The Unexpected Heir: A Tale of Alus (5 page)

BOOK: The Unexpected Heir: A Tale of Alus
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Patting her mother's hand, Annalicia replied, "I am no longer a child, mother, and a wizard needs to be able to face the world. If Malaiy were to ever go to war, you know that I would be there to fight. This is just a little tournament in a country that we are friendly with, so I hardly think that there will be that much danger involved."

Her father shared both the concern and knowledge of a life of travel. He had traveled a lot before finding his wife in Malaiy. A son of the legendary immortal wizard, Darius, Philip had separated himself from his father to make it on his own merit. No wizard himself, the son of Darius became an adventurer before discovering his prowess in trade.

"She is strong, Sera, and she's not going alone. The others will be there to support her, if Annalicia needs it. We've prepared her for life and the wizards prepared her for more than just a wizard's tournament. It's time to let go, even if it is only for a few months."

Another girl's voice spoke up from the doorway and complained, "You are all acting like this is a wake instead of a send off. Let Anna do what she has to do and stop fawning all over her. If anyone needs that kind of attention, it is me!" her sister Alicia proclaimed straight faced for only a moment before she laughed. Her voice was musical and, in fact, the elder daughter was a singer as well. She also didn't need the extra attention, the young woman called for now.

Annalicia's face brightened and she slid free of her mother's light embrace. Her sister was the first to break and hurry forward to hug her little sister, who was no longer that little.

"I will miss you, Anna," the older girl said into her ear as they hugged. The middle child had brown hair like their father and his green, almond shaped eyes. A solid mix of their parents, it was easy to see that Alicia was the tie that bound them all, and it wasn't just from her looks.

"I'll miss you too," the young wizard said finally breaking. Tears welled up as the final piece of her family and closest friend broke down the wall Annalicia had set to avoid such a spectacle.

When Xerese finally came down the stairs and followed the sound of voices to the kitchen, the girl wondered at all the fuss. It took her presence to settle the tears and still the hugs, though only for a short time.


Three carriages carried the family down to the docks and a fair size frigate painted mostly blue. The Sea Dragon appeared like an extension of the waves and sea surrounding it. It wasn't her family's largest vessel, but it was outfitted not only for trade but defense as well. Cannon and a small contingent of marines hired to protect it wouldn't be the only defenses of the Sea Dragon with wizards aboard, but they would be enough to dissuade pirates and privateers alike if necessary.

A small crowd had gathered before the ship by the time they arrived. The people cheered as the wizards walked a corridor formed by the city guard. A platform stood in front of the Sea Dragon letting Annalicia know that this gathering wasn't just for the wizards.

King Orlaan had sent his queen with his second born son, Prince Jeremiah, to see them off with a fanfare. The guards thickened around the platform and there was a drapery behind it in case they needed to duck away to safety. It wasn't major protection, but there were enough guards between those from the militia and those from the palace that it shouldn't be necessary.

In spite of the words of unrest generated by the Brothers of the Blood, Malaiy seemed content with their rulers. Generally loved by their people, the guards were simply a safety measure that was largely believed unnecessary.

When Annalicia stepped out of the carriage, she was directed with the rest of her family towards the platform.

Her aunt, Queen Murietta, appeared beside her son reaching out to grab the younger girl's hands before pulling her closer into her embrace. She hadn't considered the queen overly close to her, but that was mostly because the royal family was separated in their castle home. Though the young wizard had been to many parties thrown by the king, Annalicia rarely was able to share time with the king and queen without a crowd surrounding them. It made building familial ties difficult to say the least.

"Annalicia, my dear niece, it is so good to think that not only will Malaiy be represented by our best wizards, but that you, a member of the royal family, will be there to shed the best light on our country," the queen stated loud enough to be heard by the crowd. It wasn't just a greeting of family, but a public statement to excite the people of the city.

The other wizards stood on the raised platform looking a little uncomfortable. When the queen and prince joined them pulling Annalicia along, the crowd began to cheer. Only the queen raising her hands after a moment silenced them to a murmur.

"My proud citizens of Malaiy, this is a momentous day! Our wizards join the world in Southwall for a tournament to see who has the best wizards of all. Our men are joined by my niece, Annalicia, one of a few female wizards to prove not only that our men are talented, but our young women as well!"

A cheer went up especially loud by the women who had gathered. Not everything was exactly equal between the sexes, though Malaiy was fairly liberal in their treatment of both. Having a strong woman to look up to, like Annalicia, was something that could bolster their efforts in giving women an equal chance both in the everyday and business. Their military had a small number of women in it as well, but they were certainly a minority within the assembly.

"Say a few words, dear," Queen Murietta requested in her ear. Coming from the queen meant that the young wizard had to step up and accept it as an order.

She raised her hands in a brief wave and cleared her throat. Annalicia began, "My friends, my fellow wizards and I go not just to show up in Southwall, but with the plan to win. We know that our skills in magic rival those of the school in Eirdhen for sure, so Taltan already respects our school as well. Soon the rest of the world will know that Malaiy might not be the largest country in the world, but we have a quality that goes beyond our size.

"We will win and bring home the glory for you and the rest of Malaiy!"

Finished with the quickly improvised speech, Annalicia was surprised by the vigorous cheering from the crowd. In an effort to prove that they wouldn't be sending a weak contingent to Southwall, the wizards gave a brief demonstration of their magic. Air, water, earth and fire erupted for the next few minutes with Annalicia finishing the display by creating a pair of dragons.

An air spell, the wizard used the water nearby to make them easier to see for the crowd. When she finished, the cheers seemed to be loudest for the girl.

