The Third Wife (10 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: The Third Wife
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Chapter 14



His mothers were
another matter. I never had more spa days and hair salon visits in L.A. And
that was beauty central. These women were hardcore. They knew how to live; and
how to spend money. I was enjoying spending Cody's and he loved it, weird.
Darlene was all kinds of jealous. I had to
with her for at least an hour each day. At which time she proceeded to talk to
my tummy, another whack job. She had like a hundred names picked out already.
Cody and I were waiting on that though.

I never had so many
hands on my body in my life. If it wasn't Cody it was the girls, they liked to
talk to whoever was in there too. I rolled my well -fucked ass out of bed
finally as my phone started to ring. Cody had been gone for a few hours
already, but he’d been so thorough this morning I took me that long to get up.
I don’t know how he does it. I know he visits both of them so where does he get
the energy?

It was the doctor's office calling.

"Mrs. Jackson, we need you to come in today if you can."

"What, why, I was just there, is something wrong?" My
hand went right to my stomach as my heart dropped.

"Oh no, no, nothing like that. The doctor just
wants to go over some things with you that can't be done over the phone. So can
you come in?" The nurse didn't sound nervous or anything so I guess
everything was okay.

"Sure I'll be
right there." Should I call Cody? I didn't think so, they said it was
nothing maybe I'll wait. I got dressed and left the house for the docs'. He had
them do another sonogram for some reason, but he kept saying it was fine. In
his office he was all calm smiles, so I relaxed again.

"What's going on doc?"

"Where's Cody? He should be here for this." Now I'm
scared again.

"He's in meetings all day, please tell me
what's wrong with our baby."

"Nothing's wrong dear, it's just at your
last check up I noticed something a little unusual and wanted to double check
to be sure."

"Unusual how?" I was at the edge of my seat.

"Well...there was more than one heartbeat." I fell back
in my seat, what the fuck?

"Two..." He shook his head, my heart
raced and my head spun.



I'm standing outside my building waiting for
her. They had called me from the doctor's office to say she was on her way. I
still didn't understand how they could let her drive after she'd fainted. But
when doc had assured me that she was fine and that she had insisted, I
understood her stubbornness. We were going to have a go round about that later.
Right now I wanted to know what the heck was going on. Doc insisted that it was
nothing for me to be worried about but that was easier said than done.

When you hear that
your heart had fainted, you were bound to worry. Especially when she's six
months pregnant with your child. I saw her pull up and went to get her. I
kissed her before I could help myself. The fact that she was here and she
seemed okay made me lose it a little.

"What's going on wildflower?" I put my
hands on either side of her stomach where my kid lay.

"I think you might want to sit down for this one baby."

"No tell me." I looked into her eyes. There was no fear
there that was good.

feel anything strange in there? Like maybe little bit has more than two arms or

I was confused. I had no idea what she was
talking about. Was something wrong with the baby after all? "What?" I
shook my head to let her know I wasn't following.

"Hold onto your hat baby daddy. There're
three little tykes in there." She was smiling at me, my ears were ringing,
her face was beginning to blur. Did she just say? I think I mouthed the word
three before I hit the pavement. As my wildflower would say' well shit.'



sat on the ground next to my car with my husband's head in my lap. On TV these
things are over rather quickly. In real life they're a bit scary and last
longer. At least he was breathing. The nurse had caught me when I fainted thank
goodness. I hadn't even attempted to catch this one since he would've taken me
down with him. He had a slight bruise on his head where he hit when he landed,
but nothing serious, there was no blood.

He started showing signs of
coming to life as I stroked his temple soothingly.


"Right here babe."

"Did you say...more than two?" He turned to look up at
me. I don't think he realized as yet that we were sitting on the ground in the
parking lot.

"Uh huh." He got
this big goofy grin on his face.

"One of them has got
to be a boy." He actually fist pumped the air.

"Hey." I pulled his hair playfully. "They could all
be little princesses." He kissed my tummy.

"And daddy will love
you all dearly, but please, please, please, one of you be a
He climbed to his feet and helped me up.

"Let's go

"Don't you have

"Are you kidding? This
calls for a celebration, we'll tell everyone later if you'd like. But right
now, it's just you, me, and the baby bump." He patted my tummy.
So cute.

"Okay, what should we

"I don't know, anything you want, name it, we'll do it."
I had to give it some thought. I just really wanted to be alone with him for
now. To enjoy the joy that was running through both of us at our good fortune.

"How about a nice long
drive in the country side? Since you won't let me walk anymore, I miss the
scenery. We can even have a picnic in my meadow."

that's what you want, then that's what we'll do." He called up Constance
to let her know something had come up and he'd be gone for the rest of the day.
We took my jeep since he'd driven the Aston today, and apparently I needed more
room. Talk about the power of suggestion. We stopped at the local deli and got
picnic food and bought a blanket from the boutique across the street. He held
my hand the whole time. People probably thought he had lost his damn mind since
he had a silly smile on his face the whole time.

