The Truth (12 page)

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Authors: Erin McCauley

BOOK: The Truth
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“Aimee’s asking for you,” Lexie told her, taking Emily’s arm. “She said she won’t put on her dress until you’re there to button her.”

A single tear rolled down her cheek, her green eyes filled with such happiness, she glowed brighter than the sun. “Well, let’s go.”

Walking into the large room that had been transformed into the bridal suite, Aimee sat at the vanity while a woman wearing a black smock pulled her blonde curls into a soft pile on her head. Emily walked over and whispered something in her daughter’s ear. When Lexie saw the perfect picture of mother and daughter reflected back at her through the mirror, she felt her eyes well up with tears. Looking over, she saw Marissa was wiping her eyes as well.

She could still remember the years before Aimee and Emily found each other, the sense of loss and loneliness that was always a part of Emily. But today, as they looked into each other’s eyes, the resemblance was unquestionable, both their appearance and their matching radiance.

Understanding the pain Emily endured not knowing where her daughter was for twenty-eight years, made her wonder again if Grayson knew he had a child. Did he study the face of each child he came across, searching for similarities as Emily had? Had he turned his back on his child, not wishing to have a part in his life? If he somehow didn’t know, would she lose her son once he did?

“Lexie, are you all right?”

Lost in her own thoughts, she hadn’t seen Aimee slip into her dress. She was stunning. “Yes, I’m so sorry. Aimee, you are the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen.”

Aimee’s cheeks flushed. “Thank you very much. But you haven’t seen the best part.” Lifting her dress, she stuck her foot out. Her shoes were clear with a slight hint of iridescent shading. “Mark had these made for me. True glass slippers,” she gushed.

“You are going to be so very happy,” Lexie told her and wrapped her arms around her friend.

Ryan bolted through the door clad in a black tux with a red cummerbund, his face bright and excited. “Mom, look,” he said, spinning in a circle. “I look just like Grayson. I even got a flower in my ladle.”

“I think you mean your lapel,” Lexie chuckled.

The women in the room circled around him, cooing over how handsome he was, calling him dapper, and telling him he would surely outshine the groom himself. Ryan grinned from ear to ear. Looking up, Lexie met Emily’s gaze, her eyes questioning, and her concern clear.

Lexie smiled in reassurance, and knelt down to the same level as her son. “You have the rings?” she asked. When he nodded, she asked, “You know what to do?”

Ryan nodded his head with such force, he stumbled back a step. “Don’t lose the rings, don’t trip, and remember to hold the pillow up so Mark doesn’t have to bend down and ruin the pictures.” He spoke like reading from an imaginary checklist. “Oh, and don’t pick my nose. Grayson told me that one.”

As the room erupted with laughter, Lexie felt a sharp pain pierce her heart. If Grayson didn’t know Ryan was his son, was her not telling him robbing him of a tremendous memory as he helped Ryan dress in his first tuxedo?

She felt eyes on her and looked up at Emily, worry etched on her face. “Lexie, can I see you in the hall for a moment?”

Marissa bobbed her head, motioning Lexie should go. Unsure of her voice, she nodded her head, smiled faintly and followed Emily into the hall.

“Are you okay?” Emily asked. “What’s going on? You look on the verge of tears, and Grayson is walking around like someone has died. Are you two arguing?”

Lexie’s smile came easily at the question. It would be so much easier if they were simply arguing, but it was much larger than that. “No, we’re not arguing, just trying to work some things out.” She answered honestly. “Don’t you dare worry about me today. Your daughter is getting married. This is a big day for both of you.”

Emily wrapped her arms around Lexie, and when she pulled back, her face was radiant. “I never thought it was possible to be this happy, to live this life. I can’t believe my daughter is finally home. How many parents spend their lives mourning the child they lost, or pace the floors every day wondering if they will ever have them back because someone has kept them apart? I’m so blessed; I feel my heart might explode from being over filled.”

It was impossible not to feel the joy that exuded from Emily. It was equally impossible not to feel as if her words were speaking directly to her and her situation with Grayson. She knew she had to talk to him. Now wasn’t the time, but the least she could do was let him know she was ready to talk. That she needed to. Besides, every inch of her felt his close proximity. He had become an invisible magnet she was powerless to resist. She wanted to see him, drink him in. To somehow just glance at him and know he wasn’t malicious, or vengeful. To know that he would explain everything to her and it would all be all right.

