The Understorey, Book One of The Leaving Series (50 page)

Read The Understorey, Book One of The Leaving Series Online

Authors: Fisher Amelie

Tags: #young adult, #teen humor, #young adult supernatural, #teen thriller, #teen drama, #teen thriller suspense, #young adult thriller suspense, #young adult romance, #teen romance, #young adult love, #young adult suspense, #young adult drama, #young adult paranormal romance, #teen supernatural, #teen, #teen paranormal romance, #young adult humor, #young adult paranormal, #teen suspense, #young adult thriller, #teen paranormal, #teen love

BOOK: The Understorey, Book One of The Leaving Series
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Fisher: And Elliott? What was it like for you
to read those scenes?

Elliott: It was the first time I had heard
that part of Jules’ torture.

Fisher: Seriously?

Elliott: Yes.

Fisher: Why?

Elliott: Because Jules wasn’t ready to tell
me before that and I refused to press her. She had decided that the
book was a perfect way of filling me in on what happened because it
would almost feel as if she didn’t have to tell me. Early on, she
revealed that it would be too heartbreaking to speak of it to me.
She was with me when I eventually read them. Once I was done, I
just held her for like four hours. Four hours, right?

Jules: Four hours, yeah.

Elliott: We talked for several more hours
after that. I asked her questions I never would have asked before,
in fear I’d bring some horrible memory to the surface and she’d
shut down on me. So, the book helped the both of us with cleansing
‘Jesse’ from our palate so to speak. We were vulnerable and
revealed. It felt horrible and invigorating all at the same time.

Fisher: And the scar?

Jules: Healing.

Fisher: I’m glad to hear it.

Jules: Thank you.

Fisher: So, what’s next for the two of

Elliott: You’ll just have to wait and find

Fisher: Oh, come on! Not even a hint?

Elliott: What are you talking about Fisher!
It’s your story!

Fisher: Oh, yeah.

Elliott: You’ve been, uh, hitting the
schnapps early have you?


Fisher: Yes, peach.

Elliott: Ho, ho! Nice.

Fisher: Kidding. Only kidding.

Jules: Sure, sure miss Amelie.

Elliott: You know what Fisher?

Fisher: What?

Elliott: Every party has a pooper that’s why
you invited me.

Fisher: Aww, man!

Elliott: Yup, we’ve gotta’ jet Fisher. Gotta’

Jules: He doesn’t have to study. It’s in the
bag for him. What he means is he needs to help

Elliott: Not true!

Jules: Okay, okay.

Fisher: Well, thank you both for sitting with
me. It’s been fun.

Elliott: Thank you!

Jules: And thank you!

(Jules and Elliott stand to leave.)

Jules: You want to help me with Chem

Elliott: As you wish, Jules. As you wish.






Fisher Amelie resides in the South with her
kick ace husband/soulmate. She earned her first 'mama' patch in
2009. She also lives with her Weim, 'Jonah', and her Beta, 'Whale'.
All these living creatures keep the belly of her life full,
sometimes to the point of gluttony, but she doesn't mind all that
much because life isn't worth living if it isn't entertaining,

Read more about Fisher at

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