The Soldier's Surprise Family (9 page)

BOOK: The Soldier's Surprise Family
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Bringing her back to his chest, he started singing. This time it seemed to irritate her. The tiny body stiffened. Rio crossed his arms and glared at him. Even the dog glared.

“It'd help if you could tell me what's wrong. If at least one of you would talk. I can't fix the problem if I don't know what it is.” He cradled her in his arms and started swaying. He offered her the bottle again. That didn't help. It seemed to make it worse.

He lifted her back to his shoulder. “You know, when you think of being a father, it's all about playing ball, Christmas mornings and the first bike rides.” He massaged her back. His voice low and soft, he walked. “You don't imagine the odd hours or how obsessed you become with the bodily functions of another person.”

Pacing back and forth, he tried another song. Maybe he'd done something wrong when he changed her diaper. He laid her down, then took off the onesie and the clean diaper. “Baby girl, I'm trying to fix it.” Her skin was smooth, not a mark or blemish.

After what seemed like an hour of Pilar fussing, nodding off, then crying again while Rio and the dog glared at him, he wanted to cry himself. Rio turned his back and marched out the door, Selena on his heels.

“Rio!” A sigh didn't even begin to express his level of frustration as he followed his son.

At the front door, Rio reached up and unlocked it. Okay, he needed to place the lock higher. “It's four in the morning. We are not going outside.” The duo headed down the stairs.
He was going to Anjelica for help.

Okay, so my son is smarter than me.
Or maybe the little guy just had better parenting skills.

Whispering soft nonsense words to Pilar, he passed Rio and walked across the driveway to the kitchen door. Pilar's cries had turned to sniffles. “Hang on, baby girl. We're getting help.”

Standing in front of the old wood door, he noticed areas had peeled off, showing years of different paint colors. Pilar nuzzled her nose against his neck. Maybe she had gone back to sleep. He took a step back, about to turn and head back to his living quarters.

Pilar opened her mouth and let out a yell as if he had pinched her. The door opened and Anjelica stood there in an oversize T-shirt and sweats. She glanced down at Rio and Selena, then brought her gaze back to him and Pilar.

“What's up with the family field trip?” She laid a hand on the baby's back.

“I can't settle her down. I've changed her twice, tried to feed her and walked or rocked until... I just don't know what else to do. Rio thought you might be able to help.” Okay, so why had he just ratted out his son? “I agreed. So here we are.”

She took Pilar. “You and Rio had a conversation about this?”

“Well, no. He walked down the stairs and I followed. Sorry—I know you're not officially on duty, and I hate bothering you, but I don't know what to do to make her all right.”

“Have you taken her temp? She feels slightly warm.”

He hadn't even thought about her being sick. “No. How do I take her temperature?” He dug his fingers into his hair.

“My aunt left a kit for you that includes an ear thermometer.”

“I have to poke something in her ear? That doesn't sound safe.”

Pilar reached for him, her lashes wet from tears. “I think she wants you.”

“Why? I haven't been able to help her at all.” Garrett's hands engulfed her little chubby body. “Should we give her something for the fever?” As he cradled her, she grabbed his thumb and started gnawing on it. Eyes closed, she slobbered all over his hand as her gums went back and forth. “She's trying to eat me.”

Anjelica laughed. “I think we might have our answer to what's wrong.” Moving around him, she took Rio's hand and headed up the stairs to the apartment. “If she is cutting teeth, it can be painful. Can you feel anything on her gums?”

“But she already has teeth.”

“Yes, and she will get more, a whole mouthful.”

Pausing, Garrett watch the look of bliss transform the little face as he rubbed a calloused thumb over the swollen gum. “I think I feel something right under the surface.” Eyebrows pulled, he looked at her. “How do I fix it so it stops hurting her?”

“Let's take her temp, then go from there, okay?” Anjelica made her way to the nursery and opened the top drawer of the light green dresser. With a weird-looking gun-shaped instrument, she moved to stand in front of him.

Instinctively, he pulled Pilar closer to him. “What are you going to do with that? It looks like it might hurt.”

A tiny fist hit Anjelica's thigh. A scowl that mirrored Garrett's was planted on his small face.

“Rio!” Garrett's voice came a little sharper than he intended, causing everyone to jump. Pilar started fussing again. “ girl, I'm sorry. It's okay.” He turned to his son and took a knee. “I didn't mean to scare you, but you can't hit. You have to use your words.”

The small boy reached over and touched his sister's face.