“Go on inside and be with your daughter.” Lexie hugged Emily tightly. “You’ve been more help than you know. I think I’m going to sneak away and find Grayson.”

Chapter 23

Holding tightly to Ryan’s hand, Grayson headed for the kitchen hoping to find a snack for Ryan who was insistent he’d die at any moment from starvation. As they came through the swinging door, Mimsey, the family cook, looked up from the tray she was arranging.

“You shouldn’t be in here; you don’t want to get anything on your tuxes.” She said, her mouth stern but her eyes smiling.

Grayson laughed. Obviously dressed for the wedding, she wore a glittery gold dress with an apron covering the front. Her hair was pulled on top of her head in a pile of curls, her face, the color of hot chocolate, was lightly covered in make-up, her lips tinted in a dark shade of peach.

“You shouldn’t be in here either, Mimsey.” Grayson walked over and kissed her cheek. “Emily is going to kill you if she finds you in here working today.”

Mimsey blushed and bowed her head for a moment. Straightening her back, her fingers resumed their work on the tray. “She will never know.” She looked over at him, her eyes drawing together. “I cannot allow these caterers to mess up my Aimee’s wedding day. They are sloppy and careless. It must be perfect, even if I have to do it myself.”

The kitchen door swung open and a young girl in a black vest and a bow tie stopped abruptly when she spotted Mimsey. Grayson cleared his throat and bowed his head in attempt to hide the smile on his face. The poor girl looked terrified.

“Don’t just stand there,” Mimsey snapped. “Bring in those trays. I have done one for you the correct way. I expect you to prep the others in the exact same way. Do you think you can handle that?”

The girl nodded her head and stepped over to study the completed tray in front of Mimsey.

Startled, Grayson looked down when the edge of his jacket was tugged. Ryan looked up at him and whispered, “Is Mimsey gonna let us eat something or will she be mad?”

Reaching his arm around Ryan’s shoulders, Grayson winked. “Mimsey, poor Ryan here is starving. We’re afraid he could faint during the ceremony if he’s not nourished soon.”

As he’d predicted, Mimsey came around the counter, a smile stretching from ear to ear on her face. “Mr. Ryan, how handsome you look,” she cooed, “How about a sandwich, something that can’t drip on your sharp clothes?” She took hold of his hand and led him to the table in the corner of the kitchen.

“Mimsey, can I trust you to bring Ryan back up to the groom’s suite after he finishes his lunch? I need to go find Lexie.” It was becoming physically painful for him, knowing she was so close and not being with her. He needed to see her, desperately.

“You run along, Grayson, Ryan and I will be just fine,” she replied, setting a small glass of milk onto the table in front of him.

Winking at Ryan, he headed out of the kitchen and up the winding stairs. Reaching the top, he sucked in his breath. Lexie stood in the hallway outside the bridal suite talking to Emily. She was stunning in a silky red dress that accentuated the curve of her hips and the swell of her breasts. Her red painted toes peeked out beneath the flow of the fabric embraced by jeweled silver straps. His eyes roamed back upwards taking in every inch of her. Her dark hair was piled loosely on the top of her head, leaving her neck exposed, and small ringlets fell randomly on either side. As she turned to embrace Emily, he saw that her dress was open at the back, pooling softly at her waist, and a long silver chain hung down between her shoulder blades and stopped at her lower back.

After Emily had disappeared through the door, Lexie turned and began walking toward him. He knew the moment she’d spotted him. Frozen in place, she simply stared at him; her eyes flashed a mixture of panic and yearning.

“You look exquisite, Lex,” he told her, unsure of what to say to keep her from running away.

Noticing the faint blush on her cheeks, he took one tentative step toward her. Tears glistened in her eyes and her body tensed, but she didn’t retreat.

“I needed to see you,” he admitted. “I’ve been so worried about you.”

Simply nodding her head, she swallowed hard, her neck flexing with the effort. “Grayson, we need to talk.”

“I would like that,” he replied, taking one step closer, his eyes locked on hers.

