The Swordsman of Mars (14 page)

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Authors: Otis Adelbert Kline

BOOK: The Swordsman of Mars
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"Our infants are easily frightened by the touch of strangers," Fleeswin said, "and we who guard them cannot watch them all at one time. We would lose many that might otherwise be saved if they did not summon us when menaced or interfered with."


"Then I am fortunate that your marksmanship was no better."


"Had you been one of the Ma Gongi, you would now be bristling with arrows," Fleeswin hastened to inform him. "But we saw you were of the Old Race, so only shot to drive you away. What would you with us, Bearer of the Ring?"


"If you can help me to find Thaine, daughter of Miradon Vil, I'll be grateful," Thorne answered. "I am the Rad of Takkor and her friend."


As soon as he had announced his title, every member of the little company saluted. "We are doubly honored," said Fleeswin, "that you prove to be the Lord of Takkor as well as a Bearer of the Ring. As for finding Thaine, if she is anywhere within the Takkor Marsh, our Vil can find her for you. Permit me to conduct you to him."


After sending a warrior ahead to announce their coming, and placing another in temporary charge of the archers, Fleeswin led the way. Presently, above the drone of insects and the songs of birds, Thorne heard a haunting exquisite fantasy of sound which seemed to emanate from a carillon of no less than a thousand tiny silver-tongued bells. Yet he knew, as he drew closer, that it was not bells he heard but a chorus of Ulf voices. Soon he was able to distinguish the words of their song, and was surprised to lern that it was a paean of welcome for him.


A moment later he and Fleeswin emerged into a pleasant glen, the verdure-clothed sides of which rose steeply at his right and left. The place literally swarmed with the Ulfi, both male and female, and all were singing--some hanging suspended in the air with fanning wings, some perched in the trees or upon outcropping rocks on the hillside, some standing in cave mouths, with which the place was honeycombed, and others gathered on the mossy ground.


Fleeswin now kept to the ground, marching as if some great and honorable task had been delegated to him. As Thorne came abreast of the first singers, these began showering him with tiny, fragrant white blossoms. Then a group of two-score pretty Ulf maidens fluttered down and some draped Thorne with garlands while others strewed flowers before him.


Suddenly the music ceased, and Thorne, his body swathed with ropes of blossoms, found himself standing before a jovial looking pot-bellied old Ulf with a merry twinkle in his eyes. He sat enthroned on the lip of a large lily.


"Greetings, Sheb Takkor Rad," cried the little old fellow on the lily throne, returning his salute. "Estabil, Vil of the Ulfi, bids you welcome to Ulf-land, and desires to publicly thank you for saving the life of his precious daughter, Eriné. If there is aught that Estabil can do for you, you have but to make known your wishes."


"I wish to find..." Thorne began.


"I'll spare you the trouble of saying more," Estabil interrupted. "You wish to find Thaine. That we can promise to perform for you."


He leaped nimbly down from the lily throne, and continued: "Now that that is done, will you not stay to eat and drink with us?"


"Of course," Thorne assured him, "but it is important that I find Thaine, quickly. I should prefer to stay only long enough to drink a friendly cup with you, though if I were not pressed for time your hospitality would be most welcome. I'm sure you understand."


"We do. Indeed we do," Estabil replied. He turned and raised his hand, whereupon a little bearded Ulf struck a gong. Then there issued from the mouth of a cave in the hillside a figure Thorne instantly recognized. It was Eriné. Behind her came an Ulf maiden bearing a golden tray on which reposed three tiny platinum cups that sparkled with jewels, and a jar.


Thorne saluted as the Vil's daughter approached, and she smiled up at him.


"I hoped I might greet you at the banquet table," she said, "but since you cannot tarry with us, I bring you the cup of friendship and of farewell."


So saying, she filled the three jeweled cups from the jar, handed one to Thorne, one to her father, and retained one for herself.


Estabil raised his cup.


