Read The True History of the Blackadder Online

Authors: J. F. Roberts

Tags: #Humor, #General

The True History of the Blackadder (72 page)

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The Braveheart of the Clan MacAdder: evidence of the Scottish roots of the Blackadder family, or just an excuse to stick on a skirt and a ridiculous ginger wig?

Once and for all, let the record show, only the phrase ‘Hot potato, orchestra stalls, Puck will make amends!’ with relevant nose-tweaking gestures, will ward off the evil spirits of The Scottish Play.

‘Hand over the loot, goat-brains!’ Mr Blackadder learns the crucial lesson, never to fall in love with a criminal who sounds like James Mason.

‘I want to be young and wild, and then I want to be middle-aged and rich, and then I want to be old and annoy people by pretending that I’m deaf.’

The final historical meeting of Ade Edmondson and Rik Mayall made for one of
’s most explosive half-hours. The real Manfred von Richthofen was only twenty-five years old when he was shot down in 1918, and had little interest in lavatorial humour.

‘One more, Bob?’

Masters and servants: The meeting of the top brass and the ignoble Tommies provided the precise rigidity of hierarchy that
required to thrive. Atkinson: ‘He’s got a ladder to climb, but he’s so cynical about climbing it. And he’s also cynical about those who are climbing up towards him. He’s just a fantastically cynical man.’

‘Just because I can give multiple orgasms to the furniture just by
on it, doesn’t mean that I’m not sick of this damn war: the blood, the noise, the
endless poetry
…’The Lord Flashheart was allegedly at least partly based on the dashing Piers Fletcher – old friend of Lloyd, Oxford contemporary of Curtis, former soldier, and current producer of
. He modestly refuses to accept the honour – but if called, he does still answer to the name of ‘Flash’.

The descendents of Elizabeth, Ploppy and Ludwig having a whizzy-jolly time while millions die all around them.

Colthurst St Barleigh of the Bailey has Darling on the ropes: ‘Captain, leaving aside the incident in question, would you think of Captain Blackadder as the sort of man that would
ignore orders?’

BOOK: The True History of the Blackadder
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