The Sheriff Wears Pants (7 page)

BOOK: The Sheriff Wears Pants
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When it became obvious to Will that Priscilla was too angry to speak to them, he said, “Honey, let’s go and leave these people to their visit.”

“Thank you for coming by.”  Geoffrey said as he showed them to the door while Priscilla sat in the parlor, refusing to say a word to them.

“I take it you don’t get along with Miss Hamilton?” Brian asked quietly, trying to figure out the blonde.

“No, I do not!  She only came here because Will made her.” Priscilla wasn’t fooled for one moment.

“That doesn’t matter to me, Priscilla,” Geoffrey said quietly. “I am thankful that I now know the whole story, and it makes perfect sense.  I am still sick to think that you were almost killed at our warehouse because someone failed to properly check the ropes we use to hoist large crates.  I felt like kissing the Sheriff myself that day.  Honey, I am very sorry I punished you when you did not deserve punishment.”

“It’s not your fault, Father.  The blame lies with Darcy, as usual.”

“No, the blame lies with me, Pris.  You asked to explain, and I was so angry I didn’t give you one minute to tell me what that pompous Waldo was talking about.  I won’t be so foolish another time.  I should have known better instead of overreacting.”

There was another knock at the door and Geoffrey answered the summons, only to come back a minute later and tell them he had a problem at the warehouse.  Brian offered to go with him, but Geoffrey shook his head no.  “Please stay here and keep my daughter company.  I’m liable to be a while.” He left then, and Priscilla couldn’t help but wonder if the incident was planned just to give them some time alone?

“You do realize my father is throwing us at each other?”  Priscilla said dryly.

“Yes, I figured that out within seconds of meeting you.  I’m not running away… unless you are repulsed by me and want me to leave.”

“No, not at all,” she said, smiling at him.  “My father is a hard man, but he does mean well.”

“I like him, but I do think he is too firm with you.  You are a grown woman, not a fifteen year old girl wearing her first long dresses.”

“I don’t think Father realizes that, Brian.  He overreacts every time someone says something negative about me.  Mrs. Gerber thought she needed to tell Father I needed new clothing because I ran to the store in a hurry to pick up some soap so I could finish scrubbing the floors, and I didn’t want to change first.  Father was livid because Mrs. Gerber thought I didn’t have nice clothing to wear.  I am not permitted to leave this house unless I am dressed in newer clothing.” He’d taken her hairbrush to her for that, and she didn’t sit comfortably for a couple of days.

“He sounds too firm.  Why don’t you like Darcy Hamilton?” Brian asked, wanting to hear the entire story.

“She’s a bitch, and I hate her guts!” Priscilla was vehement on the subject of the other woman.  “Everything revolves around her all the time.  She is asked to sing solos in church.  I am overlooked.  When they needed a substitute teacher for a few days while our regular teacher went home for her mother’s funeral, they chose Darcy, even though I offered.  It’s always been like that!  I hate her and I wish she would just disappear from the face of the earth!”

Brian looked at her and then got to his feet.  “If you and I are going to get along, then you need to know what will happen when you use language like that.”  He pulled her out of her chair and then put his hand on her back to guide her to the kitchen for a proper spanking with a wooden spoon, but when he touched her back, she cried out and twisted away from him in pain.  “What is it?” he asked, but she was crying.  Without thinking of her modesty, he pulled her shirtwaist from her skirt and pushed it up so he could see.  She was wearing a shift and a camisole.  “Let me see, Priscilla.  You can cover yourself in front, but I need to see your back.

Priscilla was so miserable, and Brian’s gentle touch on her back felt as though he’d made her bleed!  She undid the ties on her camisole and the same with her shift.  Brian was able to help her remove the shirtwaist, and then slide the straps of the other two garments down her arms and off so he could bare her back.

“Oh my God!  How did this happen, Priscilla?” Brian asked, looking at the bruises and the welts the razor strop left on her body. It made him sick to think of her suffering in this manner.

