The Third Throne: Angel of Darkness (40 page)

BOOK: The Third Throne: Angel of Darkness
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While she was happy to be alive, a feeling in the pit of her stomach churned at the thought of being Lucifer’s servant.  “Lucifer, I appreciate that you saved me, but I must warn you, I will not allow you to command me to end the world.  I will follow your orders when it comes to Hell, but I refuse to bow to your will when it comes to starting an Apocalypse.  Something deep down is screaming at me, telling me that I alone must make that decision, not you, regardless of your power over me.  If you command me to end the world, I will fight you.  I can’t explain how or why I know this, but I believe it to be true,” she stepped back and stood up straight.  Regardless of his reaction, he needed to understand that she still had a will of her own as the Bringer of the Apocalypse.  She would do whatever it took to keep Lucifer from unleashing her power against her will.

Lucifer was surprised by her change in demeanor, but understood what was happening.  She wasn’t meant to be ruled by anyone.  Thankfully, as he had told Gabriel, he had no interest in watching the world burn, so long as she remained by his side.  “I understand.  You alone must make the decision.  I swear I will never interfere with your destiny.  As you said, you will need to follow my commands when it comes to ruling Hell, but starting an Apocalypse is not within my right.  I accept the consequences if I cross the line and try to command you to bring about the end of days,” Lucifer bowed his head.

She let out a breath and relaxed.  “Thank you for understanding.”

She turned and sat on the couch.  Her mind was in turmoil as she reflected on the attack. Why had Aganon so ruthlessly attacked her without provocation?  She had no idea why he would do such a thing.  If he could lash out and kill her without reason, then it meant that she needed to be more cautious of her surroundings. She had almost died twice in one week, which didn’t bode well.  It seemed that Gabriel had been right to hide her and keep her from her destiny for so long.

“I don’t understand why Aganon would do this to me.  I mean, I never did anything to him.  I’ve hardly spoken to him.  Do you think that Hades ordered him to do it?  I swear to Heaven above, I will have no mercy on Hades if he orchestrated this,” she frowned, trying to come up with a reason for this betrayal.

“No.  I believe that Hades is innocent, for once.  I wish I knew what Aganon was thinking, though I’m sure I will be able to beat it out of him before he draws his last breath,” he sat down next to her and played with the sleeve of her dress. He intentionally kept Maraquette’s name out of the conversation.  He needed more proof of her involvement, and wanted to personally hunt the bitch down and kill her.

Anjali knew how talented a liar Hades was, so she didn’t cross him off her list.  Perhaps that was why he had made a truce with her.  It cost Hades nothing to make a deal with a girl about to be murdered.

“How do you feel?  Are you still in pain?  Are you completely healed?” Lucifer looked for signs of distress on her body.  He was thankful that Gabriel had fixed her dress so that she wouldn’t have to see where the sword had stabbed her.

She moved her arms and legs, shifting and stretching, checking for any signs of trauma.  “I’m a little stiff, but I’m okay,” she smiled.

Lucifer let out a breath and closed his eyes.  “I never want to come that close to losing you again.”

“Okay, I’ll try to avoid your servants for a while.  They seem to be hazardous to my health,” she grimaced, when she thought about Aganon and Caleb.

“I will grant you the power to rule over my servants, so that this never happens again.  They will have to obey you, just as they would me,” Lucifer wanted to put her in a glass box and keep her safe, but at least she could now command his villainous servants.

She nodded her head.  She had no interest in fighting with him about this new gift.  Power over his cruel servants was the best perk of all.

She hung her head when she thought about what she had become.  The Destroyer, ruler of Hell, was once again a servant of the devil.  What would her father think?  Of course, she already knew the answer.  He had sanctioned it, which begged the question, why was Gabriel present during the attack?

“You said that Gabriel was here.  Did you summon him when you saw that I was dying?” Anjali was surprised that Lucifer would reach out to her father for permission to make her his servant, since he hadn’t cared about Gabriel’s permission when he broke the contract.

