The Spoils of Allsveil: Dark Heart Heroes #2 (10 page)

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“Pants.” The word echoed off the stone.

Darrin pulled himself up to his full height. Staring at me, playing with the knots in his breeches, he loosened the top, let the last article of bartering fall to his feet, and stepped out of his pants. His legs went on forever, but his…man parts…reminded me of the end of a bedpost. A smooth tip tapered wide held by a thin shaft. Only this shaft and tip throbbed. I felt drawn, pulled to it. I wanted to touch the rosy steel column of flesh, but I couldn’t move. Long minutes passed before he motioned to take a step toward me. My eyes widened. I leaned back in my chair. My heart pounded.

Darrin nodded
in understanding. “You’re not ready yet.” He bent down to his clothes and started picking them up.

“Hey,” I said. “I won those. Each piece is a trophy.”

My husband snapped his head up and gaped. Straightening, he put on that bravado I hadn’t seen since the first day I met him. “Well then, these are mine.”

He snatched the
three items he’d won and tucked them under his arm. He turned to me, bowed, and said, “My lady, goodnight.” And he marched out the door, nude as the day he was born.

12 - Goththor

Being king meant there were no doors closed to me. Including my wife’s personal chambers. When the guards silently opened the doors, her two maids were in the middle of undressing her. Bridgette was not pleased when I barged in, but didn’t seem surprised.

“Out,” I growled at the two girls.

The door closed and it was just the two of us, standing face-to-face, she stripped to her night-rail and me stripped of any control.

“Off.” I jerked my thumb at her nightgown.

“Bully.” My wife stood her ground.

“Uncooperative, as usual.”

“And you expect me to be ready at your whim.” Hands on her hips, she was clearly not going to give in.

“You’ve been teasing me all day.” I gritted my teeth. “A man has his limits.”

“Took you long enough. Was I your last resort?”

If you’d fuck me, I wouldn’t go anywhere else.
I’d almost said it. By the grace of the gods, I was able to hold my tongue. I was sick of her throwing this in my face every chance she got. How could we move past it if it never became part of the
. I released the breath I held and said, “That is going to be the last time you can bring up infidelity without being a hypocrite.”

went rigid, with her arms at her sides. “What do you mean?”

I turned to the door. “Paul!”

Brie gripped her nightgown. “What are you doing?”

Keeping my face calm, I wanted her to know I was serious. “I see the way you look at each other.”

“You’re hysterical; I want nothing to do with him.”

“Liar.” I lunged forward and ripped the gown over her head.

Bridgette cried out and tried to cover herself.

“No!” I pointed to the bed. “Get on it.”

Bridgette ran and dove under the covers.

I threw her bed-sheet onto the floor. I pointed at the end of the four-poster bed. “Kneel
facing out with your legs spread. Hold onto the bedposts or I’ll tie your wrists to them.”

“Bully,” she said. But
Brie embraced her embarrassment, splaying herself for an audience.

The door was thrown open and Paul ran to me, bowed
, and said, “Sire, what’s wrong? Where’s…”

His eyes caught sight of
Brie. He blinked rapidly before he turned away.

“Look at her.” I sidled up to him and threw my hand around his shoulder. Thinking about watching him take my wife aroused a hidden secret within me.
Paul trembled.

Gods-be-damned, a chance to look at the real thing and you shy away?” I jostled the man to get him to act.

Paul’s eyes remained fixated at the ground. “I have more respect for you both than that.”

A modest wife wouldn’t spread herself so prettily for a man, but this was Brie and neither her body nor her mouth remained humble. “Oh, for the love of St. Peter, don’t you understand anything, Aiden? He thinks you’re going to behead him for looking at me.”

I furrowed my brow at her. She waved her hand at him. “No man would touch me lest they receive the wrath of King Goththor.”

“So you’ve tried to have your way with other men and they refused you, is that what you’re telling me?”

Paul stiffened under my one-armed embrace.

“I have remained faithful in deed and word.” Brie seemed thoroughly incensed. She spoke more but her high shrieks traveled over me. I could no more think than climb a three-story wall. I turned my attentions to Paul. “You want her. You’ve wanted her for a long time. It would please me if you took her now while I watched.” As soon as the words left my lips it became the very thing I desired most. “Go fuck her. I’ll watch.”