Queen Murietta came closer with the prince just behind her and congratulated the wizards. "You will make us proud, I am sure of it."

The men took their adulation with smiles on their faces before retreating to the Sea Dragon. A few were there to give them hugs to see them off, but Anna was surprised when the prince placed his hand on her forearm to stop her.

"If you are as impressive in a duel as you were on stage, cousin, I think that Malaiy will do quite well in Hala," the prince told her still smiling slightly from the display. He was darker in all ways than his younger cousin. His skin was a darker tan, though it was natural and less from standing in the sun. Brown hair and eyes added to the darker look, though only the hair came from his mother the queen.

"Thank you, my prince," she replied including a brief curtsey. "I will do my best."

He chuckled at her attempts to show him due respect. A wizard, Annalicia was less used to such things in everyday life. "I am sure that you will, cousin, and you can call me Jeremiah when out of earshot of the others."

Nodding a little reluctantly, the younger woman questioned something else that she had noticed missing, "Where is Princess Deeanne? I would have thought that she would have joined you two as well."

Shaking his head, the prince began to escort her after the wizards. Guards moved to surround them at a slight distance, while another contingent had already surrounded the queen who was heading for her carriage ride back to the castle.

"Deeanne wasn't feeling well. The pregnancy is our first and she has been having morning sickness more than just that time of day," the prince concluded with a slight sigh. She could tell that the husband felt for his wife. Another arranged marriage; his younger bride had appeared a good match, even if there was more politics behind it.

"I am sorry to hear that. Send her my well wishes then. I hope the healers are keeping a close watch on her to make sure that she remains safe."

He nodded looking more sober at the thought. "My father has made sure that both the healers and wizards have kept an eye on her. After losing his first wife giving birth to Wylaan, he had each pregnancy for mother and then my sister-in-law, Princess Galina, monitored very closely.

"I am not certain that it is just familial love as much as a king trying to keep his line intact, but at least he's showing concern in whatever way he can," Prince Jeremiah chuckled though with less humor.

"The king cares about his family as more than just pieces gathered to solidify his line, I'm sure," the girl responded. Whether it was true or not, it wasn't her opinion to give as anything but positive agreement for the king.

Shrugging, the prince smiled again and gave her a hand as she stepped onto the base of the plank leading up to the deck of the Sea Dragon. "He does his best, but it is tough being king. I don't relish the thought of being one, so I hope Wylaan and Prince Ordaan live long and well. I would rather be the helpful brother and uncle than a king."

"I would rather be a wizard than queen, but there is certainly far less reason for me to worry over that than you," Annalicia said with a smile for the man. "Of course, I wish them both long lives also and to you, cousin."

"Be safe, Annalicia, and do your best. I am certain that our friends to the north and rivals who send out their wizards will all be impressed with whatever you do."

After a quick round of hugs from her family on the deck of the Sea Dragon, Annalicia was left with Xerese, the other wizards and the ship's crew as the ship unfurled sails as it pushed away from the docks of Yalan. It would be a long trip, but the wizard was hopeful that they would do as well as she thought that they could.



Chapter 3- Riposte


"Maybe they'll sink," the words came from the mouth of a young man leaning against a building watching the fanfare given for the wizards leaving Malaiy.

"It would save us the time of figuring out whether your cousins will need to be dealt with, but be careful where you wish them anything but the best of luck," an older man draped in a dark red cloak covering his head and shoulders cautioned the younger man.

"What would they do, throw me into prison for wishing a wizard bad luck?" the dark haired man scoffed in the other's direction. "It wouldn't be the worst thing King Orlaan has done to me."

"Quiet down, Karlaan, this is hardly the place to air your grievances. There are too many ears that might report you to the king directly. If they were to ever discover your ties to him..."

"Then you will have to work your magic to dissuade anyone from trying, Caldrefan."

The second man frowned at Karlaan's audacious words and knew that he truly only had himself to blame for the young man's nature. He had found Karlaan as a boy and known his mother. Their story had drawn him to them, but it had been his agenda which made him think that they could be useful as well.

As the blue painted Sea Dragon moved away from the dock, the older man looked at the slowly shrinking vision and had to agree that bad luck for the Sea Dragon would serve them better. Malaiy as a whole might say that the loss would be mourned, but he doubted it in truth. Most men and women cared little about wizards who separated themselves from those same people to study arcane spells. Their magic separated them further than even being royal could.

A normal shopkeeper or dock worker didn't exult in magic, but shied away from it. Caldrefan knew that from his past since the cloaked figure had embraced magic as well. The younger man hadn't meant for Caldrefan's actual spells to save him necessarily, but that of his sphere of influence which continued to grow over time.

Leaving the docks, the two men were soon flanked by three others looking nondescript for the most part. They were dressed like common men from Malaiy and their darker skin color, brown hair and eyes all made them less unusual in a city full of men that looked much like them.

People like Annalicia and her immediate family being lighter skinned and mostly blonde were actually rarer in appearance here. Caldrefan also looked at the young wizard and wondered if she was beyond even that bit of rarity. Her hair was so light that one might question if she could be one of those called immortal. His brother had been called immortal at one time, but others had disproved the fact.

The thoughts of his brother made the man frown slightly, though he quickly made an effort to hide the look.

Entering through a back alley door, Caldrefan led the others through a series of rooms and down a set of stairs recently created. Traveling underground through a tunnel reinforced by wood and metal beams, which were made more durable by use of magic, the men returned above ground inside of another building. The room wasn't large, though there was a great hall in the same building where the Brothers of the Blood led congregations slowly growing each day.

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