The Shiekh's Virgin Mistress (9 page)

BOOK: The Shiekh's Virgin Mistress
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I moaned repeatedly because I felt his reaction to the vibrations.  His cock grew hotter, and harder and the tip, which was seated deeply in my neck, pushed on its confines until I wondered if he could see it from the outside.  Like a snake having swallowed something much too big for it.  Who knew I’d like this so much? Who knew I’d be a natural? I repositioned my pussy over his leg, and I lowered it enough to rub on him, and he made another sound of surprised delight.  I rubbed hard against the rough hairs of his leg and I sucked on that thick length seated deep in my throat.  I could feel I was coating his leg with all my arousal and my belly began clenching as my entire body prepared itself. 

I had no idea I could orgasm from this kind of thing, but apparently I could, so I went with it and I sucked, moaned and rubbed for all I was worth.  Omar bucked his hips, held my head and I felt his seed lift from where I’d been gently rubbing his balls in my hand. His cock grew warmer and I felt the veins that protected and fed his shaft pop and bulge against my lips.

He lost it then, his hand fell from my head and he started pumping his hips frantically, I held him in my throat and went with his movements.  He growled at me and said, “Fuck Anna!” In the most predatory tone I’d ever heard.  “What are you doing to me?”

I became the aggressor, and I took him like he’d taken me.  I swallowed him even harder, pumping my face over his granite hard cock like a fucking porn star.  My pussy clenched and flooded and my entire body ran with hot and cold goose bumps.  Omar started a full body jerk and twitch thing, and I squeezed and milked his big, heavy balls.  My lips felt his heart as it ratcheted up to dangerously fast beats, and then I felt his cock expand, throb, jerk and pulse as his seed rushed to escape. 

He was so far into my neck, there was no retreat.  Not that I cared.  I’d gone mad, I was certain of that fact.  I was simply insane and as his hot cum shot into my neck. I orgasmed. I barnacled my pussy to his leg and I rubbed myself against him for all I was worth. He felt it too and the sound of shock he made was another delight to my ears.  I went with it, now having had three of the biggest climaxes of my life within only a few hours of each other.  I also took all of his spunk down into my body and I lapped at him upon my retreat, cleaning him and kissing him and worshipping his cock as if it were a god in its own right.



We collapsed into a pile of arms and legs and damp bodies.  My pussy continued to wink as more aftershocks traveled up my body, and as his cock deflated, I held it tenderly in my mouth and I stroked his balls and settled my head against his groin.  We spread out on the cool tile floor of the bathroom and both of us made sounds of shock and awe and delight in the other.  Omar stroked my hair with a weary hand.

I felt how I’d finally drained him, spending all he’d had left in his body.  I was still beyond impressed with his virility, libido, and masculine, testosterone soaked way of offering me all that he had, and then some.  I figured there was no way he could get hard again for quite some time, which was okay, I was just as spent, and glad he’d not fucked  me again.  My pussy now ached as if it were wounded, which I guess it was, and it needed time to heal up.

I have no idea how long we stayed on the floor of his pristine bathroom, but we kind of wallowed in each other and just touched without it leading to more sex.  He pulled another towel off the wall and we ended up laying fully stretched out on the white tiles.  I kept my head in his lap and he continued to stroke my hair and run his fingers through the silky strands.  I continued to suck on his flaccid penis as if it were a pacifier.

At one point, it began to fill again, and I eagerly pulled more of it into my mouth, I was still beyond caring that I’d completely gone from chaste virgin to depraved cock whore within the span of a night.  I also feared I was addicted beyond recovery for what Omar offered me.  He chuckled and groaned, “I’ve never said this my beautiful virgin, but no more.  Not for a while.  My body is spent and you seem capable of magic my little sorceress.

I giggled, delighted with myself and my power over him.  I didn’t stop though, and continued pulling on him and drawing him into my mouth.  I simply love the feel of his cock between my lips and I kept lapping at his tip as if he were a lollipop.  He informed me I could, but there would be no more fucking until tomorrow.  I shrugged and enjoyed feeding my new found oral fixation.

We showered together and donned big plush robes.  I walked gingerly and he chuckled when he noticed.  “I’ve marked you female, this I like.”

