The Strangled Queen (4 page)

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Authors: Maurice Druon

BOOK: The Strangled Queen
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He certainly possessed a fine assurance in deploring a scandal
he had done everything in his power to set alight. He went on, "Louis's first thought, after witnessing his father's death, indeed the only thought he has in mind at present, since I believe him incapable of entertaining more than one at a time, is to extricate himself from the embarrassment in which you have placed him and to live down the shame you have caused him."

"What does Louis want?" asked Marguerite.

For a moment Artois swung his monumental leg backwards and forwards as if he were about to kick a stone.

"He intends asking for the annulment of your marriage," he answered, "and you can see, from the fact that he, has sent me to you at once, that he wants to put it through as quickly as possible."

"So I shall never be Queen of France," thought Marguerite. The foolish dreams of the day before were already proved vain. A single day of dreaming to set against seven months of imprisonment against the whole of time!

At this moment two men came in carrying wood and kindling. They lit the fire. Marguerite waited till they had gone again.

"Very well," she said wearily, "let him ask for an annulment. What can I do?"

She went over to the fireplace and held her hands out to the flames which were beginning to catch.

"Well, Cousin, there is much you can do, and indeed you can be the recipient of a certain gratitude if you will take a course that will cost you nothing. It happens that. adultery is no ground for annulment; it's absurd, but so it is. You could have had a hundred lovers instead of one, pleasured every man in the kingdom, and you would be no less indi
ssolubly married to the man to
whom you were joined before God. Ask the chaplain, or anyone else you like; so it is. I have taken the best advice upon it, because , I know very little of church matters: a marriage cannot be broken, and if one wishes to break it, it must be proved that there was some impediment to its taking place, or that it has not been consu
mmated, so that it might never h
ave been. You're listening to me? "

"Yes, yes, I see what you mean," said Marguerite.

It was no longer a question of the affairs of the kingdom, but of her own fate; and she was registering each word in her mind that she might not forget it.

"Well," went on her visitor, "this is what Monseigneur of Valois has devised to get his nephew out of his difficulty,

He paused and cleared his throat.

"You will admit that your daughter, the Princess Jeanne, is not Louis's child; you will admit that you have never slept with your husband and that there has therefore never been a true marriage. You will declare this voluntarily in the presence of myself and your chaplain as supporting witnesses. Among your previous servants and household there will be no difficulty in
inding witnesses to testify that this is the truth. Thus the marriage will have no defence and the annulment will be automatic."

"And what am I offered in exchange for this lie-?" asked

"In exchange for your co-operation," replied Artois, "you are offered safe passage to the Duchy of Burgundy, where you will be placed in a convent until the annulment has been pronounced, and thereafter to live as you please or as your family may desire."

On first hearing, Marguerite very nearly answered, "Ye
s, I accept; I declare all that
is desired of me; I will sign no
matter what, on condition that I may leave this place,"
But she saw Artois watching her from under lowered lids, a gaze ill-matched with his good-natured air; and intuitively she knew that he was, tricking her. "I shall sign," she thought, "and then they will continue to keep me here.

Duplicity in the heart is catching. But in fact Artois was for once telling the truth; he was the bearer of an honest proposal; he even had the order with him for Marguerite's removal, should she consent to the declaration required of her.

"It is asking me to commit a grave sin,
she said.

`Artois burst out laughing.

"Good God, Marguerite," he cried, "it seems to me you have comm
itted others with less scruple!

"Perhaps I have altered and repented. I must think the matter over before deciding."

The giant made a wry face, twisting his lips from side to side.

"Very well, Cousin, but think quickly," he said, "because I must be back in Paris tomorrow for the funeral mass at Notre
Dame. With fifty-eight miles in the saddle, even by the shortest way, and roads a couple of inches deep in mud, and daylight fading early and dawning late, and the delay for a relay of horses at Nantes, I have no time to dawdle and would much prefer not to have come all
this way for nothing. Good-bye,
I shall go and
sleep an hour and come back
to eat with you. It must not be said that I left you alone, Cousin, the first day upon
which you fare well. I am sure
you will have reached the right decision."

He left like a whirl
wind, as he had arrived, for he
paid as much attention to his exits as his entrances, and nearly upset Private G
ros-Guillaume in the staircase,
as he came up bending and sweating, under a huge coffer.

Then he disappeared into the Captain's denuded lodging and threw himself upon the one couch that still remained.

