The Third Throne: Angel of Darkness (34 page)

BOOK: The Third Throne: Angel of Darkness
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“How do you plan on doing it, professional curiosity, nothing more?” Alazar shrugged picturing all the grotesque things he would do.

“Leave that to me.  You worry about how you are going to kill our dear brother.  Oh, and I think it goes without saying that you must keep our agreement a secret.  I wouldn’t want Michael’s Celestial Warriors knowing of my part in this,” Maraquette smirked.

“We’re in this together,” Alazar nodded.  “Now, let’s celebrate our arrangement,” Alazar flicked the fragile straps off her shoulders and watched the dress slide down her taut body.  He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her to her knees.  He was eager to take advantage of the emotions that surged through him.  The thought of killing allowed his power to rise and made his body come to life.

Maraquette smirked at him.  She sank to her knees and unzipped his black jeans.

Alazar threw his head back when her mouth closed over him.

He reveled in the moment and imagined what it would be like to finally live life on his own terms and stop hiding in dungeons and graveyards.  He would be able to make his own decisions and do as he wished without the threat of servitude riding his ass.  He would be free and Anjali would be dead.

Chapter 18


Anjali woke with a start.  It took her a moment to realize where she was.  The fire was burning low in the fireplace, casting an ominous glow over the room.  She was caught between dream and reality, trying to sort out what was real.  Though she couldn’t really remember her dream, she had the vague feeling that it had been a good dream for once.  It was strange dreaming of something other than Hell, only to wake up in Hell.  It would take some time getting used to it.

She stepped out of bed and looked around the room.  She was a million miles from her parents and her friend.  She needed to talk to someone about everything that had happened.  While Lucifer was willing to listen to her, she needed someone impartial to speak to.  She thought about her father and giggled at the thought. Gabriel was indeed her father and she wanted more than anything to be able to see him again.

Anjali considered asking Lucifer if she could see Gabriel, but she feared his reaction since all outsiders required an escort.  She was desperate for a familiar face to talk through her concerns.

CJ was out of the question.  Even if he accepted that she wasn’t dead, he wouldn’t be able to relate.  How was she supposed to figure out her density by herself?

She was forced to think things through on her own, for the time being.  Pushing aside her frustrations, she decided that she had to start small.  If she was going to survive in Hell, she needed to learn how to control her new power.

Looking around the bleak room, she knew what she wanted to do.  Lucifer had called this her home, yet it was depressing and ugly.  It was no wonder Serena had lost her mind.

She cringed at the thought that Serena might have died in this very room.  It was enough to make her want to test out her new abilities.  She wanted to burn the tower down and start over, but settled for creating a few amenities from home.

Lucifer returned to the Hall of Mirrors after his meeting with the Fallen and a brief interrogation of Hades.  He needed to see Anjali before he unleashed his full rage on Hades.  The girl had begged him not to kill the traitor.  He needed to feel her skin against him before he would be calm enough to beat Hades without choking the life out of him.

He paused before the dais.  Anjali.  She was the only person, aside from Father, that he listened to.  He needed her, not just her body, but also her mind and her heart.  He knew that Hades would hate it, but he made the decision.  He couldn’t deny it any longer.

He entered the bedchamber and stopped short.  The room was remarkably different from when he had left.  Anjali had been busy in his absence decorating the room.  It was no longer the tower of horrors; instead, it was warm and inviting, enchanting even.  In front of the fireplace was a red sofa and sitting chairs seated around an ornate black coffee table. A black chandelier hung over the table with black candles that were glowing brightly. The fireplace was no longer a gaping hole in the stone wall, but a regular fireplace with a black gothic mantel.  On top of the mantle sat an antique clock and black candlesticks with red candles. Along the wall was a floor to ceiling black bookshelf lined with books and knickknacks.  The bed, despite being a torture device, had soft pillows and a burgundy comforter over the black sheets.  There were end tables on either side of the bed with small candelabras on them.  On the opposite wall was a black vanity and mirror.  He immediately liked the thought of the mirror.  There were even soft rugs strewn about the room.  She had made the room inhabitable.

Anjali jumped when she saw Lucifer.  She had been so lost in thought she hadn’t heard him enter.  She braced herself, afraid he might be angry with her for the changes.  She didn’t think the devil would enjoy someone messing with his room, even if it was temporary, but it was too barren and scary without furniture.

“Are you mad?” she squeaked.

“Why would I be mad?  I like it,” he smiled broadly.  He definitely liked the thought of this woman in his life.

