The Seduction of Suzanne (6 page)

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winced slightly. The girls were nowhere near as competent as their mother, who owned the stall. Suzanne’s last burger had been burnt and she hadn’t tried another.

Suzanne was itching to get going, she had known from the moment back at Medlands when Kyle had mentioned getting a burger that this would be a leisurely trip and probably take them right into the evening. It would be a couple of hours before anyone was going underwater. She found a boulder to sit on, half in and half out of the water, and made herself comfortable.

Ten minutes later the men and boys came to join her, sitting on the picnic bench a few feet away. She eyed Justin’s massive burger with a wry smile. Her bread and hummus had obviously been just a snack. It must take a lot of fuel to keep that big man running.

They all chatted as they ate, the boys sucking and squelching their way through the overloaded burgers, trying to keep up with them as pieces drooped out of the sides and sauce splattered their hands and wrists. Justin did a tidier job, his large hands better for holding it all together. He ate with an efficiency Suzanne imagined he had learnt from many burger joints and fish-and-chip shops beachside.

Once the informal meal was finished, Kyle sent Matai – his sixteen-year-old – out into the water to swim for the boat. The boy brought it up to the dock, steering with a self-conscious accuracy, and they passed him their diving gear then climbed down the ladder onto the boat.

It was a basic craft, a west-coaster with a solid metal hull, double outboard propellers, a tiny head and no other private space. Benches ran the length of the boat and Suzanne lifted one to fish out the lifejacket she knew was inside.

She fastened it then pulled out another for Justin, the largest one she could find. He took it from her hand, brushing his fingers lightly, deliberately over her own as he lifted it, looking at her steadily. She stepped away. Justin didn’t comment on the move, nor on the jacket’s faded orange material. It was sturdy enough to keep a man afloat, even if it wasn’t glamorous.

Kyle set a slow pace out of the harbour and then through the channel. There were plenty of boats around to avoid. When Suzanne asked where they were headed he named a tiny islet some forty minutes away. That made sense. Things were a bit too crowded closer in at the moment with all the holiday-makers.

Even out on the open water it was still relatively calm, the waves small. The speed of their travel created a breeze but it was easy enough to duck down out of it. When Justin came to sit next to her – too close! – she stiffened warily. But he didn’t say
anything. Just closed his eyes, tilted his head back and enjoyed the sunshine.

Kyle was steering, standing with legs spread at the front of the boat, his boys next to him holding the bar that ran along the top of the windscreen. With the wind ruffling their hair the image made her think of a pair of dogs with their heads out the window of a fast-moving car.

They were paying her and Justin no attention at all. Sitting here so close in silence felt strangely intimate. But then everything felt that way with him. Maybe it was all her own self-consciousness and her awareness of him. His red shorts were sun-lightened almost to pastel, the hem laced with holes and frayed in sections. His shirt had more little holes along the edge of the sleeve. The clean, paper-thin fabric clung to him, following the indentations of muscles over his shoulders and upper arms. His bare forearms and legs were sprinkled with golden hair, the skin underneath healthily tanned.

In the end it was she who spoke first.

“Did you remember to put on some sunblock?”

“I did,” he replied gravely without moving. “I learnt that lesson in my first couple of days here.”

“I should probably put on some more, myself.” She reached out and hooked one of the handles of her bag, pulling it closer and fishing around inside for her budget-sized bottle of sunblock. As she sat back she saw he had cracked one eye open, and was watching her.

“If you offer to lend me a hand again, so help me
. . .” she trailed off direfully and he chortled and closed the eye.

He might have murmured “at your service,” under his breath but she wasn’t prepared to swear to it so she pretended she heard nothing.

She was smiling too. He might be too beautiful for his own good, but he was also surprisingly fun to be around.


It was a great afternoon. At their destination they swam in to the miniscule beach and lounged on the hot sand for an hour before returning to the boat and donning diving gear. Kyle put out the diving flags and they took turns diving in pairs. It was no tropical reef or marine reserve, but there was plenty to see and Suzanne got to use her new lasso stick in a couple of small crevasses, detaching female crays from the harem of their mates and pulling them in. With the magnification of the water it was easy to make a mistake about their size, and wrestling them in the old-fashioned way could break off legs or antennae. She was very pleased to do no harm, returning her first one and putting her second in her dive bag before looking for scallops. 

Justin was a pleasant companion. With the mask distorting his face and no ability to talk underwater he was much less intimidating. She still felt the tingle when he reached out a hand to brush her shoulder to get her attention, still spent too much
time mesmerised by his graceful power as he moved through the water.

He was economical in his movements, drifting with the current and making the most of his oxygen like a seasoned diver. When she lent him her lasso stick he was fascinated, fiddled with it intently and then proceeded to catch three crayfish in a row. With exaggerated gestures he debated the relative merits of the larger two with her until she put her hands on her hips, waved a scolding finger, then took one off him and returned it to its crack in the rock. It streaked out of sight in the darkness. Again she found herself smiling around her regulator. Even if the finer points escaped their wordless exchange, she knew a clown when she saw one.

Eventually it was time to go back to the boat, the climb up the tiny ladder as arduous as always with the return of weightiness and fingers chilled from long immersion. Suzanne heaved herself aboard, feeling like a landed fish, and wriggled out of her knee-length wetsuit. She was goose-bumped and shivering, her sun-warmed towel toasty against her cold skin.

