The Victim (17 page)

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Authors: Jonas Saul

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller

BOOK: The Victim
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“Can’t. He’s busy. But let me tell him who’s calling. Your name?”


She heard a scanner or police radio in the background then hung up.




Dolan was expecting me to call. What are the cops doing there?


She dialed the police department and asked to speak to Detective Waller. She was put through faster than last night.


“Waller here.”


“It’s Sarah.”


“Sarah. Where are you?”


“Not so fast. Why are police officers at Dolan’s place? He isn’t part of this. I asked for his help, that was all.”


“I’m sorry, Sarah.”


“You’re sorry—” She stopped talking and gripped the phone tight. “No. Don’t tell me. No, no no …” she dropped the phone as uncontrollable sobs shook her chest.


The flood of tears came fast. She cried, bent over on the cot. After a minute, she wiped her eyes. To Aaron’s credit, he didn’t disturb her.


The cell phone still ticked by the seconds of the call. Waller hadn’t hung up.


She brought the phone back to her ear again.


“What happened?” she asked.


“We don’t know. It looks like he was attacked at the front door of his house. We have units on their way to Esmerelda’s house and your parents’ place.”


“My parents? Esmerelda? Why? What do you think this is?”


“Whoever is behind this seems to want to get to the people you know.”


“Why? I don’t understand.” Overwhelmed, Sarah wanted to crawl under the cot and not come out until next year. “How did you get Dolan’s and Esmerelda’s names so fast?”




She lit up. “Parkman? He’s here?”


“Yeah, right beside me.”


“Put him on.”


“But, Sarah, we have to—”


“Put him on,” she shouted.


There was a moment of silence, followed by a whisper.


“Hello, Sarah.”


“Oh, Parkman. I’m so glad you’re safe.”


“I’m glad you’re safe. In fact, I’m glad you’re alive.”


“Yeah, the lengths some people will go to work with me, eh? Kill me first. They even had a funeral. Crazy.”


“Even crazier is what’s happening now. You okay, wherever you are?”


“Yeah, I’m fine for now.” She peeked into the dojo where Aaron was stretching on the mats. “But I’m scared.”


“Yeah, me too, Sarah. Me too.”


“Don’t trust Waller.”


“Why?” Parkman asked. “You heard from Vivian about that?”


“No. Just something he said last night when I was in his truck.”




“Something about where he was taking me and how it wouldn’t take long to work everything out. Seemed an odd thing to say to me.”


“I’ll keep that in mind. Listen, he wants his gun back. He’s pissed about that.”


“Too fucking bad. I got religious zealots after me. I need a weapon.”


“I understand. He doesn’t.”


“Fuck him. When am I going to see you?”


“Are you safe wherever you are?”


“As far as I know, but last night those guys showed up as if they knew exactly where I would be. And Vivian said she was being blocked for some reason. I feel kinda lost.”


“Listen, as long as no one knows where you are and you’re safe, it’s better if you stay underground until we can ID the guys on the security footage from the mall.”


“You making any headway?” she asked.


“Yes. We suspect one of the guys suffers from something called ectodermal dysplasia. He’s easy to spot with the big forehead—”


“You mean the ugly one.”




“I wondered if he did that to himself. Some people mutilate themselves and call it art.”


“No, this is real. He has distinguishing features. We should be able to ID him soon.”


“Is it true about Dolan?”


“Unfortunately. You gonna be okay?”


“I’ll be fine. Gonna miss him, though. It’s hard, Parkman, it’s hard.” Another wave of grief rose inside her.


“I’m going to miss him, too. Hopefully no one else will suffer. We’ll ID these guys and track them down. In the meantime, stay hidden. Call my cell if you need anything.” He recited his number, and she committed it to memory.


“Parkman, let’s get these bastards.”


“We will, Sarah. We will.”


“Have you heard about Drake, yet?”


“Yes. They found a tiny hole in his neck. His body was sent away for toxicology. I’m sure they’ll match it up to what’s in those syringes.”


Out of respect for the dead, a moment of silence followed.


“I’ll buy you a shitload of toothpicks when this is over,” Sarah said. “But we both have to stay alive to see you enjoy them.”


She could almost hear him smile.


“All I want is a hug. I’m so glad to hear your voice. It’s good to have you back in the land of the living. I hated your funeral. Do not make me go to another of your funerals. They suck.”


“Yeah, I hated it too and I wasn’t even there.”


Aaron stuck his head around the wall. “You coming?”


She held up one finger. “Gotta go. Be cool, Parkman. And don’t let these guys touch you. They conceal those syringes in their palms.”


“We know. The lab is analyzing the contents of the needles found on the two dead guys in the intersection last night.”


“Good. Let me know what it is when I talk to you next.”


“Will do.”


“Bye, Parkman. Love you.”


“Love you, too, Sarah. Stay alive.”


“You too or I’ll punch your corpse so hard you’ll feel it for a year on the Other Side.”


She hung up, turned the cell phone off and removed the battery. She couldn’t allow anyone to trace her location.


Then she double checked Waller’s gun to make sure it hadn’t moved under the pillow on the cot. After a couple of deep breaths, she walked to the door and leaned against the wall.


“I’m so sorry, Dolan,” she whispered under her breath. “I’ll pray for you. Goodbye, Drake. Vivian, if you can hear me, take care of them. I love you guys.”


She wiped the tears from her face, gritted her teeth and stepped onto the mats to fight with Aaron.