She opened her mouth to speak, and then snapped it closed again. Taking one final step, he stood in arm’s reach before her. Her expressive eyes were a slide show of emotions, but beneath it all, he recognized he hadn’t completely lost her. Slowly, he lifted his hand to her cheek and felt a reassuring warmth when she tilted her head against his palm. Tentatively, he tilted her head toward him and lightly brushed his lips over hers. Digging his nails into the palm of his hands to distract himself long enough to gain his self-control, he deepened the kiss, feeling her body melt against his.

Lexie brought her hands to his chest, and halfheartedly attempted to push him away. Breathlessly she mumbled, “I can’t do this yet. Not until we talk.” She stepped back, but left her hands resting against his chest. “It’s important.”

Nodding, Grayson tilted her chin back so she was forced to look at him. “Tonight, promise me we’ll talk tonight.” When she nodded her reply, he bent forward to kiss her gently one more time.

“Grayson, darling,” a voice called out, shattering the connection between them. “Where are you?”

Lexie’s spine stiffened and her eyes shot daggers aimed directly for his heart. She turned and hurried back down the hallway without a word.

He called after her, but knew his attempt was futile. Damn that Darla Mae Pruitt, he knew she would be trouble.

Chapter 24

The ceremony was beautiful. Aimee seemed to float above the ground as she walked down the aisle on the arm of her “Uncle” Bob, her eyes solely focused on her groom standing beneath the arbor. After Bob had given Aimee’s hand to Mark, he sat in the empty seat beside Emily. Lexie was surprised to see him bend over and kiss her softly on the lips. In all the years she’d worked with Emily she’d never known her to have a man in her life. It was heartwarming to realize that she’d gotten her daughter back, and seemed to have discovered a second chance at love.

Lexie walked into the tent-covered reception area and gazed around at the beauty of it all. Tall white chairs circled round tables draped in white cloth. Red and white roses splashed out of the center of each table surrounded by white candles burning in crystal holders. White china with silver etching boasted a pair of wedding bells on each plate, along with the couple’s names and the date. More roses cascaded out of tall urns throughout the area and surrounded all four sides of the dance floor set over the grass. The head table sat at one end of the dance floor and was U shaped so the wedding party could visit with each other and still enjoy the other guests.

She made her way to the head table and froze when she realized who she’d been seated next to. She’d made it a point to avoid all eye contact with Grayson during the ceremony, but hadn’t considered the fact they’d be seated together at the reception. Of course, why wouldn’t they be? Until now they’d been dating, and they were both part of the wedding party. She wanted to run. She wanted to cry. What she didn’t want to do was sit beside Grayson and battle her emotions for the next four hours. She didn’t think she was strong enough.

Darla Mae Pruitt entered the reception area and walked directly to Grayson’s side. She stood regally in her designer dress, sipping from a crystal champagne flute. Lexie felt her blood begin to boil when Darla Mae whispered into Grayson’s ear.

Turning away, Lexie made her way through the clusters of people enjoying the sunshine and conversation, crossed the yard, and let herself in the back door of the house. Her hands shook as she opened the door and slipped inside the bridal suite.

The room was empty. The aftermath of the morning all that remained. Garment bags were draped over chairs, hair brushes and bobby pins strewn upon the vanities, and empty champagne glasses were lined up along the fireplace mantel.

Lexie pushed aside an abandoned robe and plopped into the chair, tilting her head against the silky back. Closing her eyes for a moment, she wished she could curl up and sleep the rest of the day away. She didn’t want to see Grayson dancing and smiling with another woman. She didn’t want to watch how wonderful he was with her son or see Ryan’s eyes light up every time Grayson spoke. Her son loved Grayson. Her son. The words echoed in her head. Ryan was no longer simply her son; now, by some bizarre act of fate, he was their son. Why did that thought terrify her and yet send butterflies fluttering in her stomach?

Telling him, actually saying the words aloud, would change everything in all of their lives. She wished she could be certain that Grayson hadn’t abandoned Maggie when she needed him most. Or that he hadn’t just gone about his life knowing he had a son who needed him. And what if he knew Ryan was his son and he’d used her to get closer to him? That he’d never loved her at all.

The room began to swim around her, her eyes struggled to focus, her breathing shallow. She gulped for air, and leaned her head against her knees in an attempt to stop the spinning. Logically she knew there would be no benefit for Grayson to use her to get to Ryan, but she couldn’t help but fear it could be true. Maybe she never knew him at all, and he was going to single handedly destroy her entire life.

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