Read The Third Son Online

Authors: Elise Marion

The Third Son (23 page)

BOOK: The Third Son
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“Damn my family! Damn it all! I would give up being a prince if it only meant we could be together!”

Esmeralda allowed the tears to fall freely now, beyond moved by his words. She almost wished he would stop, because she knew that if he continued to spin pretty words around her, she would be ensnared and unable to resist his offer. “You could not do that,” she said softly, reaching out to cup his face in her hands. “I would not ask you to leave your family, to forsake all that you have known, what is yours by right of birth. You belong here Damien. You have responsibilities.”

“Responsibilities?” his laugh was dry, dripping with scorn. “I am merely the third son. Everyone has a responsibility except me! No one will care who or when I marry and I like it that way.”

“But your dreams of opening a university

“I would never have the courage if it weren’t for you. You made me realize that it was more than a foolish dream. You made it a reality for me. Don’t you understand? I cannot do it without you.” He grasped her about the waist and pulled her against him, molding their bodies together.
gently grasped the
of her neck and tilted her head back until her lips were parted and ready for his. He ravaged her mouth with his own, desperately clinging to her as if drawing from her his last breath. His fingers tightened, holding her captive. He kissed her
, savoring the sweet taste of her lips. She moaned softly and leaned into him, standing on tiptoe to offer him more of her mouth.                                    

“Say yes,” he murmured between kisses, his voice a mere sigh on the night air. He showered kisses over her neck, working his way up to the sensitive place behind her ear. “Marry me,” he whispered before taking her earlobe between his teeth. “Don’t deny me.”

Her legs buckled as if she had been drugged and if not for his arms around her, she would have fallen at a puddle at his feet. He never ceased his assault, whispering love words in her ear as he nibbled at her vulnerable flesh. 

“You’re not being fair,” she managed, clinging to him as his lips lowered to her shoulders. “I can hardly say no to you while you’re kissing me like that.”

“Then I shall never stop kissing you,” he whispered hoarsely, claiming her mouth once more. Esmeralda pushed at his shoulders, fighting for breath, fighting for control over her tempestuous feelings. It was inevitable, she realized now. She had known it from the moment he had tried to kiss her in the doorway of her little cottage that she would never be able to deny him. Even that afternoon in the shaded glen, when he had been but a breath of a moment away from making love to her, she would not have denied him. How then, was she to deny him this?

“Yes,” she said, tearing her lips away from his. “Yes Damien, I’ll marry you.”

Shock rippled briefly across Damien’s features before it was replaced by elation. His grin was broad and his eyes were bright as he lifted her in his arms and twirled her in circles. Esmeralda lifted her face upward to the starry night, exulting in his joy and claiming it as her own. He lowered her to her feet.

“We must go to my father.” Before she could respond, he had grasped her hand tightly and was dragging her through the maze. She trotted to keep up with his long strides, wondering idly how he knew his way through the maze.

“Your father?”

Damien nodded, but didn’t decrease his pace. “I must tell him of our plans to marry. He will support us, even if no one else will.”

“And Serge will as well, I believe.” 

Damien smiled. “You’re right. Nicolai as well. See? There are more people on our side than you thought.”

“But now is hardly the time. Your father isn’t even present at the ball. Perhaps he is not well enough for visitors.”

Damien shrugged. “He is merely resting up for the wedding tomorrow. Normally he would not miss a masquerade.”

Esmeralda could only relent and allow Damien to lead her around the side of the palace, away from the crowded ballroom.

“We’ll go another way,” he explained, “I don’t want to get caught up in the crush.”

She followed obediently, her heart beating rapidly. What had once been delight was now replaced with dread. What if the king found her unsuitable to wed his son? She pressed her hand to her fluttering stomach and sighed.



She had seen King Adare in the paintings Damien had shown her throughout the gallery. She had also seen him in passing at the many functions she had attended at the palace over the last few weeks. She could hardly believe the difference that prolonged illness had made in Adare. The once strong, virile man was now a former shadow of himself, wasting away before their very eyes. Esmeralda tried not to let the pity show in her eyes as she approached the gigantic four-poster bed erected on a platform in the midst of the king’s chambers. She smiled demurely and executed her best curtsy. Adare smiled and stretched out his hand toward her. “Come, my dear and let me have a look at you.”

Esmeralda rose from her curtsy, pleasantly surprised at the strength still to be found in Adare’s voice. The sound was like music to her ears, echoing off the walls and high ceilings.

“It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Your Highness,” she said as she approached his bedside. Damien walked a few paces behind her. The ever-watchful guards stood a discreet distance away, their eyes facing respectfully forward. She allowed Adare to take her hand and place a kiss on it, pleased by the radiance sparkling in his eyes.

“I have seen you from afar and heard much about you.” Each word seemed to draw upon an excessive amount of his breath. “It is good to finally meet you.
Raina Brandon
used to grace the palace ballroom with her radiance. I am pleased to see that there is much of her in you.”

Esmeralda was awed that he still remembered her mother. Raina’s days of dancing at the palace seemed like ages ago. “You remember

“How could I forget? She is a remarkable woman
a remarkable dancer as well.”

Damien approached the bed, placing a kiss on his hollowed cheek. “You are looking well tonight father.”

“That is good to know. I hope to look my best for your brother’s wedding.” Adare turned to Esmeralda. “You will be attending, young lady, will you not?”

“Yes, Your Highness.” 

“Speaking of weddings,” said Damien, “I have asked Esmeralda to be my wife and she has agreed. I wish us to be married as soon as possible.”