Chapter 21

In the end, he had no choice but to trust Philip. Simon agreed to let him help plan the next attack on Sarah. It would take place near Yonge and King Street, downtown Toronto. All the note said was that Sarah would be on Colborne Street around two in the afternoon. There would be a chase, but Simon and Philip would end up locking Sarah in a room and Rapturing her.


“Matthew said there would be a commotion or something,” Simon said, “but he couldn’t see it. Yet, Brother Philip, isn’t that all we need? There is proof of the Rapture here. This is what we were looking for all this time. It’ll finally be over.”


Philip nodded. “I know, Brother. It is finally coming to a close.”


“We just have to wait until tomorrow afternoon. We can be Raptured after that and be home with our Lord before dinner.”


Philip smiled, but Simon could tell in Philip’s eyes that he didn’t have the proper faith to Rapture himself. Maybe because Simon hadn’t instilled the kind of faith required to do something like that, as he wasn’t going to do it either.


What Philip didn’t know was whether he wanted to die or not, Simon had an extra needle planned for him. By mid-afternoon tomorrow, Simon would be the only Rapturite left, minus Brother Thomas who was still out dealing with Sarah’s parents. After Simon pleaded his case and talked of being brainwashed, he would give Thomas up. That is, if Brother Thomas hadn’t gotten himself killed by then.


“Come, Philip, let’s have more drink. We celebrate now. It is our last day on this plane. Be joyous, be merry. We’ll spend the afternoon reciting prayers for the ones left behind. We’ve completed our tasks as of tomorrow. It’s our time to celebrate. Won’t you join me?”


Philip got up off the floor as Simon’s cell phone rang.


Simon answered it. “Hello?”


“It’s Brother Thomas. I have good news.”


He looked at Philip. “It’s Brother Thomas. He brings good news.” Simon turned away from Philip. “What has happened on your journey? Pray tell.”


“Dolan Ryan has been Raptured.”


“That’s wonderful news, Brother Thomas. You have made us all proud.”


“I have also Raptured the woman Esmerelda. Funny thing, though.”


“What’s that?” Simon asked, overjoyed that part had gone smoothly.


“It was like she knew I was coming. She opened the door and welcomed me in.”


“That is funny. Maybe she was psychic,” Simon said, chuckling.


“Yeah, maybe.” Thomas cleared his throat. Simon could hear the car’s engine as if he was parked somewhere. “I’m sitting out front of Sarah’s parent’s house.”


“You have done very well, Brother Thomas,” Simon said, his happiness spilling over into his words. “You will be rewarded. Godspeed, my brother, and see you on the Other Side.”


“Yes, Brother Simon. Thank you for this task. You have put great trust in me and I won’t let you down.”


“That was why you were chosen.”


“There is one other thing.”


“What’s that, Thomas?”


“I finished with Esmerelda and got to the Roberts’ house in record time.”


“Yes, Thomas. Go on.”


“There wasn’t a car in the driveway, but I went up to knock,” his voice broke for a second. He cleared his throat. “Sorry, anyway, I knocked on the door and no one answered.” He coughed into the phone.


“Are you okay, Brother Thomas? Coming down with a cold before you go home to the Lord?” Simon smiled at Philip.


“It’s just, Sarah’s parents weren’t home.”


Simon wondered why Thomas was rambling. “I know. You already said that. Wait for them to arrive. Then your task will be complete.”


“I understand, Brother Simon, but someone else was home.”


Simon crossed his legs and rested his elbows on his thighs. “Who was there, Thomas?” he asked, more serious now. “Did you Rapture them?”


“No, I did not Rapture them, but I want it known that I tried. The good Lord knows I tried.”


Simon heard something like fear in Thomas’ voice for the first time. He wondered how he missed it before. “Who was there, Thomas? Who was at the parent’s house?”


Thomas coughed then said, “The police.”


A cold feeling, like ice, wrapped around his waist, surged through his body.


“Tell me more.” Simon’s face must have paled. Philip set his wine glass down and stared.


“We fought. They got the needle from me. Then they arrested me.”


“That’s not good. Where are you now?”


“As I said a moment before, in front of the parent’s house.”


“That doesn’t make sense,” Simon said. “If they arrested you, why would you still be there?”


“They had a communications van of some kind parked out front. I asked for my one call and they’ve been so kind to allow me to use the phone in here before they take me downtown. I’m sorry, Brother Simon that I won’t be able to complete—”


Simon hung up without another word. He stared off into space for a moment. Philip shouted something, knocking him out of his trance.


“Simon?” Philip said, snapping his fingers.


The world spun and then righted. Simon looked up at Philip.


“They have Brother Thomas,” Simon said.


“They have Thomas? What does that mean? Who has Thomas?”


“The police arrested him at Sarah’s parent’s house. They’re onto us. He didn’t get a chance to kill the parents or use the last needle on himself. But there’s something else.”


Philip walked over to the balcony door, stared down at the parking lot and then glared back at Simon. “What?”


“He called me from inside the police communications vehicle at the house. He stayed on the phone,” Simon broke off, staring into space. He wondered if it was all over. “He kept me on the phone long enough to trace the call.” His eyes turned to Philip. “They know where we are. The police are probably on their way here now.”


“Then we gotta go,” Philip almost screamed. He ran across the apartment in a panic. “Let’s go!”


“You’re right,” Simon said. He got up off the floor. “Can you run down to the storage unit and grab as many needles as you can carry?”


“Of course.”


“Then we meet at the side of the building.”


“Where will we go?” Philip asked.

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