The Symbolon (10 page)

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Authors: Delia Colvin

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: The Symbolon
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, Paolo shrugged smugly and stepped away. As he passed Ava, he turned to stare at her behind. “Ava, my beauty!” He shook his head lustily. Ava smiled proudly, as he sighed with evident memories of her.

Paolo continued walking away
. As soon as he was out of range, Alex muttered, “I have to get back.” He gave Camille a look that carried a hint of a plea.

“I’m sorry
, Alex, I didn’t see him coming!” Camille confided, and then with concern, “Is she here yet?”

Alex shook his head, the tension showing in his eyes for an instant
. He took a deep breath and kissed Valeria’s neck. She noticed that his eyes never left Paolo, who was now working his way through the crowd. She also noticed that while Camille had an expression of vile disgust on her face, Ava was actually smiling at Paolo. Finally, Alex returned to the group near the nine chairs where Lars and Tavish were waiting.

“He is just disgusting!” Camille hissed.

Ava moved her head so that she could gleefully continue to watch Paolo’s exit. “Hmm! I think he’s…fun!”

“Ava! You didn’t!” Camille said in obvious shock.

Biting her lip girlishly, Ava said, “Yeah, it was just a nice little…” Seeing Camille’s outrage, she added defensively, “Well it
before I married Lars, of course!” Her girlish smile returned. “It was a fun little fling, lasted less than a decade.” The dreamy look returned to her eyes. “But it was fun!” Camille glared at Ava. “
He’s fun!” Ava justified.

, Valeria leaned in. “Who is he?”

Both Ava and Camille were clearly uncertain what to say. Finally
, Camille answered, “Oh,
he’s trouble.”

He’s fun…but he is most definitely trouble!” Ava conceded.

A gong indicated the council meeting was beginning. Watching Jeremiah tap his cane, Valeria noticed that only eight of the nine elegant chairs were occupied. She also realized that her dislike of Jeremiah
was now replaced with a growing animosity toward Paolo. She reminded herself that she didn’t have a poker face and that Alex had warned her about the council’s need for respect.

“Alexander, you have requested that this council gather for a dual purpose. We have now recognized the immortal, Cassandra. Proceed with the next request.”

Moving to the front of the room, Alex addressed the council. “As you all know, I have been in love with Cassandra since my first vision of her over three thousand years ago.” He glanced toward Valeria and she smiled at him. His smile was very brief, and she thought he seemed nervous. “Cassandra is my symbolon, and now that she is an immortal, we wish to be married.”

The nods and murmurs through the crowd were suddenly displaced by Paolo’s voice.

“I request permission to speak.” Paolo glared petulantly at Alex. Valeria noticed Alex’s face redden as his eyes widened with some emotion that she couldn’t quite place. She saw Tavish ball his fists and even Lars seemed upset.

“Val, you don’t really want to watch this. Shall we go to the ladies’ room?” Camille urged.

“What’s happening?” Valeria asked, feeling the tension building in the room.

“Oh, just…too much testosterone in that man!” Camille pointed toward Paolo.

Pulling on Valeria’s arm, Camille said, “Let’s go. It’ll all be settled by the time we get back.”

“I’m not leaving.” Seeing Alex’s expression, her eyes narrowed. “Who is that man…Paolo?”

Camille glanced to Alex in apology. “We can talk about all of that later.” Valeria noticed a look in Alex’s eyes that she didn’t recognize
. Fear? Embarrassment? She wondered why no one would tell her. But she was certain that she would know in minutes.

Jeremiah spoke, “The
council recognizes Paolo.”

Nodding arrogantly, Paolo continued, “An immortal’s marriage is sacred, would you all agree?” A few nodded. “Alex cannot marry Cassandra. He is already married to an immortal!” Alex’s eyes darted back to Valeria in what appeared to be an apology.

Certain that she had misunderstood, Valeria asked, “What does he mean?
Alex is already married to an immortal?
” Camille and Ava stood on either side of Valeria and put their arms around her protectively.

