The Vast and Brutal Sea: A Vicious Deep novel (The Vicious Deep)

BOOK: The Vast and Brutal Sea: A Vicious Deep novel (The Vicious Deep)
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Copyright © 2014 by Zoraida Córdova

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Cover illustration © Tony Sahara

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Front Cover

Title Page


Part I

Long Ago

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Part II

Long Ago

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Thirty-Five

Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Chapter Forty

Chapter Forty-One

Chapter Forty-Two

Chapter Forty-Three

Part III

Long Ago

Chapter Forty-Four

Chapter Forty-Five

Chapter Forty-Six

Chapter Forty-Seven

Chapter Forty-Eight

Chapter Forty-Nine

Chapter Fifty

Chapter Fifty-One

Chapter Fifty-Two

Trianos Family Tree

Kleos Family Tree

Ellanos Family Tree


About the author

Back Cover

For Adrienne Rosado, my best friend and soul sister. All of this is possible because you believed.

“Now put me into the barge,” said the king…

“for I will into the Vale of Avilion to heal me of my grievous wound;

and if thou hear never more of me, pray for my soul.”

—from Le Morte d’Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory

The Daughter of the Sea would never be loved.

She was the first child of the Golden Queen and King Elanos of the Erabos Kingdom. King Elanos, descendant of the first Kings of the sea, watched his daughter tear free from the birthing sac without the help of the midwife. She slithered between her mother’s split tails, silver and pale as the face of the moon, haloed in blood and flesh.

They called her Nieve.

Her sisters needed help. For long, painful hours, six more daughters followed, wailing and ripping their way into the sea. Nieve grabbed one of her sisters’ hands, curious at the strange face that shared her crib, and sunk pearly teeth into her golden flesh.

The midwife reeled Nieve into a crib of coral, separating her from her sisters who bloomed like violet and turquoise jewels in the quiet darkness of Glass Castle.

It was the Golden Queen’s first pod with the king. Her voice echoed in the new, shining halls, not in pain like the queens before her, but in happiness. She was his prize after the war with the rebel tribes, and together they would birth a new reign in the deep, ignoring the whispers of distant enemy shadows.

Merfolk came from all the oceans, bringing precious gifts for the princesses. They stayed, wonder struck at how the little ones shone with the queen’s golden skin and the king’s eyes, one turquoise, one violet.

Then there was Nieve, with a paleness that radiated like starlight. She brought awe, nestled in her mother’s warm arms like a pearl.

And as she grew, fast and strong, she reached and reached for the brilliant fissures inside the quartz scepter of her father’s trident. The court smiled tightly at the brazenness of the tiny mermaid. Gasped in awe at the silver princess swimming with wild white-bellied sharks, taming them with the tender pads of her fingertips.

A thousand eyes trailed Nieve around the walls of Glass Castle. A thousand whispers always present, yet always at a careful distance, not knowing the extent of the curious sparks of her hands. It was magic—so rare that it had never presented itself in the royal family. Not since the legends of Eternity, when the children of Triton fought the winged fey. With each battle, the Sea Court moved deeper into the coldest breaches of the seas.

King Elanos recognized it. Magic, like the core of his trident, the spark that could summon storms and tear into the rocky beds of the ocean floors. But in a mermaid, the magic was uncontained and unpredictable. The king watched as the spark grew in his silver daughter’s eyes until, in a fit of anger, she killed.

It was an accident.

The palace guard would not let her swim to the surface. She thought she was old enough to see the world alone. The guard grabbed her and pulled her back down to court. She pressed her hands on his chest for a moment, just a moment, and stopped his heart. His body froze, eyes gaping at the princess, until a current carried him away.

An accident.

The court watched her, unsmiling, unnerving, unloving.

He watched her, the king, sleeping with eyes open, ears open, to the murmurs of his daughter’s sleep talk, and he knew what he must do.


His enemies came in the night.

But in the dark of the deep, it was always night—rebel tribes against his door—the sea people of warmer oceans with copper scales and onyx weapons. They sought retribution for the Golden Queen stolen from them by King Elanos so long ago. But the queen had grown to love her captor, her husband, her king, and she wouldn’t go—wouldn’t leave. She was pregnant once more, and this time, she was certain it was a son.

King Elanos had waited for this day. He knew their kind was dwindling in numbers. The blood of war was no longer as appetizing as in his youth. It was a queen they wanted and a queen the rebel tribes would get.

And so King Elanos took his first daughter from her single chamber and led her to the rebel Southern King.