His eyes widened and Paul searched my face. He blinked in rapid succession. “I don’t understand.”

“It’s very easy. Take off your clothes and do what’s natural.”

He was still unbelieving, and repeated my words. “Take off my clothes…and do what’s natural.”

I sighed. Knowing my reputation, I tried another tactic. “How about this? If you don’t fuck her, I
behead you.”

His eyes grew wide and all the blood ran out of his face.

“Gods-be-damned, Paul, you are a brother to me. We’ve fought together, saved each other’s lives several times, you helped teach me and guided me into this mantle of king. I swear you’ll receive no repercussions.” I took hold of his jaw and pointed his face to Brie. “A king has one, maybe two real friends in his lifetime. I am fortunate to name you as one. I’ve watched you pay the price of clinging to your loyalty to me at every cathouse we’ve been to. You want her, she wants you, desperately.”

As Paul soaked in my words, their impact eroded his strength to resist.

“This is not a betrayal of me.” I turned to look at my wife and we both stared at the beauty before us.

Brie?” Paul’s voice cracked as he looked at her. It was his way of asking her permission.

Aiden’s not going to have me, then it might as well be with someone who wants me.”

I grimaced. That made me want to pin her down and show her how much I wanted her.
Paul looked to me.

I nodded.
Paul walked forward and placed his hand on her hip. Brie inhaled in ecstasy. His hand carried up her side and over her breasts. Desire made my cock shoot up over my breeches. I wanted to watch him fuck her more than anything.

“I hope to not regret this.” Paul closed his eyes and squeezed.

My cock throbbed at the notion of being a voyeur. Brie, suddenly realizing that Paul was going to go through with it, stiffened. I stood there watching Paul fumble with his clothes. The man was shaking violently while mumbling, “Just take off your clothes and do what’s natural. Just like one of the hounds.”

Paul had been with me in battles for some fifteen years and I’d never seen him this nervous.

Bridgette glared at me. “You’re mad. You’re really forcing him to do this.”

“He wants you.” I scowled back at her. “And you want him. There’s no forcing involved.”

A bloom of color spread across her cheeks and down her neck. Oh yes, she wanted him. My cock twitched with ferocity as if it had been given a second chance at life. Oh, so help me, what I’d thought was revenge became something more deviant. Paul swallowed, fumbled with his belt, and glanced at me. I nodded with a solemn acceptance. By heaven, I felt sorry for the man. Bridgette was a tough woman to please. If he had any—issues, she was the kind of cruel that could make a man swear off sex for good.

“Oh for all that’s holy, Paul.”
Bridgette grabbed the man’s belt and helped him unwind the leather.

I snorted. “Yes, ridicule helps a man
’s prick harden, Brie.”

commander grabbed my wife and pressed his lips against hers. The shock of his assertiveness, and watching another man possess what was mine, sent a ripple through me. I stood, unable to name what was happening. My ribs heaved. My heart labored to beat out of my chest. My ill-behaved cock strove to burst apart wanting other men to experience what belonged to me. To know what I owned.

At the same time my heart clenched and I had to fight the urge to rip Paul off her.
Anger. Arousal. Confusion. Excitement. A thousand ropes pulled me in different directions. One moment a voice in my head screamed in pleasure, the next, bile started to rise. I closed my eyes and repeated to myself that I’d asked for this. Jealousy, love, pain, a lifetime of resentment, all forced their way through a hole that could only fit one emotion at a time. Why had I fucked those other women when it was Brie I always thought about? Had they given me the acceptance I’d sought?

No. I could bed a thousand women, but the one that mattered rejected me. Why? Why did it matter? Because I loved her. Her opinion counted. A tiny voice crept up and made its way to my mind, slow but sure. If I loved her, then her happiness was paramount. If she wanted Paul, then who was I to prevent her from having him? Call it penance for my unfaithful ways.

I opened my eyes. Paul crushed her to him. Brie’s arms and legs wrapped around him as he stood, pumping into her. My admiration for his strength increased. Brie was not a small woman. Holding her up took muscle. The two parted for air and Paul brought them both to the mattress. Brie screamed in delight and gave him room to climb all the way on top of her. The man was savage, brutal. He pounded into her like a horny stallion unwilling to wait. Angry at his rough treatment, I stepped forward to stop him from hurting her.

cried out in an ecstasy I’d not heard in many years. “Yes! Harder!”

