The Three Most Wanted (10 page)

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Authors: Corinna Turner

BOOK: The Three Most Wanted
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“Rubbish!” I said irritably.

“We all know that,” said Bane. “But the man may as well sing their tune and make things easy for himself.”

“That’s what you’d do, is it?”

“Margo, please don’t compare me to an EGD Major!”

“Sorry. But this is plain wrong. And don’t say—
he was guarding us
—who cares? They might as well put the whole of society on trial!”

“Well, in the cold light of reason, maybe, but trust me,
no one
is going to care enough to do anything about it. Even good people.
good people.”

I frowned at him. “Say that again?”

“No one’s going to help him. He’s a dead man and it sounds like he’s almost ready to accept it.”

I stared at the screen, not hearing the minor news story about a child who’d been lost in the Camargue Swamp-Forest and miraculously—they didn’t use that word, of course—found his way home.

“Give me your phone.”


I stuck my hand in his pocket and pulled it out. Typed rapidly. Took a careful photograph of my face. No roots, no background, check, check. Pressed send. Handed the phone back to him.

“What the hell did you just do?” He scrolled through to his sent messages.
again? ‘Major Everington is innocent, of those charges at least. Just so you know. M.V.’ What did you send that for?”

“Because it was the right thing to do.”

“Oh yes. Ask a stupid question. You don’t owe him anything, Margo! The man would’ve watched you die!”

I rubbed my scarred forehead. How to explain the niggling suspicion that the man had, in his own twisted way, been trying to help me? That he’d been less interested in making me answer his questions than in having an excuse to give me the anesthetic? How to explain my certainty he’d been about to give it to me anyway, until Doctor Richard interfered?

But Bane wouldn’t understand. And it didn’t matter—it wasn’t why I’d sent the text. Bane was right, I didn’t owe him anything. But what the EuroGov was doing—convicting a man for a crime he didn’t commit—was wrong, plain and simple. “All that is required for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.”

Bane opened his mouth, looking exasperated—closed it again. “Well,

“But what? But we should only oppose evil when it’s done to people we give a damn about?”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“Yes it is.”

“Fine. It is. I’m an uncharitable pagan. I hope you can live with it.”

I smiled. “I’ve managed so far.”


When Jon eventually woke up, Bane took great delight in reading him the sent message and denouncing my insanity. Jon found it all a little less exciting than Bane—but he didn’t send a text of his own.

When Bane had exhausted the subject—and us—Jon and I started on one of our joint Rosaries, lying on our stomachs in the sun and tapping our fingertips together to keep count. Bane lay with his head in the small of my back, listening and staring at the blue sky.

“...Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen...

“Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum...
” Jon broke off, listening.
“I think they’re coming back.”

Indecision flitted across Bane’s face. Insult them by hiding in the woods until we were sure they were alone, or stay where we were, better for our burgeoning friendship but very unhealthy if we’d misjudged them?

“How many?” I asked Jon.

“Only sounds like three.”

“Well, at least sit up in case we have to move in a hurry, Jon!” said Bane.

“Fine.” Jon pushed himself up, sighing. “But it sounds like them.”

It was.

“Piece of cake,” said Juwan imperturbably, “who’d look twice at us?”


“Wonderful,” sighed Jon, sinking down on a log when we stopped to make camp that evening. “Flat... straight... Lovely.”

“I think Jonathan’s in
with the hiking trail,” sniggered Louis.

“I think
be if I couldn’t see,” said Doms.

“I’ve got something to show you, actually,” said Juwan, once the food was cooking on the stoves. He fished out his phone, thumbed at it for a moment, then passed it to me.

It was a saved webpage from about ten days ago. The phone had internet too? The




Following our article last week, ‘ARE YOU ENJOYING NEW ADULTHOOD, MARGARET V.?’
received this shock text message from Margaret Verrall herself: ‘We are all enjoying New Adult life very much. Thank you for asking. M.V.’

The whereabouts of Margaret Verrall and sixty-seven others who escaped from Greater Salperton EGD Facility at the beginning of July remain unknown. But it seems safe to say they are not only alive and well, but reading the EuroBloc’s top daily!




If you have any information pertaining to the whereabouts of any of the following you must phone 112 immediately:


Margaret Verrall
(convicted for
Personal Practice of Superstition
Inciting and Promoting Superstition in the General Population
and also wanted on charges of
Sedition: Category 1
Unauthorized Departure from an EGD Facility

Blake (Bane) Marsden
(wanted on charges of
Murder: 1st Degree
Category 1
Destruction of Public Property

Jonathan Revan
(wanted on charges of
Personal Practice of Superstition
Unauthorized Departure from an EGD Facility

Any other reAssignee illegally absent from their Facility.
Lists of names with photographs available from all police stations.





Bane looked over my shoulder as I read it aloud. The close up I’d taken of my face was at the top of the page, the same photos shown on the highway sign beside each of our names at the bottom.