The joy that leapt in Adare’s eyes was unmistakable. He smiled brightly and clapped his hands together gleefully, chuckling heartily. “This is wonderful news!” he bellowed. “I never thought I’d see the day! You know, this young rascal has been avoiding the noose of matrimony for years,” he said to Esmeralda with a wink.

“That’s enough of that, old man,” Damien laughed. “We don’t want to scare her away.”

”No,” said Adare, suddenly serious. “Your mother will try enough for us all. And I fear Lionus as well.” 

“That is why we came to you first. I knew you would be supportive.”

Adare nodded. “You’ve made a splendid match. A love match. That much is obvious from the look in both your eyes. I could ask for nothing better for my son. I can only hope that your brothers will find such happiness.”

“With all due respect, Your Highness,” Esmeralda interjected, “I believe that Lionus already has. The Princess Isabelle loves him dearly.”

“She is very astute,” Adare said to Damien. “She has seen what not many others have been able to see between Lionus and Isabelle.”

“We should leave now and let you rest,” Damien said, taking Esmeralda’s elbow. “I should be getting Esmeralda home soon.”

Adare kissed Esmeralda’s hand one last time before allowing Damien to pull her away. “I know the two of you will be happy together. If it means anything to you, you have my most gracious blessing.”

Damien felt the sting of tears in his eyes. He felt then that he loved his father now more than he ever had. “It means everything.”

Esmeralda took Damien’s arm and let him lead her from his father’s chambers. She saw the unmistakable glistening of tears in his eyes, but chose not to comment on them. He’d had an emotional night and she had done her share of crying as well. But the time for tears was now over. She clasped his hand tightly in hers.

“So,” she said with a wide grin. “You want to go to a real party?”


Chapter 14

Damien sat close beside Esmeralda, sipping a mug of warm, spiced wine, sharing a blanket with her to ward off the chill of the evening air. They sat close by the campfire, shielded from the wind by a circle of colorful Gypsy wagons. The smells of roasting meat and aromatic spices filled the air. The strumming of guitar and the whistle of the flute could be heard, mingling with boisterous laughter and conversation.

Esmeralda had advised Damien to change clothes before coming to the Gypsy celebration and Damien was glad that he had. He had never been so comfortable at a party before, seated on the ground in his plain trousers and coat, wrapped in a coarse wool blanket. He had also never had more fun. “What are we celebrating?” he’d asked when they had first arrived.

Esmeralda shrugged. “Life,” she said with a laugh, grasping his hand tightly and leading him to the center of the camp. Small children ran in groups around the fire, squealing and laughing, watched closely by a group of mothers and grandmothers who sat nearby preparing food. Akira and Raina were among them. Desmond sat beside Tristan, strumming lightly on his guitar and sipping slowly on the spiced wine. Damien tried not to notice the venomous looks Tristan shot at him from the other side of the campfire. The orange flames cast a demonic glow over the handsome man’s face, lending it a sinister appearance.

Her family had been overjoyed at the news of their engagement, but Damien had not missed the shock and anger that had registered on Tristan’s face briefly. Esmeralda had been so surrounded by friends and family members offering their congratulations that she had not noticed. Damien shrugged inwardly and vowed to enjoy the evening. Esmeralda’s happiness was his only concern. She smiled up at him.

“It’s not exactly a palace ball,” she said.

Damien returned her smile and kissed her lightly. “No it’s not. It’s much better.” He gave her a light squeeze and rested his chin on top of her head.
had been walking about in a dream-like state ever since Esmeralda had accepted his offer of marriage. He could hardly believe that she would be his, for the rest of his life. 

He knew that it would not be easy for them at first;
Alexandra and Lionus
were sure to be against the marriage.
hey would come to accept her eventually, or forget her presence completely. Besides, they did not have to spend all of their time at Largess Hall
Damien had three properties of his own, all fully staffed and secluded. He would be content to pass his time alone in one of those places, perhaps even watching her belly grow with his child.

Tristan and Desmond, along with a man with a flute and another with a small set of drums, struck up a lively tune. Several of the young women filled the area around the campfire, their bodies twisting and moving to the pounding rhythm. Esmeralda
seemed drawn to the
unmistakable call of the music,
entranced by
the slow hum of the sensual melody flow through
the night air

“Come on Esmeralda!” called Tatiana, pulling at her hand. 

“Go,” Damien encouraged her, nudging her gently toward the fire and her laughing cousin. He had not seen her dance since that night he’d come searching for her in the tavern.

His mouth went dry as he watched her move. She smiled and laughed as she danced beside her cousin, her arms raised high above her head, her body swaying and dipping in time to the music. She had changed into a simple black skirt that swirled about her legs as she moved, and a ruffled white blouse that bared her shoulders. She had unpinned her hair and allowed it to fall down her back. Gold bracelets and anklets clanked together as she moved. Damien’s fingers tightened around his mug
. H
e watched, hypnotized by her.

Surrounded by the glow of the firelight, her eyes connected with his. Her movements became even more sensual, Several of the men had joined the women, and though Damien did not know the steps, he could not deny her when she reached her arms out to him. He dropped the blanket to the ground alongside his empty mug and allowed Esmeralda to pull him into the midst of the twisting bodies.

The dance was unlike anything he had ever experienced. There seemed to be no clear pattern of steps; one just simply allowed the music to speak and followed its natural rhythm. He held Esmeralda close, more closely than would be considered decent in a ballroom.
e was not in a ballroom
. Damien
was beneath the open sky, surrounded by a sea of writhing, undulating bodies. 

She moved against him, guiding him, her arms around his neck. He lost himself to the music, giving himself over to the joy and sensuality of it.
found the rhythm and became bolder, leading Esmeralda instead of following.

BOOK: The Third Son
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