"Bersumee, my friend, see that dinner is ready in an hour's time," he said. "And call my valet Lormet, who must be with the horsemen. Tell him to come and watch over, me while I sleep.''

For this Hercules feared nothing but to be found defenceless by his numerous enemies, while he slept. And he preferred to any squire or equerry the guardianshi
p of this short, squat, greying
ant who followed him everywhere
for the apparent purpose of handing him his coat or cloak.

Unusually vigorous for his fifty years, all the more dangerous for his mild appearance, capable of anything in the service of "Monseigneur Robert," and above all of obliterating noiselessly in a few seconds people who were an embarrassment
to his master, Lormet, purveyor
of girls on occasion and a great recrui
ter of roughs, was a rogue less
by nature than from devotion; a killer, he had the affection of a wet-nurse for his master.

Shy, and a clever deceiver of fools, he was an able spy. Not the least of his exploits was to have led the brothers Aunay into a trap, so that they might be taken by Robert of Artois almost in flagrante delicto at the foot of the Tower of Nesle.

When Lormet was asked why he
was so attached to the Count
of Artois, he shrugged his shoulders and replied grumblingly, "Because from each of his old coats I can make two for myself."

As soon as Lormet entered the Captain's lodging, Robert closed his eyes and fell asleep upon the instant, his arms and legs stretched wide, his chest rising and falling with th
e deep breath
ing of an ogre.

n hour later he awoke of his own accord, stretched himself like a huge tiger, stood upright, his muscles and his mind refreshed.

Lormet was sitting on a bench:
his dagger on his knees. Round
headed and narrow-eyed, he looked tenderly upon his master's awakening.

"Now it's your turn to go and sleep, my good Lormet," said Artois; "but before you do, go and find me the Chaplain."

3. Shall She be Queen?

THE disgraced Dominican came at once, much, agitated
at being sent for personally by
so important a lord.

"Brother," Artois said
to him, "you must know Madame
Marguerite well, since you
are her confessor. In what lies
the weakness of her character?"

"The flesh, Monseigneur," replied the Chaplain, modestly lowering his eyes.

"We know that already! But in what else? Has her nature no emotional facet, no side upon which we can bring pressure to bear to force her to accept a certain course, which is not only to her own interest but to that of the kingdom?

"I can see nothing, Monseigneur. I can see no weakness in her except upon the one point I have already mentioned. The Princess's spirit is as hard as a sword and even prison has not blunted its edge. Oh, belie
ve me, she is no easy penitent!

His hands in his sleeves, his broad brow bent, he was trying to appear both pious and clever at once. His tonsure had not been
renewed for some time, and the skin of his skull showed blue above the thin circle of black hair.

Artois remained thoughtful for a moment, scratching his cheek because the Chaplain's skull made him think of his, beard which was beginning to grow.

"As to the subject you have mentioned," he went on, "what has she found here in satisfaction of her particular weakness, since that appears to be the term you use for that form of vitality."

"As far as I know, none, Monseigneur."

"Bersumee'? Does he ever visit her for rather over-long periods?"

"Never, Monseigneur, I can vouch for that." "And what about yourself?"

"Oh! Monseigneur!" cried the
crossing himself.

"All right, all right!" said Artois. "It would not be the first time that such things have been known to happen, one is acquainted with more than one member of your cloth who, his soutane removed, feels himself to be a man like another. For my
I see nothing wrong in it; indeed, to tell you the truth, I see in it matter, for praise rather. What of her cousin? Do the two women console each other from time to time?

"Oh! Monseigneur ! " said the Chaplain, pretending to be more and more horrified. "What you are asking me could only be a secret of the confessional."

Artois gave the Chaplain's shoulder a li
ttle friendly slap which nearly
sent him staggering to the wall for support.

"Now, now, Messire Chaplain,' don't be ridiculous," he cried. -"

If you have been sent to a prison as officiating priest, it is not in order that you sho
uld keep such secrets, but that
you should repeat them to those authorised to hear them."

"Neither Madame Marguerite,' nor Madame Blanche,"said the Chaplain in a low voice, "have ever confessed to me of being culpable of anything of the kind, except in dreams."

"Which does not prove that they are innocent, but merely that they are secretive. Can you write?"

"Certainly, Monseigneur."

