The Taking (12 page)

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Authors: Katrina Cope

BOOK: The Taking
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The archangel faces Zacharias and scolds, “What do you think you are doing?”

“Training of course,” he snaps. “It’s what Michael brought them here for.”

Archangel Gabriel shakes their head. “That has to be the toughest, most dangerous training I have seen any archangel do.” Creases are fixed on the forehead of the ordinarily smooth face.

“Well, I am not an archangel, am I?” Zacharias glares at the archangel.

“You shouldn’t go for the vital organs like the heart and arteries,” Archangel Gabriel retorts. It is so strange hearing them angry.

Zacharias shrugs. “There is only one way to learn how to take a hit and quicken the reflexes, and that is through pain.”

“Ludicrous!” Archangel Gabriel flicks a hand.

“Yeah, because you are such an expert on fighting.” He prances around on his tippy toes in some weird movement that I am guessing is supposed to be a ballerina.

Archangel Gabriel sighs. “I did not come here to argue. I came because Michael has sent me.”

“Can’t he come himself?” Zacharias’ face holds a deeper scowl than usual.

“No. He is busy hunting Separus. It is why he cannot train these three at the moment and why your expertise is needed.”

“What, alone?” Zacharias asks.

“I believe Raphael is accompanying him, other than that he is alone.”

Shaking his head Zacharias asks, “Did he not learn from last time we fought together?”

“It is not a matter of not learning. The angels are stretched at the moment and Separus has gone missing.”

Zacharias wrinkles crease deeply together while he grasps his hands behind his back and paces. Noticing the slight limp, I remember the injury that I gave him. “That can never be good. That demon needs to be stopped.”

Archangel Gabriel’s eyes fall on me. “Yes, he does.”

My energy returns and I stand. I walk over to Zacharias and reach my hand out toward his leg. He flinches away from my touch.

“I can heal that for you.” I watch his face soften to a level I haven’t seen before.

He nods. “Yes, of course.” He holds his leg still as I heal the dagger gouge through his monk clothing.

Once done, I remove my hand.

He mutters something undecipherable and steps back.

I turn to face Archangel Gabriel. It is so nice to see a friendly archangel. “Why do we get the pleasure of your company?” I ask.

Archangel Gabriel turns from me and looks at Ben. “We have a mission that needs your urgent attention.”

“What?” Zacharias asks his eyes narrow while he looks at Archangel Gabriel. “They are far from ready for another mission. I will not let you take them.”

“It is not up to you Zacharias,” Archangel Gabriel says.

A glower descends on his face as he studies the genderless angel. “I have given Michael a month for these fledglings to prove themselves to me. I am not extending that time.”

Archangel Gabriel flicks a hand at Zacharias. “Oh, stop that rough nonsense. You already know they have won a way into your heart. You’re just too stubborn to admit it.”

“That’s absurd. There must be screws loose in your head.” He taps his temples menacingly.

“Oh, honey.” Archangel Gabriel tilts a hand at him and smiles. “This brain is a creative brain. You couldn’t say anything nicer. There is nothing better than a few screws loose to make a masterpiece.”

A grumble escapes Zacharias’ mouth.

Archangel Gabriel continues. “I can tell you like them. Your face is the most relaxed I have seen it in years.”

Cindy spins her head around and stares at him her face ironed out in shock. “Really?” she asks in a high-pitched voice.

Archangel Gabriel nods, a smirk filling the genderless face. “Anyway, there is no one else to do this mission. Trust me if there was other angels suitable we would be sending them.” A concerned look fills their eyes as they turn to me. “Emotionally this is going to be a struggle for a couple of you.”

My heart is already beating faster with anticipation of a new mission after all this time, aided into a frantic rhythm from the mention of an emotional struggle.
What are we in for? And why are the eyes looking at me?
I look at Cindy. Her face is filled with excitement of another mission.

As my head turns, Ben catches my gaze and shrugs like he can hear my unasked question.
I don’t know. I am in the dark just as much as you.
He speaks in my head.

Gazing back at Archangel Gabriel, I notice that I am still being studied. “It is imperative it is accomplished for a couple of reasons.”

“Every mission is important,” Cindy says, excitement evident in her voice. “What is so special about this one?”

Archangel Gabriel paces in the small gap between Zacharias and us then turns to Cindy. “It will aid Michael with his hunt and defeat of Separus.”

“Okay,” Cindy studies Archangel Gabriel as she waits for them to continue. The friendly archangel remains quiet. “And?” She raises an eyebrow, and it glows in the torchlight. When she is not answered she says, “That is one reason. What is the second? You mentioned there were a couple of reasons.”

“Yes, I did.”

Finding myself being studied again I can’t help frowning.

Archangel Gabriel continues. “Knowing how close you all are, it will mean a lot to all of you to succeed.” Momentarily I am relieved from the gazing eyes as they turn to Cindy. “But I will let you find out once you have swallowed the bean of the Innocent’s essence.”

Confusion spreads over Cindy’s face, but she remains silent.

Archangel Gabriel stops pacing and stands tall in front of us. Cupping their hands together, a summoned cloud forms within their palms. Reaching in, the archangel grabs three beans and first hands one to Cindy. She takes it then swallows. The confusion does not leave her face. Progressing to Ben, a bean is handed to him. I watch his face as he swallows. A strange look crosses over his features that I can’t quite make out.

What is it?
I try to project to him in my mind. I do not see a change in his expression so he most likely didn’t hear me. After all, he is the one with the mind projection not me.