"Once there was a Rad of Takkor," he said, "who, wandering through his marshlands saw an Ulf maiden about to be done' to death by a savage monster of the air. The Rad slew the monster and rescued the Ulf maiden, who proved to be the daughter of the Vil of the Ulfi. Every Ulf, from the Vil to his lowliest subject, will never forget. And in this cup we pledge to the Rad of Takkor our eternal friendship."


He and Eriné both raised their cups to their lips, and Thorne followed their example. "Th Rad of Takkor gratefully accepts the pledge of friendship of the Ulfi," he said, "and is deeply sensible of the honor thus bestowed upon him. In return, he pledges his lasting friendship to Estabil, his lovely daughter, and his loyal subjects."


As soon as they had emptied their cups, Estabil raised his hand. Behind him the gong sounded twice, and a dozen Ulf warriors, flying six on a side, emerged from the mouth of a cave high on the hillside, bearing between them a rectangle of silken fabric about eight feet long and four wide. They alighted in front of the Vil, and saluted.


"The Rad of Takkor is ready to be conveyed to the house of Thaine," he said. Then he turned to Thorne. "Seat yourself in the middle of the cloth, my lord," he invited, "and you will be carried swiftly and safely to your destination."


Though he was not entirely reassured as to the safety of this fragile conveyance, Thorne did as directed.


The Vil raised his hand. The gong sounded three strokes. Then the wings of the twelve Ulf warriors began whirring rapidly, and Thorne felt himself rising. All around him the Ulfi burst into song. He waved farewell. A moment later he was gliding over the treetops, the Ulf-song swiftly dying in the distance.


Presently they flew out over a lake, in the center of which was an island. Straight to the island they took him, and set him down in the midst of it in a small clearing.


One of the Ulf warriors touched his arm and pointed. "There is the house of Thaine."


Thorne gazed intently in the direction the little fellow indicated. Presently he was able to make out what had entirely escaped his attention before--a small, irregularly shaped stone house, camouflaged with vines and creepers, and surrounded by trees.


"Ah, I see it now. I am beholden to you and your Vil for this favor. Please convey my thanks to him."


One of the little warriors rolled the cloth into a bundle and thrust it beneath his arm. All twelve of them saluted and swiftly faded from view.


He crossed the clearing, and entering an opening in the vines, found a large circular doorway cut in the stone. The door stood open, revealing a large room with several swinging chairs, suspended divans, and a fireplace. Three circular doorways cut in the walls led to other rooms.


"Thaine," he called, then waited expectantly.


There was no answer.


He was about to call her a second time when he suddenly heard a low growl from one of the rooms beyond. Then, out of that room streaked a huge black-haired beast with short legs, webbed feet, a paddle-shaped tail armed with spikes, and a cavernous mouth as large as that of a crocodile. He instantly recognized it as a dalf.


There was but one thing to do, and that quickly. Thorne seized the handle of the great door of thick planking, and swung it shut. A moment later he felt the impact of the heavy beast on the other side. He kept his hand on the latch, and it was well that he did so, for he suddenly felt that it was being pressed upward from the other side. Recalling the remarkable sagacity of these creatures, he was convinced that the beast was trying to open the door.


He was looking around for something with which to brace the latch, when he suddenly heard another growl, this time behind him. Turning, hebeheld a second dalf, black with a ring of bright yellow fur circling its neck, swiftly bearing down upon him.




When he saw the second dalf charging toward him, Thorne whipped out his sword and raised it to defend himself. But he lowered it again. "Tezzu!" he exclaimed.


At this the demeanor of the beast suddenly changed. Instead of charging, it now bounded playfully up to him, then began skipping and leaping around him and making little purring noises deep in its throat.


And now, in the same leafy opening through which the beast had appeared, he saw a slender, girlish figure carrying a basket of fish and a trident.


"Thaine!" he cried.


"Hahr Ree Thorne! It's really you! I'm so glad!"


