The Shadows Trilogy (Box Set: Edge of Shadows, Shadows Deep, Veiled Shadows) (27 page)

BOOK: The Shadows Trilogy (Box Set: Edge of Shadows, Shadows Deep, Veiled Shadows)
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David never fully lost consciousness. He felt his body being lifted up and stretched out on a table. He swung his head to the side and saw Ellie was lying beside him. She was staring back at him, but her face was slack. Randall’s head emerged from beside her, and David knew that he had been “feeding” on her. He didn’t really understand why Ellie had been so important to them, but it was clear that whatever special abilities they possessed, it was something that the couple found irresistible.

He didn’t see anything in Ellie’s eyes, and this scared him badly. He had to hold out hope that they would get out of this.

“Why her?” he managed to ask.

Randall chuckled. “My dear boy, you’re asking the wrong question. The question is really, why you?”

“What are you talking about?” David said. He felt sick. Was it possible that this was all his fault somehow? What had happened to Jenny Marks and her baby? What had happened to Ellie?

“We already told you that Jake would have been a perfect match what with his own abilities, but in this case, we needed something else, or more appropriate, someone else. We needed a woman. Lucky for us, Jake led us right to Ellie. So that when the time came and we sent you out into the world to meet your match and fall in love we’d know right where to put you. Then all’s you had to do was bring your true love home, which you did just like we knew you would,” Randall said. Randall had moved to Ellie’s feet.

“You didn’t have any children.” Ellie’s voice rang out. “Lillian was barren.”

Randall’s face contorted in pain. “A minor detail. One that was corrected easily enough,” he said.

David felt Ellie’s hand crawl into his. He looked back at her, and this time saw a look of alarm and pity in her eyes. “David. I think you are Emma and Henry’s son,” she whispered.

His stomach clutched. “That’s not possible,” he sputtered. “They died over a hundred years ago.”

“Time means little here. The house slumbers as do we, until it is time to feed.” Linda reappeared behind Ellie’s head. She was watching Ellie thoughtfully. “You are quite the perceptive one, aren’t you, dear?”

“You let that get out of control.” Randall was looking at Linda. “You have caused a mess. What with that agent and now you can’t keep that little menace from putting her nose in where it doesn’t belong. That is your fault.”

“It is taken care of,” Linda replied. She jabbed a finger in Randall’s direction. “You worry about your part and let me worry about mine.”

Ellie moaned and closed her eyes. David looked at her with alarm. His thoughts were all messed up. He felt around at his memories of early childhood. They were fuzzy and if he was honest with himself, there was a sense of falseness in them. Like if he poked at them long enough, they would disappear.

“How?” he asked. He had to know.

Linda looked at him and smiled indulgently. “We were so proud of you. Wanting to become a doctor. It is very simple, darling. As I said, time has no meaning in this place. So we sent you out at the time we needed you. It has been so long since someone had been here. We needed you. The house needed you.”

“But my life, are you saying it’s all false?” he said.

“Oh, my poor Jack.” Linda came around the table and placed her hand on his arm. “I know this is confusing for you, but you did exactly what you were supposed to do. We picked a girl for you and you fell in love. True love.”

“No, no, no.” He whipped his head from side to side. “This isn’t real.”

“David,” Ellie said to him. “It’s okay. I love you anyway. And I’m supposed to tell you that Emma loves you too.”

Linda reached over David and slapped Ellie hard across the face.


Even as she felt the pain of Linda’s strike, Ellie heard a whisper in her head. It was a voice she had heard before, but had blocked out of her mind. The voice told her what Linda and Randall had planned for her. It told her what they had done to Emma and Henry. It was the voice of the Third, as it told her it called itself.  It was the voice of the figure she had seen in the basement with Lillian and Joseph the night they murdered Emma and Henry.  And then it offered her a deal.

Her chest heaved as she considered it. She had to make a decision quickly. Images flashed through her mind. No matter what Linda said, there was no way she was going to let Ellie live. They may let David live, but only to wipe his mind clean and use him again like they were using him now.

Ellie chose. Her binds fell to the side and she sat up.

