The Sun and the Moon: The Remarkable True Account of Hoaxers, Showmen, Dueling Journalists, and Lunar Man-Bats in Nineteenth-Century New York (60 page)

BOOK: The Sun and the Moon: The Remarkable True Account of Hoaxers, Showmen, Dueling Journalists, and Lunar Man-Bats in Nineteenth-Century New York
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source for, 159–161

111–112, 113, 115–120, 120–125,

Hawley, Henry, 112

127, 264

Hayward, Billings, 42

Barnum’s purchase of, 117–118

Hazlitt, William, 190

newspaper review of, 122–123

Herald of Freedom,

History of New York City, Embracing

Herald Square, 288

an Outline of Events from 1609 to

Herschel, Caroline, 141, 189, 227

1830, and a Full Account of Its

Herschel, Sir John, 41, 91, 144 (photo),

Development from 1830 to 1884

195, 197, 206–207, 210, 267, 288

(Lossing), 178, 289–290

as astronomer, 143, 145–146

History of the Expedition Under the

early years of, 142–143

Command of Captains Lewis and

education of, 142


family of, 145

History of the Polish Revolution, with

and lunar observations, 4, 10, 11–12,

the Latest Atrocities of the Russian

136, 137–141, 155, 171, 174, 181,

Conquerors, Compiled Upon the

182, 183, 185–186, 192, 200,

Authority of Personal Sufferers

208–209, 211, 215–216, 219, 223,

(Richard Adams Locke), 69


Hitchcock, Edward, 190, 196

and Moon Hoax, 224–227,

Hoaxes, 245–246, 263.
See also


individual hoaxes

and moon series, 204, 240

Hone, Philip, 76, 92, 179–180

and observatory fire, 207

Hoskin, Edward, 80, 81, 210

personality of, 143–144

Howe, James, 224

physical appearance of, 144

Howe, William, 224

and religion, 185–186

Hoyt, Jesse, 270–271

and telescope, 136, 137–141, 145,

Humbugs, 30–31, 102, 263–264

163, 165–167, 169, 203, 207,

Humbugs of the World
(Phineas Taylor


Barnum), 103, 177, 195, 258–259

– 340 –

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Immigrants, 21–23

Littrow, Johann Joseph von, 287

Imperial Magazine,

Locke, Adelaide (daughter of Richard

Inman, Henry, 150

Adams Locke), 60, 62, 63, 132,

Intellectual freedom, and religious

268, 295

beliefs, 282

Locke, Ann (sister of Richard Adams

International Miscellany of Literature,

Locke), 51, 60

Art, and Science,

Locke, Anne Adams (mother of Richard

Adams Locke), 51, 60

Jefferson, Thomas, 107

Locke, Cecelia (sister of Richard Adams

Johnson, William Henry, 118

Locke), 51

Journal of Commerce,
28, 43–44, 201,

Locke, Christopher (brother of Richard

202, 219, 222, 264

Adams Locke), 51

The Journal of Julius Rodman

Locke, Emma (sister of Richard Adams

Allan Poe), 236

Locke), 51

Locke, Esther Bowring (wife of Richard

Kennedy, John Pendleton, 153, 163,

Adams Locke), 60, 62, 63, 132,

233, 234

268, 295

Kenney, James, 245

Locke, Jane (sister of Richard Adams

Kent, John, 60

Locke), 51

289, 290

Locke, John, 50, 55, 69

Kossuth, Louis, 296–297

Locke, Lewis (son of Richard Adams

Kossuth address (Richard Adams

Locke), 268

Locke), 296–297

Locke, Mary (sister of Richard Adams

Locke), 51

Lacroix, Sylvestre, 142

Locke, Richard Adams, 3, 24, 46

Landlords, 22

(photo), 86, 91, 152, 192, 235,

Laplace, Pierre Simon, 288

246, 248, 293–298

Latrobe, John, 153–154, 155

and astronomy, 147

Law of Truth, 277–278

and Bennett, James Gordon,

“Leaves from an Aeronaut” (D), 155

relationship between, 83