"Well, well!" said Artois with an air of astonishment. "Apparently all monks are not so damned ignorant as is generally supposed! Very well, Messire Chaplain, you
will take parchment, pens, and
everything you need to scratch down words, and you will wai
t at the base of the Princesses
tower, ready to come up when I call you. You will make as much haste as you can."

The Chaplain bowed; he seemed to have something more to say, but Artois had already donned his great scarlet cloak and was on his way out. The Chaplain hurried out behind him.

"Monseigneur! Monseigneur ! " he said in a very obsequious voice. "Would you have the very great kindness, if I am not offending you by making such a request, would you have the immense kindness to say to Brother Renaud, the Grand Inquisitor, if it should so happen that you should see him, that I am
his obedient son, and ask him not to forget me in this fortress for too long, where indeed I do my duty as best I may since God has placed me here, but I have certain capacities, Monseigneur, as you have seen, and I much desire that they should be found other employment.

"I shall remember to do so, my good fellow, I shall remember," replied Artois, who already; knew that he would do nothing about it whatever.

When Robert entered Marguerite's room, the two
had not quite finished dressing; they had washed lengthily before the fire with the warm water and the soapwort which had been brought them, making the restored pleasure last as. long, as possible; they had washed each other's short hair, now st
ill pearly with drops of water, and had newly clothed them
selves in long white shirts, closed at the neck by a running string, which had been provided. For a moment they were afflicted with modesty.

"Well, Cousins," said Robert, "you have no need to worry. Stay as you are. I am a member of the family; besides, those shirts you are wearing are more completely concealing
than the dresses you used once
to appear in. You look like a couple of little nuns. But you already look better than a while ago, and your complexions are beginning to revive. Admit that your living conditions have quickly altered with my coming."

"Oh, yes
indeed and thank you, Cousin!"
cried Blanche.

The room was quite changed in appearance. A curtained bed had been brought, as well as two big chests which acted as benches, a chair with a back to it, and a trestle table upon which were already placed bowls, goblets and Bersumee's wine. A tapestry with a faded design had been hung over the dampest part of the curved wall. A thick taper, brought from the sacristy, was alight upon the table, for though the afternoon had barely begun, daylight was already waning; and upon the hearth under the cone-shaped overmantel huge logs were burning, the damp escaping from their ends with a singing noise of bursting bubbles.

Immediately behind Robert, Sergeant Lalaine entered with Private Gros-Guillaume and another soldier, bringing up a thick, smoking soup,
a large white loaf, round as a
pie, a five-pound pasty in a golden crust, a roast hare, a stuffed goose and some juicy pears of a late species, which Bersumee, upon threatening to sack the town, had been able to extract from a greengrocer of Andelys.

"What," cried Artois, "is that all you're giving us, when I asked for a decent dinner?"

"It's a wonder, Monseigneur, that we have been able to find as much as we have in this time of famine," replied Lalaine.

"It's a time of famine, perhaps, for the poor, who are idle enough to expect the earth to produce without being tilled, but not for the wealthy," replied Artois. "I have never sat down to so po
or a dinner since I was weaned!

The prisoners gazed like young famished animals upon the food which Artois, the better to make the two women aware of their lamentable condition, affected to despise. There were tears in Blanche's eyes. And the three soldiers gazed at the table with a wondering covetousness.

Gros-Guillaume, who subsisted entirely on boiled rye, and normally served the Captain's dinner, went hesitatingly to the table to cut the bread.

"No, don't touch it with your, filthy hands," shouted Artois. "We'll cut it ourselves. Go on, get out, before I lose my temper! "

He could have sent for Lormet, but his guard's slumber was one of the few things Robert respected. Or he could have sent for one of the horsemen, but he preferred to proceed without witnesses.

As soon as the archers had gone, he said in that facetious tone of voice still assumed by the rich today when by chance they have to carry a dish or wash a plate, "I shall get accustomed to prison life myself. Who knows," he added, "perhaps, one day, my, dear Cousin, you will be putting me in prison?''

He made Marguerite sit on the chair with the back.

"Blanche and I will sit on this bench," he said.

He poured out the wine, raised his goblet towards Marguerite, and cried, "Long live
the Queen!

"Don't mock me, Cousin," said Marguerite. "It is lacking in charity."

"I am not mocking you; you can take my words literally. As far as I know, you are still Queen this day, and I wish you a long life, that's all."

