The Third Fate (15 page)

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Authors: Nadja Notariani

BOOK: The Third Fate
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Cael stood at the foot of the bed unmoving, resolve firm. He would not go to her unless she surrendered all to him. Nothing less was acceptable. She reached for him, and his control nearly faltered.

Ye must give yerself to me, lass. I willna come to ye unless ye want me to have all of ye,
and ye want all of me.

I want all of you, Cael,” she whispered. “But I’m afraid.”

What are ye afraid of, lass?” he asked, acquiescing to her touch at last.

Of not being in control…of losing you…of losing myself…” she stammered, the call stronger than her ability to articulate.

Let me inside yer mind. Doona try to explain it all. I’ll know.”

Gently, Cael rubbed her temples, smoothing her hair under his hands.

Think what ye canna say…Give yerself to me, lass.

Paige whimpered, her thoughts roaring in release, one rolling into another in a frenzy of outpouring emotion. She gasped at the sense of relief that flooded her, and after the torrent eased found herself able to concentrate again.

I…I feel calmer,” she whispered.

Ye shouldna hold yerself back from me. It hurts ye,” he chastised gently. “And what hurts ye hurts me, Paige.”

She searched his blue eyes, her regret and fear - his tenderness - mingling in a singular moment of unity.

I’m sorry,” she admitted. “It was unfair of me to accuse you earlier. If I’d have listened and had a little faith in you the whole thing would never have happened. Hurting either of us is not what I want.”

Her words lingered between them. Suddenly, Paige noticed the cool air against her skin and blushed deeply at her state of undress, peculiarly excited at the nearness of him. Anew, the strange hunger took root. Cael remained inches from her mouth, waiting.

Paige had to make a decision.

I’m afraid of what’s happening to me, Cael Maccinnis. I’m afraid to be with you.” She paused, taking a breath before continuing. “I’m more afraid of living without you.”

What are ye sayin’, lass?” he rasped next to her ear.

That I want to give all of myself to you. I want all you have to give me, too.”

His mouth covered hers, her sigh deep and throaty at the relief of his lips upon hers. Fevered heat re-kindled, and her body arched toward him in yearning. Desire and thirst mingled, Cael’s eyes reddening in the heat of passion. He drank in her skin’s taste, roving to her lace covered peak and biting, bringing Paige off the bed with a moan of pleasure as his hand trailed between her legs. Lower he progressed, his heated breath warming her, and she pleaded for relief.

I…I need…”

I know what ye need, lass,” he soothed, smiling against her inner thigh.

The panties vanished. At the first stroke of his tongue over her Paige mewled, her need growing with every touch. Cael slid a single finger inside her, her gasp assuring him of her pleasure. He stilled, kissing her thighs with soft brushing kisses until she writhed beneath him. Returning to her sensitive flesh, he lapped, pressing another finger inside her tightness.

Ye taste so good, lass,” he murmured before sliding up her body, kissing his way back to her neck. “I want more of ye.”

She turned her head, offering her neck in erotic submission.

I want you to do it,” she replied in a throaty whisper.

He nuzzled her neck, pressed her hips open with his own. Paige ripped at the shirt covering his chest and moved to his pants before abandoning the frustrating task, willing them gone.

Ah, lass,” he growled low.

Cael pushed inside her, hooking his hand under her knee and opening her vulnerably before his invasion. Stroking in and out, Paige splayed beneath him, he watched her passion mount. Heavy lidded, her eyes drank him in. Her pink lips begged him nip their lushness. Her breasts, full and lush, jounced with his every thrust. The splendor of her unbridled desire propelled him toward release, and when her fangs elongated Cael lowered his lips near her ear.

Drink, Paige,” he encouraged, his inner arm offered as he lowered to take her neck.

Her moan mingled with his own, her body gripping him in her peak of pleasure, heightened by his drinking. Clasping him close Paige sank her fangs, drawing hungrily, and Cael spilled inside her, filling her with his heated essence. They rode the prolonged waves of pleasure, drinking and fucking as mates were meant to, oblivious to all but the pleasure enjoyed until each drank their fill. Kissing her wound closed as she sealed his, they returned to one another’s lips, tasting and touching for untold time.

Ye have taken of me, lass. And I of ye. We belong to one another.

Don’t leave me,” she pleaded softly against his chest as he pulled her close to his side. “Ever.”

I willna leave ye, lass.”

Paige remained still and quiet in his arms, mesmerized by his caresses upon her flesh. At last she spoke in a small, frightened voice.

Is it over?”

Is what over?” he asked, kissing her forehead.

My change. Am I a vampire like you now?”

Not yet.”

But I drank your blood,” she protested his answer, bringing a chuckle from him.

Aye, ye did. It will help with the changin’. Will make it easier on ye.”

Paige grew contemplative a few moments.

Cael,” she whispered softly, “I wanted to drink. To bite you.”

Aye,” he acknowledged, her admission expected.

He caressed her skin, swirling his fingertips over her shoulder.

Could I ever hurt you by drinking from you?”

Cael rolled her beneath him, feathering kisses across her cheeks.

Ye willna hurt me, lass, I told ye before. Ye give me pleasure as I do ye.”

Cael,” her voice was small still, and he smoothed his hands around her face, concerned at her troubled tone.

What troubles ye?”

Will you drink from other vampires? Will they drink from you?”

He heard emotion strain her voice, flooding him with tenderness as he understood her fear.

Nay. Ye will be my only, Paige.”

Rather than allow her continue in worrisome thought, he occupied her in more tantalizing pursuits, knowing that before the dawn he had to spirit them safely to Raven House.

