The Spanish Armada (59 page)

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Authors: Robert Hutchinson

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Great Britain, #Military, #Naval, #General

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Egerton MSS

2,541, f.1 – ‘Queene Elizabeth’s whole army at sea against the Spanish forces in anno 1588; list of ships, crews and names of captains’.

Harleian MSS

167, f.104 – Sir Francis Drake’s account of his raid on Cadiz in a letter to John Foxe, ‘preacher’; written in
Elizabeth Bonaventure,
7 May

– f.104
. Account of Drake’s raid on Cadiz by one of his crew, probably Robert Leng.

288, f.187 – Sir William Stafford to Sir Francis Walsingham; Paris, 25 April 1588.

290, f.88 – Letter from Mary Queen of Scots to the Duke of Norfolk urging him to escape from house arrest; 31 January 1571.

295, f.190 – Letter from the English spy ‘B.C.’ on the preparations of the Spanish Armada; Madrid, 28 May 1588.

296, f.44 – ‘Pompeo Pellegrini’ (alias Anthony Standen) to Jacomo Manucci, on the results of Drake’s raid on Cadiz, 3 July 1587.

– f.46 – Letter, partly in cipher, in the same hand as ‘Pompeo Pellegrini’, signed ‘B.C.’ and endorsed ‘from Mr Standen’ on the
verso; Florence, 28 August 1587.

– f.48 – Letter from Stephen Paule to Sir Francis Walsingham warning of an attempt to poison Elizabeth; Venice, 7 November 1587.

360, article 38, ff.65
– Plan to intern English Catholics in ten castles, in Sir Francis Walsingham’s handwriting, undated but probably
before spring 1579.

6,798, f.87 – Speech by Elizabeth I to her troops at West Tilbury, Essex, 19 August 1588.

6,990, f.44 – Proclamation by the Earls of Northumberland and Westmorland; Darlington, 16 November 1569.

6,991, ff.31–33. Memorandum on the 1569 Rebellion written by Lord Huntingdon to Cecil; York, 10 October 1573.

6,993, f.125 – Letter from Sir Francis Walsingham in which he dismisses reports of Spanish preparations to invade England as ‘Spanish brag’, March 1586.

6,994, f.76 – Letter from Sir Francis Walsingham to Burghley, calling for Drake to attack the Spanish bullion fleets and cautioning
Burghley to
protect the true identity of his agent Pompeo Pellegrini; 26 July 1587.

7,190, article 2, ff.125
– Eighteenth-century copy of Elizabeth I’s letter to Mary I from the Tower, 17 March 1554.

Lansdowne MSS

43, no.3, 3ff – Letter from William Parry to Lord Burghley; Fetter Lane, London, 2 August 1584.

48, f.120 – Proclamation ordering markets to be supplied with foodstuffs ‘at reasonable prices’; Greenwich, 2 January 1587.

50, articles 19–21 – Letters from Henry Radcliffe, Fourth Earl of Sussex about a planned rebellion by Catholics ‘in the country near Portsmouth, Hampshire;
June 1586.

52, article 31 – Captain William Borough’s defence against the charges laid against him by Sir Francis Drake, May 1587.

– article 39 – Captain William Borough’s account of his ‘misunderstanding’ with Sir Francis Drake, 30 April 1587.

– article 40 –
Discourse of what courses were best taken for the resistance of the Spanish navy
, by William Borough: 26 February 1589.

53, article 3, 3ff – Speech of Mr William Parry at his execution; Great Palace Yard, Westminster, 2 March 1585.

– f.23 – Account of the fighting off Cadiz by Francisco de Benito de Maiora; St Mary’s Port, ‘nine of the clock at night’, 29 April 1587.

– article 79 – Account of Anne Burnell who claimed to be the daughter of Mary I and Philip of Spain.

56, f.175 – Agreement between Sir Francis Drake and the London Merchant Adventurers covering the supply of ships and the division of spoil for the attack on Cadiz; signed
28 March 1587.

59, f.105 – Proclamation forbidding any who served with the expedition to Spain and Portugal from approaching the royal court; 1589.

100, f.98 – Drake’s plan for his campaign in Galicia and the Caribbean in 1585.

103, f.93 – Authority to Anthony Ashley to keep a ‘true journal’ of proceedings during the expedition to Spain and Portugal; 1589.

Sloane MSS

262/62 – Diary of the English peace commissioners in Flanders.