Leaves of Grass
(Whitman), 197

childhood of, 51–52

Leggett, William, 93

as crime stories reporter of

The Letters of Willis Gaylord Clark and

and Enquirer,
71–72, 76, 80–82

Lewis Gaylor Clark
(Dunlap), 291

death of, 297–298

Letters on Natural Magic

as editor of
Bridgwater and


Somersetshire Herald,

The Life of Davy Crockett
serial, 41


The Life of P. T. Barnum, Written by

as editor of
Brooklyn Daily Eagle,

(P. T. Barnum), 99, 118, 119


Lind, Jenny, 286

as editor of
Daily Eagle,

Lindsay, R. W., 111, 116, 117, 118, 122,

as editor of


New Era,

The Literati of New York City,
11, 46,

as editor of
New Era,
59, 135, 236,

131, 147, 235, 243, 291, 292

265–270, 273

– 341 –

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Locke, Richard Adams (

and religion, 98–99, 275–277,

as editor of
11–13, 69, 80, 82,


83, 131, 135, 146, 169, 174

and religion and science, 293

education of, 53–54

and religious astronomy, 277–280

family of, 49–51, 60, 132, 268–269,

and religious astronomy letter,

295, 297


and fire of August 12, 126–127

and republicanism, 54–56, 61–62,

in Great Britain, 54–62


and Heth, Joice, 122, 123, 255,

retirement of, 297

256–259, 258–259

salary of, 132

and Kossuth address, 296–297

and science, 275–277

and literary journalism, 56–57

and slavery, 93–95, 221, 280, 281

magnetic theory of, 293–294

as stenographer and legal reporter,

and Matthias the Prophet series, 45,


72–76, 80, 81, 82, 83, 132–133,

as surveyor, 52

169, 210

and Yale College, 181

military service of, 52–53

Locke, Richard Adams, as editor of,

and Moon Hoax, 209–211, 211–212,

11–13, 80, 82

212–213, 213–215, 215–216, 225,

Locke, Richard (father of Richard

230–231, 244, 282

Adams Locke), 51, 53, 54, 56, 60

and moon series, 47, 54, 96, 133–135,

Locke, Richard (grandfather of Richard

135–136, 136–141, 154–155, 161,

Adams Locke), 50–51, 54, 56, 132,

165–166, 167–168, 170, 174–175,


176, 178, 181, 182, 188, 199–201,

Locke, Richard (son of Richard Adams

202, 223, 236–237, 240, 242–243,

Locke), 132, 268

247, 269, 273–274, 287, 291

Locke, Walter (son of Richard Adams

and moon series, authorship of, 216,

Locke), 132

217–221, 264, 267, 288–290

London Times,
139, 177

and moon series, explanation for,

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 236

274–277, 279, 280

Loomis, Elias, 181–182

and moon series, payment for, 237

Lossing, Benson J., 178, 289–290, 291

and Mungo Park story, 269

“The Lost Manuscript of Mungo Park,”

and New York, arrival in, 65–67


and New York, first residence in,

“A Lost Somersetshire Worthy” (Dare),



and New York, journey to, 62–64

Lotteries, 105–106

and New York Custom House, 49,

Lunar animals, 167, 171, 172, 175–176,

66, 270–271, 294–297, 298

176 (photo), 179–180, 182–183,

personality of, 47, 131–132

190–191, 192, 199, 203, 206, 207,

physical appearance of, 45–47, 131

216, 231

and poetical economy, 266–267

Lunar Animals and Other Objects,

and political journalism, 54–56

Discovered by Sir John Herschel in

radical politics of, 54–56, 58–59,

His Observatory at the Cape of

270–271, 280–282

Good Hope and Copied from

– 342 –

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Sketches in the Edinburgh Journal of

Matthias the Prophet
(play), 76

175–176, 176 (photo), 199

Matthias the Prophet (Robert

Lunar Discoveries.

