The Taking (21 page)

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Authors: Katrina Cope

BOOK: The Taking
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Nervous, I reach up over his shoulder and stroke the top of his deep royal blue wing, studying it as though I have never seen it before. The softness of the feathers comforts me, and I want to become lost in its fullness and strength.

The situation with Ethan complicating our lives more makes me feel bad, and I think I should be explaining myself, even though I haven’t done anything wrong. “Ben, I—”

A finger is on my lips, stopping me from speaking. “Shhh.”

Pulling my eyes away from studying his wing, I gaze up at him, catching my rushed breath as he stands that little bit closer. My limbs begin to fail, and he wraps his arms around me.
Oh, that warmth.
It feels so good to be embraced in his arms again. He always gave good hugs even as a friend. I rest my head against his chest and listen dreamily to the steady beat of his heart, wrapping my arms around his waist.

A slow, strong hand runs through my hair; I almost purr when it strokes around my temples. Soft lips kiss me on my forehead, and I feel my worries fleeting.

“I’m sorry,” he whispers.

I shake my head against his chest in disagreement. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”

“I was jealous . . . and worried I’d lose you, especially going back to Ethan’s home and stirring up all your memories.”

Tilting my head to look at his face I say, “I understand. I don’t blame you.” I reach up and run my fingers through his dark brown hair above his ear. “What you said before was right — I lead a different life now. But you do understand that I cannot let him turn into a demon, don’t you?”

“Of course. You, rather we, would not be able to let anyone turn into a demon if we can stop it.” He strokes his hand past my temple and down my hair, pulling forward a few strands and fiddling with the dark brown ends. He pushes it away when I see something flicker in his eyes. “But I hope you understand, that in this case, I may find it hard not to get jealous now and then.”

My lips part slightly in a smile. “I would probably worry if you didn’t.”

He leans down and presses his lips to mine, massaging them gently. All of my strength leaves my body once more as he pulls me closer. A smile forms on my lips and he pulls his mouth slightly away.


“I was just thinking that this is a much nicer way of losing my energy than having the demons take it from me.” I chuckle. “Maybe they should just lock us together in a room instead.”

His eyebrows rise, and his eyes twinkle. “I like that idea.” His eyes glance over my shoulder at Ethan’s food. “At least then we will get some proper alone time not always being called away for some duty.” He grasps my chin and gently lifts it. Bending down, he presses his moist lips against mine, this time with more passion. Taken by surprise, I gaze into his eyes; there is so much meaning and longing in them. When our lips part he says, “Hopefully that is a little something you will remember when you are with Ethan. I am here for you for eternity.”

Understanding where he is coming from, I stand on my tippy-toes and give him a quick kiss on the lips. “Come on. We better go check on Ethan and return, or else Zacharias will come looking for us.”

We grab the bowls and water and head to the room. I had picked up the dish that Ben was holding before, and I notice it is warm. I study its contents trying to decipher the white mushy stuff. On top I can see cubed tomato and capsicum in some sort of dressing, and boiled peas in their pods. Lifting the bowl, I smell the contents. “It looks like some porridge mixed with chicken.” I can’t help but let out a chuckle. “Oh, he is not going to like this.” Covering my mouth briefly, it feels wrong that I found it humorous. “He was always a mere meat and two veg type of guy. Unfortunately for him, the monks are too busy now to get him food of his choice.” The bowl Ben holds has simple bread and fruits, dried and fresh. “He’ll live; even if he has to live off bread and fruit.”

Ben puts his arm around me. “Hopefully, we will have this mess with Separus sorted and then he can be free.”

I smile at him. “That would be a better option.”

We reach the door, and I have no idea what to expect on the other side. Ignoring my nerves that are firing from both ends, I open it with angelic power. Ethan is sitting on his unmade bed, elbows resting on his knees with his head planted in his palms. The grinding of the sliding stone causes him to look up.

Instantly my heart breaks. Under his growing stubble, his face holds a mixture of emotions and for the first time that he has seen me after my last death, he does not rise to embrace me. Despite being knocked out, he must remember my latest visit. His eyes flick curiously to Ben observing his majestic blue wings, bare chest and tight, royal blue pants. In his mind, it would be the first time he has seen him. Reading the look on his face, I can tell he's not happy about it either.

Ben steps forward and presents the food. “We have more food for you.”

“Swell. My guardian angel,” Ethan says, the sarcasm thick in his voice. He does not take the bowl from him, so Ben places it on the floor next to his bed.

Endeavouring to lighten the mood I say, “Trust me. You’re going to want to take that bowl when you see what is in mine.” I force a laugh.

The scowl flicks from eyeing Ben to me, and I swallow. His unhappiness is killing me.

“Why am I here?” His voice is harsh as his eyes scan the outline of my wings. “What the hell is going on, Aurora?” Watching the agitation rise as he gazes over my wings, I decide to fold them away. Instantly some of the tension lifts from his face. It is as though the sight of the wings aggravates the demonic spirit in him.

Assessing his mood, I know I am going to have to risk it. “Ben, could you give us a couple of minutes alone?”

Concern washes over Ben’s face. “
It is too risky,”
his voice sounds in my head.

“Please just stand outside the open door. He will not know you can hear us, and he will feel more relaxed. Okay?”

“Okay,” he says out loud, emotion lacking in his voice. “If you need me I will just be outside.”

