The Strange Healing (25 page)

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Authors: Misty Malone

BOOK: The Strange Healing
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Heather said, as much to herself as anyone else, “
We'll just have to make sure she stays in bed this time when she gets home.  Maybe the three of us can take shifts or something, and keep her entertained and in bed.”

Heath smiled at his sister and said, “Maybe.  We'll come up with something.”  He watched her sleeping
a while again, and had another thought.  He looked up at his sister and asked, “So what's going on with you two, anyway?  Are you out on bail?  Is Sara going to be recovering in jail?”

Heather looked at Phil lovingly as she said, “My husband went to bat for us.”

Phil explained, “I talked to the owners of the condo complex and explained that although what they did was wrong, they had no intentions of vandalizing anything, and when they realized what was happening they did the right thing by getting the police involved, even though they knew they'd be in trouble.  He was a nice guy, and agreed that the girls did do them a favor, so he's not pressing charges.  I assured him the girls would be paying for their crimes, and he was good with that.”

Heath smiled.  “So no charges at all?”

“No charges,” Phil agreed.  “We just need a statement from Sara when she's up to it, but it can wait.”

Heath meant it when he told Phil, “Thank you for your help.  I'm glad Sara doesn't have to face that.  She's got enough on her plate right now.”

“Yeah, she just needs to focus on getting better right now,” Phil agreed.

Heath said, as much to himself as to them, “And she's facing one heck of a spanking when she's up to it.  That's enough for her to worry about.”

Phil looked over at Heather as he said, “Yeah, I have a wife that's facing the same thing.  Only she'll be facing it much sooner.”

lowered her eyes, suddenly silent.

Phil asked, “So Sara's going to be okay?”

Heath answered, “She has a fever again and they're watching that, but mainly I think she needs lots of rest.  If her white cell count's too low Ted said he'd give her something to help build it back up.”

Heath, if you want to go get some coffee or something, we'll stay with Sara.”

Thanks, Phil, but I'm okay.”

How long are you planning on staying here?”  Phil was concerned about his friend.

Well, they can't kick me out because I'm on staff.”  He cut them both off before they could say anything.  “But I'm just going to make sure she's okay when she wakes up, and check her fever.  If everything's okay I'll go home and check on her in the morning.  Ted's not going to release her tomorrow until I'm done at work and can take her home and stay with her.”

Heather said, “That's a good idea.  Maybe she'll spend the day sleeping.”

“Well, Heath, if you don't need anything, I'm going to take my wife home and see if I can teach her something about laws prohibiting trespassing.” 

Heather immediately objected.  “Phil, come on.  You know I didn't even think about trespassing.  I wouldn't have hurt anything.”

“I know that, Honey, but that's the problem.  You didn't think.  It's illegal whether you do it on purpose or not.  Now tell you brother good-bye and let's go.”

She looked at her brother pleadingly.  “Heath, can you talk to him?”

Heath laughed and said, “Sorry, Heather, but I'm with Phil on this one.  Sara's got the same thing coming to her as soon as she's strong enough.”  Seeing her forlorn expression, he said, “Remember how much your husband, the policeman, loves you and is trying to protect you.  He did just keep the owner from filing charges against you, you know.”

Heather softened, and bowed her head.  “Yeah, that's right.  Okay.”  She turned to go, and paused to look back and say, “Thanks, Heath.”

He smiled as he said, “You're welcome.”

He was still smiling when he looked back at Sara sleeping peacefully, and thought of how lucky he was.  The two girls in his life had hit it off instantly.  And although they both seemed to have a remarkable ability to get themselves into trouble, especially when they were together, they were good girls with big hearts and good intentions.  He understood why they did what they did today, and he was positive the thought of trespassing or any kind of criminal behavior never crossed their mind.  However, they needed to learn to think first, before they got themselves into some real trouble, where Phil couldn't talk their way out of it.

As much as he hated the thought, he knew Phil would not be easy on his sister tonight, and he knew he had to do the same for Sara.  Both girls had a bad habit of thinking with their heart, as he referred to it, instead of their head.  They went after what they wanted in their heart, without using their head to think it through.  He'd spanked Heather numerous times for it before she got married and he passed that responsibility onto Phil.  Although he hadn't known Sara that long, she'd found herself over his knee a time or two for the same thing.  This time had to be different.  He had to get her to see the importance of his words.

While he was lost in his thoughts, Sara began to wake up.  That brought him instantly back to the present, and those beautiful eyes looking up at him.  Holding her hand, he asked, “How's my little criminal doing?”

She frowned and asked, “How much trouble am I in?  Am I going to go to jail?”

He patted her hand and assured her, “No.  Phil talked the owner out of pressing charges.”

“So, what does that mean?”

That means you're not being arrested.  Phil explained everything to the owner.  He was thankful that you called Phil and they caught the guys, so he's not pressing any charges.”

Sara smiled, clearly relieved.  “So we're not in trouble?”

Chuckling, he said, “I didn't say that.”  When she looked at him he said, “You two are in big trouble, with Phil and me.  Phil and your partner in crime were here to check on you.  They just left a few minutes ago, and I'd say she'll be feeling some consequences shortly.”

Oh, no.  And it's all my fault.”

He gently pulled her chin up and looked at her with a very serious face and said, “Sara, listen to me.  I agree it was your idea to go look at the condo without me, and when you're up to it you will be paying for that.  And I assume when you saw they were closed but the condos were open, you wanted to look anyway, and you will be paying for that.  But you will not be paying for Heather's part in this, because that was not your fault.  Heather's a big girl and she makes her own decisions.  She's had a couple of hair-brained ideas that you went along with, and when you got caught you both paid the price.  Am I right about that?”

