The Smiths and Joneses (32 page)

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Authors: Ira Tabankin

BOOK: The Smiths and Joneses
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              Sean picks up the discussion, “Since we weren’t able to make it to the Smiths, we decided to use some of our prerecorded video for this episode. We’ll return to our regular program when we next meet with the Smiths again. Our prerecorded video will attempt to show aspects of daily life in the LSA. These videos aren’t complete stories, think of them as brief views into a closed society. We hope these videos open discussions about what’s right and wrong.

“To start off our images, we’re going to start in a typical airport.” The images on the displays surrounding the hosts show the screening lines at the JFK international Airport in New York City. Sean provides the voice over to explain what everyone is seeing. “Here we see people waiting in a line to be screened for air travel, notice they are not allowed to have any carry on baggage except for a small pocketbook, which has to be clear so it can not only be X-rayed, but also easily seen into by everyone. The only electronic equipment allowed to be hand carried onto an airplane are smartphones that are controlled from the cockpit. The LSA has installed jamming devices in their airplanes. The pilot keeps the smart phones unusable until the flight reaches 10,000 feet. No incoming or outgoing calls are allowed to be made during the flight. Internet usage is allowed when the service is purchased from the carrier. The phones can also be used to watch movies and listen to music. When the flight starts descending, while it crosses below 10,000 feet the jamming device turns on forcing all of the phones to be automatically turned off. The only other electronic devices allowed to be used in flight are electronic e-readers that have their wireless ability jammed by the internal flight jamming device mounted in the cockpit. Computers, tablets, recording devices and cameras are all forbidden. Any banned devices found being used are confiscated by the flight crew. All such confiscated devices are not returned; the passenger who was caught using them are also fined $350.00 which has to be paid before the passenger can leave the terminal.

              “Outside food is not allowed on flights that originate in the LSA. The reason behind this rule is, passenger carried on food might offend other passengers. For example, a passenger might bring a ham or bacon sandwich on board that would offend any Muslims on the flight. This follows the LSA policy of everyone is equal and not offending anyone. By the same token, no alcoholic beverages are served on LSA flights because alcohol might offend certain passengers, the abuse of alcohol might lead some passengers into becoming unruly and a potential risk to other passengers. Of course, smoking is forbidden as it is across the entire LSA. One unusual aspect of flying on an LSA charter air flight is the use of marijuana is allowed as long as the smoking light has been turned on by the pilot. If the pilot allows the use of marijuana on the flight, he or the copilot must be in an oxygen mask which supplies pure oxygen to the flight crew.              

“Anyone not following the instructions from a flight attendant is usually removed from the flight and made to pay the cost for the flight to divert to another airport. Once a couple of flights were diverted due to unruly passengers who then were invoiced $25,000 for the airline’s additional costs, and they found they couldn’t fly to their destination because their names had been added to the no-fly list. These events were well publicized which shook up the flying public. No one wants to be fined and put on the no-fly list because within the LSA there’s no appeal to get off the list. Once on it, you’re banned from flying forever. The same procedures are also applied to subways and trains. The LSA TSA provides screening security for all of the country’s mass transit.”

              Wolf interjects, “I know that some of these rules seem harsh. However, we’ve never had a hijacking or a terrorist use our mass transit system to attack us. We stop them before they can gain access to our airplanes, subways and trains. We take the security of our people and especially our children, very seriously. Our transit rules may seem a little harsh, but seen in the big picture, you’ll agree the best defense is a strong offense. We look at security as being on the offense against terror. We will not rest as long as there are threats against our children. Can the USA say the same?

“Let’s look at travel in the USA. The TSA has been disbanded. Airlines and airports are responsible for providing screening that meets the standards that were accepted by the airlines and the Department of Justice.   Airlines are allowed to set their own rules on what is acceptable for carry-on baggage; some airlines allow one bag, some up to three bags. Most types of electronic equipment are allowed on USA flights. Outside food is allowed, as is alcohol. Think about the potential insults to others who see passengers eating or drinking what some consider to be forbidden foods. These poor people will have been insulted because the passenger bringing on the food didn’t spend a minute considering the feelings of the other passengers. Most people in the USA don’t spend the time considering how their actions make others feel. This proves that in the USA people aren’t equal. Some are of a higher caste than others.

“You in the USA preach about the founding fathers who established a country that welcomed everyone. A country where everyone was equal, where there was freedom of religion, where people had the right to be armed, where slavery was outlawed, yet the government made slaves out of its people. The founding father’s dream turned into a nightmare for most people in America. Slavery tore the country apart, even after 160 years after President Lincoln freed the slaves. Most African Americans don’t share the same opportunities as whites; many opportunities aren’t even available to blacks. Racial tension runs very high in the USA. While in the LSA, we’ve broken the racial barrier by treating everyone equally. We’ve achieved in twelve years, what the USA hasn’t in over 260 years. Ask yourself which country is more advanced?”

              Sean picks up on Wolf’s discussion, “Please do ask yourself which country is more advanced. The one that spies on you 24/7 and controls every aspect of your life, the one which has outlawed God and any expression of religion, the country where boys and girls use common rest and shower rooms? Like sports? Then which country allows sporting events to play until there is a winner? The country where you can’t bring your own sandwich onto an airplane? Yes, please do ask yourself in which country you’re free.”

