The Sunfire (39 page)

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Authors: Mike Smith

Tags: #Science Fiction

BOOK: The Sunfire
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“We’re not going to make it,” Paul insisted. “The enemy
ships are ignoring the
and are targeting us.”

And it was true, as the weapons fire on the
started to dramatically fall off before halting completely. Instead the enemy
guns turned on the fleeing shuttle. Meanwhile the enemy flotilla passed
overhead of the Imperial warship that continued to drift, engines idle.


Meanwhile on the empty bridge of the
stirred. Suddenly one-by-one consoles, that had long since powered down from
inactivity, came to life. As more consoles lit up, navigation commands abruptly
started to appear. Speed, heading, pitch and yaw. As if a slumbering giant had
suddenly started to awake, signals from the bridge started to flow once more
and the mighty engines, which had lain dormant, flared to life. At full power
started to suddenly accelerate, propelled forward by the
massive force of her engines. Following the commands from the bridge, the ship
abruptly pitched up higher and higher, right into the bow of the Tyrell cruiser
that was passing overhead.

The force of the collision was so massive it knocked the
cruiser a full three hundred meters to starboard, straight into the port side
of a frigate that was in close escort formation. Chaos ensured as the tight
flotilla of ships were rammed into one another by the titanic collision.
Finally the destroyer, which had been bringing up the rear of the formation,
slammed into the stern of the cruiser. The impact sent an energy surge through
the power conduits of the cruiser, collapsing the magnetic shielding around the
fusion reactor. The resulting explosion was cataclysmic and tore the flotilla

Paul watched in equal parts of awe and horror at the
devastation taking place behind them, finally having to close his eyelids at
the searing brightness of the resultant explosions. When everything was silent
there was no trace of the flotilla of ships or the

Patting Jon on the back, he quipped, “Now we are equal,
after I saved your life on Tartarus. Good thinking setting the autopilot.”

Jon had no reply, as he knew he had done no such thing.

Chapter Eighteen


The Protector, Flagship Confederation 12
Fleet, on route to Eden Prime


Endless Light
came in for a graceful landing on
the flight deck of the
, flagship of the Confederation 12
fleet. Jon could clearly make out the shuttles of the rest of the crew lined up
along the deck. It was only after he completed a quick internal count and
confirmed they were all present that he let out the deep breath he had been
unconsciously holding.

Resting his head against the back of the pilot’s seat of the
Endless Light
, he let his eyes flutter closed, finally allowing himself
to relax for the first time in what, days, weeks, months, years?

“So are you just going to sit here or go out there? I think
you have a couple of people waiting to see you,” Paul laughed.

Jon snapped his eyes open and took in the scene outside the
shuttle. If anything Paul was underestimating the crowd, as it seemed everybody
on the ship had turned out for their arrival. He could just make out the odd
white uniform of the crew mixed in amongst a sea of black Confederation Navy
uniforms. There were hundreds of people waiting outside. However, in the sea of
black and white Jon only had eyes for one person. Standing out like a beacon
with her red hair, blouse and jeans, was somebody Jon had seriously doubted
back there he would ever see again.

“Go talk to her,” Paul said softly. “It’s been a
conversation that is long overdue don’t you think? I think you might surprise
each other.”

“What about you?” Jon replied, unable to take his eyes off
Sofia, who was an oasis of calm in a sea of people.

“Oh I’ll be along shortly. Right after I have reassured
myself I am actually still alive. It’ll take a little while longer I think.
Then I want to talk to Carol and the kids, to let them know I am fine.”

Jon nodded his head in understanding, resting a hand on
Paul’s shoulder. “Thank you Paul. We would have never made it without you. I
owe you my life. We all owe you are our lives.”

Paul just nodded his head in understanding, not able to
reply with words. Instead he just sat there, softly listening to the sound of
the cockpit doors sliding shut. He could feel the shuttle rocked slightly by
the cheers of the crew from outside when Jon appeared, followed him with his
eyes, as the sea of people parted before him, until he was standing in front of
Sofia and took her in his arms.

Sighing to himself, he stood slowly. Hoping Jon remembered
his promise, when one day he found out the truth about what happened between
him and Sofia. Paul had a call to make, then he needed a drink.


As Jon stepped out of the shuttle, facing a sea of faces,
everybody fell still for an instant, as if the room was taking a collective
breath. Then the cheering started. Slowly at first, but it grew and grew, until
it finally reached such a crescendo that it seemed like the entire flight deck
was vibrating from the intensity of the noise.