“I told you to bind them,” Linda spat at Randall.

“I did,” Randall said. There was a note of fear in his voice as he studied Ellie’s face. “Lillian, I think we have a problem.”

Linda whirled and looked at Ellie, who had taken those few moments to swing her legs off the table and now stood facing them.

“I’m amazed my Jack ever wanted you,” Linda said. “You were so broken. So weak. You almost ruined everything because you were so self-absorbed. You don’t deserve him.” Linda rushed at her and hit a wall of resistance just a few inches from her. “What’s going on?”

“You are the one who is broken, Linda, or should I just go ahead and call you Lillian?” Ellie said.

Linda stepped back but Ellie could see the fear on her face. “You have the chance of a lifetime at your fingertips, you silly girl. Don’t pretend to think that you have the upper hand here. I’ve lived a century longer than you. Don’t make the same mistake Emma did.”

“She didn’t want anything but to live her life with her husband and her son,” Ellie said. “She had no use for your riches or grand schemes of wanting to live forever.”

“Everyone wants what I have,” Linda said, shaking her head. “Everyone wants to live forever.”

“This isn’t living, Lillian,” Ellie said. “In the end, you don’t have the upper hand either. You are nothing but a slave to the darkness of this place.”

“That’s not true,” Linda cried out and tried to rush at her again. Ellie put up her hands and Linda was propelled backward. She felt a rush of cool air that brought goose bumps to her arms, and she saw a dark figure step beside her. The Third had arrived. And Ellie knew now that this was the creature of evil who found her when Jake tried to shield her with the safety spell and who wiped her memory of the incident so its evil plan could be set in motion.

“It has no use for you anymore. You and Joseph are the weak ones. Your love is tainted and dark. That is why it convinced you to release David. You and Joseph weren’t cutting it anymore.” Ellie’s voice rose.

“No,” Linda moaned.

Randall slowly backed away from Ellie and bumped into the wall.

“It is releasing you now. Releasing you to hell, where you belong.” The Third’s hands flung out and a wave of energy hit Linda and Randall full force. Their shrieks were deafening and Ellie felt sick watching their bodies go up in flames. Ellie felt an intense wave of heat hit her and she stumbled backward, overwhelmed by the smell of burning flesh. Then suddenly they were gone and the room was silent.



David watched Ellie carefully as she released him from his bindings.

“What the hell just happened here, Ellie?” he finally said. After Linda and Randall’s spectacular destruction, he had watched the dark figure next to Ellie nod in her direction and then slowly fade away.

“It’s over,” she said. She looked up at him and smiled.

Then she wrapped her arms around his waist, and David had to admit that felt great. He still couldn’t process that he had been born almost a hundred years ago, and had apparently been a captive of the house all that time. But it made sense to him now why he had always felt so comfortable there.

“What do we do now?” he asked. “I feel like my whole world has been ripped apart.”

“We stay,” she said simply.

Ellie’s words surprised him, and he felt the knot of fear return. “What does that mean?” He pushed her away, searching her eyes. He knew that something had transpired between Ellie and the dark figure that had banished Linda and Randall.

“This is where you belong, David. It is your home. And I’ll stay with you, of course.” She smiled warmly and tried to hug him again but he stopped her.

“I don’t belong here, Ellie,” he said. “And neither do you.”

Ellie looked frustrated. “You heard everything we said, David. This is where you came from.”

“I’m not staying here, Ellie. This is a bad place. Horrible things happen here. We’re leaving.” He grabbed her arm and started pulling her with him out onto the landing.

She struggled against him. “David, please. There’s something I need to tell you. Something you aren’t going to like.”

Her fevered speech made him move faster. “I need to get you out of here, Ellie. Away from whatever it is that lives in this house,” he said.

“No, David. You aren’t listening. You can’t leave.” And then Ellie dropped the bomb. “Neither one of us can," she said. Her smile had faded, and her eyes were haunted.


They stood on the patio with Skipper and watched the sun come up. It was cold, but they didn’t feel it. Ellie knew the time had come. Already things were changing. Everything around them was covered in heavy snow. The world was silent.