“I want her to be better, too. But I can't allow you to hit people. In this house, we talk. I promise not to hit Pilar, Anjelica or you. I might yell, but I'll never hit you, and I expect the same from you. We'll fix problems by talking, using our words. Do you understand?”

Rio nodded, then looked up at Anjelica. He licked his lips.

Anjelica dropped to Rio's level also, placing her hand on his shoulder. “Your father asked if this will hurt her. Are you worried about that, too?”

Arms crossed over his middle, he glanced at Garrett.

“Go ahead—use your words.”

Thick eyelashes blinked a few times and the only sound in the room was the slurping of Pilar chewing on Garrett's thumb. She fell back to being content in the midst of tension.

“Yes, ma'am.”

He spoke! He shot his gaze to Anjelica.
Oh no.
For a moment, Garrett thought Anjelica would start crying. What if that made Rio think he had done something wrong?

He smiled at the boy and patted him on the shoulder. “Good job, Rio.”

Anjelica pushed some loose strands of hair back and cleared her throat. “Yes, nice job. I love hearing your voice. Now, about the ear thermometer. What if I show you how it is done? I can use it on your dad first.”

Rio shook his head. “Me. Try on me.”

“Okay. Ready?” She leaned in closer and showed him the gun, pointing out the details. “I'm going to put it in your ear and push the button. You won't feel a thing.” A moment later she showed the screen to Rio. “It says you have a temp of ninety-eight. That's perfect. Now that you know it won't hurt her, let's get Pilar's temp.”

Garrett stayed on his knee, with Rio holding Pilar's hand as Anjelica did her thing. “She has a slight fever. I would hate giving her anything at this point. Let the fever do its job.” She looked at Garrett and grinned. “Chewing on you seems to help. I do believe you're the biggest chew toy I've ever seen.”

“But how do I get any sleep?” He glanced at the clock. “I have to be at work in four hours.”

“We can try some numbing cream for her gums and—” she moved to the basket of toys “—let's see if there's a toy to replace your thumb.”

“They make cream for cutting teeth and we have some?”

“Yes, thanks to my family. I'm sure it was Aunt Maggie. She thinks of everything. Since it's so late, or early, depending on how you look at it, let's go ahead and settle them into bed. I'll stay with the kids and you can get a little sleep before going to work, and you won't have to wake them up to bring them to me.”

“Are you sure?”

“It's best for everyone.”

How would he have survived without her? How had his mother done it all without help? He'd never realized how tired she must have been all the time.

She knew how hard it was to raise two kids alone. One message was the only contact he had had with her in the last two weeks. She was loud and clear about her thoughts of Viviana and told him to let the state take care of them until he knew for sure Rio was his. His mother had never been a fan of his ex-wife.

He stood at the door and watched as Anjelica helped Rio organize the bed he had created under the crib. When she turned and found him staring, she raised her eyebrows.

“Go on with you. We've got this covered, and you need to get your sleep so I don't have to worry about you tomorrow.”

“Yes, ma'am.” He needed to leave before he started thinking about her being here permanently and how it felt to be worried over. “Thank you.” The words sounded low and rough.

In order to break the invisible chain that held him to the spot, Garrett closed his eyes and spun away from Anjelica and the children.

Creating a fantasy life around a woman had never worked out and now he had a son paying the price. He had one mission and that was to stay focused on Rio and Pilar.

Chapter Seven

he early-morning sun had yet to make an appearance as he pulled into the drive. Today marked one month since Rio and Pilar arrived in his life. House inspections and parenting classes had become the new normal. They were one step closer to official family status.

Before getting the kids from Anjelica, he should go upstairs, lock away his gun and change out of his uniform. He tried to keep his weapons out of Anjelica's sight, knowing how she felt about them, but tonight he needed to see the kids. He needed to touch them and know they were safe before he could go to sleep.

Nothing like an ugly accident on 83 to turn a normal shift into a nightmare. Dealing with death always left him feeling a little hollow.

Home had never looked so good.

Home. Coffee. Sleep.

Maybe he should skip the coffee. In a couple of hours, the kids would be up.

Garrett stifled a yawn as he used his key to open the door into Anjelica's dark house. Normally, he would have left them here and joined them later for breakfast, but there was nothing about tonight. He should have been home hours ago, before their bedtime.

He hoped Anjelica didn't have anything planned for the day. Oh man, he didn't pay her enough. She deserved a big bonus.

Today was officially her day off, but the accident had his shift going seven hours over and he wasn't sure he could function enough to be responsible for the kids.

