The Sheik's Accidental Pregnancy (The Botros Brothers Series) (6 page)

BOOK: The Sheik's Accidental Pregnancy (The Botros Brothers Series)
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“Excuse me?”


“Who walks around barefoot?”


Sara frowned. You're the one with an ugly persona, she told herself. She looked away. She was in the middle of arguing with him and his chest was distracting her. From the little glimpse she got, she could tell that he was very toned. The bulk of his muscles were always showing in the clothes he wore. And how was it he had time to work out when he was always working?


“You do not act like a lady should,” Tariq added.


“I am good at my job and that's all you should be concerned about,” Sara shot back.


“For England, perhaps. But this is Saudi Arabia and you work for the Botros.”


“Because you're so freaking special,” Sara mumbled under her breath as she headed for the door. If she stayed in there any longer, she would say things that she would regret. She liked Amir and respected him enough not to disrespect his brother. She got the shock of her life when Tariq grabbed her arm and pulled her back.


“What did you say?” he demanded. He had pulled her close to him and she was now standing inches from him. She was shocked at how he pulled her so easily as if she weighed nothing.


“Being a little bit more polite and less judgemental to others will not harm you,” Sara said. She was not going to let him intimidate her. She was going to stand her ground. His gaze had grown darker and more intense. He stared at her and she stared back. She was not going to look away first.


“You think you can speak to me any way you wish to?”


“Unhand me.”


“If I don't?”


Exactly, what will I do if he does not let go off me?


“Try it and find out.” An empty threat. There was nothing she could do. He called her bluff. He did not let go. Instead, he pulled her even closer to him. Sara landed between his legs and her hands landed on his chest. His face was now inches away from his. Wow, he smells good. Why is it she hadn’t noticed his cologne before? It was intoxicating on him.


“Time to make good on your threat,” he said to her.


“Please let go,” she whispered. She knew that she needed to get out of there. Something unexpected was happening and she wasn’t prepared.


Tariq let go of her arm but Sara didn’t move. She felt paralysed. She so badly wanted to flee from the room but her legs failed her. Tariq wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Her whole body was now flush against his. Both her palms rested on his rock hard chest. He planted a kiss on her lips. It took her by surprise.


He gently kissed her and she did not stop him. Her mind went blank. She could not think about anything. As she gasped, he gently pushed his tongue into her mouth and deepened the kiss. Sara wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. His hands stroked her back. He broke the kiss. Sara was breathing hard and still had her eyes closed.


“What are you doing?” she whispered.


“What are you?” he asked the question back.


He pressed a feather-light kiss on her neck, which sent ripples of sensation all over her body. She let out a soft moan as she shuddered against him. He continued to kiss her neck as Sara rubbed his back and dug her nails into his flesh. Before she knew it, her skirt was on the floor and Tariq was caressing and squeezing her bottom. She did not like this man but her senses had left her. She should put a stop to it, but he was doing things to her insides that she’d only ever read about.


Tariq’s hands slid slowly around to her hips and up to her waist. As his fingers brushed the bottom of her camisole, he drew it up and over her head. He groaned at the sight of her chest. Her firm breasts sat high in her blue, lace bra. She stood there in front of him in her bra and underwear. He studied her as he unbuttoned his shirt. Sara looked at the ground. She was not confident enough to stand in front of him, half-naked and hold his gaze.


“Your lingerie does not even match,” he said to her as he threw his shirt on the ground.


“Why does that matter? It’s not like anyone, but me will see it.”


“You have poor dress sense.”


Sara looked up and frowned at him as she started to side step away from him. His rudeness was turning into a cold shower and making it much easier for her to think clearly. Before she got more than a step, he wrapped one arm around her waist and the other came up to unhook her bra. He lifted her onto the conference table as he followed her down. Leaning over her, he supported himself as he towered over her. He rained light kisses across her face as he worked his way down. Reaching for her bra straps, he tugged the bra off her as he smiled appreciatively at her breasts. They were perfect. Sliding one hand up her side, he gently cupped one breast as he leaned down to lick her nipple. At the feel of his tongue on her, Sara gasped as she arched her back towards him. All thoughts of leaving were forgotten as Sara stroked the back of his neck and closed her eyes. He groaned at her touch as he continued to lave her nipple. Burying his face between her breasts, he kissed both before he lavished attention on her other nipple.


Tariq licked and kissed his way down her stomach pausing at her pantyline. Sara watched him with eyes heavy with arousal. Being kissed by a boy wasn’t new to her and she’d even been felt up by a couple of boyfriends, but they didn’t make her feel like Tariq did, which is why it always ended so quickly. The way Tariq looked at her had her insides doing somersaults. As Sara squirmed under his gaze, his hands slid under her waistband and pulled her panties over her hips and down her legs. As he pulled them off her, he paused to rub her calves. Lifting her legs, he kissed each instep before lifting her legs over his shoulders. Kissing his way down the inside of her legs, Tariq paused as he reached her mound, frowning at her pubic hair.


Tugging on her hair, “Most women shave,” he commented. As Sara jumped at the sudden pain, her arousal reached Tariq as he inhaled. “You smell like strawberries,” he groaned as he dipped his head to take a taste. At the feel of his mouth on her most private part, Sara moaned as she grabbed the back of his head encouraging him to continue. Tariq chuckled at her eagerness. The vibration from his voice created a buzzing along her clit, which made her gasp. He continued to tease her as Sara squirmed. Pressure was building inside her and Sara was growing desperate for release.