I winced and groaned when I sat down to eat, and he laughed again and nodded, appearing very pleased with himself.  My throat was even sore, as were my lips, the ones in both places on my body.  I basically felt used and abused in the best possible way, but I did ache all over, and asked for Advil or some other pain killer to help me. 

When it was brought to me, Omar also handed me one little white pill, explaining, “I am sorry I released my seed inside your body and did not use protection.  I will never use protection.  I must feel you; all of you against my flesh is what I will now live for.  This is a morning after pill.”

I furrowed my brow and studied it after lifting it out of his upturned palm.  I didn’t know what to say, although I was grateful he’d thought of it.  Ashamedly, I’d not once considered that I might get pregnant. The thought of sex, let alone protection, hadn’t even crossed my mind until only a couple days ago. I inhaled, sighed deeply on the exhale and swallowed the little pill. 

“Will it make me sick?” I asked.

“I should not.  I do not believe you will notice anything.” He offered.

“Thanks.” I rejoined.

He picked up my hand and gazed into my eyes, “You told me your plans to continue in your education and get your degree.  I respect your determination Anna.  I do wish to see you again, and someday I wish to make you mine exclusively.”

My eyes suddenly filled with warmth, and I blinked at him, swallowing roughly and then lowering my gaze and staring at the table top.  All I could say was, “Yes Omar, someday.”

For the first time in my life, I didn’t feel single-minded on my education and getting that stupid master’s degree, but I also knew I had to finish.  I could not leave and follow my lust, as much as I wanted too, I couldn’t.  This had been my plan and goal for as long as I could remember, and I knew I would hate myself if I didn’t follow through.  I returned my eyes to his and whispered, “One more year, only one more year.”

He smiled and nodded and picked up my hand to kiss it.  “Yes my love.” He turned my hand over and trailed his tongue over my palm.  My entire body reacted, and I again winced.  He laughed in an all too knowing and cocky way.  Yes, he was pleased with himself, as I supposed he should be.  He’d done me well and properly taken every spec of chastity I’d once had.  He continued to gaze at me with those liquid amber eyes and my heart melted.  It was then that it hit me.  I might be in love with the much too arrogant, blue blooded son of the desert.  His deep voice felt as if it penetrated straight through to my heart, “Someday I will take our son to the desert hive, and he will be welcome as I was.  Of this I am certain.”

It was then that the tears did fall in a hot rush down my cheeks. He didn’t seem upset by my emotional display, so I did nothing other than to sit there, staring into his eyes while mine released all that I’d had boiling inside me.  It was as if my lifetime of rigid control had evaporated in an instant and I was an entirely different person. 

We went back to bed in the middle of the day on Sunday, with full belly’s and sore bodies and we cuddled.  We didn’t have sex again that night, but we were as intimate with each other as I could have ever imagined.  We were a joined pair, a cohesive unit; a couple in love.  Omar was affectionate beyond belief, and I loved every second of the attention he poured onto me and into me.  We slept. 

On Monday morning he woke me at dawn and made slow, sweet love to me.  He pushed me to my back and pinned my wrists above my head and he slid deeply into me, stroking and gliding on my receptive wet, inviting body.  He kissed me and nibbled on my neck and my breasts and he brought me to a series of multiple orgasms that left me limp and useless.

When he finally came, he shouted and grunted as if he were in agony, and he pinned his bristly going to my soaked folds and shot all he had in his body deeply into me, filling me with all that was him, his scent, his seed; his life-force.  I loved it, him, his offering.  I wanted more, always more of what he was giving me.  I was now his and I knew it.  No other could ever compare.  He’d ruined me.

He cleaned me again with a warm cloth, but commanded, “Today you will leave me inside you, more of me will slide free of you, and you will scent me on you whenever you move or go to the bathroom.  This is an order, and you shall obey me in this last thing before we part.”

“I won’t see you again?” I mumbled.

“I will see you one last time before I go home to Dubai. Then perhaps in a month when I return.”


“Anna, I am a busy man, and you must focus on your studies.  I will leave it at, perhaps.  I leave on Friday.  You will be mine on Wednesday night.”

I crumpled my mouth and nodded.  What could I say? He was right, I did need to focus.  I finally offered, “I will be here in New York for six weeks as I intern for my dad.”

He nodded and kissed me.  “We will see how our summers go.”



