The Surrogate's Secret (8 page)

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Authors: Mimi Barbour

BOOK: The Surrogate's Secret
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Both babies were happily nestled in cots in the first class cabin near their parents. They’d behaved remarkably well considering their different surroundings and all the various new noises. Sheri puffed with pride when Miguel commented. “They’re so good. I can’t believe how easy this trip has turned out.”

She nodded and then
furtively tapped the closest wooden article within reach.

“The doctor’s suggestion of waiting to feed them until we embarked made a lot of sense, and being full did help them settle down. Plus, they’re so happy to be together again. Though I should warn you, don’t hold your breath.”

He laughed. “You joke, but I hear the proud mamá in your voice. Be honest. They could be making
double the uproar that we hear from the other cabin.” For a good long time, someone else’s unhappy child had let the passengers of the overseas flight know of its fury.

Quite often acquaintances stopped to visit with Miguel, and he’d introduce her and brag about his new family.
At times, it seemed as if he knew half the plane.

ri let her smiles, nods and handshakes replace vocal greetings. The strangeness of the Spanish language threw her. She promised herself at the very first opportunity that Spanish lessons would be added at the top of a list titled New Wifely Duties.

Wifely duties
. The words made her grab the armrest and dig in her nails. Nope. Don’t wanna to go there. Ever since he’d let her know of his expectations, she’d shaken off any and all thoughts of her nightly obligations to her lawful spouse. After all, her riveting techniques at lovemaking hadn’t kept her last man from straying. So what gave her the impression she’d be any better after she’d let time, fear, and a whole lot of hurt cloud her natural resilience?

Let’s hope the change in partners will be the mitigating factor for improvement, or she just might have found the perfect revenge on her sexy
beast of a husband. 

He cleared his throat to get her attention and she said the first thing that came to mind.

“Miguel, I never knew they served such delicious food on an airplane. Fruit and chocolates and after-dinner liqueurs. How spoiled can you get?”

ow many times have you flown first-class?”

“Aha! I knew there had to be a catch.”
Damn but she loved it when he laughed.

“Have you ever been on a plane before?”

“A few times, but not any overseas flights and never first class. I guess the longest would have been from Vancouver to Washington.
I have to admit to feeling intense relief when I saw Mary-Anne waving from behind the barrier. You might not believe this, but up to now, I’ve led a pretty sheltered life.”

“Why wouldn’t I believe this?”

“You know. Me being so worldly and all.”

“Of course, how silly of me. My wife, the famous
children’s author.”

“Quit teasing. I’ll have you know I even get fan mail.”

“Give me their names, and if they’re males, I’ll write to their mothers. Next thing you know, one of them will stalk you on his bike.”

“Cute. I’ll have you know I
received one the other day from an adult written in a foreign language. Sent to my website address. I wrote it down. In fact, I think it’s in Spanish. Maybe you could read it for me.” She pulled a folded piece of paper out of the side of her purse and handed to him.

He didn’t read from the written words, he just translated. “Dear
Author, you are a genius with words and your brilliant illustrations are second to none.” Miguel stared into her eyes and added a few more words. “One day you will be famous and make me proud to be your husband. I can’t wait to read your stories to our babies.”

“You sent it.” Pleasure
lit up her insides and her smile seemed to mesmerize him. He kept staring at her mouth, until shyness attacked and she wet her lips. Then he looked directly at her, and she saw his eyes. Hot, steamy passion blazed from pearly grey pools of seduction. His hand lifted to her, and he gently scored his finger across the damp surface.  She kissed his finger before she realized she would, and his fleeting glance became an interrogation she couldn’t escape.

He groaned. “If I kiss you now, I’ll never be able to stop.”


“You little
temptress. If I didn’t fly this airline quite often, I’d take you up on your offer.”

If you’re going to play hard to get, I think I’ll snooze.” She pushed his hand away and leaned her head against the comfortable headrest, while still keeping him in her line of vision.  They’d never experienced moments such as these before, flirting playfully, and Sheri soaked them up like a pitiful drunk drooling over a cheap bottle of wine.

Miguel had no compunction about leaning into her space, and after a period of getting used to him so close, Sheri relaxed and enjoyed his attentions. He touched her often, either to make a
point or because it pleased him. Rather than pull away, like a junkie she relished his strokes.

y the time he’d tucked her into her cozy set-up for the night, more than a slight feeling of affection coursed through her brain. His hand holding hers soothed as she gave one last scan around to make sure her babies were both sleeping. When she tugged to retrieve the appendage, he shook his head slightly, held it close to his mouth and oh so gently kissed the palm and then licked it. The decision became final. He could hold her hand forever.