Matthews), 44–45, 210, 255

Astronomical Discoveries

Matthias the Prophet series, 45, 72–76,

Lunar inhabitants, 133–135, 183,

80, 81, 82, 83, 132–133, 135–136,

185–188, 189, 192–195, 206, 221,


222, 223, 276–278.
See also

McDowall, Charles, 56–57


McDuffie, George, 280

Lunar temples, 176–177, 187, 200–201,

Medical students, and autopsies,

206, 207, 218, 222, 277, 279, 293


Lunar vegetation, 133, 165–166, 167,

Melville, Herman, 66, 295

170, 171, 179, 187–188, 193, 203,

Memoirs of Matthias the Prophet

205, 206, 215, 216, 229

(Richard Adams Locke), 75–76, 82,

Lunatic Asylum at Bloomingdale, 266

89, 135, 218, 227

Lyman, Levi, 121, 122, 123, 252, 253,

Menageries, 223–224

256, 257–258

Mercantile Advertiser,
28, 202

and Aunt Nelly humbug, 259–261

Merchant papers, 201.
See also

Lynch, Anne Charlotte, 273, 291


Lynch Law, 220

“The Moon and its Inhabitants,” 133,

Lynde, Willoughby, 41–42

187–188, 200, 219–220

Moon Hoax, 12–13, 135, 154–155,

Mabbott, Thomas, 245

209–216, 218–221, 224–227,

Maelzel, Johann Nepomuk, 247, 248,

229–230, 230–231, 244, 260–261,

249, 250, 251

264, 282, 289–290, 291, 292, 297

“Maelzel’s Chess-Player,” 248

and Bennett, James Gordon (
see under

Magnetic theory, 293–294

Bennett, James Gordon)

“Magnetism and Astronomy” (Richard

and Day, Benjamin (
see under

Adams Locke), 293


Maguire, Mark, 35

and Herschel, Sir John (
see under

Man-bats, 12, 171–173, 204–205, 206,

Herschel, Sir John)

207, 228 (photo), 229 (photo)

and Locke, Richard Adams (
see under

lithographs of, 175–177, 176 (photo)

Locke, Richard Adams)

See also
Lunar inhabitants

(see under

Marryat, Frederick, 262

See also
Moon series

Marsh, William B., 273

The Moon Hoax; or, A Discovery that

Marshall, Thomas F., 70

the Moon Has a Vast Population of

Martin, Emily, 9

Human Beings,

Martin, Margaret, 9

Moon series, 11–13, 19, 47, 49, 54, 96,

Mason, Monck, 237, 239–242, 245

128, 133–135, 135–136, 165–167,

Matthews, Rev. John, 59

167–169, 169–173, 173–174,

Matthews, Robert.
Matthias the

199–201, 201–205, 206–208,


236–237, 240, 242–243, 282

Matthias the Prophet pamphlet. See

and animal life, 169–170, 171,

Memoirs of Matthias the Prophet


– 343 –

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Moon series (

See also
Great Astronomical

authorship of, 216, 217–221, 264,

series; Moon hoax

267, 288–290, 289–290

Moon stories, 157–159

cost of, 135

Moon story pamphlet. See
A Complete

and Day, Benjamin (
see under

Account of the Late Discoveries in


the Moon

European versions of, 227–230

Moonshine, or Lunar Discoveries

explanation for, 274–277, 279, 280


final installment of, 221

Moral War, 83–84

and Herschel, Sir John (
see under

More Lunar Discoveries, NOT

Herschel, Sir John)

contained in the Supplement to the

and lithographs, 175–177

Edinburgh Journal of Science

and Locke, Richard Adams (
see under

(Tarbox), 205

Locke, Richard Adams)

Morning Courier,
86–87. See also

and lunar animals, 167, 171, 172,

Courier and Enquirer

175–176, 179–180, 182–183,

Morning Herald,
20, 81, 120, 122, 123,

190–191, 192, 199, 203, 206, 207,

181, 208, 286

216, 231

and Aunt Nelly humbug, 259–261

and lunar inhabitants, 133–135, 183,

and Balloon Hoax, 243

185–188, 189, 193–195, 206, 221,

Bennett, James Gordon, as editor of,

222, 223, 276–278, 278


and lunar poppies, 165–166

circulation of, 90, 209, 216, 285

and lunar temple, 176, 187,

and crime stories, 89–90

200–201, 206, 207, 218, 222,

early days of, 86

277, 279, 293

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