“Thanks.” When I hear his footsteps leave the immediate room, I kneel down in front of Ethan. I just want to embrace him and caress him, but I can see he is distant and confused. Goodness knows what emotions he would be feeling with his compassionate human side being taken over by the evil from the demonic influence. “Ethan, are you okay?”

He doesn’t answer he just stares, his eyes studying my face. The longer my wings are packed away, the more relaxed his features become.

“I am so sorry you have been dragged into all of this.” My face screws up with distress when I speak. I reach out, grab his hand and stroke the back. “I tried to protect you, but they knew who you were.”

The creases in his forehead deepen. “What are you talking about?”

I continue to stroke the back of his hand, the hand that used to hold me and caress me. My fingers feel the familiar roughness brought upon from his rugged building job. “Before you were brought here, do you remember anything strange?”

He shakes his head. “One minute I was sleeping, the next I am being held captive by angels and find you’re alive — kind of.”

“I am sorry you are being held here. The intention was not to hold you against your will. I am not lying when I say it is for your protection.” My shoulders slump forward as I sit on my heels. “I hope you can believe me after all the years we have spent together.”

The frown does not leave his face. “What is going on?”

“When you were sleeping the other night, my colleagues and I were sent on a mission to protect you. Not for your physical protection but your mental. We needed to protect your innocence for you to remain a good person.” My eyes drop, and a huge sigh escapes my lips, wretchedness clenches my heart as I remember the details. “We failed.”

“What? What does that mean?”

“It means that you no longer have a conscience and that evil will slowly build inside you causing you to do sick things. I have seen the results during my life as an angel.”

His light brown eyes turn hard, and I flinch. It was a very rare thing to see him angry when I was human. “Why would that happen to me?”

“It is not just you. It is many people that the demons are choosing to turn evil, but in your case, you were special. The demons were using you to capture me and my new angel friends.”

“So, seeing that you
did you escape and then I was turned?” His voice sounds bitter.

“No. We were captured and drained of the majority of our energy. We were lucky that we were rescued before the demons killed us or turned us.” I point to Ben, who is still tucked out of sight. “Two of us are only just getting our energy back now and it has been days.”

“So, if I am doomed, why am I locked up in here?” His eyes flick around the nonchalant grey walls.

“We are trying to find a way to change you back and even though you have been tampered with, there is still hope. You are also here because they still want to use you as bait, to get to me in particular.” I reach out and take his hand again. “I am truly sorry you are caught up in this and lost your freedom. Trust me, this was not how I wanted to meet up with you again.”

His eyes soften, and he pulls me close, knocking me off balance and into his arms. “I have no reason to doubt you; telling me the truth was one thing I always knew you were good for. This was not how I wished to see you again either.” His fingers run gently up and down my spine. “I have dreamed of seeing you again one day, I assumed after I died, but this was not what I hoped — you an angel and me slowly turning evil. I had hoped it would be a happily ever after meeting.”

My body is a mixture of emotions. I have missed his hugs so much and the heart that beats differently to Ben’s, yet still a sound that keeps me humming. Am I really going to be able to give up on Ethan for good, or is my heart still going to long for him if I let him go? If only life wasn’t so complicated.

“I missed you,” he whispers in my ear.

“And I you,” I whisper in return.

In my peripheral vision, I see a movement. I turn my head slightly when Ben appears around the corner of the door. His eyes fall on us embracing, and his jawline sharpens. With my eyes pleading for understanding, I watch the eyes flick from surprise to anger, then to hurt. I let go of Ethan and ask, “Is everything okay?”

“Zacharias is asking where we are.” His voice is business as usual.

I exhale. Life would be so much easier if we didn’t need relationships — and so much lonelier, I remind myself.

I look back at Ethan. “I have to go.”

Gloom crosses his face, and he looks down at the food we have brought him.

Running a hand through his unkempt hair, I say, “I’ll be back as soon as I can. But please remember, in order to fix you I have to avenge you, and this requires me to do more training so I won’t fail.”

He nods, and I think I see understanding in his eyes. Standing, I walk to the door and close it. He does not look up as we leave him behind.

While walking down the corridor, I study Ben. His eyes fixed in front. “It was only a hug,” I say.

His head jerks up and down roughly. “I know.”

I reach out and touch his hand, and he embraces mine.

“I’ll be fine.” He turns to look at me, his eyes tainted with hurt. “It’s just going to take some getting used to. I can’t wait for this mission to be over.” Half a smile rises on his face. “Then I can have you all to myself.”

- Chapter Nineteen -

One of Ben’s training sessions is over, and I have finished healing him. Now I bend over a large gash in Zacharias’ side injecting healing power. My skills are proving useful for all of us. In our time with the grumpy earthbound angel, he has proven to be a very talented fighter. His method, which at first seemed cruel, has trained us quickly to rise far above the level we were. After each fight, we are always injured, but we also have learnt quickly to avoid this next time. Even with my healing power during each exercise we go through excruciating pain, although these days I seem to be healing Zacharias as much as us.

As I heal his injury, I am in awe of the skill of this broken angel. He should be doing so much more than just guarding the angelic weapons. Yes, this job is important but it is such a shame to see his talent go to waste. I wish we could undo what Separus did to him. My mind wonders what happened to the rest of his wings after the last joint.
Are they destroyed or held captive somewhere?

As the skin seals back together, I hear Cindy call through the door, and I leave Zacharias to recoup as I go and open it for her. “We need to teach Cindy and Ben how to open the door. Surely they can do it too?” I look at Zacharias.

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