All night, Sheri kept waking up and peeking to see if her husband still slept. He did, clutching her with a tenacity that shocked. Halfway through the night, she freed herself, but as soon as she did, he became unsettled, twitching and troubled, even began searching as if for a lifeline. She quickly replaced her hand and watched as he eased once again into a sound slumber.

Asleep, Miguel had the guise of a troubled soul. Now that she knew a little more of his chaotic background, she could understand the constant sadness that lurked behind the stunning gray eyes and his worldly persona. When one looked at him, they saw a man that women coveted
and men envied.  Sheri saw a brother and son who carried the world on his shoulders.

If she kept on this way, she’d begin to imagine she cared about him, and that couldn’t happen. The only way to protect her secret and her heart was to keep both well hidden, safe from intrusion. The foundation for their marriage would be friendship and sharing, honesty and…
oh crumb, can’t go there either

It took a while for her brain to shut off and sleep to claim her, and when it did, all her dreams focused on her husband making passionate love to a
stranger who looked exactly like her.




Chapter Eighteen


While they circled the city of Santiago, Sheri took a few moments to gaze at the modern panorama of her new home. The iridescent lights of a large metropolis brightened the dim cabin of the large 747 as it began its descent. In the distance, the sunrise spread streaks of pink, orange and gold in a pattern to delight.

During the flight, the first-class hostesses had been diligent in their fav
oritism between Sheri and Miguel. They hovered over him like crows over roadkill, all wanting their little bits of flesh. He’d treated them all with South American courtesy, while at the same time making sure that Sheri never got left out.  Now that the trip was ending, the diligent and beautiful Angelina Jolie replica returned.

“Señor Rivera? Can we assist you in any way?”

“No, Angelina.”

Sheri jiggled a toy for Rafael sitting in the booster seat in front of her.

“Thanks for asking. It’s been a comfortable flight. My wife and I thank you.”

Eyebrows met over eyes full of confusion. “Your wife?”

“Yes, we were married in Washington recently. These
two adorable creatures are my new family, and this is my wife. Sheri.”

Sheri smiled cheekily at the astounded woman. “
Hola,” she said, sounding excessively smug.
hen she added ‘hello’ in case her accent hadn’t been perfect. With satisfaction, she enjoyed watching the stewardess offer congratulations in a tone utterly lacking in conviction.

Thinking how the exchange had just made her day
and of the e-mail she would be sending to Charly, Sheri turned to her husband whose expression seemed oddly mocking. 

“Are you excited to be getting home?” Sheri searched his face and saw his eyes glow with satisfaction.

“A little.”

She leaned her head to the side
, eyes questioning.

! A lot. I look forward to introducing you to my mother and our home. I guess I’m even anxious to return to work. But most of all, bringing Felipe’s children to Chile means the world to me. I can’t tell you how right it feels...inside.” He took her hand in his, shaking it to make her look at him again. “Sheri, what? Every time I mention Felipe you turn strange? If it’s painful to remember, I apologize. For me, his death doesn’t seem real. I’m still trying to adjust.”

“I know
, Miguel. It’s me who should apologize for not telling you sooner, but there’s something you need to know about your broth—”

“Don Miguel, welcome back to Santiago.” Polished nails and numerous rings gleamed on the hand that gently rubbed Miguel’s shoulder.
Friend or not, her familiarity stood out, and Sheri felt irked somewhat at the beautiful blonde’s audacity.
Why the heck should I care?
She straightened in her seat and turned away. She’d almost told him the truth and now it’s been put off once again. Well dang-it, she was glad she didn’t tell him here in an airplane. There had to be a better time and place.

Besides, just because he’d
been thoughtful these last few days, that didn’t disqualify him from having an agenda. His words brought her back to the moment.

“Thank you
, Connie. It’s good to be home.” He turned to include Sheri, but before he could do so, an announcement broke in.

Smiling directly into his gray pools of sexiness with a let’s-you-and-me-get-it-on look, Connie wiggled her fingers, and then swayed to the front of the isle to
re-claim her seat. 

“Ladies and gentlemen. Please fasten your safety belts in preparation for landing in Santiago at the Arturo Merino Benitez, International Airport.”

