The Virtuous Woman (2 page)

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Authors: Gilbert Morris

BOOK: The Virtuous Woman
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“What did he say, dear?” Cara asked. “

“ ‘Beware any enterprise that requires the purchase of new clothes.’ He was mostly a windy old bore, but at least he hit it right that time.”

“Mother, you’ll just have to do something with him.” Paige fled the drawing room, closing the door behind her with more force than was necessary.

Phil sighed, walked back to his favorite chair, and slumped down. “I suppose I’ll have to buy a new suit,” he grumbled. “But it goes against the grain.”

Cara came over to stand behind her husband and ran her hand over his crisp hair, smiling at him with admiration. “Yes, I think you will, dear. This one is a bit worn, and even the Prince of Wales isn’t as society-minded as Paige’s future in-laws.”

The mention of the Asquiths, the parents of Paige’s fiancé, John, brought back the two vertical lines between Phil’s eyebrows. “I wouldn’t say anything in front of Paige, but to tell you the truth, John’s parents give me a pain in the—”

“Now, don’t say that!” Cara interrupted. “It would hurt her feelings. But I will admit they are a little into social climbing.”

“A little! Why, they make the Astors look like alley rats!” he exclaimed. “I’d hoped that John wouldn’t be as much
of a snob as his parents, but they’ve made a pretty strong impact on him.”

“I know, dear, but he’s young enough to change. He’s really a sweet boy.”

“He’s a mama’s boy, that’s what he is. When his mama hollers
he jumps!”

“Don’t be so hasty about your judgments,” she chided, though in reality she too was concerned about Paige’s upcoming marriage into the snobbish Asquith family. She had tried to question Paige about this, but her daughter did not seem in the least perturbed by the thought of marrying into such a socially prominent family. In fact, she appeared to relish the idea. Cara did not think there was much use in arguing about it with Phil, however, nor was there time now to discuss it. “I think I hear the thundering herd,” she said, turning her head.

Phil got up from his chair and headed toward the entryway. Before he got there, three children rushed in, clamoring for attention. Four-year-old Scott led the pack, and Phil scooped him into his arms and tossed him up toward the ceiling.

Logan, one year younger, went to Cara, who knelt down to hug him. She also put her arm around Angel, who at a couple months shy of two years was often overrun by her rowdy brothers. As Cara hugged the two youngest, she was struck by how much Scott and Logan had inherited their father’s good looks—who, in turn, had gotten his from his own father. Angel, however, with clear blue eyes and blond hair, looked more like her mother, Joan.

“Kids, you can’t stampede into your grandparents’ drawing room like wild bulls!” Brian Winslow, at the age of twenty-five, was as tall as his father, with the same auburn hair and light blue eyes. He had married Joan Gladden when they were both only twenty and had produced three children in rapid succession. Brian had the look of a successful lawyer, which he was, and of an astute businessman, which he also was.

Cara stood up to take his kiss and smiled. “You don’t have
to leave so soon, do you?” Brian and his family had been over for a Saturday afternoon visit and now it was time to leave.

“I’m afraid we do, Mom,” Brian said, hugging her. “I would think you’ve had enough of these red Indians anyway.”

“I’m not a red Indian!” Scott piped up.

“I am!” Logan said. “I’m a red Indian.”

“Boys, you don’t have to yell.” Joan Winslow was a bright young woman with blond hair and striking good looks. She came over and stood beside her father-in-law. “When are you two going to come see us for a change? We always have to come over here.”

“I ought to take you up on your invitation. Come and eat you out of house and home.” Phil was very fond of his daughter-in-law, and now he reached out and hugged her. “We’ll talk it over. Maybe next Saturday or Sunday.”

“You know what we should do,” Brian said. “We should all go on a trip together. Go down south and get out of this cold weather. I’ve never seen such a February.” The winter of 1935 had indeed brought unrelentingly frigid weather to New York, and all of the Winslows were looking forward to spring.

The children started jumping up and down, shouting, “When are we going? When are we going?”

“Brian, haven’t I told you not to say things like that in front of the children?” Joan said to her husband. “You know they always want it right away.”

“They get that from their mother.” Brian winked at his mother, then said, “Come along, kids, we’ve got to go.”

“We’ll go out and see you safely off,” Cara said.