“He came to confront me.  He was angry with me for a number of reasons, as you can imagine.  He killed Creeper, the servant whom I paid to find you.  He had followed Gabriel, knowing that he would have to visit you eventually.  Gabriel killed him and sought vengeance against me.  He was out of his mind and rightfully so when he reached the Throne Room. He came here with the intention of killing me.  He had his sword drawn against me, but I convinced him that, while I have made many mistakes, I never harmed you.  I told him that I love you.  Thankfully, he took mercy upon me.  I swear to you that I did not harm him.  When I saw him, I realize that it was wrong of me to keep him from you.  He cares very deeply for you.  I was explaining what had happened to Hades when we heard you scream,” the anguish on Lucifer’s face spoke volumes.

Her heart when out to Gabriel.  He would have done anything to punish Lucifer for taking her away from him, but somehow he found the strength to forgive him.  She wanted more than anything to see him and make sure he was all right.

“I want to see Gabriel.  I want him to know that I’m ok,” she hoped she would be able to see Gabriel at least one time to show him that she was healed.

“He will be allowed access to you, I promise.  You have the power to grant individuals direct access into the Hall of Mirrors.  I think it best that you speak to him.  I’m sure he will be hard on himself after all that has transpired.  He returned your necklace to you.  You should see him, but later.  Right now, I need to be close to you.  You scared me very badly and I need to feel you against me,” Lucifer allowed all his fear to drain away as he pulled her into his arms and felt her heat against him.

She was relieved that Gabriel hadn’t killed Lucifer, but she needed to hear her father’s side of the story, before she accepted that he had killed a servant.

Thoughts of seeing Gabriel slipped away when Lucifer kissed her neck. Feeling his body next to her, made her crave intimacy after everything she’d been through. She needed to feel safe and loved.

Knowing what he wanted, he moved her behind the couch and pulled her back tightly against his chest.  He kissed the length of her neck until she relaxed in his arms.  She moaned as he pulled her hip toward him so that he could feel her ass pressed against his groin.  He slipped his hand under the top of her dress and took possession of her breast.  First, he teased her nipples by quickly rubbing his thumb across them, and then he nibbled the sensitive spot on the crook of her neck, causing her to tense and grind her ass into him.  He lowered his hand and ran it along her inner thigh.  He pulled her leg to the side to grant him better access to what he needed.  Pushing her skirt up, he moved his finger through her enticing folds.

She knotted her fingers in his hair while he licked and nibbled her neck and shoulder.  She liked the feeling of his hard length against her ass, but she needed to touch him.  Reaching behind her, she gripped him, and teased him through his strained pants.  Squeezing him through the tight leather wasn’t enough for her.  She pulled at his button and waited for him to release his cock from his pants.

Lucifer chuckled at Anjali’s eagerness.  He was delighted that she was not only willing to touch him, but was begging for more.  He obliged her by freeing himself from his pants and thrusting into her warm, tight hand.  He needed this connection as much as she did.

Once he was in her hand, she teased his head, popping her fingers over his thick ridge.  She laughed when he growled in response and drove his erection into her palm.

Overwhelmed by her boldness, he moved his fingers higher until they reached her sensitive nub.  He used the pads of his index and middle finger to encircle her nub, quickly elevating her response.  She panted and gripped his hair with her left hand, while increasing the speed of her right hand on his shaft.  Her enticing hands made him hard, but he craved her heat.  He needed to be inside of her immediately.  He would kiss and worship her later; right now, he needed to take her fast and hard.

He bent her forward so that she was leaning over the back of the couch.  He released her long enough to tear the dress from her body.  Nothing but scraps of material were left hanging from her shoulders.  He needed to feel her wrapped around his cock and couldn’t wait any longer.  He hoped that she was ready for him because he would explode if he waited any longer.

She was surprised by his brutal action, but could feel his desperation.  She needed to feel him inside of her to chase away the lingering cold that remained from her brush with death.

