The Silenced

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Authors: Brett Battles

Tags: #Fiction, #Thrillers, #General, #Suspense, #Mystery & Detective

BOOK: The Silenced
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Praise for Brett Battles
and the Jonathan Quinn series
“Brett Battles makes a grand entrance into the thriller scene with this
spy novel.
The Cleaner
has it all: exotic locales, James Bondian derring-do, and ingenious plot twists that will keep you sweating all the way till the end.”
New York Times
bestselling author
“This book is a pure delight. Protagonist Jonathan Quinn is a unique and welcome addition to the world of crime fiction.
The Cleaner
is a brilliant and
thriller; I’m on the edge of my seat, awaiting future installments of Quinn’s adventures.”
New York Times
bestselling author
“An emotionally tense tale of espionage and betrayal from a new author who writes with assurance and sophistication,
The Cleaner
teeth-gritting action
is an auspicious debut for the talented Brett Battles.”
New York Times
bestselling author
“Hypnotically gripping,
The Cleaner
moves with the speed of an assassin’s unerring bullet. From Colorado to Vietnam and Germany, this
ripping-good read
will leave anyone who loves suspense not only happily satisfied but eager for Battles’s next thriller.”
New York Times
bestselling author
“Brett Battles is a compelling new voice in the thriller genre.
The Cleaner
combines the best elements of Lee Child, John Le Carré, and Robert Ludlum. Deftly plotted, perfectly paced, and expertly executed … Jonathan Quinn is a character worth rooting for. Battles is
a master storyteller
. Find a comfortable chair and plan to stay up late. You won’t be able to put it down. A stellar debut.”
New York Times
bestselling author

The Cleaner
is a terrific novel. It features a compelling plot,
thrilling action
, and an unforgettable cast of characters. This debut novel is a powerful read.”
K. T
New York Times
bestselling author
“Globetrotting suspense, intriguing characters, and a plot that ricochets like a bullet, Battles’s first novel is definitely in the running for
best thriller debut of the year.”

Daily Record
“A page-turner … Quinn [is] a
protagonist.… Admirers of quality espionage fiction can look forward to a new series worth following.”

Publishers Weekly
“Battles hits for extra bases in his first novel.
The Cleaner
is a
tightly written page-turner
, filled with tradecraft and offering as much action as a James Bond film … a wild ride.”

“Breakneck pacing, colorful locales, and
dizzying plot twists
make the Quinn series a welcome addition to the political thriller genre.

Publishers Weekly
“Plenty of
globetrotting nonstop action
, plot twists, tight writing, whiz-bang high-tech devices … derring-do will always find an audience.”

“A successful sequel to
The Cleaner
Highly recommended

Library Journal
(starred review)
“Complex and believable.”

Deadly Pleasures
“The best word I can use to describe his writing is
. Razor-sharp prose bites deep, cuts to a raw nerve, and leaves you … craving more. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
New York Times
bestselling author
“Battles has established himself as
one of today’s best thriller writers
, right up there with Lee Child, Barry Eisler, and Thomas Perry. His writing is smooth and perfectly paced. His ‘cleaner’ is eminently believable as well as a hero worth caring about. I look forward to many more years of Brett Battles’s books on my nightstand.”

Deadly Pleasures
“As in [Battles’s] previous two Jonathan Quinn novels,
the action is heart-pounding
, gripping, and always engaging.”

Tucson Citizen
“An absolute pleasure to read. Battles has a true gift for writing thrillers and this book should put him on everyone’s list.… From page one this is
a perfect summer read.”

“[A] plot so
downright clever
it’s a wonder somebody hasn’t tried something similar in real life. Start
Shadow of Betrayal
early in the day, or be prepared for a later-than-usual bedtime.”

keeps the reader hooked
to the last sentence.
Shadow of Betrayal
is a wonderful thriller.”
The Cleaner
The Deceived
Shadow of Betrayal
The Silenced

The Silenced
is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

A Dell Mass Market Original

Copyright © 2011 by Brett Battles

All rights reserved.

Published in the United States by Dell, an imprint of The Random House Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York.

is a registered trademark of Random House, Inc., and the colophon is a trademark of Random House, Inc.

eISBN: 978-0-440-33989-2

Cover design: Jerry Todd
Cover photos: Eifel Tower by Arthur Tilley/Jupiter Images; Paris Street at Night by Mel Curtis/Photodisc


With immeasurable thanks
to Mr. Kubik and Mrs. Bernhardi,
two of the best teachers I ever had


4:15 p.m.