Nieve screamed, as her mother had screamed when she was taken so long ago, the sound echoing through the ocean, the current yielding to her palms, and at once, King Elanos took Nieve’s face. He had never held her, not as a child, not as a daughter. But she wasn’t a child any longer, and he held her then, looking into her pale moon eyes, and said, “Daughter, do this and you will save your kin.”

The kin who turned away, relieved that the silver princess would no longer grace the court. The kin who peered between glass pillars as she was taken away. Some crying. Some smiling.

And without looking at her weeping sisters or her mother, Nieve took the hand of the Southern King.

She could hear the sigh of relief, like the last breath of a tempest. She looked at her father, dark hatred slithering into her heart and she promised,
people, Father. But who will save you?


Layla is gone.

Layla is gone and there’s a chance I may never get her back. That she’s dead. That I’m two days away from losing her, the throne, and my life because for a moment, I wasn’t strong enough and the silver mermaid knew it.

She knows me in ways that I don’t even know myself, knows the paralyzing fear that swelled in me when I thought I could lose the girl I love.

The ship hits a wave and heaves. I grab on to the table in front of me and drop the knife in my hand. I can hear Brendan and Kai on deck moving weapons around. They’ll come checking on me any minute and I know I have to hurry.

The pressure on my temples builds like tiny land mines going off in my head. I press my palms and squeeze, but the image doesn’t go away. I see Gwen. Gwen putting a pale hand over Layla’s mouth and diving off the pier into the water.

Layla can’t breathe underwater.

I hold on to the basin in front of me, face myself in the scuffed mirror, and examine the damage. My skin is peeling over my nose. Salt water stings the thin cuts on my face, trickling down my neck and down my chest. I can feel the ghost of an injury where Nieve’s fingernails cut me the first time she found me. Was it only eighteen days ago? Eighteen days ago that I washed up on Coney Island after the freak storm created by the arrival of the Sea Court’s Toliss Island.

Now, despite everything I’ve been through, my journey is far from over. Just a little bit more, just a little bit, I tell myself to keep going. I have to wake the Sleeping Giants, powerful creatures that once belonged to the first kings of the sea. They’re my best chance at defeating my enemies. Their strength is legend and we’re heading to a place that will help us find them.

I pick up the knife again and get to work. My body shakes like a house during a hurricane every time I exhale.

I can do this.

I’m psyching myself out.

I jog in place like I’m warming up before a meet. But the combination of jogging and the waves lapping around the ship knocks over the jars of healing gunk the urchin brothers applied to all my wounds, as well as the last of my fresh water.

I hear my buddy Angelo’s voice in the back of my head saying, “Get your head out of your ass, T.”

Do it, Tristan, I tell myself.

I grind my teeth, and staring at myself in the mirror, I let the blade slice through the hair bunched in my fist.

I haven’t gotten a haircut in more than three years. I love my hair. I grab another bunch at the nape and hack. The wet, brown waves fall to the ground and coil at my feet. When we were in junior high school, I tried to spike my hair because that was the scene. Layla took one look at me and said I looked like a Dragon Ball reject. I went right to the bathroom and washed off the glue gel. I let my hair grow longer and longer until the girls started coming up to me and running their hands through it. All of them except for

It seems stupid. It’s just hair. It’ll grow back. It’s not like I lost my fighting arm or my head, though in the five hours since we left Coney Island, I did come pretty close. I refuse to let anyone else take something from me. I have to take matters into my own hands. Brendan promised me that the Sleeping Giants and their primitive strength would help me with this war. But to do that, I have to change. I am a different guy than I was three weeks ago. I’m a merman. I don’t know if I’m a better person, but I want to be. I have to be.

When I’m done, I run a hand across the surface. The stubble is foreign against my calloused palms. I turn my face from side to side. My cheekbones are more pronounced from the weight I’ve lost and muscle I’ve gained from miles of swimming and sweating under the sun. The only things that haven’t changed are my eyes, turquoise like my grandfather’s—the Sea King. I touch the soft, purple bruise ringing my eye and wince.

I drop the knife on the floor and use a brush I nabbed from the urchin brothers to get rid of the loose strands sticking to my skin.

The door swings open and Brendan runs in.

“Are you all right? I heard a noise.”

His shoulder-length red hair is tied back. His turquoise eyes flick from me to the knife on the ground, then back to my head.

“Who are you,” Brendan says, “and what have you done with my cousin?”

“He’s still here,” I say. “And he’s ready.”

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