The little procession made its way out of the house, and as they passed through the ornate foyer, Phil had a strange feeling. He looked around the luxurious furnishings and towering ceiling and remembered the plain house of his childhood on his parents’ ranch out west.
I never thought I’d be living in a mansion like this,
he thought,
and sometimes I wish I weren’t.
Of course, he said none of this aloud. No one but Cara knew he ever had such thoughts.

When they reached the driveway, it took them some time to get the children into the Studebaker. “It’s easier to put cats in a sack than kids in a car,” Phil quipped as he picked up Logan, stuffed him in, and shut the door firmly. Immediately the window rolled down and three little heads stuck out, all shouting their good-byes and looking for kisses from both grandparents.

“We’ll see you soon,” Scott said. “Don’t forget to bring me a present, Grandpa.”

The engine roared, and Brian steered the car out of the circular driveway. Phil reached over and put his arm around Cara. “Those are some grandchildren we’ve got there.” Something caught his eye and his lids narrowed. “Who in the world is that?”

Cara turned to see a taxi driving up. “I’m not expecting anyone,” she said.

The two stood waiting until the cab stopped. After a moment’s pause, the door opened and a tall elderly man in the garb of a priest stepped out.

“A priest! Why would he be coming here?” Phil wondered aloud.

“I’m sure I don’t know. Maybe he has the wrong address.”

They both waited until the priest approached and said, “Good afternoon. I’m looking for the Winslow residence.”

“I’m Phil Winslow. This is my wife. Can we help you?”

“Yes. My name is Father Mazzoni. I would like to have a few minutes of your time, if it’s not inconvenient.”

Phil assumed the priest was soliciting money, as he could think of no other reason for such a visit. Since he had made a fortune with his painting, he had become accustomed to monetary requests and showed no sign of impatience. “Well, it’s quite cold out here. Why don’t you come in? We can talk inside.”

“That’s very kind of you. I should have called first, but I wanted to be sure to see you in person.”

Phil showed Mazzoni inside, where Cara took his black
outer cloak and hat and hung them on a coat-tree in the foyer. “Come down this way,” Phil said. “We’ve got a fire going in the drawing room.”

“That would be wonderful,” the priest said, rubbing his hands to warm them. “One of the coldest Februaries I’ve ever seen in this part of the world.”

Phil motioned toward a chair in front of the fire that was blazing in the fireplace and Phil and Cara sat in chairs opposite him.

Mazzoni sat quietly for a moment, continuing to rub his hands. He seemed ill at ease and cleared his throat before speaking. “This may seem very out of place, but may I ask you if you were in City Hospital on April the twenty-first, 1916?”

Phil and Cara turned startled glances at each other. The date was one they would never forget. “Yes, we were. How did you know that?”

“What I have to say is going to be difficult for you to hear. It might be best if I told you the whole story. Then I’ll be glad to answer your questions.”

“Certainly. Go right ahead.”

The father paused and studied his shoes. Clearly what he had to say was bothering him. He finally looked up and said, “I’m the chaplain at the New York State Women’s Prison. Last Thursday I was called to the bedside of a prisoner named Bertha Zale. I don’t suppose you’ve ever heard of her?”

“Why, no. The name isn’t at all familiar,” Phil said.

“I assumed that would be the case. She was dying when I got there, and I heard her confession. I felt great pity for her. She’d had a very difficult life.” Mazzoni twisted in his seat and ran his hand over his hair for a moment, then shook his head. “Before she finished, she told me something that affects you two.”

“How could it affect us?” Cara said. “We’ve never even heard of the woman.”

“I know, but the fact is she also was in City Hospital on April the twenty-first—the same time you were there.”

“We lost our last baby there,” Phil said. “It’s been a great source of grief to us.”

Mazzoni ran his finger along his nose and tried to think how to put the matter delicately. Shaking his head, he explained, “Mr. and Mrs. Winslow, the dying woman told me that she had a baby the same day you did, although she didn’t know you. She told me that her baby died in her arms during the night. Instead of calling for a nurse, she got out of bed and took her dead daughter to the nursery. She managed to slip in when no one was looking and took one of the female babies, switched the name tags, and left her dead baby in its place. Then she went back to her bed.”

A deathly silence hung over the room. Phil looked at Cara and saw that her face was as pale as chalk. He shook his head and said, “And you’re telling us it was our child she took?”