“Father whipped me because of that mention in the newspaper,” she confessed.  “He thought I was exhibiting loose morals.”

“Didn’t you explain?”

“He didn’t give me a chance.  Father is stern, but he is also loving.  He was afraid he’d somehow let me down, and he punished me severely.”

“I’m going to knock him on his ass!” Brian’s temper was at its worst.

“No!  Brian, please listen to me!  This is the very first time that Father has beaten me like this.  He has spanked me many times, but this was more desperation on his part.  It’s just that it hurts so badly!”

“I’ll fix you up, sweetheart. Damn!”  He went searching and came back with some liniment and a soothing salve.  “I’m not going to lie to you, Priscilla.  This is going to sting, but when I’m completely finished, you will feel much better.”  He used a clean rag and started dabbing at her back where it was raw from the razor strap.

Priscilla held her shirtwaist over her breasts, trying to be brave while he treated her bruised back, and her sides where the strap overlapped and caught her tender skin.  She had one mark on the side of her breast, and it was extremely painful and irritating.  Priscilla was concentrating so hard on not crying that she didn’t hear the front door open and close.

Brian heard the door, and decided that Geoffrey needed to see the results of his handiwork.  He continued treating her and hid his smile when Geoffrey sputtered in indignation.

“What is going on in here?” he demanded, his voice roaring throughout the house.

“I am trying to relieve Priscilla’s pain, sir.  You injured her.”

“What?  Let me… oh God!  Oh no!  Pris, Papa is so sorry.”

“I know, Father.”

“Oh, my dear God! I should go and get Doc.”

“No!  I couldn’t bear for everyone to know, Papa.  They would think you terrible, and I understand why you were so harsh.  I know how much that article hurt you and made you doubt that you raised me right.  Believe me, I’m not a saint when it comes to Darcy Hamilton, but I am moral, and I wouldn’t do anything to come between her and Will.  I am also chaste, in spite of what
looks like.  I just hurt so much I had to let Brian help me.”

“It’s okay, honey.” Geoffrey was still in shock.

“Sir, I think that Priscilla and I suit. I want her to be my wife, if you approve.  You know I can support her, and I give you my word that I am not the kind of man who would cheat on her or abuse her.”

“Are you asking to marry me, Brian?” Priscilla demanded.

“I am, yes,” he answered.

“Don’t you think you should be asking me first?”

“No, young lady, I do not.  I am asking your father’s permission first, and then, with his blessing, I will ask you in a more romantic setting and when you are not in so much pain.  I am also going to give you that spanking I promised you before I propose.  You can think about that, too, and just why I want to spank your fanny.”




Chapter Five


“I already know why you want to spank me,” Priscilla sullenly stated.  “I used bad language and I wished ill upon Darcy Hamilton. You do not like cursing,” she replied, doing her best to let him know she understood.  “Brian, I do not often curse.  Papa taught me better than that.  It’s just that Darcy Hamilton brings out my very worst.  I am truly shocked she came here tonight, even at Will’s insistence.  She almost never says she is sorry for
.” Priscilla sighed, and winced as he started applying salve to her sore back. “Still, I shouldn’t have cursed her.  It was wrong.”

“I agree, but that is not
I am going to spank you.”

“Then why?” Priscilla asked, closing her eyes in pain as he applied the salve to her back

“Because you are too sweet to be crude.  Because you can, and should, rise above petty matters.  You are gracious, Priscilla, and I expect you to remember that about yourself. Until your back is completely healed, there won’t be any spanking and no proposal.  That is
your father gives his permission.  You haven’t given him a chance to reply yet.”

“Papa?” she asked, looking at her stunned parent.  “If it matters to you what I think… I intend to say yes when Brian asks me to marry him.  The moment I saw him I knew he was the one.  Please give your permission.”

“I am tempted to get my shotgun and have a wedding yet tonight!” Geoffrey sputtered.  “You are half naked in front of a man not your husband!”  That was a hard pill for Geoffrey to swallow, even if it was his fault!