David had not spoken to her since she had finished telling him what had happened in those few moments before the Third banished Joseph and Lillian back to the depths of hell. Ellie explained all of the images of the future that the house had shown her, and how his parents had died. It sounded too fantastic to be real.

“You don’t know that was the truth, you know,” David finally said. He didn’t look at her.

“We were kidnapped by soul-sucking ghost monsters, David,” she argued. “I had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen even if the Third hadn’t shown me what happened to Emma and Henry.”

“So you made a deal with the devil,” he said. “A deal for both of us.”

“Like it or not, David, this is where you grew up. It has had its hooks in you since you were born. It wasn’t going to let you just waltz out of here, even if we had somehow managed to escape from Joseph and Lillian. What we have is what it wants.”

“So we’re trapped here forever,” he said.

It frightened Ellie that he wouldn’t look at her. She stepped in front of him and gently reached up to touch his cheek. Finally his eyes dropped to hers. She saw a man in torment. She wrapped her arms around his torso, and after a moment she felt him put his arms around her. She was relieved.

“Don’t worry, David. This is just the beginning. We have time now. We’ll figure it out. Together.”

She heard a rumble inside the house. She knew she’d have to be careful what she said from now on. “We’d better go back inside.”

David took her chin and kissed her softly. “If you say we’ll get out of here, Ellie, I’ll do whatever you tell me to do. I believe you.”

She nodded. She had to appear confident for him. Then she took his hand and pushed the front door open. Skipper scooted through the door first. David glanced at her and followed Skipper. It was like they were swallowed by the darkness on the other side of the threshold. Ellie took a deep breath and hoped again that she had made the right decision. Then she stepped inside and closed the door behind her.



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Shadows Deep (Shadows #2)


By Cege Smith


Copyright 2012 Cege Smith

eBook Edition


Visit Cege's website and blog at




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Letting go was one of the hardest things a person could ever do. Ellie knew that. What happened when she let go of the idea that reality as she knew it was merely a cover on a rabbit hole? She had willingly taken the cover off and fallen down into the unknown darkness. She’d surrendered. Somehow it felt easier that way. But the Voice kept picking at her even though she was deep in her hidey hole. It wouldn’t leave her alone.

“What was it like for you when your parents died?”

Ellie had answered some variation of that question what seemed like a million times over the years, but her response always paled in comparison to the effect of that one event on the rest of her life. How could she explain the depth of pain she felt when the two people who she loved most were ripped out of her life? Or the excruciating, almost debilitating sense of loneliness that followed when she finally comprehended that she was completely alone in the world?

“I was eight,” Ellie replied. “I had no other family. One minute I was surrounded by love. In the blink of an eye I was an orphan. What do you think it was like?” No one could understand what she had been through, and eventually she gave up trying to explain. Her parents’ death was just something that happened to her a long time ago. Ellie preferred to leave that buried there.

“I am sure it was difficult. But you obviously learned to cope, even thrive.”

“Thrive isn’t the word I’d choose,” Ellie said. “I learned how to survive. Eventually I learned ways to be happy again, but I did that on my own. I never felt like I belonged anywhere again.”

The Voice was silent for a while and Ellie was relieved. When it wasn’t poking at her, the darkness was peaceful. Ellie was used to being alone.

“Tell me about your ability. You’ve linked that to your parents’ death.”

Ellie was tired of the questions. They had covered the same ground over and over again. But it was like the Voice was missing some nuance, and so it all started again. Combing through her life. Looking for clues. “I noticed it the first time at the funeral. I was standing there in the cemetery, looking at their caskets, with the social worker beside me. I kept looking around for more people, but it was just the three of us: me, the social worker, and the minister. And then I noticed that the longer the minister spoke, the more these colors seemed to grow out of him. It didn’t make any sense at the time. The colors were deep purple and blue and they got more vivid every time he made eye contact with me. It scared the hell out of me. I didn’t know what to do.”