I stopped in my tracks. He wasn’t hurting her.
She wanted it that way. The bliss on her face, her arched back. Paul was giving her something I’d not even thought to give—uncontrolled passion. Oh, I’d given it to other women. But Brie was my flower. My delicate figurine. My lady. I’d made love to her slow and meaningful. But that was not what she wanted.

My knees lost their stiffness. Every muscle of my cock pressed to reach the love of my life. Unable to take anymore, I freed my cock and stroked with a vigorous hand. My wife was a whore and I loved her for it. She started screaming, but it was my throat that ached. How I wanted her pleas. Grabbing the chair by my side, I made haste to
my release. Unabashed I moaned and raised my head to see Brie looking at me. The wanton desperation in her eyes had me undone. My eyes remained locked to the only woman who could make me share her if that was what it took to have her.

Those beautiful
blue eyes begged me to come closer. I grabbed the chair harder, and my cum exploded across the room. I squeezed my cock in semblance of Brie’s inner walls meeting my release with her own. Relief and satisfaction drained me of all my strength but to stand.

My woman continued to moan. Paul wheezed, but never let up his pace. The two of them in their mindless bliss. I thought I’d feel resentful, but watching them with a satiated body only clarified my resolve.
Brie needed us both. I could tell Paul was near his end, but my greedy wife needed more of a pole-thrashing. She would not be satisfied.

Watching them
raised the tension in my groin. My affection-starved cock wanted a true round, not a self-induced rub. Making sure I was stable to walk, I moved forward. Brie saw me and pushed Paul up. He seemed surprised, but sat back while she angled herself to take him in her wonderfully screaming mouth. With her ass up and tilted for me, I guided myself in. Old habits die hard, and I was slow to penetrate her at first, but knowing my little whore wanted it hard and fast, I obliged.

Gallant as a soldier, Paul grit
ted his teeth, straining to hold on. Brie had a wicked tongue, in conversation and in bed—all the better to make a man cum. I could tell Paul would soon fail his quest to hold back. I chuckled low and pounded Brie harder, forcing her forward in rough bursts so she would feel Paul’s full length down her throat. Hands in her hair, Paul smirked at me and then his expression contorted into undeniable pleasure. I eased up for his sake but he didn’t seem to need it. His hips rocked in tiny jerks and Brie screamed like never before. This was sending me over the edge a second time.

“That’s right, suck down everything he’s got to give,” I said, pumping harder.

I felt a shift and somehow my cock became wetter and dove deeper. It was as if Brie had opened more of herself for me to drive into. “Yes! Give it to me,” I screamed. I wanted everything she had to give. All of her. My mind and body hummed in tune. Pumping like a savage, I held nothing back. All those nights’ frustrations, thinking she wanted kind and gentle, poured out. I transformed into a beast. She would have finger-sized bruises on her hips and I didn’t care.

“Aiden, more!” A demand from my wife that I obliged.

Tilting her just right, I found the end of her “bottomless” pit. Rutting into my wife, thinking every nasty little thing I wanted to do to her, fueled me to pound harder, drive faster, my tip reaching her end.

Paul stumbled
back, then the walls around my cock started to convulse and I could take no more. Brie cried out with such force my release swept me to heaven. I was
and I never wanted to come down. Sweet pleasure overtook my mind, my body. But the unexpected wash of joy over my heart went soul deep. Wide open, I collapsed onto my lover. “I love you so much, Brie.”

I felt her go unnaturally still. Terror bounced from my heart to the pit of my stomach. I sprang off her and rolled her over. Tears cascade
d down her flushed cheeks and I cursed myself.

“I’ve hurt you.” The rise of pain and anger whiplashed around my gut.


“Do you need the barber surgeon?”

“No.” She caressed my face.

“I’m sorry, I’ll never be such a brute ever again.”

Brie smiled and gurgled a laugh. “Idiot, I crave uncivilized.”

The rising boil in my heart faded and bloomed relief. “We need to compromise. I can’t be that way every time.” I touched her nose with mine and skimmed its length. I’d missed giving her butterfly kisses like I’d done before we wed.

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