“I wanted to try out my power and see what I could do.  I might have gotten a little carried away,” she looked around, pleased with her work.

“I think it’s perfect.  Come, sit down with me,” he brought her over to the sofa and sat her down.

He carefully considered what he wanted to say as panic rose in him.  What he was about to say would forever change both of their lives.  The new decor stood as testimony for his bold decision.  Deep down, he knew he had to do this.

“I have told you about the others who have tried to rule from the third throne and how none of them were right for the job.  I have thought it over and I want you to ascend the throne and assume possession of the Tower of the Depraved and the Hall of Mirrors, though I think we should change it to the Tower of the Destroyer.  I believe you are the one who can bring balance to Hades and me.  It is because of your plea of mercy that I have not killed Hades, though I desperately wanted to.  I have never shown anyone mercy before.  It’s a concept that I never cared to know.  You help me to be merciful.  Believe it or not, Hades is normally the voice of reason when I go too far, but even he can’t defeat my rage sometimes.  I believe in my heart that you can tame me when I cross the line,” Lucifer held his breath, waiting for her answer.  He was giving her the keys to the kingdom, praying that she would accept.

“You really think I can rule by your side and not screw things up?” Anjali was skeptical.

“Yes, I know you can, you’re strong enough and wise enough.  You have patience, understanding, and comprehend the level of punishment we must inflict.  You see both sides of the problem and know how best to deal with it.  You know when someone has crossed the line and gone too far.  No one else has been able to do that.  The throne is yours, if you want it.  The tower and the authority that comes with it are also yours, as long as you promise to remain dedicated to Hell.  I am warning you that it will not be easy.  I am extremely difficult to be around, though you calm me as no other can.  You will have all the rights and privileges that I had agreed to with Gabriel.  In addition, I want you to help me with the Realm of Nightmares.  You seem to have a knack for torturing my VIP prisoners.  You have a gift that I have rarely seen.  You can break down the worst of prisoners motivations and get to the root of what makes them evil, so that you can tailor their punishment to fit their crime,” Lucifer watched the emotions play across her face.  He wasn’t sure which emotion would win out, happiness or apprehension.

“I know it’s what Gabriel wanted, but I don’t know if I can do it.  I see what it takes for you to be here, how it wears you down.  I don’t think I’m tough enough to endure all the evil.  The Fallen won’t listen to me after seeing me tossed so cavalierly into the realms, not to mention that Hades will be pissed.  There is no way I can deal with everyone bearing down on me, waiting for me to fail, day after day.  I don’t want to become like Tabbris, constantly watching my back for those who want to kill me.  I certainly don’t want to end up crazy like Serena,” Anjali looked at her dress and thought about all the Fallen who had suffered at Serena’s hand.  They might take a swing at her just to defy the memory of Serena and her dress.

“You could never be like Tabbris, or Serena.  You certainly aren’t pompous like Tabbris and I pray to Father that no one will ever be as crazed as Serena was.  Once she fell from Heaven, she had no compassion left in her.  I broke her of her heavenly ways and she willingly accepted the role of the monster.  She embraced the darkness like no other,” Lucifer hung his head, regretful of his role in her demise.

“What will keep you from doing the same to me?  I doubt I will be able to turn to you for help once you’re full-on evil.  I’m the one who is supposed to pull you back from the edge.  Who will save me if I fall?” she didn’t think of Lucifer as a lifeline.  She knew he would kill to protect her, but he would be of little help if she traveled down the path of chaos.

“I understand your concern, but there are fail safes in place so that the Destroyer isn’t consumed by darkness.  Father feared that it might happen to you, which was why He gave you His light, but He also gave you other means of control.  There is still so much you do not know about your destiny, but you will learn about it in time.  Know that I believe in you.  I would not offer you this responsibility if I thought you would end up like Serena.  I admit that I never loved her, not one single day.  I hate myself for what happened to her.  I love you; I know it, I can feel it burning inside of me.  I am offering you my heart and my domain.  I want to share both with you,” Lucifer took her hands in his and kissed her.

Anjali considered Lucifer’s offer.  “What if I don’t accept?  What will happen to me?” she was afraid she wouldn’t like the answer.

Lucifer sighed as he carefully formulated his answer.  She wasn’t rejecting his offer, merely clarifying her options.  “If you don’t accept, then you are free to do as you please.  No harm will come to you.  I will still protect you.  I will still love you,” Lucifer held his breath, waiting for her answer.

