,

said, thought, or done in the past, present, and future) is kept.

Many believe the Akashic Records are similar to collective consciousness. We can

gain access about our past and other life times through this chakra. The Akashic

Records chakra has information about our karma, the issues we have come to deal with,

and lessons we have come to learn. We can also gain understanding of many of our pat-

terns through this chakra, making it an invaluable resource for healing chronic physical

pain, past traumas, and karmic relationships.

On the physical level, an imbalance in this chakra can make us feel dizzy,

ungrounded, dissociated, affect our immune system, cause metabolic problems, weight

issues, fatigue, tremors, throat and thyroid problems, eye issues, ear problems, depression,

and disease can also be carried over from previous lifetimes, as well as unresolved emo-

tional issues—especially related to abandonment, rejection, and lack of self-worth.

This is the center that regulates our destiny. Through this chakra, we have the

power to make new choices and release the vows and soul agreements that no longer

serve us, while honoring those that do. Here, we can also access our talents, past ability,

and the confidence to move toward our soul purpose.

We have the opportunity to connect to our soul mates and discover unconditional

love, Divine devotion and oneness. Our soul mates can help us grow, evolve, release

limitations and judgments, and experience higher states of consciousness. They can also

help us remember, understand, and heal our past lives and karmic patterns. This is an

area from which it is important to clear or possibly dissolve energy cords with people

with whom we have had difficult or abusive relationships.

By clearing this chakra, you can release negative and limiting energy passed down

to you by your ancestors, improve your relationships, release chronic problems, and gain

access to important information about your past and future. By releasing hurt and pain

from your past, you can experience more peace and clarity in the present. You can also


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The Secret of Life Wellness

open your heart to the most extraordinary connections, higher consciousness, and love.

Grounding yourself is extremely important after working with this chakra so that you

don’t get lost in fantasies of what has happened or what you wish to occur.

Process for Clearing Your Akashic Records Chakra

Crystal to work with—Snowflake Obsidian

Rub your hands together vigorously for about a minute. Place your palms next to each

other without touching. You will most likely feel a tingling sensation. Visualize holding

a large silver ball of energy between your hands. Focus on this ball of energy and allow

it to intensify. Play with this color for about thirty seconds, exploring how far you can

extend this energy by widening the distance between your hands.

Place your hands about four centimeters above your head without physically touch-

ing your body. Take slow, deep breaths and inhale this silver light.

Visualize the silver light moving through your chakra and beginning to clear and

dissolve any density and rejuvenate your Akashic Records chakra. Imagine silver light

moving through all your chakras like a light rain.

Say: “Divine Healing Intelligence, help me release any negative chronic patterns,

heaviness, or physical challenges that I no longer need. Show me how to grow and

expand through ease, joy, and enthusiasm. Help me to understand my soul’s true

purpose and give me the tools to fulfill it. Lead me toward becoming a powerful,

responsible cocreator of my life. Bring to me my soul mates and people who can help

me open my heart, understand my soul, and evolve. Thank you.”

Repeat the word “CLEAR” several times with the intention of releasing any nega-

tivity and amplifying any positive aspects.

Meditate on the Akashic Records chakra. Ask to receive any images or messages

about the past, present, or future that can assist you in experiencing more meaning in

your life now or in the near future. Give yourself permission to embrace and use any

particular talent or ability you are trying to develop. If you can’t think of any talents you

may have, ask to know yourself deeper.


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Visualize that you have a blank piece of paper in front of you. In your imagination,

write or draw anything that you would like to experience. Always write or intend that

things happen with ease and grace for the highest good of all. Ask that you either

receive what you asked for or something better. When you have done that, imagine

putting this paper into an old book, which represents your Akashic Records. Be open to

having your intentions manifest.

Ninth Chakra–Soul Chakra

This chakra, also known as the soul chakra, is located approximately an arm’s length

above the head. The soul chakra reveals important truths about our health and lifestyle

through visual images, symbols, numbers, archetypes, metaphors, colors, shapes, codes,

sounds, vibrations, feelings, sacred geometry, or dreams.

The soul chakra contains inspiration for our soul and life purpose, the soul agree-

ments we have made, and the steps we need to take to fulfill our objectives.

Often, when healers, medical intuitives, or psychotherapists connect to this chakra

they are shown metaphoric images of what is happening in a person’s life. These images

can tell a full story of a person’s current physical and emotional state through one or

more clear pictures, demonstrating whether they are on the right track or have gone off

their soul path and need to readjust their direction. Often, health practitioners tune in

to this chakra without being consciously aware that this is where they are receiving

their most valuable information.

On the physical level, we can experience fatigue, as we may have lost many of our

soul fragments or possibly did not bring enough of our soul energy into the physical


By exploring the soul chakra, we can understand what roles our archetypal com-

panions play in our lives. In other words, who is driving our symbolic bus—the

prostitute, inner child, victim, mystic, healer, slave, or another archetype? It gives us

profound insights into our shadow and light aspects.

Through this chakra, we begin to learn more about our soul, its intentions, and

what role we perform in the spirit world when we are between physical lives, as well as

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