Silence fell upon them, for they set
about eating. Anyone but Robert
might have been moved by the sight of the two women - attacking their food like paupers.

At first they had tried to feign a dignified detachment, but hunger carried them away and they hardly gave themselves time to breathe between mouthfuls.

Artois spiked the hare upon his dagger and held it to the embers of the hearth to warm it. While doing so, he continued to watch his cousins, and had difficulty in controlling his laughter. "I've a good, mind to; put their bowls on the ground and let them get down on all fours and lick the very grain of the wood clean," he thought.

They drank too. They drank Bersumee's wine as if they needed to compensate all at once for seven months of cistern-water, and the colour came back, to their cheeks. "They'll make themselves sick," thought Artois, "and they'll finish this happy day spewing up their guts."

He himself ate like a whole company of soldiers. His prodigious appetite was far from being a myth, and each mouthful would have needed dividing into four to suit an ordinary gullet. He

devoured the stuffed goose as if it were a thrush, champing the bones. He modestly excused himself for not doing as much for the hare's carcass.

"Hare's bones," he explained, "break into splinters and tear the stomach."

When they had all eaten enough, he caught Blanche's eye and indicated the door. She rose without being asked, though her legs were trembling under her, she felt giddy and badly wanted to go, to bed. Then Robert had the first humanitarian impulse since his arrival. "If she goes out into the cold in this state, she'll die of it," he said to himself.

"Have they lighted afire in your room?" he asked. "Yes, thank you, Cousin," replied Blanche. "Our life . She was interrupted by a hiccough.

"... our life is really quite altered thanks to you. Oh, how: fond I am of you, Cousin, r
eally, fond indeed. You'll tell Charles, won't you.
You will tell him that I love him. Ask
him to forgive me because I
love him."

At the moment she loved
everyone. She went out, quite drunk, and tripped upon the staircase.
"If I were here
merely for my own amusement " thought Artois, "I should meet with little resistance from that one. Give a princess enough wine, and you'll soon see that she turns into a whore. But the other
one seems to
me pretty tight too."

He threw a
log on the fire, turned Marguerite's chair towards the hearth, and filled the goblets.

"Well, Cousin," he asked, "have you thought things, over?" "I have though
t, Robert, I have thought. And I
think I am going to refuse."

She said this very softly. Apparently overcome as much by the
warmth as by the wine, she was gently shaking her head. "Cousin, you're not being sensible, you know!" cried Robert. "But indeed, indeed, I think I shall refuse," she replied in an
ironic, sing-song voice.

The giant made a gesture of impatience. "Listen to me, Marguerite," he went on. "It must be to your advantage to accept now. Louis is by nature an impatient man, ready to grant almost

anything to get his own way at the moment. You will never again have the chance of doing so well for yourself. Merely agree to make the declaration asked of you. There is no need for the matter to
before the Holy See; we can get a judgment from the episcopal tribunal of Paris, which is under the jurisdiction of Monseigneur Jean de Marigny, Archbishop of Sens, who will be told to make haste. In three months' time you will have regained complete personal freedom."

"And if I won't?"

She was leaning' towards the fire, her hands extended before her.
The running string
which held together the collar of her long shirt had become unknotted and revealed much of her bosom to her cous
in's wandering eye; but she did
not seem to care. "The bitch still has beautiful breasts," thought Artois.

"And if I won't?" she repeated.

"If you won't, your marriage will be annulled anyway, my dear, because reasons can always be found for annulling a king's marriage," replied Artois carelessly, intent upon the objects of his contemplation. "As soon as there is a Pope ..."

"Oh, is there still no Pope?" cried Marguerite.

Artois bit his lips. He had made a mistake. He ought to have remembered that she was ignorant, prisoner as she was, of what all the world knew, that since the death of Clement V the conclave had not
succeeded in electing
a new Pope, He had revealed a useful weapon to his adversary. And he realised by the quickness of Marguerite's reaction to the news that she was not as drunk as she pretended to be.

Having committed the blunder, he, tried to turn it to his own advantage by playing that game of false frankness of which he was a master.

"But that is exactly where your good fortune lies!" he cried. "That is precisely what I want you to understand. As soon as those rascally cardinals, who sell their promises as if they were at auction, have made enough out of their
to consent to agree, Louis will no longer have need of you. You will merely have succeeded in making him hate you all the more, and he'll keep you shut up here for ever."

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