Stowe MSS

159, f.370 – Letter from Ralph Lane describing the English landing at Peniche, Portugal, 26 May 1589.



Hh.6.10. ff.1–59 – Disputation of Puritan Ministers in London; November 1588.


Gloucester Borough Records

GBR /H/2/1, f.1 – Privy Council letter to Lord Chandos, seeking the appointment of a provost marshal for the arrest and imprisonment of ‘idle vagabonds’,


Cecil Papers

13/77 – Mary Queen of Scots signed bond ‘to be an enemy to all those that attempt anything against Queen Elizabeth’s life’; Wingfield, 5 January

16/17 – Circumstances of the execution of Mary Queen of Scots, bearing Burghley’s holograph.

17/2 – Instructions to Dr Dale, negotiating a peace treaty with Spain.

17/23 – Depositions by two Dutch sailors who served with the Spanish Armada.

18/26 – Letter from the Privy Council to Lord Burghley seeking licences to export corn, 1589.

18/54 – Appeal by twenty-five captains who had served on the expedition to Portugal for further service.

18/82 – Letter from Robert, Earl of Essex, to Vice-Chamberlain Heneage.

162/148 – Advertisements of merchants ‘touching practises against England’, [1583].

164/17 – Account of execution of Mary Queen of Scots.

166/83 – Numbers and names of ships that served against the Spanish Armada.

186/2 – Claim for compensation, following the escape of thirty Spanish prisoners from Dublin Bay in the stolen pinnance,
, 1588. (Misdated in HMC
Salisbury, vol. XIC (London 1923), p.813, as 1601).


CPM Supp.11

Map of Ulster and his nearest nigthbores.


Petyt MSS

Series 538, vol. 43, ff.304–14 –
An Antidote against Jesuitism’
written in Burghley’s hand; draft dated 158– but probably 1583. Final
version is in vol. 37, ff.177
et seq.



250, ff.170–15 – Proceedings at the arraignment of Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel, in Westminster Hall, 14 April 1589.

647, ff.235–8 – Letter from William Fenner to Anthony Bacon; Plymouth, 1589.

3,198, f.284 – Leicester to the Earl of Shrewsbury; Tilbury Camp, 15 August 1588.

3,206, f.263 – Robert Swift the younger to the Earl of Shrewsbury, providing news from court, including the release of Princess Elizabeth from the Tower; London, 20 May


8ANC/58 – ‘Note of such information as I had of some shipmasters that came from the [Gibraltar] straits who were eye-witness to all that is underwritten’;
Peregrine Bertie, Thirteenth Baron Willoughby de Eresby; ?March 1588.

8ANC10/114 – Lord Willoughby to the Dutch States General, reminding them of their agreement to supply ships against any enterprise by Spain against England; The Hague, 5
April 1588.


DU/ Vol. 3, ff.91–102 – ‘State of the debt charged upon the deceased Earl of Leicester for exceeding his allowance in the time of his lieutenant generalship
in the Low Countries’, 1588.


Admiralty records

AO1/1686/23 – 1588 Accounts of Treasurer of Navy.

Exchequer records

E 30/1705 – Ratification of the Treaty of London, ending the Anglo-Spanish war, by Philip III of Spain; Valladolid, 15 June 1605.


MPF 1/134 – Richard Popinjay’s map of Hampshire, Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight, 1587, showing fortifications and potential landing beaches. Scale: 1 inch to the

MPF 1/318 – Drake’s chart, used in his attack on Cadiz in 1587, dated that year and signed by his vice-admiral William Borough.

State Papers – Domestic

SP 11/1/22 – Memoranda for Queen Mary on financial issues; early August 1553.

SP 11/4/6 – Estimate for payment of royal debts; ?April 1554.

SP 11/4/2 – Letter from Princess Elizabeth to Mary I: Westminster, ‘about noon’ 17 March 1554.

SP 12/1/7 – Elizabeth’s charge to Sir William Cecil and her Council; Hatfield, 17 (or ?20) November 1558.

SP 12/2/22 – Elizabeth I’s address to Parliament declaring her determination to remain unmarried; 10 February 1559.

SP 12/114/22 – John Aylmer, Bishop of London, to Walsingham; London, 21 June 1577.

SP 12/141/29 – Account of attempts to convert Catholics in York Cathedral, August 1580.

SP 12/168/4 – Sir George Carey, governor of the Isle of Wight, complains to Sir Francis Walsingham about his poor resources to defend the island; February 1584.