As Jon made his way down the ramp he ignored it, only having
eyes for one person. Exchanging the odd word here, the occasional handshake
there, he made his way determinedly through the crowd. Until finally he
arrived. The crowd parted before him and suddenly she was there, in front of
him. Jon took a deep breath, before taking a step forward. Closer. He had seen
her on Tartarus, but was so caught up in events he had not had the time to
appreciate her beauty. The way her soft curls framed her face, the sparkle in
her emerald green eyes and the way her lips upturned in a soft smile. Even more
than that, Jon could still feel the pull towards her. The same that he felt on
the planet, but magnified a thousand-fold. This time Jon did not resist it, as
he took another step forward, then another. So close he could reach out and
finally touch her. And because he could, he did. Running his fingertips along
the side of her cheek, marvelling at how soft her skin was. Even softer than
how he remembered it. Was it his imagination or did she lean ever so slightly
into his touch?

“Your father?” Jon finally managed to get out, his throat
suddenly dry. “How is he?”

“He’s going to be fine. The Doctor has already given him a
clean bill of health. He’s recovering in his quarters at the moment. He wanted
to be here to thank you, but the Doctor insisted that he rest. So he sent me
instead, to thank you, in person.”

Jon meanwhile was having trouble paying attention to her
words, mesmerised by her soft skin, wondering if her lips were still just as
soft. Unable to help himself he slowly leaned closer. “You’re welcome,” he
breathed. Noticing how her eyes darkened in desire, as his warm breath caressed
her. How she instinctively seemed to lean forward, her lips coming closer to
his. In the final moments just before their lips touched Jon decided he did not
care about the past. Did not care if Sofia had found somebody else, somebody
better than him, younger than him. For here, now, she was his alone, and Jon
knew with absolute certainty nobody would ever love her more than he.

“Sofia,” Jon breathed softly. Their mouths coming together,
slowly at first. Sofia’s mouth softened against his, her arms moved to fit
around his neck, her hands moving up and down the nape of his neck. Jon’s arms
moved to pull her close; her body soft, pliant and very feminine against his.
He felt the softness of her lips and the silky caress of her sweet-smelling
hair against his skin.

After so many years, it felt like coming home.

Jon’s lips, mouth and tongue moved against hers. He knew her
taste, her scent, remembering it vividly. Sofia explored too, melting into his
arms until they seemed to be one person. They fit together seamlessly, their
skin warm. They felt one another through that kiss. With rising intensity, both
felt the warm aching hollowness of longing and want. The kiss was timeless; it
seemed to go on forever yet it took no time at all. There was a world of possibilities
in that kiss. Jon’s arms tightened, pulling her against him so fiercely the
breath was almost crushed out of her.

However, the cheering continued all around them and brought
them both back to reality, reminding them where they were.

“I’ve missed you,” Sofia uttered. “I don’t care about the
past any more. I finally realised what is most important to me. Family
and you’re part of that family, Jon. I don’t want to be alone
any more.”

Jon smiled softly at her gentle words, tracing the edge of
her lips with his thumb. “And I promise that you won’t be alone any more. But,”
casting his eyes around at their audience he added. “This is not the time or
the place. Also there is something else that I have to do first.”

Sofia recognised the pain in Jon’s eyes and could guess at
the cause. “My father,” she sighed.

Jon nodded his head in agreement. “Sofia I have to talk to
him first. Please understand that I want nothing more than to be with you, but
I cannot do that with his actions hanging over our heads. He is still my Lord,
Master and Emperor. Nothing can ever change that. Not until he releases me from
my duty, not while he and I both still live.”

“Then talk to him,” Sofia insisted firmly. “I am fed up with
all the lies that have kept us apart for so long. I don’t even care why any
more. I just want to have the future together that has been denied to us for so

Jon just nodded his head in agreement. “Let me talk to him,
then I will come and find you. I promise.”

“Don't leave it too long,” Sofia replied. “Otherwise I might
not wait.” She left the threat hanging in the air for a moment before adding
with a heated gaze. “Then I’ll have to come looking for you.”

Jon laughed, kissing her once again on the cheek, a promise
of things to come. Then bowing slightly he slipped back into the crowd.

Sofia sighed deeply, wondering how much longer events would
conspire to keep them apart. However, this time Sofia promised herself she
would not give up. She would fight for Jon if necessary. Even if the price was
her recently returned father.


From the shadows of one of the shuttles, one person observed
the reunion without any joy. Miranda angrily wiped away the tears from her
eyes. She had long known in her heart Jon belonged to another, but that did not
mean she had to approve of it.