Easing across the living room, he made sure to sidestep a toy truck. He gave a prayer of thanks for his own mother.

There had been so many long hours of two or three jobs, but she had managed to keep them in a safe home with food in the kitchen. He hadn't appreciated her efforts at the time. All he had known was his mom was always gone.

She hadn't had a supernanny like Anjelica or people like the Ortegas to help her when the nights were too long.

He'd call her tomorrow and thank her. She deserved this time to herself and not to be pulled into his drama.

He first checked in Pilar's room and found it empty. His heart jumped and he made sure to control his breathing. All the worst scenarios popped in his head.

The door connecting the nursery to Anjelica's room stood open. With hesitation, he entered, finding it empty, also.

Breathe, Garrett. Breathe. They're here somewhere.
He quickly scanned the house and found it empty.

Maybe she had taken them up to the apartment when he had called about being late. He couldn't move fast enough as he leaped the stairs three at a time.

His living room was empty. He rushed to the nursery.

A sigh of relief emptied his tense muscles.

All three people of his little family slept safely in the room. Pilar was sprawled on her back with her arms wide, not a care in the world. On the little car bed, Rio lay curled up in Anjelica's lap. She leaned against the wall. They still wore their day clothes.

He smiled at her soft snores. He would have never guessed that she was a snorer—or that he would find it endearing. It made her human.

His family had tried to wait up for him.

Without one of her brightly colored scarves, the soft T-shirt she wore revealed a scar that ran across her collarbone and up her neck. The tip faded into her hairline.

The need to heal Anjelica always lingered, but now it was hard to ignore. She had suffered so much loss and pain. Somehow she still faced life with such openness and willingness to help others.

As gently as possible, he picked up Rio, moving him to the side, and tucked him under his hero blanket. This might be the first time he actually slept in his own bed.

Anjelica shifted to her side and scooted down to the pillow, the soft sounds from her throat stopping. Taking the quilt off the foot of the bed, he covered his pint-size heroine.

She turned her face to him as he tucked the blanket around her. “Garrett, you're home?”

The sleeping edge of her whisper did things to his gut.

“Yes, ma'am.” The fresh scent of vanilla and flowers filled his senses. He leaned in closer.

Her hand came up and she threaded her fingers through his hair before they fell to the base of his neck. “Good. We were worried. I listened to the scanner for a bit, but I couldn't...”

His heart expanded in his chest. Emotions that scared him clogged his throat. “Don't waste your time worrying about me.”

Her eyes opened, clouded with sleep. She gave him the softest smile.

He couldn't resist any longer. He leaned forward until his lips pressed against the tiny scar next to her ear. The perfect skin marked with the evidence of the strength she hid under all her softness. He rested there until his breaths synchronized with the pull of her lungs.

Her hand moved back up and smoothed his hair. He wanted to stay there forever. Their pulses dancing to the same rhythm.

Swallowing back the need for real contact, a complete kiss, he forced himself to move and press his lips to her forehead instead. Staring at her, he lingered as long as he dared.

She wanted and deserved a permanent relationship that included a family of her own without mounds of issues.

Pushed past normal limits, his brain cells were not connecting.

Closing his eyes, he stood. She rolled to the other side and tucked her hands under her cheek, snuggling under the quilt.

With slow steps backward, he eased out of the room. As tired as he was, sleep lingered out of his reach. He got a bottle of water, then sat on the sofa.

Anjelica had made it clear from the beginning that she didn't want to get involved with a law enforcer.

He understood her need for security and stability. His job didn't offer either. There were so many guys in his line of work who were divorced, and he was one of them. Restless, he flipped to his side.

A reflection of light caught his attention. The security light outside had hit the glass of a patriotic poster one of the Ortegas had hung in his apartment. She belonged to a fallen brother and deserved his protection. She needed someone with a safe job and no baggage.

As tired as his body was, his brain wouldn't shut down. He closed his eyes and took slow deep breaths. He needed to go to his own bed, but right now he didn't have the energy to get up.

* * *

Down! Down! Cover! He pulled someone's arm to protect them from the explosion.

He had to react faster this time or they were going to die.

“Garrett.” Soft fingers pressed against his jaw.

He opened his eyes and found his hand gripping Anjelica's wrist. Hard. She lay next to the sofa awkwardly.

He let go and jumped to his feet. Holding his hand out to help her up, he tried to stop shaking. Or at least hide it.
Five...four...three. Breathe.

“I'm so sorry.” He scanned her for any injuries, not able to bring himself to look her in the eye.