Her lips tightened as she held in the curse she so desperately wanted to mutter.

The Cathay Pacific flight to New York was only fifteen minutes from boarding, and there was still no sign of Kolya.

If it had been Mikhail who had not yet arrived, she wouldn’t have been so worried. But it wasn’t Mikhail. He’d already been sitting in the waiting area when she walked up.

No, of course it was Kolya. She had known from the beginning that he was too young, too inexperienced to take with them. But what choice did she have?

Maybe an officer at Passport Control had scrutinized his documents. They were expertly done, but fake, so there was always a chance something had been missed. Maybe Kolya had begun to sweat and look nervous. Maybe Hong Kong security had him in a back room right that very moment, questioning him about his identity and trying to find out whom he might be traveling with.

the police were even now heading toward the gate where Petra and Mikhail waited, intending to take them into custody.

Petra looked down the concourse toward the main part of the terminal. But there were no uniformed men marching in her direction, only other passengers toting carry-ons and wasting time until their flights departed.

There was also no Kolya.

She glanced over at Mikhail two rows away. Though she couldn’t see his face, she knew he had to be as tense as she was. Their operation could afford zero complications, especially after having experienced another setback, this time right there in Hong Kong, the former British colony where it had all begun so long ago.

Another possibility hit her. What if Kolya hadn’t even arrived at the airport yet? They had each traveled separately. Mikhail had taken the Airport Express train, while Kolya and Petra had each hailed taxis. What if Kolya’s cab had broken down? What if the driver had misunderstood Kolya’s destination? Doubtful, she knew. Airport was airport. Even with Kolya’s limited English, he should have been able to communicate where he needed to go.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” a voice blared over the public address system, “at this time we will begin preboarding Cathay Pacific flight 840 to New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport. Passengers traveling with small children or those who need additional assistance may board the aircraft now. Once we are done preboarding, we will start boarding all our first-class and business-class passengers, Marco Polo Club members, and …”

Petra pushed herself up, unable to sit still any longer.
Where was he?

Her hand slipped into her shoulder bag as she scanned the terminal, her fingertips quickly searching through its contents. They found what they were looking for. Touching it made her relax, if only just a little.

At the far end of the terminal, dozens of people wearing identical blue sweatshirts moved almost as one toward a gate. Elsewhere, individuals and couples, some using the automated sidewalks, some walking beside them, moved between shops and waiting areas and restrooms. But none of them,
none of them
, was Kolya.

“Excuse me,” a voice said into her ear. “Did you drop this?”

Petra turned quickly, surprised to find Mikhail standing right behind her, holding a pen out. She hadn’t even heard him walk up.

“What are you doing?” he whispered through his smile.

“You shouldn’t be talking to me,” she whispered back. They were each supposed to be solo travelers with no knowledge of the others. It was another safety precaution. One they had used since they started on the mission. In a louder voice, she said, “Yes, I did. Thank you.”

As he handed her the pen, he said, “You need to get control of yourself.”

She glanced at him. “What are you talking about?”

He held her eyes for a moment, then looked down. As she followed his gaze, her breath suddenly caught in her throat. In her other hand was the photograph. She had actually pulled it out of her purse and was holding it in front of her.

Anyone who glanced at it probably wouldn’t have given it a second thought. But to have it out in the open was tempting fate. This was their map, the only reason they were in Hong Kong and the only reason they were heading to the East Coast of the United States. If someone
tailing them and figured out what the photograph was, all could be lost.

“Thank you for waiting, ladies and gentlemen,” the voice on the overhead speaker announced. “At this time we will begin boarding our first-class …”

“Put it away,” Mikhail whispered.

Petra slipped the photo back in her bag, then hunted around for her ticket. “Kolya?” she whispered.

Mikhail glanced past her for a moment. “Have a nice flight,” he said, then dipped his head and walked away.

Once he was gone, Petra stretched, then readjusted herself so that she was facing the direction Mikhail had been looking. Sure enough, standing on one of the moving sidewalks was Kolya. He was letting the system do all the work while he leaned against the handrail and sipped at a can of soda.

“At this time we will begin boarding seats in rows thirty-one through forty-four. Rows thirty-one through forty-four.”

Petra watched their young companion a moment longer. Then, with a final mental pull of an imaginary trigger, she retrieved her boarding pass and got into line.

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