“Didn’t know if they’d got it or not,” I said. “Did they get in trouble?”

“Not that we heard,” said Doms.

“Bet they did,” muttered Bane, “the censorship may go in cycles—tightening up to hide stuff, then loosening off when the censorship itself becomes the scandal—and we
in a fairly relaxed period, but not
relaxed. Not for
He went back to looking sober-faced.

“You really knifed that dismantler?” asked Juwan.

Bane nodded.

“Good for you.”

“I was protecting Margo,” said Bane sharply.

Juwan spread his hands. “Fair enough.
I’d do it for Doms!”

He broke off suddenly—hesitated—then pulled Doms into his arms. Rather defensively.

She planted a kiss on his lips. “I’d do it for you, too.” But she shot us an anxious look as well. Louis rolled his eyes.

So that was it! Oh dear, I was staring. Couldn’t help it. Something about their black and white cheeks, pressed together—strange and wonderful all at once. I’d never seen two people from different genetic groups...
. They’d felt it was a bigger secret than the Resistance... well, some people could be awful. I was still staring... Quickly I mustered a smile. Doms’s face brightened and Juwan relaxed slightly.

“Are you two
serious about the Resistance?” Bane asked. Changing the subject to show exactly how much he wasn’t bothered?

said Juwan.

“Why go to university, then?” said Jon dryly. From his fading expression of surprise he’d understood what had just been revealed. “What is it, a sixty percent chance you’ll be dead before you’re thirty?”

“That’s what
keep telling them,” said Louis.

“Like the odds for the Underground are much better?” sniffed Doms.

“A bit better than that, actually,” I put in. “Forty percent chance of making it to fifty.”

Doms waved a hand dismissively. “You really need to ask why
going to university first?”

“I can count on one hand how many times I’ve been out with the Resistance and I can wire up a basic explosive device,” said Bane. “You don’t need a degree.”

“Not if you’ve
explosives,” said Doms smugly. “If you haven’t—you need me.”

“Oh great,” muttered Jon, “unlimited explosives for the Resistance! What a nice thought.”

Doms shot him a hard look, and Juwan jumped in, “Well,
plan to keep a clean record for as long as possible...”

“Oh yeah?” said Louis glumly.

Juwan ignored him. “...If the guys who get caught had better legal representation, they’d get away with it more often.”

“Sounds good,” said Bane, “until I think what you’re setting them loose to do more of. Do you seriously want to do that sort of thing yourselves?”

On ne fait pas d'omelette sans casser des œufs
...” said Doms. “You can’t make an omelet without cracking eggs, can you?”

“Yeah,” said Bane, “but even leaving aside whether you really want to kill your fellow Frenchmen just for taking work with the major employer that’s the EuroGov. The French Resistance are the most vicious in Europe—no offence, it’s just a fact. Some of the French cells are putting land mines around the ruined villages out here in the forest where they hide out, for pity’s sake!
can step on them. Do you agree with

Doms didn’t meet his eyes this time. “Not everything’s right at the moment, we
get that.”

“We want to help
that,” said Juwan. “There’s got to be a better balance between fighting the EuroGov and the mindless bloodshed that goes on at the moment.”

“But the change has to come from the inside,” said Doms. “You’ve got to
, and
you’ve got to
respect, and only
will your opinion be heard.”

Bane shook his head. “You’re dead wrong. You’ll go in with a sense of right and wrong, but they’ll make you do things to prove your loyalty. Each a little worse than the last. And by the time you have that ‘respect’ and could actually do anything, you’ll have convinced yourself they were right all along, because it’s the only way you’ll be able to live with what you’ve done—all the brains on walls and orphaned children. The only way you’ll change them is by
not joining.”

“How will
help!” protested Doms, looking slightly shaken by Bane’s too-vivid picture of the Resistance’s induction process.

“Because if no one joins, they’ll
to change to get new recruits. That’s your power over them now—but once you join, you’re in

“I thought you were next thing to Resistance,” said Juwan, eyes narrowed. “That’s the way the press paint it.”

“Yeah, well, I did come pretty close,” said Bane levelly. “But I thought better of it, somewhat in the nick of time. You know you can’t get far in and still back out.
here in the French department. Bear that in mind too.”

“Well, we’ve got three years to think about it,” said Juwan. “But how else do you fight the EuroGov?”

“They’ve got a monopoly on active opposition, all right,” I conceded.

“That’s what they want you to think,” said Bane. “What’s to stop you doing something on your own?”

“Well, in this Department,
the Resistance,”
said Juwan. “Non-affiliated groups are subsumed or... dissolved. In a very permanent way.”

“Have you even been out with the Young Resistance—the, what’s it?
Résistance Juvénile?”

They both shook their heads. “No, we’ve been keeping our noses clean. Didn’t want to incriminate our parents.”

“And, to be honest, we’ve got a
more interested in joining in the last six months,” admitted Doms.

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