A familiar cloud of sadness fell over her thoughts as she remembered that lost little girl. “When the service was over, I wanted to kick and scream and lash out. I wanted to push over those caskets because I convinced myself they were empty and it was some elaborate hoax. Any minute they would appear to take me home. But it wasn’t a hoax. My parents raised me to think that showing emotion in public wasn’t ladylike, so as desperately as I wanted to throw a tantrum, I knew they wouldn’t approve. I looked at the social worker and she had a glow of white tinged with yellow around her. Even though I didn’t know what it meant, the colors were soothing. I had to accept that I was left with nothing but this woman to take care of me. I was naive and automatically assumed that she was kind and that she’d be good to me.”

“She wasn’t?”

Ellie sighed. “After twenty-five years of reading auras, I know now that she was indifferent. She probably saw a dozen kids just like me every week. Her aura meant that she was at peace and even slightly happy, but it had nothing to do with me. I was part of her job, and while I was watching my parents be buried, she was probably thinking about getting a manicure or going home and having a glass of wine. Me, I had no home left.”

“You went into foster care.”

“Yes, and in foster care I stayed until I applied for emancipation when I was sixteen.” She remembered the day that the court approved her request. It had been bittersweet.

“Your ability must have been advantageous in that kind of hostile environment.”

“If you mean it helped keep me out of trouble, then probably it did. But I was always a good kid. I studied hard, got decent grades, and generally stayed out of everyone’s way.  I never gave my foster families any reason to really concern themselves with me. I wanted to be invisible. I was pretty good at it,” Ellie said. She had closed herself off from anyone who tried to reach her. It was a defense mechanism that worked well. Perhaps too well.

“Until you met Veronica.”

A face flashed in Ellie’s mind. A pretty blond with infectious laughter. Whereas her parents’ faces had faded over time, Roni’s was vivid and seemed so real that Ellie almost thought her friend was there with her in the darkness.

“Roni just wouldn’t take no for an answer,” Ellie said. “She saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself. And for some reason she wanted to be my friend. I owe her a lot.” It was strange talking about Veronica. Those memories were under strict lock and key for a reason.

“Tell me more about Veronica.”

“I met her when I was nineteen. I had been on my own for three years and things were hard. I was working three jobs trying to scrape enough money together to live in a decent place and stash some money away. Roni was in my accounting 101 class at the community college. She always had a yellow/gold aura. Until the end, Roni was always happy. She was an eternal optimist.”

“Sounds like a good friend to have.”

“She was my first real friend,” Ellie choked. “Roni was the one who convinced me that we should try to open up our own business. We wrote the business plan at this little coffee shop that was just off the U’s campus. I was always amazed that I met someone like her who actually liked me back because Roni was popular. I don’t think most people even knew I existed. But for some reason we just clicked.”

“Tell me again what happened to Veronica.”

Ellie hated the Voice then. Pick. Pick. Pick. Every scab of her past it went after and it was unrelenting. “If I didn’t pick up on the fact that life wasn’t fair when my parents died, I got the message loud and clear the night that I came home from work and found Roni.”

“You feel responsible for that, don’t you?”

Ellie squirmed under the question. She had gone through a good deal of therapy after Roni’s death trying to get her head around that very question. And since then, she had done an excellent job of forgetting that it had ever happened. “What good is having an ability like mine if you can’t tell that the people you care about are in trouble? I still don’t know how she managed to hide it from me, but I never guessed that Roni was having problems. Roni didn’t deserve to have her life end like that. Not to a bottle of pills. Not when her roommate was supposed to be home two hours earlier and maybe could have saved her.”

“So you still blame yourself for what happened to her.”

“Roni had everything to live for. I refuse to believe that she truly meant for that to happen. She knew I was supposed to be home at six p.m. But somebody was late for their shift and I was asked to stay. What kind of message does it send to somebody like me when somebody like Roni checks out? Her suicide made me angry for a long time. She should have said something. I would have helped her, just like she helped me.”

“Would you say that your life changed after Roni’s death?”