Anjali braced herself against the top of the couch as Lucifer’s hands came down on her shoulder and hip.  She widened her stance and turned to look at him over her shoulder.  He was wild and filled with lust.  He looked into her eyes and pressed his swollen head into her core.  She screamed out at the intense feeling.  He was larger than she remembered and she clung to the sofa for support.

He filled her quickly, threw his head back, and roared.  His grip tightened and he thrust his hard length into her. 

She was overcome with pleasure and pain, losing herself to the sparks and heat as he surge forward.

Lucifer’s mind was filled with images of all the ways he wanted to show her his passion.  She was wrapped around him, squeezing him, pushing away his anger and terror.  He would have lost his mind without her.  He rejoiced in her flesh as he drove himself into her body, riding her silky core and moaning when she twitched and shuddered.  She was yelling in excitement, urging him on.  The sound was pure bliss in his mind.  She wasn’t running away from him, she had chosen to stay.  He didn’t have to force her into submission; she was willing to stand by his side.

She was caught off guard by the way his balls slapped against her folds, creating an intriguing tingling sensation.  As his thrusts increased, her body became tighter and needier.  Her skin sizzled and her hips moved of their own accord.  Lucifer had her pressed against the top of the couch, but there was just enough room to allow her nipples to scuff across the fabric, causing spikes of ecstasy to pulse through her core.

Anjali bucked and convulsed as the pressure mounted.  Her nails were embedded in the red fabric and she was unhinged, unable to control her body.  Lucifer slammed his hard body inside of her and the pleasure boiled over.  She screamed as the world turned dark.  The power of her orgasm took her by surprise and it peaked and crested multiple times until she could no longer stand.

When she squeezed him with a powerful orgasm, he pushed into her one last time and found his released.  As he emptied himself into her, he let go of all the agony he had endured at the thought of losing her.

Steadying himself, he dragged air into his burning lungs and reveled in the peaceful sensation that flooded his body and mind.

“Have I told you how much I truly like what you have done with the room?” he gasped, trying to remember how to stand and breathe.

She laughed as he pulled away from her and helped her up from the couch.  They both lay down on the new plush rug in front of the fireplace before attempting to move again.

Anjali snuggled up next to Lucifer and put her head on his chest.  When he put his arm around her, she relaxed and decided that the devil did snuggle, as long as it was with her.  She would murder anyone else who tried to lay with him.

As she rubbed her face against his chest, a question popped into her mind.  “You told me that you went against Gabriel and brought me here before the appointed date because the darkness was closing in.  What happened?  What pushed you to find me and call to me?”  Anjali asked as she wondered what Lucifer had planned to do in his madness.

“The date of your arrival was approaching and I realized that it marked the anniversary of the original deal in 1993 B.C.  I was sickened by the thought.  I had been forced to wait four millennia for Gabriel to hand you over.  Something inside of me knew that Gabriel would push back the date again.  I thought about all that I had suffered while waiting for you.  I became enraged and murderous because I knew I couldn’t survive much longer.  I was desperate for relief.  I felt trapped.  Regretfully, I lost control and took out my anger on Hades.  I’m ashamed to say that Hades barely survived.  Between you and me, I started the fight, hoping that Hades would end me.  I was so lonely and empty.  I couldn’t go on.

“That night, I was making the rounds in the Hall of Shadows.  Anger and frustration made me do something terrible. I wanted to punish Gabriel for his lies.  I wanted to punish the Council for failing to honor the contract and force Gabriel to hand you over.  I felt like I was out of options.  My hope was gone.  So, I made a deal with one of the prisoners in the Hall of Shadows, a false god that had once tried to seize control of my throne and rule Hell.  The deal stated that I would release the goddess and give her control of Hell as long as she took my head.  I knew that there would be a battle unlike any other if the prisoners were released and Hell would burn to the ground, but I couldn’t stand to be here any longer.  I wanted to destroy Hell.  I wanted to die.  I wanted my pain to end,” tears welled up in his eyes.

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