              Sean stands, shifting the images in the large display, “Let’s look at some other aspects of life in the LSA; the display shows street lamps with cameras under them recording everything in their sight. Lines of people waiting to purchase common items. Neighborhood watch groups that record unacceptable differences in house design, length of grass and even flowers which aren’t approved. Cars aren’t allowed to be parked on the street. Children aren’t allowed to bring homemade food to lunch, and most of all, parents don’t have the final say on how their children are raised. Let’s look at images of how children go to school, all wearing uniforms, all marching, all saluting President Bloomberg, doesn’t this remind you of Germany in the mid 1930’s? Notice the children wearing armbands and small rank tabs on their collars. Is the LSA raising children or a paramilitary group? When the LSA claims they don’t have a military is it because they’re molding a new military, their children?”

              Sean shows images of the streets of Portland, Oregon, most of the cars look the same; he shows videos of parts of Portland experiencing brown and blackouts. Videos of the lights dimming and going out for hours at a time in different sections of the city, large square blocks go black. Videos of rolling blackouts in New York City and Boston are shown. “The LSA has closed all of their coal-fired power plants; they have closed all of their nuclear power plants; they haven’t issued permits to build a single new power plant in twelve years. The LSA is running out of electrical power in the name of global warming and reducing pollution. While President Bloomberg claims he’s saving the planet, the average temperature of the planet hasn’t risen in more than twenty years so why is he bringing harm to his own people? It’s all so the LSA government can have more control over their lives.”

              Wolf shows images of race and class riots in the USA saying, “Is this freedom? Is this the equality the founding fathers envisioned?”

              Sean jumps up saying, “Wait a minute, these videos are all over twelve years old; they are images of riots that the progressive government launched. Obsma’s DHS was behind these riots. This isn’t a fair view of what’s going on inside the USA today. I’d like everyone to notice that when the progressives can’t win with facts, they bend the rules and make up the facts to suit their position.”

              Sean and Wolf try to outdo each other by flashing images of the other’s country. The images flash quicker and quicker; everyone watching is getting dizzy and confused when a voice cuts through the confusion. “Ladies and gentlemen, this isn’t a contest, this isn’t a sporting event nor is it a campaign to vote on who’s right and who’s wrong. The purpose of this program was to show the significant differences, not for our two beloved hosts to become the program. One of the events that harmed the country was when the reporters tasked with reporting the news decided they could create or be the news, this is what’s happening right now in front of all of us.” President Brownstone’s image fills the screen. He appears to look down on Sean and Wolf, saying, “I’m ashamed of both of you. You're both acting like children. I, and the 250 million viewers, expect more from the two of you. We expect you to have a limited debate, but not to try to take over the show. Everyone knows that each of you will do whatever you have to in order to defend your country. However, we expect you to present the facts in an analytical manner. I’d like to suggest we return to the core of the program and show some of the images recorded from each family.”

              Both Sean and Wolf look at the President’s image on the screen, both hang their heads in shame; they’ve been caught with their hands in the cookie jar. President Brownstone treated them as he would a spoiled three-year-old; it worked; he broke their rapid back and forth and tit for tat. He got control of the program and returned it to the production goals of the program.

              President Brownstone looked at both of the hosts, “Let’s review what we know, we know that the education system is different, we know that the word freedom means different things on each side of the divide. We know that the equality is different on each side of the divide. We know that parents love their children, they care about their children’s future; on one side the state has a much larger say in that future than on the other side of the divide. On one side of the divide, electrical power is in limited supply while on the other it’s in abundance. On one side, oil and gas are plentiful while on the other it’s in short supply. Both countries offer their citizens medical coverage; both countries are trying to improve the lives of their citizens, the key question to be asked is who should determine that future – the individual or the state? Let’s continue tomorrow with what was planned for tonight’s episode with the Smiths.”

              Sean and Wolf nod in agreement; the screen fades to a commercial. The hosts turn off their on air microphones; President Brownstone looks down at the two of them saying, “I’m disgusted with both of you. You were acting like spoiled three-year olds. Shame on both of you. You’re not advancing your cause; you’re turning off both sides. I want you to clam down and get your shit together. Am I clear?”

              Both Sean and Wolf nod yes.

              “I can’t hear you.”

              Both respond with, “YES, President Brownstone, we hear you and agree.”

              “Good, now let’s discuss how we’re going to recover from the damage you did tonight.”




              “Brad, I thought they were going to come to blows right on the screen. It’s a good thing President Brownstone stepped in and separated them.”

              “Kathy, you’re right. I wonder if President Brownstone was listening and watching the entire time. I bet he was just in case things got out of control. I wondered what would happen if the two hosts allowed their views to tilt the program. I guess we now know the broadcast biggies had a major league umpire in reserve, who was going to turn down a verbal bashing from the President?”

              “Sean and Wolf ended up looking like a pair of children.”

              “Kath, they were acting like children fighting on the playground. I wondered how long the director was going to allow them to argue.”

              “Just long enough to make them both look foolish.”

              “I wonder what the surprises tomorrow will bring.”

              “Brad, I guess we’ll have to wait until tomorrow evening to find out. Wait, tomorrow is Saturday, is the program on? With the extension into next week, I don’t know if there is an episode tomorrow.”

              “I’ll check the guide online.”


              “Kath, no good, the guide hasn’t been updated to show next week’s programs, we’ll have to wait to see if they make an announcement.”

              “I hope they don’t make us wait ’til Monday.”

              “Hey, have you heard from Ron and Bev?”

              “No, they’re due back on Sunday, do you remember we promised to pick them up?”

              “Of course I do, Ron’s my best friend, how could I forget?”

              “Since you sometimes forget to set the coffee machine, I assume you could forget your name. You know now that you’re in your sixties, you could forget who I am.”

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