Archangel Gabriel has moved in front of me. Compassion floods their face as I am handed the remaining bean.
Brace yourself, sweetie.
The archangel's speaks in my head.
This is not an ordinary mission. You are not rescuing the Innocent from being harmed but from becoming the perpetrator. As you have suspected in the past, it is not the Innocents' fault that they become corrupt. They are chosen like you, but for the opposite side.

Great! That doesn’t sound good.
I respond
as I
tentatively take the bean, swallowing it instantly. The warmth of a life’s essence fills my abdomen but for some reason this warmth has a more familiar feel than I remember in the past. As it settles, and the information pours into my being, my eyes open wide. Frantic, they search Archangel Gabriel’s face.

Compassion fills the eyes as they nod. Archangel Gabriel’s voice sounds in my head.
Yes, that is correct.

My breathing becomes rushed, and I feel like I want to faint as I look at Ben. He is already watching me, his face tortured.

I scream inside my head.

- Chapter Eleven -

My eyes close and my knees buckle. Strong hands catch me. Bare skin presses up against my face, and a durable heart beats steadily next to my ear as I am embraced.
It’s all right. I’ll be there for you, but you need to gather your focus and strength so we can stop this,
the comforting baritone says.

I take in several deep breaths. Ben’s right. I need to toughen up. Ethan needs me. It must be tearing Ben apart, but once again he is concentrating on his duty of saving another Innocent. Opening my eyes, they focus on Cindy’s face. It is filled with confusion as she studies me with a concerned expression. I am not surprised; she does not know my past. Straightening my legs, I stand with Ben’s help and face Archangel Gabriel. “Is this the work of Separus?”

The pale face tilts forward, and the blonde curls briefly conceal the jawline. “I believe some of his underlings are on their way to corrupt Ethan. You must hurry. There is no time to waste.”

“You need to go up a few levels before teleporting,” Zacharias says. “These lower levels are protected against teleporting, so we have warning of the arrival of angels or demons.”

I am about to race out the door when I hear Archangel Gabriel call out in a singsong voice. “Don’t worry. I will keep Zacharias company while you are gone.”

“Hogwash you will,” Zacharias grumbles.

If my mind wasn’t so worried about Ethan, I am sure I would have found that humorous. After running to the upper levels, we teleport to the street in Coomera, Australia, outside of Ethan’s townhouse. We face the set of townhouses focusing on one in particular — the address of our Innocent.

There it is — the place where the love of my human lives resides. I know it shouldn’t, but my heart still yearns for him. I want to run up to the apartment and embrace him, protect him from the evil he is about to face. I have learnt to love the life as an angel, yet how am I supposed to bury feelings for a human soul I have held dear through all of my three lives.

I tear my eyes away from the apartment for a moment to take a look around. Darkness surrounds us from the early hours of the morning. I breathe in the crispness of the cooler fresh air welcoming the freshness after smelling stale rocks for the past couple of weeks. The street is empty except for the parked cars on the driveways and along the footpaths. Streetlights shine brightly, every few houses. It is a street of newly built houses especially for the middle-class families, attractive but not fancy.

The three of us are invisible, but we crouch down behind a bush trying to hide ourselves from demonic eyes.

“Do you feel any demons yet, Cindy?” Ben asks.

She shakes her head, the golden Chakram around her neck and left wrist glisten in the light. “Whose place is this?” Cindy whispers, studying me. The shine from the streetlight casts shadows over her eyes and accentuates her cheekbones. “Who are they to you?”

Guilt I never thought I would feel a few months ago, rises within and my eyes flick to Ben. His face is like a blank canvas showing no signs of emotion. A complete contrast from what he showed me at the monastery.

Can he read my mind now? Or is it because my face is screwed up from my emotions being pulled in all directions.

Knowing that I am here to stop my true human love from turning evil is tearing me apart.

“Aurora?” Cindy is still looking at me, and I swallow.

I open my mouth, but the words stop in my throat, so I close it. After a deep breath, I try again only to have the same result.

“It is the place where she once lived with her true love for three lives.” It is not a whisper and Ben’s voice sounds animated. I cringe as I look at the impassive face.

“How did—” Cindy gazes at him with her mouth open and then looks at me. I know my face would be ridden with guilt and sadness, and I don’t have the strength to rein it in before her eyes pick up on my emotions. “How did you know?” Her eyes have fallen back to Ben’s vacant face.

Ben’s eyes continue to study the Townhouse; his mouth does not move.

She looks back at me.

I know she is not going to let this rest, so I answer. “He caught me the one time I decided to come and check up on Ethan after I saved his little brother on a mission.”

“You got to save people from your past?” Cindy’s voice heightens.

I nod.

“I thought we weren’t allowed to be given missions involving people from our past. That must have been so rewarding.” Her eyes look dreamy under the shadow.

Exhaling, I say, “It was hard too. It was someone from my past that was the perpetrator.”

“Oh.” The corners of Cindy’s mouth turn down. “That would have been hard. But then you checked up on others?”

“I was already in the area and didn’t resist the pull to check up on my,” I pause as I look at Ben, “Ethan.”

“Just like you to break the rules.” Cindy smiles and shakes her head. “Why was Ben there?”

I glance at Ben. It felt strange talking about him like he wasn’t there. He did not seem to be in the mood to answer her questions, so I answered. “He knew I was in trouble.”

Cindy frowns. “How would he think that? Besides weren’t you safe?”

I fiddle with the charm on my bracelet of the three angels; one yellow, one dark blue with a deep green mixed with golden flecks and golden wings, and one blue male angel. “The charm I gave you and Ben dobbed me in.”

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