“I’m afraid that’s exactly what I’m saying. I wanted to be very sure about this, so I went to the hospital. They were reluctant to talk to me at first, but when I explained the circumstances, the general administrator gave me access to the records.” Mazzoni looked up, and his eyes held the two steadily. “Only one child died on April the twenty-second. That child was listed as Grace Winslow.”

“It’s true!” Cara cried, standing up. Phil jumped to her side and held her, for she was weaving. “It has to be true, Phil. You remember what I told you—that God had promised me.”

“I’ve never forgotten,” Phil said, his own face pale. He explained, “When my wife was pregnant, we committed the child to God. Later in the pregnancy, God promised Cara our child would be used in His service and she would bring great happiness to us.”

“And I’ve wondered all these years how I could have missed God’s word to me so badly,” Cara whispered. “Where is she? I want to see her.”

“Well, that’s the problem, Mrs. Winslow,” Mazzoni said as he slowly paced the large, airy room. “You see, the girl had a rough upbringing. That was part of Miss Zale’s confession.
She was a weak woman in many ways, and the child had a very hard life. Miss Zale told me this herself. Of course, I can’t repeat her confession. That’s privileged communication, of course, but what
important I can tell you. The girl she called Ruby ran away three years ago. Her mother went to prison shortly after that.”

“Ran away! How could that be?” Cara whispered.

“According to Bertha she ran away with an actor. Bertha didn’t even know the man’s name. The girl left a note that said she was never coming back.”

“But surely this woman must have had some family. Someone we could ask.”

“I don’t think she did. I talked to her several times after she first came to prison, and she told me more than once that she had no family at all. She never mentioned the girl she called Ruby—not until she was dying.”

A silence fell over the room, disturbed only by the ticking of the clock on the mantel. The bright sunlight that flooded through the tall windows highlighted Cara’s face, and Phil could see the mixture of hope and despair in her expression.

“I struggled with myself about bringing this news to you,” Mazzoni continued, “especially after I found out that the girl was missing, but I thought it my duty.”

“You did exactly the right thing, sir,” Cara said warmly.

Mazzoni pulled a card from his pocket. “I’ve written my name and telephone number on this card. If I can do anything, please don’t hesitate to call.”

“I’ll call you a cab,” Phil said.

While he was dialing the number, Cara said, “You must have a hard task facing so many wrecked lives.”

“I’m able to reach some of them,” Mazzoni said gently. “You’ll be in my prayers.”

When Mazzoni left, Cara said to her husband, “All these years I’ve thought about the promise I got from God. It was so clear, Phil. I know He told me that our daughter would serve Him in a great way.”

“I remember,” he said quietly.

“You know, there have been times when I’ve felt angry with God for letting Grace die. I was angry and confused because I was so certain He had spoken to me about her life. Now His promise can be made real after all. We can do something.”

“We won’t know this girl now—or young woman, I should say. She didn’t grow up in a Christian home. You heard what the priest said. She’s had a hard life. I have a feeling it was even harder than he could say. He was probably trying to spare us.”

“You’re not saying we shouldn’t try to find her, are you, Phil?”

“No, I’m not saying that at all, but we mustn’t get our hopes up that we’ll be able to.”

“Why would God let all this happen, then? If Bertha hadn’t told Father Mazzoni, we’d never even know Grace was alive. I believe God’s hand is in this situation.”

“That’s very possible, and that’s what I hope. But remember she’s a woman now. Eighteen years old, and she’s had a hard life.”

Cara put her hand on Phil’s chest. “We’ve got to find her, Phil. I believe God still has a plan for her—that no matter what she’s done or what she’s like, God is going to use her greatly.”

“All right, sweetheart. We’ll do all we can to find her. I’ll get on it first thing Monday morning, but right now we’d better see if Paige is ready to go, even if she doesn’t approve of my taste in suits.”


The Trail Is Too Old

Lieutenant Al Sullivan was almost a caricature of a New York City police officer. If his speech had not betrayed his Irish origin, no doubt his red hair, blue eyes, and ruddy face would have. Sullivan had worked his way up from the beat through hard work and determination to become a lieutenant. Now as he sat in his small office, he felt compassion for the couple across from him. During his years behind this desk, he had lost track of how many people he had seen in those seats. Most of them wanted help he was unable to give, and many of them wanted mercy that was not his to grant.

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