“What will it entail?  What will I have to do if I assume the throne?” she hadn’t seen Lucifer sit on the throne since she first arrived.  She had no idea what he dealt with on a daily basis.

“Being in power means we must make sure that Hell is functioning properly.  All of the prisoners need to be kept occupied and controlled.  The realms must be maintained to ensure that the punishments have the intended effect.  We handle riots and escape attempts in the realms.  We end disputes among the Fallen and make sure they stay in line.  The prisoners in the Realm of Shadows need our attention, so that they remember why plotting against Father is unwise.  Then of course, there is the Council and their ridiculous demands.  They are constantly trying to impose their will upon us to prove that they are in charge, though we rarely give them the satisfaction of doing what they request.  Most of all, we do Father’s will.  If he asks us to hunt down an enemy, we gladly do it,” Lucifer missed the days of hunting down false gods.  “I believe that the Destroyer can handle most of these tasks.  If your power can’t make our enemies submit, then your kindness can certainly calm them long enough for me to take their heads.”

Anjali imagined sitting on the throne.  While it had felt right when she was mad at Hades and Lucifer, she wasn’t sure if she could do it every day.  She thought about the others who had assumed control of the thrones.  Could she do a better job than they had?  She wasn’t sure.  On top of everything, Hades had made it very clear that he didn’t want her in Hell.  “I’m afraid I will make things worse.  Hades hates me.  He will go out of his way to disagree with everything I say, just to prove a point.”

“Let go of your doubts.  I know you can do this.  There is a reason that I have allowed Hades to live this long.  He knows what is needed to run Hell.  Prove to him that you deserve to be here, and he will have no choice but to accept you.  He likes when things run smoothly.  Show him that you are willing to work with us, not against us.  He will come around; otherwise, I will remove his spleen,” Lucifer smiled encouragingly.

She rolled her eyes at his threat and grimaced.  It was becoming more apparent by the second that Lucifer needed her.  “Very well then, I accept the third throne, but you have to agree that if I make Hell worse somehow, you will make me step down.  Promise me that if I end up like Serena, you will make sure I don’t harm anyone.  You will remove me from the throne immediately and you will end me,” she didn’t want to cause the downfall of Hell.

Lucifer chuckled.  “You are the only one who has ever concerned themselves with ruining Hell,” he took a deep breath, and made his pledge to her.  “If I feel that you are not doing what is needed here or if you become mad and threaten to disrupt the inner workings of Hell, I will remove you from the throne,” he was careful to avoid the issue of ending her.  He wasn’t sure he could kill her, even if she were completely insane.

“Thank you.  I accept your offer,” she let out a sigh of relief, knowing that Lucifer would make good on his promise if she made a mess of things.

“I will teach you all you need to know and I’m sure, in turn, you will teach me a few things.  You are the only person I trust to take on this responsibility,” Lucifer smiled and rubbed the back of her hand.

She pondered what it must have taken for him to place his trust in her.  She knew trust did not come easily for him.  “I’m glad you trust me.  I don’t want to do anything that will hurt you or destroy Hell, though; if I’m going to take this position, I have a few conditions,” she crossed her arms playfully and smirked at him.

Lucifer chuckled.  The hard part was over; she was his.  Now came the bargaining.  She could ask for anything in the world, as long as she stayed with him.

“Go on,” Lucifer put on his best game face and assumed a businesslike demeanor, letting her know that he was ready to negotiate.

“First, Serena’s chair has to go,” Anjali pointed toward the Hall of Mirrors.

“Done,” he laughed at her demand and snapped his fingers.  “The Hall of Mirrors is now yours, so I have given you a throne befitting the Destroyer,” that one was easy.  He braced himself for the next condition.  “Next.”

“I don’t want to be called Mistress anymore.  It’s tacky,” she made a face and rolled her eyes.  She didn’t want to be anyone’s mistress.  Girlfriend, lover, sure, but she didn’t want to be the devil’s whore anymore.

“I no longer think of you as my mistress, you must know that by now, but I agree.  It was wrong of me to strip you of your identity and debase you.  I’m sorry for that.  I will warn you that I don’t want anyone else calling you by your given name.  I want to be the only one to call you Anjali; you are my gift, no one else’s.  Granted Gabriel will argue with me, so he can call you whatever he pleases, but no one else.  I have already warned the Fallen not to address you as Anjali.  I will kill any man who utters your name,” Lucifer had long ago cursed Hades from ever saying her name or he would instantly lose his testicles.

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