Miguel whispered words in Sheri’s ear that sent tingly sparks ricocheting throughout her body and trepidation rolling in her stomach. “Hold that thought. We’ll talk about it later.”

As part of the elite group, only minutes passed before they were escorted to the luggage area and heading through the doors leading into the open terminal. 

Miguel’s cell phone appeared in one hand as he balanced Rafael’s carrier in the other, and used his body to steer the over-flowing luggage cart. A rapid spate of Spanish followed, and he laughed, nodded and said, “Si, si.” Closing the phone, he turned to Sheri following behind, and pointed to an older man waving his own cell phone from the other side of the barrier. “Juan is here to pick us up. He’ll take care of everything.”

Sheri held back, overcome by the shyness that at odd times seemed to invade and leave her feeling like a child.

Miguel rushed as he got closer to the older man, and they both reached to hug at the same time. As awkward as it was for Miguel holding the baby carrier, he still managed. Turning as she approached, he said. “Sheri, I want you to meet Juan who is our godsend. He’s our driver, gardener, and as close to a father as I can remember since my own died when I was very young. He’s also Maria’s husband. Remember I told you about our housekeeper, Maria?”

If half the humorous stories he’d told her were true, she dreaded meeting the sourpuss, witch of the south.

“Juan.” Miguel looked her way, his proud expression delighting her. “A mi bella esposa, Sheri.”

Sheri put down Carrie-Anne’s chair, turned to her husband, and asked. “Miguel, how do I say ‘I’m pleased to meet him’ in Spanish?”

“Just say encantado.”

Sheri held out her hand and repeated the word as closely as she could.
The custom in Chile wasn’t to simply shake hands. The kiss on her cheek and boisterous hug the old man gave her almost lifted her off her feet. Without any hesitation, she squeezed him back and received an added pat on her cheek for her trouble.

Okay, she thought, as they headed home in the fancy, leather-seated black Lexus
. Miguel sat up front to assault Juan with a barrage of questions: one down, two to go. Sheri knew Andrea, Miguel’s mother, would be a darling, but Maria scared the heck outta her. Even Mary-Anne, who liked everyone, hadn’t been able to warm up to the old battle-axe. Sheri worried all the way to the outskirts where there were no longer homes with yards, but mansions with acreage.

The children, in their carriers, sat quietly, seeming to be happy they were together. Sheri and Miguel had fussed with
them before they left the plane and so they were content, which gave her time to be an interested tourist.

Not having really appreciated Marie-Anne’s description of Santiago being a modern and extremely large city, Sheri found her mouth dropping
open, literally, as they traveled through the outskirts. She noticed that many of the apartment-styled buildings had gardens growing along their balconies with trees and hanging vines that covered large areas. It enchanted her to see bleak walls looking so beautiful. She couldn’t wait to take expeditions and see for herself the old-world history alongside the progressive conveniences. 

Juan pulled through large, black, scrolled iron gates that smoothly swung open. Sheri tried to look everywhere at once. Since the dawn hadn’t fully completed its overture, she still couldn’t see much, but what she saw made her blink and then again.

Mary-Anne’s pictures hadn’t done the estate justice. Huge and magnificent were two expressions that came to mind when she spied the older, pink-brick, colonial styled home spread behind the curved driveway. Manicured lawns surrounded the columned building and various groupings of palm trees. Fancy pot lights highlighted the many balconies and terraces, especially focussing on the vibrant plant life and col
orful flowers.

“Close your mouth, Sweetheart.” Miguel grinned back at her. “I know it’s a bit overwhelming, but
try to think of it as home.”

She spread her hands and gasped. “I’ll never get used to this
... grandeur. Miguel, it’s breathtaking.”

He nodded, looking satisfied.  “Come, let’s get these babies into the house so they can meet their grandmother, who I’m sure is doing a two-step by the doorway now that she’s seen the car. Maria’s probably got her in a headlock to hold her back.”

Miguel wasn’t far off. As soon as they started up the stairs to the front door, it flew open wide. “Miguel, hurry and bring those babies inside. I can’t wait another minute.”

The woman, outlined by the light from the entryway, looked as excited as a child at Christmas. The closer Sheri got she could see the pale lined face had undergone suffering, tremendous suffering, and yet the glassy eyes, full of delight, also presented a slightly childish look to his mother’s face.