His car dropped me off at my dad’s building and I tried to rush upstairs, but my legs weren’t working that well so I slowed down and by the time I’d dressed and made my way to the office, I was darn near trudging.  I felt sad for the loss of Omar and as if I’d been condemned to a summer of servitude in a prison camp full of strangers.  I felt isolated and more alone than I’d ever felt before, and all I ached for was to be near Omar, and in his light.

My entire body hurt too, as if I’d been hit by a truck.  Oddly though, I was relishing the ache, and I realized what Omar had meant when he said, “You will feel me on you and in you.  I have marked you and used you and left you raw.  Every time you move, or sit, or walk, you will feel me in you.  These bruises,” He’d touched places on my legs and arms where he’d gripped me so fiercely his fingers had left marks. “These are my reminder to you.  Never forget who you belong too.”

In the cab, I lifted my skirt and looked at all the little black and blue dots on the insides of my thighs, and I smiled.  I shifted my position and spread my legs just a little, and I scented him. Everything I did caused something on or in my body to react and visualize my time with Omar.

Not just visuals, but my body would react viscerally. By the time I made it to the office, it wasn’t just Omar’s warmth pooling between my legs, it was now a combination of what he’d left in me, and my own bodies desire to feel him again.  His strength and urgency to slide up inside me, connecting us as if a plug in a socket. 

At these thoughts, my nipples tightened and my breasts renewed aching.  My body puddled in hot desire and response to how I’d spent the majority of my weekend; pinned under the insistent thrusting of the King.  My lips parted and my eyes sagged closed.  I almost touched myself there in the cab, and by the time we made it downtown, I felt as if I were nothing more than a puddle of girl.

I wanted to call Omar, just to hear his voice, but I didn’t.  I wasn’t sure what protocol was or what he would find offensive.  If I could have, I would have gone all fan girl and sat outside his building until he appeared, and then I’d have thrown myself at his mercy and begged to be in his company.  I shook myself from my stupid thoughts and meandered my way up to the top floor of Dad’s building.  I was sort of floating now, living in a memory filled state of blissful, aching arousal. 

I began dreaming of Wednesday night and when Omar said he would pick me up.  I made a note on my calendar that I would be missing Thursday, and I concocted an excuse about needing to see the female doctor.  Dad never questioned when mom went to the gyno.  I was hopeful that Omar would wish to spend his remaining day in the States with me.

I settled in at my desk and missed it when my dad finally arrived. I was running a few numbers for a new client, in between my daydream filled moments of euphoria, trying to figure out the system that would be best for his investments.  I wasn’t doing too well, and the numbers continued to blur and make no sense to me whatsoever. 

Then my dad began bellowing my name. “Anna! Get your ass in here right this second.”  I hurried to my dad’s office and saw how angry he was.  I couldn’t imagine what would have caused so much rage until I looked at the top of his desk and saw all of the paperwork for Omar that I’d utterly forgotten about.  I shrank in mortification and immediately began apologizing.  “Do you have a clue what this means? Even a hint at how monumental of a fuck up this is?”

My dad rarely swore, so I knew it was bad. My state of divine bliss evaporated instantly and I was awash in shame and mortification.  I just didn’t have screw ups this big.  Never in fact had I failed to this extent.  “I’m so sorry.  Can I still get those transfers in?”

He looked at me and I thought for a moment he was going to start crying. He wearily shook his head as he spread out the papers, studying them more closely.  “Anna, you really fucked the donkey on this one.  I’m going to lose my biggest client.” He looked at me with a mixture of disgust and disappointment, “You just lost Khalil well over a million dollars.” My knees buckled and I fell forward.  If not for the chair in my way, I would have hit the floor.  I felt really sick to my stomach and I began crying.  “Yeah, this is bad, that bad, you’ve ruined everything.  I don’t think it’s going to work for you to intern for me.  I can’t stand the sight of you right now. Leave, go home, just leave.”

I fled my dad’s office in a sobbing, stumbling fit and I ran for the bathroom.  I vomited repeatedly and then hid in the bathroom for what felt like an eternity.  When I crossed my legs to lean against the wall, I smelled Omar on me, and then my entire body was racked with crushing sobs.  I wanted to die and disappear, and I knew I’d never see Omar again.  Once he found out, he would be furious and he would cast me away.  I was certain of this, and I spiraled down into a deep pit of despair.

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