Thinking back to the last night Jon had kissed her, had held
her in his arms. She had felt safe, comfortable, protected, but even then she
knew he loved another. When she had noticed Jon’s eyes finally close in sleep
and felt his heart beating next to hers, she had closed her eyes, just for a
minute, and pretended to be that other woman. To be loved by him and to be able
to return that love unreservedly. Well nobody was going to blame her for that
one moment of weakness.

“Are you going to be alright?” An understanding voice
enquired from behind her.

Miranda turned her head in surprise, not thinking anybody
had noticed her. Then she recognised Paul’s reassuring presence. When he
enfolded her in an embrace, Miranda leaned back against him and the two of them
watched the couple embrace

and kiss.

“You know that it was never about you, right?” Paul inquired

“I know that I could never compete against her for his
heart,” Miranda replied. “How was I ever meant to compete against a Princess?”

Paul’s gentle chuckle surprised her. “What’s so funny?” She
demanded crossly.

“This has nothing to do with Sofia being a Princess. I often
think Jon would have much preferred she wasn’t.” At Miranda’s surprised glance
he added. “Too much baggage. His duty and her duty. Responsibility. Honour.
I think somewhere amongst all of that they almost lost sight of what was
important. Each other. So what are you going to do now?” Paul asked after a
moment’s silence.

“Go home,” Miranda replied. Quickly sensing Paul’s sudden
unease, in the way he tensed behind her, she added. “I mean back to
.” Miranda could sense his relief when he gently kissed her on the
crown of her head. The way a brother might do for a younger sister in pain.

“Good plan,” he murmured, watching the couple separate and
go their different ways. “I think I will join you.”


Anyone who did not understand human behaviour would have
been surprised by Jon’s next actions. Far from marching straight to Marcus’
apartment and demanding an audience, he instead went to the temporary guest
quarters assigned to him.

Stripping off his bloody and worn uniform, Jon stepped under
the shower. Staying under the hot spray far longer than was necessary, wishing
he could wash away the mistakes of the past as easily he did the blood that had
been clinging to him.

After the shower he changed into a fresh white Imperial Navy
uniform somebody had left out for him. Taking the time to check his appearance,
to clean the blood off his sword and to stop and gather his thoughts.

For he had no illusions about how difficult the upcoming
meeting was going to be. Jon knew that by now somebody would have brought the
Emperor up-to-speed on recent events. He winced, imagining the incandescent
rage of his master. But then again he had faced the Emperor’s wrath many times
before. Usually Jon took the brunt of his Master’s anger in order to protect
Sofia, and he would do the same again this time. For thanks to his actions
Sofia now had a father, and Jon had no intention of driving a wedge between the
two of them.

Drawing his blade, Jon inspected it as carefully as if he
were facing a parade ground inspection. Gripping the hilt of the sword tightly,
so tight his hands turned white, Jon took as firm a grip on his emotions. For
unlike Sofia who had only recently discovered the truth of her father’s deceit,
he had known it for many years. Over time his anger had grown and grown. It was
now like a torrential wave that threatened to sweep him away. Therefore,
sitting in the dark, empty apartment, Jon struggled to get his emotions firmly
under control. Only when he was absolutely certain he had mastered them did he
stand up and make his way towards the Emperor.


Jon did not even wait for a response when he announced his
arrival; he simply stepped over the threshold into the Emperor’s quarters. This
meeting was many years coming and Jon had no intention of postponing it any

The lights were off and the only illumination in the room
came from the stars shining brightly through the large viewport. Glancing
around carefully, Jon was not surprised to see the Emperor standing at his
usual place, next to the window, staring out intently, his back to him. Taking
a couple of steps into the centre of the room, Jon fell to one knee, one hand
grasping the hilt of his sword tightly. With his gaze fixed firmly on the
floor, Jon broke the silence in the room. “My Emperor,” he proclaimed,
announcing his presence. Everything was still for a moment, and Jon had a
momentarily feeling of déjà vu, a similar scene, but a different ship, many,
many years before.

“Commander,” The Emperor’s voice had not changed
significantly over the years, was still the rich baritone Jon remembered so
clearly. “My Praetorian,
my Last Praetorian.

Jon eyes filled with tears, sharing the pain in his master’s
voice. “They died well, my Lord,” he explained, desperately wanting Marcus to
know the truth, to understand
. “They died doing their duty. They
sacrificed themselves to save your daughter and me. Without them none of us
would be here today. They were the best, the strongest and the bravest. You
would have been proud of them.” Looking up Jon could see the Emperor standing
still, but his head was also bowed.

“I am proud of them, my Praetorian. They gave their lives
protecting something that is worth more to me than life itself. They died doing
their duty and no lord can ever ask more of his vassals. Their sacrifice will
not be forgotten.”

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