“Tariq, please,” she moaned. “Quit playing around already.” As Tariq continued to lick and nibble along her slit, her clit popped out as it began to throb in time to the sensations inside her. “Tariq,” she moaned again. “Please.”


She faintly heard the sound of a zipper as Tariq stood up. Sliding his hands around her hips, he gave one last kiss on her stomach before he scooped her up into a sitting position and pulled her to the edge of the table. Sliding her legs around his waist, she wrapped her arms around his neck. Kissing her deeply, he impaled himself upon her as he pulled her hard against him. She was so tight, he felt as if his cock was encased in velvet. Finding an easy rhythm, he began to thrust slowly in and out. Soon Sara was matching each thrust with one of her own encouraging him to go deeper. Moaning into his mouth, Tariq groaned as he held her tighter, thrusting harder. Breaking the kiss, he nuzzled her neck as she moaned his name. He was growing to like the way she said it.


As his orgasm grew close, he reached between them to find her clit. It was so hard. Rubbing it with his thumb, he began to push against it as he felt her clench against him. As he pinched her clit, Sara cried out as she arched against him. Two more quick thrusts and he was coming inside her. He held her against him as her orgasm milked him dry. As they separated, Sara regarded him with sleepy eyes. Unsure what to do next.


As Tariq backed up, he pulled up his pants. “You should get home. It’s late.” As he reached for his shirt, he couldn’t resist adding, “And don’t forget what I said about shaving your pubic hair. It isn’t appropriate…” As he turned back around, Sara was already gone. When he looked down at the table, he saw blood. Realizing that Sara was a virgin, he swore under his breath and went to go find her, but she had already left the building.


As Sara ran from the room, she hastily put her top and skirt on. When she reached her office, she grabbed her bag and threw the rest of her clothes in there before turning out the light and rushing for the exit. Even after all of that, he found reason to criticise her. He could be such a jerk Sara fumed to herself. Well, she’d show him. She could be as callous as he could and she would simply pretend that he didn’t exist. Except for when they had to work together. Sara, you are an idiot, she scolded herself.



Sara asked Fiddah many questions about the Centre for Girls and Young Women on their way there. She really liked what the centre was about and was impressed with Fiddah for starting it. Sara had taken part in charity events and fundraising at home, but this was the first time she got to meet some of the recipients. Fiddah was enjoying Sara's company. Much like Amir, she thought Sara was adorable and full of energy. She made her laugh and she liked that she spoke her mind. It was refreshing.


The driver opened the door for them when they arrived. There were some girls playing outside. As soon as they saw Fiddah, they ran up to hug her. Fiddah was also happy to see them as she called each girl by name. Sara was amazed at how happy they were to see her. Even the older girls, when they found out that she was there came out to greet her. Sara could not help but wonder if Tariq was adopted. He was nothing like Amir or their grandmother. Fiddah introduced the girls to Sara who greeted them with a big smile on her face. Fiddah knew Sara would be a good fit. She was very sweet; charity work would suit her fine.


Sara and Fiddah spent the day at the centre. Fiddah liked to come from time to time to check on the girls’ progress and find out if they needed anything. She watched Sara easily bond with the girls and the girls liked her instantly.


“You're good with them,” Fiddah said to Sara.


“I've always wanted a sister,” Sara replied and sat down with Fiddah who was feeding a three-year-old.


“Do you have siblings?”


“Three older brothers.”


Fiddah smiled. “I only had one son. I'd have loved to have had more,” she said.


“Tariq and Amir's father?”


Fiddah nodded. “Speaking of which, how are things at the company?” she asked.


Sara sighed before she answered. “Getting along with Sheik Amir was easy. He was instantly nice to me. He gave me a chance that most people in his position wouldn't. So, I do my best. I don't want him to regret his decision.”


“Amir was always a sweetheart and a flirt. He is very easy to deal with.” Fiddah picked up a napkin and wiped the little girl's mouth. “And Tariq?” she asked.


“Unpredictable and impolite.” He definitely was unpredictable. Who would have thought he'd go from insulting Sara to making love to her and then insult her immediately after? Fiddah laughed at Sara's answer.


“If you get to know him, you can predict his actions. He is one way. His views do not change. It is Amir, who is more unpredictable. He was the one always up to no good or caught in a rather displeasing situation.”


“Really?” Sara raised her eyebrows.


“Tariq was always too mature for his age. He studied all the time, he practised swordsmanship, he got into the oil business at the age of twelve.”


“Twelve?” Sara was shocked. That was too young. Fiddah nodded. “But why is he like that? I mean he's so mean and judgemental.”


“To others, yes, but he's very loving to those close to him and he is very protective.”


Sara was finding that hard to believe. Tariq did not have a loving side. Ok, granted he did things to her insides that had her melting, but that was a one-time thing and she had no intention of being alone with him again. Ever.


*        *        *            *


Sara had managed to avoid Tariq for a few weeks. Between the amount of work Amir gave her plus her side project on El-Sultari, she kept herself busy and hidden away in her office. Today she had a meeting with Malik, who had agreed to meet with her to discuss El-Sultari. She sat with him and presented her findings based on the research she had completed. He was impressed with her. She was very knowledgeable and he could see her determination to find out if there was oil. She gave him a file of paperwork concerning the field. She had everything from the size of the field to what kind of barrels they could use. She had made sure that she had covered everything possible. The only thing that was left was actually visiting the site. Malik agreed to visit the field with her at some point so long as Amir approved.

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