Sara quietly admitted, “Yes.”

You paid the price because although it was her idea, you agreed to it.  You could have said no.  This is the same thing.  She could have said no.  She's a nurse.  She knows you have mono.  She knows you two were trespassing.  She's just as much to blame for this fiasco as you are.  Do you understand what I'm telling you, Honey?”

I guess so.”

Sara, I know you're used to taking the blame, but you have to get over that.  Let other people be responsible for their own lives.  You have enough to worry about trying to keep yourself out of trouble.  Like I said, from now on you will be paying for your mistakes, but don't try to pay for other people's as well.  Heather will be paying for her part in this tonight, and when you're strong enough you'll be paying for your part in it.  And that will be the end of it.”

Sara looked at him anxiously.  “And when I pay for this, it's going to be a heavy price I'm paying, isn't it?”

Heath sighed and ran his hand through his hair.  “Sara, I'd really rather not talk about this until you're stronger.”

She could tell he meant those words, and although she wanted to explore the reason, she didn't want to push him when she was already in trouble.  And she didn't have the strength to
anyway.  She couldn't believe how tired she was.  Exploring that problem instead, she asked, “Heath, why am I so tired?  I mean, I know I have mono, but I was so tired earlier I couldn't even walk.  I was so glad you picked me up, because I just didn't have the strength.  But why?  I wasn't this weak at home before we left.”

But look at what all happened after you left home.  The couple times I've taken you out for a smoothie I've made sure we weren't gone very long, and you were sitting down to drink the smoothie.  I watched you carefully, and I could tell when you were getting tired, and we went right home.  You were gone longer today, and you were walking, not sitting.  And that's not even mentioning the fear factor.  That will wear you out faster, as well.”

I didn't realize you were watching me that close.”  She reached for his hand again before saying, “Thank you.”

He reached down and kissed her cheek.  “Honey, I love you.  Of course I'm going to be watching you closely.  How am I going to protect you and keep you safe if I don't watch you?”

“Yeah, I know, but I guess I didn't realize how close you watch me.”

Smiling, he said, “Well, I do.  Now, do you remember what Ted said earlier?”

Blushing, she said, “Some of it.  I remember thinking I just wanted to take a nap.”  Thinking a few moments, she said, “He said I have to stay here tonight, but I don't remember why.”

Heath smiled as he took her hand again and explained, “You have a bit of a fever again.  He thinks it's because you just overdid it today, but the nurses will be checking that while you're here.  You're also dehydrated, and that's why you have the IV.  That's part of the reason you're so weak.  Once you get more fluids in you
, your energy level will build up again.  But Ted also wanted to make sure you get some rest, so he's keeping you here until at least tomorrow evening.  Do you remember that?”

No.  Why can't I go home tomorrow morning?”

He wants you to rest.  Here the nurses will do everything for you, and they'll bring your lunch.  You won't have to do anything but sleep all night, and all day tomorrow.”

But I can do that at home.”

But do you?”  When she blushed, he had his answer.  “That's what I thought.  You haven't been staying in bed at home, have you?”  She didn't answer, but he didn't force it.  “Well, that's going to change, young lady.”  When she looked at him he explained, “Phil and Heather and I are going to be taking shifts, to make sure you stay down and rest.”

I don't suppose I get a vote in that decision?”

Absolutely not.”  After giving her a hug, he said, “Now, I'm going home so you can go to sleep.  I'll be in to see you in the morning before I go to work.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Phil opened the door to their condo for Heather and said, “You've been awfully quiet.”

I've been doing some thinking.”

About what?”

Thank you for talking to the owner.”

You're welcome, Honey.”

She was silent as he led her to their bedroom.  She quietly said, “Heath's right.”

“About what?  Heath's usually right.”

When he said you're looking out for me.  And that I deserve this.  And that you're a policeman.”  She looked up at him to add, “I'm sorry.  Your friends, fellow cops are probably going to give you a hard time about your wife, the criminal.”

He smiled and said, “My friends all know my wife's got a lot of spirit, and that I wouldn't change that if I could.”  Pulling her in against him he added, “And they all know how much I love you.  Most of them are jealous.”  He held her tight against him, knowing she needed this reassurance of his love right now.

After he felt her relax, she sighed, straightened her shoulders and asked, “Are you ready to get this done?”

He chuckled.  “Isn't that my line?”

She smiled and said, “Usually, yeah, but today I almost got arrested, embarrassed you, and my best friend's in the hospital.  I have a tiny issue right now with guilt, and I know you can help with that.”

I'll bet I can,” he said with a smile.  “Let's give it a try.”  He gave her one last hug and a kiss on her forehead, then said, “You do have a lot to answer for tonight, but because of what you just said, I don't think you need any corner time.”

Thank you.”  Heather hated corner time.  It made her think, which always increased the guilt she was feeling.  She certainly didn't need that tonight.

But you do need to feel this longer than just tonight.  Get your brush and bring it to me.”

But I have to work tomorrow.”

Sara would like to work tomorrow, too, but she won't be able to since she's in the hospital.”

Heather didn't say another word.  She went to her dresser, picked up the dreaded brush, and shuffled back to Phil where he was sitting on their bed.  He took the brush and laid it on the bed, then unfastened her jeans.  He pulled them down, followed by her panties, bunching them both at her ankles.  He helped her over his left knee, allowing her to rest her upper body on the bed. 

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