Ellie realized that her voice had gotten screechy and she took a breath to calm down. She wanted to sink further down into her secret place in the darkness and be alone. “Even though I was mad at her, I felt like I owed it to Roni to become that person she always told me I could be. I had to do it for both of us. So I forced myself out there. I got more jobs and saved every dime so that I could bring that dream of owning that coffee shop into reality.”

“Which in turn led you to Jake.”

Ellie tried to focus in on those early days with Jake. She knew the more granular she got in this exploration, the better chance that the Voice would leave her alone soon. “My ability, that was really handy when I hit the dating scene. It seemed like guys always had ulterior motives, but they couldn’t hide what was there plain as day in their auras. It was hard for me, but I had reached the point in my life where I was tired of being alone. I remembered watching how happy my parents were, and I wanted that in my life.”

“So you met Jake.”

“I literally ran into him the day that I had a showing for the space that became my coffee shop. He was in Uptown meeting some buddies for happy hour and we collided as I was going around the corner while he was coming in the opposite direction. When he helped me up, I could tell that he was anxious about something. He surprised me by inviting me to go with him to meet his friends. It was easy to say yes, and I felt bold and excited. Jake was so handsome and a complete gentleman. That first night he was attentive and thoughtful. It wasn’t hard to fall for him.”

“But Jake was keeping secrets.”

“At some point you’d think I’d figure out that everyone keeps secrets,” Ellie replied. She wished that they could be done. She wanted to forget again. Why wouldn’t the Voice go away? “Jake’s secret was just a whole lot worse than I ever suspected. I always thought his anxiety and depression came from dealing with trying to stay sober. Who knew that drinking was how he dealt with the fact that he could see dead people?”

“You were with Jake for eight years and you never suspected?”

It was the million-dollar question. “Not that long ago I would have laughed out loud at anyone who suggested that such a thing as ghosts really existed.”

“Even though you yourself possessed a gift that was...otherworldly?”

“I have always thought of myself as a misfit for a multitude of reasons; my ability was just one of many,” Ellie said. She paused, searching her memories deeper. “Jake creeped me out at the end. His aura was dangerous and I knew to tread lightly. But the things that should have clued me in sooner were wiped from my memories, remember?”

“Let’s move on then. You and Jake divorced. You went through your dark time.”

“I was so upset with myself that I couldn’t seem to hold any kind of semblance of normalcy together. At some point, you have to take an introspective view and realize that things aren’t happening to you, they are happening because you
are you
. I mean, that’s why you’re talking to me, right? There’s something about me that you want to know and you can’t figure it out.”

“So you think that all of these experiences in your life meant that you were destined to spend your life alone?”

“Every time I let someone get close, they either died or changed so dramatically for the worst that they couldn’t be in my life. I don’t have to be a therapist to realize that I have trust issues, but they seem justified.”

“So you believed until David appeared.”

His face floated across her mind. She felt her anxiousness bleed away. “David was different. I felt safe around him. I could see the person there behind his eyes, and it was someone good and pure. He never did anything that led me to believe I couldn’t trust him. If anything, I betrayed him.”

“By accepting The Third’s offer?”

Ellie was still ashamed of the way it had happened. “I should have asked him. I should have found a way to ask him. But I thought it was the only way to keep him safe. To keep both of us safe.”

“Do you think he sees it that way?”

“I hope so,” Ellie said. The decision was made so quickly, and their time together afterwards had been so short. Then the darkness came. “I wish I could see him. I’d ask him.”

“It is extraordinary that after everything you’ve told me, and how faulty your trusted ability has proved to be, that you would open up so quickly to someone you barely knew.”

Ellie didn’t like the sound of that at all. Her mind started to flail. “Where am I again?” Ellie asked. She thought her eyes were open now, but there was only darkness around her. “I forgot how I got here.”

“Ellie, I don’t think you are ready yet. But I have no choice. It’s time.”

“Time for what?” She felt panicked.

A warm hand pressed into her shoulder. It was the first time she had felt touch in the darkness and her breath caught. Then she felt her weightless body begin to vibrate.

As the darkness began to ripple, she heard the Voice’s last words reach her ears. “Time for you to embrace your destiny.”


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