She took his hand and rose up in front of him. “I'm not hurt. You were trying to protect me. You said, ‘I got you. I got you.' You pulled me down as if to shield me.” Cupping her hand around his jaw, she forced his face toward her. “Really, you weren't trying to hurt me.” Stepping closer, she put both hands on his face and made him look at her, in the eye. “Next time I'll be more careful when I wake you up.”

“You shouldn't have to be careful.” He moved out of her reach.

“Garrett.” She used the voice she used when Rio was upset. “You lived in and survived a war zone. I would have to be clueless to not be aware of PTSD.”

“I've been home for over five years. I don't have PTSD. It was just a bad dream.”

“Have you talked to someone about these bad dreams? Do they happen often? Maybe Jake can help you. He was a marine and—”

“I don't need to talk to anyone. Now you sound like Torres. This is the problem living with people. They want to know all your business and ask questions.”

“You've talked about this with Jake?”


She sighed, a deep heavy one of frustration. “I'm only asking because I care about those kids in the next room.” She crossed her arms and glared at him, the sweet concerned expression gone.

Blood left his face and limbs. “What if it had been Rio? Or what if he saw me pulling you to the ground? It would've terrified him to see me attack you like that.” He had become a danger to the ones he should be protecting.

“Garrett, it's all good. You didn't attack me. Rio is fine.” She moved toward him with her hand out. He did a side step around the sofa. “I need to go for a run.” He looked back to the door to the room where she and the kids slept last night. He needed to get out of the house, to push his physical limits in order to get out of his own head. “Can you watch the kids for a little bit longer?”

“Of course I'll watch the kids. You've had less than two hours of sleep. So take your run, take a shower, then get some real sleep. We'll be fine. I have some shopping to do in Uvalde—I'll take the kids with me. It's good for them to get out of the house. Later today the family's coming over to make piñatas and confetti eggs,
, for Easter. We'll be outside. So you can stay in your room and sleep.”

“Easter? Isn't it a little early?”

“With my family's crazy schedule? No this is the only time we can all get together, and it's a big family event. We don't want anyone left out.”

He nodded like he understood while keeping the sofa between them. His eyes went to the scarf she had on, but he knew how soft she was under the bright blue material. Kissing her on the scar had been a huge mistake. Now he had a hard time getting the thought of a real kiss out of his head. He really needed that run.

* * *

With Garrett stalking out of the room, Anjelica flopped back on the sofa. She picked up the pillow Garrett had been using when she went to wake him up. From the kids' room, she'd heard Garrett having a nightmare. Her plan had been to wake him up and tell him to go to bed while she stayed and made breakfast.

The pillow in her lap smelled like the soap he used. With a heavy sigh, she stood. Rio and Pilar would be getting up soon. She needed to get them fed and out of the apartment by the time Garrett finished his run. He probably needed sleep. He also needed to talk to someone, but that was out of her control.

Later she'd do some research on PTSD. It seemed they were living with two males who had an overzealous need to protect the people in their lives.

Garrett needed psychotherapy as much as his son did. Maybe he hadn't been suffering from PTSD, but with the upheaval in his life, it might have kicked in for the first time or returned. She needed to find out if that was possible.

As she started working in the kitchen, Garrett came out with his Marines T-shirt and sweats. Selena sat still as he put on her leash.

He gave her a sheepish grin. “Are you sure it's all right if I go for a run? I can keep it short.”

“No. Go for as long as you need. I'm going to make breakfast. If we're gone when you get back, I'll leave you a plate in the oven.”

“Thanks, you don't ha—”

Her stare stopped him cold. “Don't you dare say what I think you are about to say. I don't do anything I don't want to do. We'll be in Uvalde most of the day. Even when my family gets here, you can ignore them. I'll explain you were at the accident site all night. They'll understand. Of course, anytime you want to, you can join us.”

“Okay.” Walking past her, he leaned in and gave her a light kiss.

They both jumped back as if reacting to an electrical shock. Her heart lodged in her throat. She blinked. It hadn't been a dream. Last night he had kissed her.

Not a normal kiss, but next to her ear. He had kissed the edge of her scar. Her hand pressed against the spot, heat radiating from her skin. His gaze darted around the room. “I'm sorry. I just...”

Anjelica couldn't read the emotions on his face. He turned toward the front room, then back to her.

He ran his fingers through his hair, leaving it standing in the cutest way. A very dangerous adorable helpless look settled on his face.

“It's okay, Garrett. Go for your run.”

With a nod, he was gone.

Standing alone at the screen door, she touched her fingers to her lips.

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