The Syker Key (8 page)

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Authors: Aaron Martin Fransen

BOOK: The Syker Key
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But Jessica was still smiling at him. What was he forgetting?

The eclipse. It was still dark. And at that moment he felt it reach totality, and his universe exploded again as the Key appeared finally, already in his hand, and flashing its brilliant blue and purple light.

The key had a new bearer.

John thought he there were no secrets left. He thought there was little that the Key would show him that Pan and Jessica hadn't shown him already. And he was surprised at the absolute depth of his ignorance.

What the Key knew, he now knew, and it was overwhelming, like taking the drink from the proverbial fire hose. But even then the Key was holding things back. It knew the limits of its bearer, and would not exceed them, no matter how much there was to learn.

He didn't know how long he was in that state, that rapture of bonding, but when he opened his eyes again, the sky was lightening and his son was sitting in front of him. The Key had stopped glowing.

Zack, smiling, received the strongest embrace of his young life just then. "Come on Dad," he complained when it was clear it wasn't the usual quick hug, "I'm okay!"

John relented and let him go. He could feel his eyes watering, but he didn't know how much was from from the joy of seeing his son safe, and how much was from the experience of becoming the protector of the Key.

"Well John Syker," Jessica said, still kneeling beside him, "you're one of us now I guess.”


The Key was at peace, again. The bearer had been chosen, and it was in a way thankful that it was a soothingly familiar presence. In some realities, it had gone the other way.

It knew the effect of becoming bearer was a difficult one, the flood of information demanding, but it would be patient as ever, and let John Syker discover the depths of his responsibilities, and powers, in time.

But not too much time.

There was another threat, but even the Key was unable to gauge it yet. Soon however it would tell John. It would tell John about its brother and sister, to use the quaint terminology.

The Key was never alone.


Pan was relieved.

Over a millennia of worry had culminated in this event, and it had ended in their favour. Even he had been surprised at the amount of power John had been able to muster, but he was glad for it.

But he was sad as well. John and Zack's lives would be forever altered now, they would be forever secluded, never able to participate in society. He suspected it would be hardest on young Zack.

No matter, there were still bigger problems.

There were two more Keys out there. It was the one thing Pan kept for himself when he gave up being a bearer; he had to remember the relationship between the three Keys of power.

One Key was a menace, with amazing capabilities. Three were...well it was certainly beyond Pan's imagination.

He watched as his extended family rejoiced. He was happy for them, but he knew by tomorrow he would be leaving them.

After all, he already knew where one of the other Key's lay, and it was time to retrieve it.

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