Dropping basket and trident, she ran forward, flung her arms around his neck and, much to his amazement, kissed him.


"I thought you would never come. I feared they had killed you."


"They tried hard enough," he replied, "but I got away and came as soon as I could."


"I'm sure you did. Let us go inside while I prepare something to eat. Why do you stand there holding the latch?"


"Because one of your dalfs is on the other side, trying to get at me."


"That's Neem. He won't molest you, now that I am here."


Thus reassured, Thorne opened the door. Neem, the great black dalf, waddled out to meet his mistress, but paid no attention to the Earthman. The latter picked up the basket and trident, and they went in.


Thorne insisted upon helping Thaine prepare the meal, and they soon had pulcho brewing, fish grilling, and fresh cakes baking.


"From your floral decorations, I judge that you have been among the Little People," said Thaine, as she turned a browned slab of fish.


"You judge correctly," Thorne replied. "In fact it was a dozen of their warriors who brought me here. Then they saluted and disappeared. Do you know anything about that strange power of theirs--making themselves invisible?"


"I've seen them do it many times," she told him, "yet how they do it remains a mystery. Our scientists believe they are able to surround themselves with auras of photo-electric force which cause light rays to bend around them and anything within the auras, such as their weapons and clothing. Since we see objects only by means of light rays reflected from them into our eyes, if the rays miss them or bend around them they are invisible to us."


"Sounds reasonable enough," said Thorne. "But what is this force?"


"One might as well ask, 'What is electricity, or magnetism, or gravity?' We know that when they are very weary, or weakened by wounds or illness, they are unable to generate this strange force."


"That explains why Eriné was visible when pursued by the bat. She must have been exhausted."


"The bat?"


Thorne told her how he had saved the life of the daughter of the Vil of the Ulfi, and showed her the ring.


"It is a precious gift, and one not lightly bestowed," said Thaine. "I have one like it, and so has my father, but only because he once saved the life of the Vil of the Little People."


"You remind me, that we were to go in search of your father. Have you had any word from him?"


"None. Even the Ulfi are baffled, and they know almost everything that takes place in this marsh. I fear I shall never see him again."


Thorne saw the tears gathering in her eyes. "We'll find your father, never fear," he said reassuringly. "And now that the food is ready, let us eat, and I will tell you of my adventures since I last saw you. I owe you an explanation for staying away so long."


When he had finished, she pounced on that very part of the story which he most wished to forget. "This Neva, is she very beautiful?"


"Very, even though she is deceitful and cruel."


"You love her?"


"Would you love a person who had tricked you--then condemned you to a horrible, lingering death?"


"That," said Thaine, refilling his pulcho cup for him, "is not an answer but an evasion."


"Well then, if you must have it, I wish I had never seen her. But I bore you with these troubles of mine. Let us speak no more of them."


"My poor Hahr Ree Thorne," she said. "You do not bore me. Your troubles are my troubles, for are we not true friends?"


"Thaine," he said, "you
a real friend."


"I am glad," she said softly, and laid her cheek against his shoulder.


Presently she leaned forward, half turned, and gazed up into his face. "Look at me, Hahr Ree Thorne. Is this Neva really so much more beautiful than I?"


"What a question!" he exclaimed. "It's just like a woman to think of a poser like that."


"Another evasion," she countered, "but it tells me what I wanted to find out. She
more beautiful."


He studied her smilingly. "I wouldn't say so. "She is a blonde, you are a brunette. She is a great beauty of her type, and you of yours. You and Neva are gems of equal luster, but different."


"Why, then, perhaps I can make you forget this Neva." Before he was aware of what she was about, she had turned still more--was lying back across his arm. Her eyes were dark wells of enchantment. Her red lips, half parted, drew him seductively.


"Why don't you kiss me?" she pouted.


"You little witch!"


Fiercely he bent down--crushed those warm red lips against his own.

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