“Don’t worry about it. We will simply have a civil ceremony.” But Valeria could hear the apprehension in Camille’s voice.

Jeremiah nodded. “Alexander, do you have a response to this charge?” Alex glared at Paolo.

, Alex, I have been asking for a response for centuries. I’m certain
Paolo glanced at Valeria, “would like to hear it!”

Sudden realization struck Valeria. “Kristiana was
an immortal?
” Camille nodded and patted her shoulder.

Brushing his
trembling fingers through his hair, Alex tried to gain control of his emotions and his voice. “There were no rules regarding dissolutions when Kristiana left. She has been gone for 2,500 years. The marriage is now dissolved by her absence.”

“Alex deserted Kristiana! My sister has been missing all these years and his efforts have been only to chase another woman. These are unforgivable and adulterous actions! Further
, this woman, Cassandra, has been incorporated into their family as my sister never was.” Paolo’s face filled with venom as he pulled a document from his coat and placed it on the table in front of Jeremiah. “We humbly demand that the Law of Nevia be enforced!”

Camille let out a cry, “
” Valeria saw the horror on the faces of her family—including Alex’s—as the gasps of the immortals echoed throughout the cavern.

Alex’s face was lit with incredulity and horror
. “
The Law of Nevia?”
He shook his head several times, momentarily speechless, and then glared at Paolo. “
Do you really hate us that much?
Because you know, you aren’t just punishing me!” He clenched his jaw and shook his head in disgust. “You know that the Law of Nevia has no place in this discussion!”

“Alexander! You will address the council! Disrespect will not be tolerated!” Jeremiah demanded.

“What is that…that law?” Valeria asked, swallowing.

Camille didn’t respond, but took Valeria’s hand and held it tightly as if watching a train wreck, mumbling to herself
in a near whimper, “Oh, Alex…oh, Alex. No! No, no…don’t.”

“Don’t what?” Valeria cried, but was unable to get Camille’s attention.

Grabbing Valeria’s arm, Camille whispered, “Alex wants us to leave

Valeria stared at her friend and felt tears forming in her
eyes, but she refused to let them fall. Shaking her head slowly, resolutely, she said, “I’m not leaving without Alex.” She began moving toward him, but Tavish was quickly upon her, wrapping his long arms around her. She struggled, but with her long gown she couldn’t break free.

“I am sorry, lass. I cannot permit that,” he whispered. She turned toward him and his eyes looked almost as sorrowful as hers. “I could not bear to see the results to either of ya.”

“Council, that petition requires two signatories and I only see one representative here! May I know the name of the other accuser?”

You know the name!”
Paolo interrupted. “And council, under the rules, my sister is not required to be present!”

narrowed his eyes and began to clench and unclench his fists as he turned toward Paolo. Valeria thought Alex looked as if he was poised to hit Paolo. “You know where she is!” Alex said.

“If I knew where she was, I would not be here alone! My sister went into hiding because of you and your abhorrent behavior!”

“Kristiana isn’t even recognized here! So I don’t even know why we are discussing this.”

Jeremiah interrupted, “Kristiana is a known immortal and we shall not argue her status. Paolo
recognized as an immortal. He has made charges and if Kristiana had wished to be recognized, I see no reason that would be denied. We shall proceed with the consideration that Kristiana is a recognized immortal in good standing.”

Alex glared at Jeremiah for a moment and then resigned, he asked, “If Paolo hasn’t seen Kristiana in 2500 years, then how is it that she signed this petition?”

Paolo glanced away. “It was delivered to me.”

“May I see it?” Alex asked and Paolo nodded. Alex
approached Jeremiah. “This is an ancient scroll…at least a thousand years old.” His raised a suspicious eyebrow at Paolo. “You’ve had it all these years?” He turned back to the council. “Council, Kristiana is not an oracle! This document must be a fraud!” he said, adding a silent prayer.