Chapter 15



Triplets, I haven't come down from
my high yet. I knew this girl was going to be something special. Knew she was
going to bring more into my life, into our lives. For some reason today her
meadow seemed brighter, happier, more alive. My love felt more. There are no
words for what I'm feeling. I'm a private person by nature, today I feel like
shouting my joy from the rooftops.

lying across my lap as I play in her hair. I've already made sure she ate
enough. She moaned and groaned about me turning her into a pig, but there was
no way she was eating less than she needed. Three babies, oh man, oh man, oh
man. Later, after I've calmed down I'm calling doc to find out everything we
needed to be doing for her and the babies. She'd already snatched my phone when
I started surfing the net for information on multiples.

"You'll be even more
of a tyrant now I suppose."

"It's not tyrannical for a husband to want to make sure that
his wife and unborn children are safe and well taken care of." I loved
saying that word, children.

"We have a lot to do, like the nursery for one, we're gonna
have to expand it. We're gonna have to go shopping again, get two more of
everything. Oh my, I know they make strollers for twins but do they make them
for triplets?"

"I'm sure they do
Cody, stop worrying about this stuff. Today we're just gonna celebrate the fact
that we're getting a three for one deal. Tomorrow's soon enough to put on your
worrying cap."

"I'm too excited, I
can't wait, let's go look at stuff now."

you serious?"

I really was. This was monumental, huge, it's not something that happened
everyday. The conception of any child was amazing to me, but three! It’s gonna
take me a long time to come down from this high if ever.

"Okay crazy man, let's go. Where're we going anyway?"

"To the mall, they have more selections there."



Cody has officially lost
his mind, that's all I can say. He had me walking in and out of every baby
store in the damn mall. Some of the stuff he was having delivered to the house.
I had the honor of carrying around a teddy bear that was so soft and plush. I
almost didn't want to let it go. That one he bought for me. The other three
that were almost my size, that he insisted on getting for the nursery, were
being delivered. We remembered to get some things for Katie and Crystal,
couldn't have our girls feeling left out.

Speaking of which. "Do
you plan on telling your wives about the trips?"

"Don't you think we should?"

"I'm not sure it's a good idea, besides they already know
we're having a baby, what's another two gonna change?"

" are gonna
need their help with the babies when they come."

again; oh hell no those bitches aren't getting nowhere near my babies. Not
until they can defend themselves, which should be in about thirty years. Of
course I didn't say any of that to him, didn't want to burst his bubble. Maybe
I should rent The Hand That Rocks The Cradle for him to watch tonight.

"Besides they're going
to wonder about the nursery expansion and the need for three of

"Or maybe they'll
think what they always do. That I'm a spoilt bitch from Cali who has to do
everything bigger and better than them." He sighed and gave me a look.
. We're in our happy place and everything is
rainbow colored. Got you, carry on. "Well shit, okay. Though I was
thinking more along the lines of them staying on their side of the house and me
staying on mine."

"Alana!" Uh oh
warning voice.

"What, no good! It was worth a try." He gave me a nudge
for that one.

"Behave yourself okay."

"Yeah, you wait for
that one." He actually kissed the hell out of me right there in the mall.

it's official. Hubby is in a whole other dimension. The man is baby crazy. We
were finally finished with the mad hatter's shopping spree. To say we had a
shitload of stuff, not to mention what’s to be delivered would be the understatement
of the century. "I do want to tell the mothers though, yours and

"Your mom's gonna lose
it when we tell her."

"Who you telling?"

"You wanna go by the house now and tell them, or you wanna
tell your mom first?"

"I have a better idea, I have my iPad in my bag. Why don't we
go to your parents' house and I can
mom and
dad from there and tell them all at once."

"Sounds good to me." He kissed my hair as he helped me
into the car.



We got to his parents' and of
course they were all excited to see us. It was hard keeping Cody from spilling
the beans before we called mom and dad. He was out of control.

"Okay, everyone in the
living room." No sense beating around the bush, he'd bust something soon.

"What, what's going on?"

"No questions moms just follow Alana." I set up the iPad
on the coffee table. Darlene answered on the third ring.

"Hey baby girl, I was wondering why you hadn't called me at
our usual time. I was going out of my mind. I thought the bitches two had
finally got you. Thought I was gonna have to open up a can of..."

"Mom, mom, mom, we're
not alone." I'd had the others stay out of range.

"Oh shit." Mom
was looking to see who was here. I had to laugh because the other women started
laughing. Of course Cody wasn't too pleased to hear his wives referred to in
that way. But what did he expect? They were Grade

"Get dad." He
must not have been too far because he was soon there.

"How you doing pumpkin you okay? How's my grand baby?"

"We're good dad." I beckoned the others forward finally.

"Can you guys see everyone?"

"Yeah, I see you, what's going on, you heifers having a party
without me?"

"No mom, shh. Cody you
tell them." Since he looked like he was about to bust.

everyone, we're having triplets." No preamble, no lead up. The screams
were enough to bring the house down. There were hugs and tears and laughter, my
kinda party. I didn't have any pictures to show since we didn't want to know
the sex. I'm sure there was a way to do it and still keep that secret but we
didn't want to risk it, though now I was dying to see them.

The doc knew of course and
said that anytime we changed our minds all we had to do was ask. But we'd
promised that one wouldn't do it without the other. Mom was really adamant
about a move now and the mothers were ramping up their madness. My life would
never be the same again.

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