Huddled on one of the benches she watched Justin pull himself out of the water, making it look effortless. He was laughing at something Kyle had said, then reaching overboard to take flippers from the boys so they could follow him up the ladder. Anyone watching their relaxed interaction would think they had known each other for years. Obviously he had the knack of making friends easily
wherever he went.

He looked over and saw her watching him, and gave her a slow smile that made her toes curl and spread warmth right through her. She looked down, blushing and self-conscious. He made her feel like a giddy teenager.



Chapter Four




Climbing back into the car and waving their farewells to Kyle and his sons as they shot past and away up the hill, Justin said:

“I really like those guys. They’re such a lovely family.”

“I like them too. Kyle’s wife, Marieka, is a real gem. She keeps those boys in line with a soft voice and an eagle eye. It’s something to see.”

“This place is a cast of interesting characters.”

“Escapees from the mainland, hiding out here in the bush away from everything.”

“Is that what you are?” He drove past the Fitzroy Store without stopping, and
Suzanne was glad the window was full of advertising signs so the ladies at the counter couldn’t see her cruise past in Justin’s flash car.

“Who me? No, I was born and raised here, and never quite left.”


“I got my teaching certificate in Auckland so I had to be away then, but I came back soon after I finished studying.”

“Couldn’t bear to leave?”

“My dad had a heart attack. He needed someone to look after him while he waited for a transplant. I could do that and teach as well, and there was a
vacancy at Okiwi school.”

“That must have been a busy schedule.”

“It kept me occupied.”

“So you’re still looking after him? Or has he had the operation now?”

“He died before they could find a donor. A year ago last November.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” He took his eyes off the road for a moment to glance at her, his gaze full of compassion.

“It sucked. But that’s how things go, sometimes. I’m glad I could be there for him.”

“And you’ve stayed on since then.” 

“I don’t really have a reason to leave.”

“No wanderlust?”

“Maybe a bit. But you know. . .” He didn’t know though. It wouldn’t make any sense to him if she tried to describe the boundaries that kept her from taking risks, taking chances. That caution had started as a painfully learned habit but become part of who she was.


She scowled but acknowledged: “Maybe. A lot of bad things can happen to a woman travelling alone.”

“That’s true. Bad things can happen anywhere though. And contrary to what the daily news would have you believe, they rarely do. Most people you meet are out to help you, and accidents don’t tend to be fatal.”

“I can imagine very few people look at you and see an opportunity,” she said drily, referring to his size and obvious physical power.

“Now you’re just being mean,” he exclaimed on a startled laugh and after a moment she realised how he might have interpreted her statement.

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean anything about your prospects or resources. Sorry, no. I just meant you’re so big I don’t imagine anyone deciding to thump you to get what you’ve got.”

“You’re right. I don’t often
get. . .thumped. So you would explore the world more if you felt physically safe doing it?”

“Maybe,” she replied slowly, thinking it over.

“Where would you go?”

“Europe. I want to see the art, the great galleries.”

“You’re interested in art then.”

“Oh yes! Very much.
I. . .ah. . .paint a little. It would be inspiring to see the masterpieces of centuries. I could learn so much.”

“Have you ever studied formally?”

“No. I wanted to, but dad talked me out of it. It isn’t exactly the best way to earn a living.”

“That rather depends on your talent. Some artists make a very healthy living.”

“I doubt I’d be one of them,” she said, shaking her head, dismissive. “I’m just a self-taught dabbler.”

“I know it can be difficult to back yourself. Particularly if you really care about the outcome because it’s something
important you hold close to your heart.”

“What do you know about backing yourself, pushing the limits? Surfing isn’t exactly the way to make a mark.” He was silent, and a moment later she felt a rush of shame. It wasn’t fair to snap at him, just because he was prodding at a sore spot. Here he was being understanding and empathetic and the only way she knew how to respond was with an insult.

“I’m sorry. That was uncalled for. Please forgive me.”

“There’s nothing to forgive,” he said politely, and she knew she had broken the warm bubble of pleasure that had wrapped round this afternoon. She felt forlorn, as if she had lost something precious.

Which was an odd experience. She hadn’t realised she valued his relaxed warmth and interest until it was gone.

So how will you cook your crayfish?” she smiled with false cheer.

“I don’t really know. I’m not much of a cook. Maybe Andrew or Nina will have some idea.”

“I’m going to chop mine in half and put it on the barbecue, open side down. Then serve it with a nice big wodge of garlic butter and a salad.

“Sounds divine.”

“It will be. You should come for dinner. I’ll cook yours too.” The offer just fell out of her mouth. She hadn’t planned to say it. The thought of him dominating her private space filled her with dread. But she couldn’t backtrack now without sounding
like a real idiot.

“That would be great. I’ll be there,” he said, and if she hadn’t caught the glittering look he sent her for a split second, she would have sworn he felt completely relaxed about a shared meal.

There was silence for a long while after that, both of them wrapped in their own thoughts. She pointed out her driveway in time for him to make the turn into it. He parked the car and helped her carry her gear and the chilli bin up to the porch.

“What shall I bring for dinner?”

“Uh, an avocado if you have one. I don’t have any and I want it for the salad. Other than that I think I’ve got all I need.”

“So I’ll see you in what, an hour?”

“Yes, an hour would be great.”

“Great. Bye.”

He climbed into his car and drove away, and Suzanne dropped down to the step to lay her head on her crossed forearms. What had she been thinking!  This was practically a date, and
had asked

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