Jeremiah thought for a moment before responding
. “Alexander, the fact is, that we have what appears to be a valid petition presented in the correct manner. We have no reason to question the validity. How do you respond to the charges?”

Alex’s eyes were now desperate; he glanced back at Valeria before
he continued. “Council, Paolo is right that I should have looked for Kristiana. I…I should have handled things...better.” He gulped. “But we were all new then. We didn’t know the rules of immortals. Cassandra was—is—my symbolon, and I believed her…I believed her to be gone when Kristiana came into my life. I did leave Kristiana to try to save the life of Cassandra as she had returned and I...I didn’t know that was possible,” he said, breathlessly. “I beg the council’s understanding, but as discussed earlier,
there was no council
at the time of the marriage, nor its dissolution. And Cassandra should not be punished! Please council!”

“When you returned,
did you attempt to reunite with your wife?” Jeremiah asked. “And I warn you, Alexander, you will testify on the stone of truth, if I believe you are lying to us!”

“No…no, council.
When I realized that my symbolon had reincarnated, I went back to Kristiana in an attempt to dissolve the marriage amicably. When I saw that she had left, I established substantial investments for her, through Paolo, so that neither would want for anything for the rest of their existences.”

for her husband!” Paolo shot back.

“Council, there is no reason for the Law of Nevia! It is simply not appropriate here! Please!”

“Alexander! One more outburst and I will call for Erebos! Do you understand me?” Jeremiah commanded. Alex sucked in a breath.

“Do not do it, laddy
, the lass is watchin’,” Tavish said softly. Valeria saw Alex glance back desperately at Tavish, and she felt Tavish shrug as if to tell him that she wouldn’t leave. She saw Alex take a deep breath, calming himself.

Lars went to stand next to Alex, ready to restrain him if necessary.

“I agree, definitely not worth it!” Ava said, as if in a discussion with Lars and Alex. Camille nodded.

Alex shrugged off Lars, in a way that said he was back in control of himself.

The council looked to Paolo who countered, “Alex states that he left my sister for his symbolon…and that Cassandra
his symbolon.” Paolo smirked at Alex. “If that is true, then show the council that she bears your mark!” He glanced toward Valeria with a lascivious grin. “And remember, I have had the opportunity to search…every…inch of her body.” Paolo winked toward her in an action that she was certain was more for Alex’s benefit.

Looking down, Alex shook his head, attempting to control his emotions. “Council, I do not have evidence that Cassandra is my symbolon, other than my visions of her…other than our love for each other. I agree that I should have searched for Kristiana
, but I felt that she would make herself known if she wished to be found. Today, my entire family has agreed to place all of our resources into locating her. But you know that this could be a very long-term process. I beg the committee to investigate the charges prior to enacting the Law of Nevia! We will delay the immortal marriage indefinitely until this is resolved. But there is no evidence that this is necessary! This is a private issue…it
involves Paolo and I. Please!” He turned to face Paolo. “Paolo! I beg of you—remove the petition! Not for me…

, a cry escaped Valeria’s mouth. She didn’t know what was going on, but she sensed that there was far more at stake than a wedding.

Alex continued, “Council, I also request that Cassandra be considered a mortal for purposes of our laws, until this can be settled with Kristiana—which I am certain it can be.
Cassandra has never taken any action that justifies the Law of Nevia. She has not…we have not…consummated our relationship. Certainly, that proves her innocence! We would both testify to that, if need be.” Alex glared to Paolo. “Also, please consider that Kristiana knew of Cassandra and knew that my first commitment was to Cassandra—always.”

Jeremiah waved an arm
. “You cannot undo what has been done, Alexander. You should have thought of the ramifications earlier. Now, it is too late. Cassandra is here as an immortal. That cannot, and shall not, be undone.” Alex dropped his head a fraction, hanging on to hope. “As far as the Law of Nevia, that petition has been entered and signed by two immortals in good standing with this council. There
reason to consider this a valid complaint!”

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