The Sound of Consequence (Puget Sound ~ Alive With Love Book 1) (30 page)

BOOK: The Sound of Consequence (Puget Sound ~ Alive With Love Book 1)
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“That might be coming sooner than we thought. Looks like Gerald isn’t coming back from his leave of absence.”

Jenny nearly jumped for joy, but instead steeled her professional demeanor and kept her feet firmly planted on the industrial carpeting. She could not, however, control the smile that lifted her cheeks. “I’m ready to jump in anytime.”

Bill nodded. “I know you are. Unfortunately, we have to go through the formal hiring process. Announce the position, give time for prospects to apply. Hold interviews.” He shook his head and sighed, as though it were all a tremendous burden. “All a waste of time if you ask me. Bay City Publishers already has its next marketing director.”

Bill had served as Jenny’s mentor since she transferred to the Seattle office, grooming her for the marketing director position. She’d had her sites on that job since Boston and it was what propelled her across the country. Given that Boston didn’t have a marketing director and all of the marketing managers seemed comfortable, there hadn’t been any opportunities for Jenny to grow. Taking the marketing manager position in Seattle had opened doors for her career.

“I’m not worried about the hiring process. If I have to jump through the proverbial hoops, then so be it.”

“I know you don’t mind, but it’s a damn waste of my time.” Bill cracked each knuckle, both hands popping in a synchronized rhythm. “HR sure does have a handle on corporate bureaucracy, that’s for damn sure.”

“Well, maybe you’ll find some potential candidates for my job. You’ll need a new marketing manager when I move up.”

“Speaking of, I have a special assignment for you.”

Jenny gasped, barely able to hide her excitement. Bill always challenged her, helping her to learn and grow professionally. She trusted him immeasurably and knew whatever he had to offer was going to be great.

“You been through your e-mail yet?” Bill asked.

“Actually, I haven’t even had a chance to log in.”

“We have a new marketing manager starting tomorrow. A transfer in from Boston, just like you.”

Jenny nodded, her excitement quickly fading as the topic turned to one she’d hoped to avoid. She kept up the appearance of interest, faking a smile while she willed her stomach not to roil.

“I understand you know him. Ty Sullivan?”

Jenny simply nodded, her stomach threatening to unleash its displeasure again.

“I want you to be his city sponsor. Show him around the office, the city, help him get acclimated and settled in.”

Jenny dropped the fake smile, her head shaking vigorously. “No. Absolutely not.” She was aware that her voice carried across the sea of cubicles, as did the loud thump of her angered steps as she took the shortest route to her office.

It probably wasn’t in her best interest to stomp away from the boss, nor to make a show of it for those occupying the cubicles, but Jenny had reached her limit for the day. First to run into Ty. Then to learn he was moving to Seattle. And finally, to be told she had to play hostess to him.

To hell with that!

After Bill stepped in to her office, he closed the door gently. “What do I need to know about Ty Sullivan?”

“Nothing. Why?” The why was obvious, but the pleasant tone of her innocent question was at the opposite end of the spectrum from her reaction to this new assignment.

Bill made himself comfortable in the chair facing her desk, so Jenny summoned her best acting skills and pretended to relax in her own chair.

“Let me rephrase. What do I need to know about you and Ty Sullivan?”


Photograph by BLC Photography


Susan Ann Wall lives in northern New Hampshire with her family. She sees the world in varying shades of purple and never passes on the opportunity to add to her collection of purple sunglasses or purple shoes. When she’s not tapping away on her purple netbook, she enjoys chilling out with her three kids, drinking a nice cold one with her husband, and jaunting off to Bon Jovi and Kenny Chesney concerts.

You can find Susan online at:

Facebook:  Author Susan Ann Wall

Twitter: @susanannwall


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