The woman was slim to gaunt and her dark hair groomed in a shorter style that suited her. Her out-flung hands waved excitedly until both baby seats were placed on the large table in the center of the foyer.  Andrea Rivera gazed at the two tiny faces that returned her stare, identical gray eyes twinkling as they gurgled and waved.

“Oh. They’re gorgeous. Such beautiful babies. Maria, Juan, come see my wonderful grandchildren.” She stood, hands clasped together under her chin as it wobbled
with emotion.

“Are they not what you expected, Senora? Two babies. One boy, one girl, both Riveras.” Juan winked and stooped to deposit the lighter bags since Miguel had carried in the heavy ones.

“Oh Juan, don’t tease. They are precious. Felipe would be so happy.” As soon as he heard her speak the name of his brother, Miguel moved swiftly to her side, but she waved him away. “I’m fine. Don’t fuss. Nothing can spoil my happiness today.”

turned to look at Sheri who had also stepped closer when her voice broke over the name of her lost son.  “My dear, I am so very happy to welcome you to our family and your new home.” So saying, she took Sheri in her arms and held her close, the boniness in her frame accentuated by her recent illness.

A wonderful flowery scent floated
around Sheri and she instantly fell in love with the smell and knew from this day on, she would attribute it to Miguel’s beloved mamá.

lost her precious mother years before, Sheri felt the ache she’d carried ever since begin to fade. Here was a person she knew she could love, a grandmother for her babies and hopefully, for her, a new friend.

Maria, a stout dark-haired woman, who’d stood
in the doorway till then, stepped forward. Her searching gaze held Sheri riveted while penetrating black pupils searched her soul. Uncomfortable, Sheri looked towards Miguel for help. Already this woman doesn’t like me, she thought, panic catching her unawares. What had she done?

Miguel must have noticed her discomfort because he quickly put his arms around the older woman and coaxingly he said.  “Maria, stop trying to scare my wife. She’s tired and hungry from looking after the babies during the flight. Play nice, now

Maria reached her hand up to his cheek and her expression underwent a complete change from ‘don’t-mess-with-me’ to ‘my-beloved-boy-is home
.’ If Sheri hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn’t have believed the sourpuss could wear such a gentle look.  “Don Miguel, you are better.”

“Cradling her gnarled hands he
gently kissed both her cheeks, nodded, and then pointed to Sheri. “Make my wife welcome, Maria. Por favor.” He pushed her forward.

“Señora Sheri, Bienvenida.”
Maria made no move to connect by touch, but she did bend the sides of her mouth slightly upwards.  Harshness resonated in a voice that had been pure sweetness when she’d talked to Miguel. 

All of a sudden, her squinting eyes caught the movement of flailing hands, and she turned towards the babies. She looked first at Carrie-Anne and she
tenderly reached towards the bright-eyed little girl who grinned to show off her toothless gums. Beaming now, Maria turned towards Rafael and caught him with the roguish smile he saved for only those he liked. Her eyes flew to Sheri’s face and her expression hardened instantly.

Sheri connected to that look and then checked to
see if anyone else had noticed. Sensing uneasiness, Andrea made a move to break up the uncomfortable moment. Sheri caught her mother-in-law’s puzzlement at Maria’s odd behavior and she understood Miguel’s mother wanted to smooth over the weird actions of her housekeeper.

Come; let us move everyone into the family room where it’s cozy. I admit to feeling the cold much more than I used to in these July winter months.”

, luxurious and comfortable wouldn’t be used in the same description, but in this case it fit perfectly. Pale golden walls hosting various large flower paintings, an abundance of ivory sheers long enough to pool on the red floor tiles and colorful couches and chairs filled a vast room where the fireplace ruled.  Andrea made her way to a recliner near a table supporting books, a cell phone and an iPad. 

For the next while, both babies were fawned over, not only by their grandmother, but also Juan and Maria took their turns. 
Soon the little ones, needing food and their beds, became grouchy. 

“Are you still breastfeeding my dear? Andrea asked.

“Not since Rafael’s stay at the hospital. They’ve taken to drinking from a sippy-cup quite well during the day and at night they’ve settled to having a bottle. Rafael has some catching up to do with his sister, but since his operation, I can’t believe the weight he’s gained. He’s always hungry. He’ll soon surpass Carrie-Anne.” The little man under discussion let out a furious wail, which drew all eyes his way. “And when he’s hungry, he isn’t one to be shy about it.”

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