SP 12/168/9; SP 12/181/26; SP 12/187/3 – Reports on the fortifications of Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight.

SP 12/176/22 – Lord Burghley’s proposals for a ‘Grand Council’ to govern England in the event of the queen’s assassination, 1584–5.

SP 12/197/13 – Hampshire people requested to lend labourers to dig trenches.

SP 12/198/64 – Instructions to Justices of the Peace on the maintenance and operation of warning beacons, 1587.

SP 12/199/93 – Lord Burghley to the deputy lieutenants of the maritime counties with directions for a new review of horse and foot within the realm; March 1587.

SP 12/208/79, f.181

Letter from Lord High Admiral Howard to Lord Burghley, reporting on the condition of the queen’s ships; 12 February 1588.

SP 12/208/87, f.201
– Letter from Lord High Admiral Howard to Lord Burghley reporting on the
Ark Royal
; 28 February 1588.

SP 12/209/40 f.77

Letter from Sir Francis Drake to the Privy Council,
urging a pre-emptive strike on the Armada before it
sailed; Plymouth, 30 March 1588.

SP 12/210/33 –
Such means as are considered to put the forces of the Realm in order to Withstand any Invasion.

SP 12/211/47 – Sir Francis Godolphin’s report of a Mousehole barque sighting Armada ships on 23 June 1588.

SP 12/211/56 – Proclamation ordering martial law against possessors of papal bulls, books, pamphlets; Greenwich, 1 July 1588.

SP 12/212/66 f.139 – Lord Burghley to Sir Francis Walsingham on financial problems, 19 July 1588.

SP 12/212/80 f.167 – Lord Howard, Lord High Admiral to Sir Francis Walsingham,
Ark Royal,
Plymouth, 31 July 1588.

SP 12/212/95 – Proclamation against ‘wicked and traitorous lies’.

SP 12/213/14 – Names of the ships presently in [Sir Henry Seymour’s] fleet; 23 July 1588.

SP 12/213/34 – Report by Lord Henry Seymour listing his ships and their supplies, June 1588.

SP 12/213/40, f.97 – Sir George Carey to Earl of Sussex, reporting fighting off the southern coast of the Isle of Wight; Carisbrooke Castle, 4 August 1588.

SP 12/213/64, f.148 – Lord Howard, Lord High Admiral, to Sir Francis Walsingham, reporting on the battle of Gravelines, in
Ark Royal
, 8 August 1588.

SP 12/213/65 f.150 – Sir Francis Drake to Sir Francis Walsingham reporting on the battle of Gravelines, in
8 August 1588.

SP 12/213/71, ff.164–5 – Sir John Hawkins to Sir Francis Walsingham, reporting on the battle of Gravelines, in
, 8 August 1588.

State Papers – Foreign

SP 94/2 f.212 – Estimate of men and ships under the command of Santa Cruz, ?1587.

SP 94/3 f.227
– Spanish Armada reported ready to sail, 7 May 1588. f.229 – Estimates of the numbers of men and ships gathered at Lisbon.

State Papers – Ireland

SP 63/137 no. 1, ii, f.4 – Medina Sidonia’s sailing instructions for Spain.

–17, Partial list of Spanish prisoners remaining at Drogheda, 13 October 1588.

SP 63/139/25 no.1 f.83 – Testimony of James Machary of ‘the Cross within the County of Tipperary’, 29 December 1588.

SP 63/149, f.30 – Report of Luke Plunkett on the
; Dublin, 1589.

State Papers – Scotland

SP 52/35/18 – Letter from Lord Hunsdon to William Davison describing the execution of Francis Throckmorton; Berwick, 23 July 1584.


PROB 11/92 ff.229–30 – Will of William Borough, dated 26 July 1598.


LM/13/29/370 – Examination of ‘Tristram Winslade, a Catholic, accused of involvement in a Spanish invasion’; 1588.

LM/1945 – Paper entitled ‘A certain and direct way to perceive in the night season or in a misty weather in the daytime whether the beacon the which we have regard
unto be on fire or not’.





T[homas] D[eloney] –
A most ioyfull songe made in the behalfe of all her Maiesties faithfull and louing subjects of the great ioy which was made in London at the
taking of the late trayterous conspirators
(London, printed by Richard Jones [1586]). (
, Henry VIII–Elizabeth, 1519–1603, f.83). STC 6557.

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