“Yes, I am, and the funny thing is that it would mortify me if it was anyone but Brian.  I don’t even want Doc to see me this way!” It was as if the idea just occurred to her, and she was totally amazed, but she did pull her shirtwaist closer to her front.  She was normally a very modest young woman.

“Go on to bed now,” Brian said firmly, fearing her parent was close to exploding. “Wait.  Sir, do you have any laudanum in the house?” he asked.

“Oh no!  I will
take that stuff!  I hate the way it makes me feel.  I’d rather deal with the pain.” Priscilla was adamant.

“Go on up to bed, Pris, and I’ll bring you some hot chocolate.  The hot milk will help you sleep,” Geoffrey said.

“Thank you, Papa.  Brian, thank you again for tending my back.  It
hurt when you were doing it, but it feels much better now. I am grateful.”  She hurried up the steps and to her room.  Priscilla put on her nightdress and then turned down her bed. She knew her father would be up as soon as he heated the milk and made her chocolate.  What a strange day this had been!  She couldn’t believe that she’d met a man she could love and respect.  Brian was also very handsome and close to her in age.  She was sure her father would give his blessing since he’d personally handpicked Brian in the first place. 

At one time, Priscilla had hoped that Will Davies would choose her, but he’d clearly picked that awful Darcy Hamilton.  This time,
was the one picked!  And it wasn’t like with Howie Greener, either.  Howie didn’t interest her at all, even though she thought surely her Papa would make her go through with a wedding to him.  She finally told her Papa that Howie made her sick, and the thought of his touching her was repugnant.  Her father told Howie to leave her alone, and Howie still sulked whenever he spotted her when he was in town, which wasn’t too often. 

She wondered what Darcy would say when Priscilla announced
plans to marry?  She pictured the other woman green with envy.  There was a tap on her door, and then her father entered, carrying a small tray with a cup of hot chocolate on it.  “Thank you, Papa,” she said politely.

“I want you to know that I was wrong to punish you in that manner, daughter.  Girls are a lot more delicate than boys, and I should have kept the spanking to the spot nature provided.  I am sorry, Priscilla, and I hope you can forgive me.” It was a major concession from Geoffrey Clemons to humble himself in such a manner and Priscilla felt loved.

“You are already forgiven, Papa.  I know how disappointed you were when you read that article. I was shocked, too!  I didn’t know that Darcy Hamilton thought I was trying to make a play for her fiancé!  I didn’t think anyone would believe that, but I had people that I’ve known f’ever shunning me!  I’m jus’ tankful you now know da truff… Papa, di’ you put…laud… in my ch’late?”

“Yes, I did.  Now lie back and go to sleep, honey.  Tomorrow you will feel much better, and if you don’t, then you stay in bed and I’ll have Doc look at you.”

“No Doc.  He’s old.  Just Bri…”  Priscilla was asleep.  Geoffrey took the cup from her hands and then gently turned her on her side so she wouldn’t lie on her back and make it hurt worse.  Geoffrey kissed Priscilla’s cheek, and then turned the lamp down to where it was barely glowing, and he left her room and went downstairs, smiling and basking in her forgiveness.

“Did she drink the laudanum, sir?” Brian asked, a worried look on his face.

“Yes, I mixed it in with her hot chocolate and she didn’t realize it until her speech started slurring.  Tomorrow she will have a mild hangover and I might need to keep her in bed.  I want you to know that if I could take back that whipping back, I would.  I hurt the child and the worst part of it all, she didn’t deserve a scold, much less a whipping like I gave her.  Priscilla is a good girl and I should have known something wasn’t right.  I apologized and she actually forgave me!  I don’t deserve her forgiveness, but she gave it to me and told me she understood.

“Son, if you are seriously interested in my Priscilla, then you will need to court her and get to know her better than you do now.  I want you both to take the time to decide whether or not this attraction will last.  If my daughter chooses you, and you can tell me you love her and are willing to be true to her for the rest of your life, then I will give my blessing.  As for right now, you have my permission to court Priscilla.

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