Chapter Eleven

Conrad raged.

Openly he scorns the authority of the Council! And yet they do nothing!”

His associate toyed with a paperweight, calculating his reply. It would do no good to rush the ancient.

He’ll have her turned fully before he allows any near her, and by then she will be protected by vampire law! He will then openly flaunt his half-born whore!”

Conrad spat the words with disgust.

Unless we find her first,” the voice injected subtly. “She will be easily controlled – or disposed of.”

Are you listening to anything I’ve said?” Conrad roared. “He will not uncloak her, even to the Council!”

Perhaps I have something that will flush Cael out of his hiding – and in doing so will leave the half-born exposed.”

Conrad paused his ranting to consider his associate’s boast.

How could you have something of such import, Kaiden of Clan Douglas?”

The coven leader smiled.

You can come in now,” Kaiden called.

The doors at the far end of the gilded sitting room opened inward revealing the female vampire of whom Kaiden spoke. Conrad’s mouth turned up in a viscous sneer.

I believe you may be correct, Kaiden. The end of Cael Maccinnis will be a glorious sight.”


Raven House was like nothing Paige had encountered. A mixture between a five-star hotel and a hedonistic playground, the estate bespoke of old-world manners in the main areas and pure sin behind closed doors. Their arrival had been relatively quiet, and Paige thought only to be staying at the estate of one of Cael’s wealthy friends. The entire day passed with nothing more scandalous than maids polishing the abundant wooden furniture and quiet movements of various servants.

As evening approached Cael roused, explaining that things would be quite different as night wakened. He produced a sari, the cream-colored silk more beautiful than any garment she’d ever owned, urging her to wear it.

My closest friend, Alden, will be united with his mate, Jodhaa, this evening. Ye will look lovely.”

Shouldn’t the bride be wearing white?” Paige asked nervously.

No one wanted to look the upstart to a bride.

Cael laughed softly.

She’s from India, Paige. The bride wears red.”

Paige laughed in spite of the oddity of it all. Weeks ago she was sitting at her desk in the library, wondering if she’d be able to leave in time to keep dinner plans. Nothing more exciting happened than completing a book collection. She was the frumpy Miss who arranged the flowers for weddings, not a guest wearing white silk. Certainly she was not the guest with a beautiful man beside her. Correction. A beautiful vampire beside her. Her circumstances had changed considerably. She was becoming a vampire. Suddenly, she felt ill.

What will happen to me? Will I never go out in the sun again? Will I never die?

The full weight of the situation slammed into her, unspoken consequences she’d not allowed herself to ruminate on, to consider. Everything had changed.

I don’t even know who I really am.

This thought more than the others terrified her.

Relax your mind, lass. Ye know who ye are, and I’m here with ye.

His presence in her thoughts comforted her. Just days ago it unnerved her to know that he heard her every private intimation. Now, a sense of belonging sprang to life in the knowledge. It troubled her, how easy it was to accept these new ideas about the world, physical and spiritual. It was as if she’d known all along that this realm existed, explained at last why she’d never fit in entirely.

Cael’s arms wrapped her, the silk sari beneath his hands. It’s coolness slid against her skin, contrasting the heat where his hands rested. Looking back at him with a smile she shook her head.

You didn’t give me a chance to put it on.”

I couldna wait,” he murmured against her hair.

All the fears, the uncertainties, faded when he came near. The minutes in his arms almost dispelled them completely.

How can this man, a being as wonderful as he is, love me? What happens when he realizes that I’m nothing more than regular, boring Paige.

Cael’s arms tightened on her, turning her to face him.

Doona think such things, lass. It is I that should be fearin’.”

You say that, Cael, but look around! This house is filled with beautiful women, and any of them would die to be with you. Why would you have picked me?”

Ye raise my ire, lass. Doona be puttin’ yerself down.”

Don’t misunderstand, Cael. I accept that I’m not like them. I suppose ordinary isn’t a word I can describe myself with anymore now that I’m becoming a vampire, but I’m not world-traveled, drop-dead-gorgeous, either.”

And why would a lass as wonderful as yerself be havin’ aught to do with me? I’ve shirked my responsibilities, hidin’ away in the Highlands for centuries, Paige. I’ve made many mistakes, failed those who depended on me.”

Paige was silent, surprise showing on her face at his admission. Cael confessed his past, sharing his devastation at Gwendolyn’s betrayal and his secret shame over Rose McAllister’s death.

I never meant for anyone to get hurt.”

You must have loved her very much,” Paige said quietly.

Nay, lass. I didna love her, nor did she love me. We were reckless and carefree, and we enjoyed one another’s company. It would have ended once she found her mate.” He paused, holding her tightly. “Because of me, she never had the chance.”

Do you know why she was killed, Cael?” Paige asked.

That’s what has haunted me. I doona know. But I willna make the same mistake twice. Now can ye understand why I took ye against yer will that day at the airport?”

I understand,” she assured him, nestling against his chest. “You’re beginning to lead.”

Aye. It appears I am.”

Lingering quiet allowed them to absorb the words they had exchanged, each learning much about the other.

Paige replayed the conversation in her mind again while sitting in the hall after the ceremony. It had been a lovely, sacred sort of event, puzzling amid such a place as this. Jodhaa was so young and innocent in appearance, blushing profusely as Alden led her to their rooms. Sweetness emanated from the young Indian woman, and Alden had been so obviously taken with her.

What makes ye look so serious?” Cael’s silken voice requested from behind.

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