The Vivisectionist (25 page)

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Authors: Ike Hamill

Tags: #Horror

BOOK: The Vivisectionist
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The last thing holding him down was the catheter, taped on. He cringed and closed his eyes as he removed it.

The boy turned his body and slid his legs over the edge of the chair. He could finally see behind the chair and he turned quickly, expecting the man to be standing there. There was nobody there.

He released a sigh—so relieved he felt light-headed. He attempted to stand.

His legs had never felt that sore. He had difficulty straightening them. He settled for an upright hunch and staggered away from the chair. When he got to the wall he turned to lean against it. The chair he had been strapped to all this time was blue—he had known that already. What he was seeing for the first time was how much like a body the chair looked. It had a head, torso, arms and legs, with straps for each part. He pressed away from the wall.

He had to find a way out.




“You don’t seem too hungry,” said Jack’s mom at dinner.

“We ate lunch late,” said Jack. “We’ll probably be starved later.”

“That’s right,” said his mom.

“You boys want to earn some money?” asked Jack’s dad.

“I don’t know, Dad. What would we have to do?” Jack asked.

“I’m doing a big installation up the road,” said his dad. “I thought you guys could wrap pipes.”

“Jeez Dad. We don’t want to have to be inside all day,” protested Jack.

“Hey—no big deal,” said his dad. “I’m sure we can get someone interested in easy money.”

“Don’t forget—you all owe me another two-hundred words 
,” his mom said.

“Okay, mom,” said Jack.




Upstairs, each had a notepad and pencil.

“What did you put?” Stephen asked.

“I said we trespassed, broke in, and got painted by a boss-trap,” said Jack. “What did you put?”

“I can’t think of anything,” laughed Stephen.

“Just write about a frog or something,” said Ben.

“I know,” said Jack, “write about the puzzles, but say they were in a book or something.”

“We all have to write about the same thing, or we’ll get busted,” said Stephen.

“Nah, I don’t think we’ll get busted,” said Jack. “But, just in case, we should come up with something we were doing.”

“I know,” said Ben. “We’ll just write about that field-guide we were using before. We just need to figure out what pages to say we read, so we’ll all agree.”

“I’ll get it,” said Jack. He walked over to his bookshelf to retrieve the book.

“I can’t stop thinking about that dye,” said Stephen. “Maybe it was a warning.”

“Of what?” asked Jack and Ben in unison.

“Maybe it means that if you go up there, you’ll get covered in blood,” said Stephen.

“Jesus,” said Jack. “I hope not.”

“Could be the next rung, like, triggers a blade or something,” Stephen offered.

“How are we going to test for that?” asked Jack. “I mean, it could be really hard to detect that kind of trap.”

“Exactly,” said Ben.

“We should definitely bring a long stick next time to try to push on things before we go touching them,” said Jack.

“That’s a start,” said Stephen. “Do you have any night-vision goggles or anything?”

“Are you crazy?” answered Jack with questions. “Why would we have those?”

“I don’t know—just asking,” said Stephen. “Our flashlights aren’t helping us much.”

“I can’t wait to see what’s on level two,” said Jack.

“I can,” said Ben, getting up and stretching. “I’ll be back.” Ben went down the hall to the bathroom.

“Hey,” whispered Stephen when Ben was out of earshot, “I found this on the painting.” He handed a small memory card to Jack. “Check it out when Ben’s not around.”

“Why don’t you want Ben to know?” Jack asked.

“He’s already freaking out about the hotel, I think you should look at it before we let him know about it,” Stephen replied. “He’ll probably want to tell your parents or something. He’s really freaking out.”

“Yeah, I guess,” said Jack, putting the card on his desk, next to his keyboard.




July 15, 2007

By Jack Randolph


Today is Sunday, July fifteenth, and my friends and I went into the woods. We were trying to see if we could find some of the plants listed in my field guide that I got for my birthday. I started out looking for the Ostrich fern. In the spring the Ostrich fern can be picked and they are called fiddleheads. My mom picks fiddleheads down near the creek so I thought she would like to know where else they grow. It is very difficult to find Ostrich ferns because they look so much like all the other ferns this time of year. The guide says that you have to cook fiddleheads because otherwise they could make you sick. While we were looking my friend Ben saw an Indigo Bunting so we checked that off the list of birds we have seen this summer. We also tried to find some Lady Slippers but I think it is too late to find those. You should not pick Lady Slippers if you see them because then they won’t come back. I would like to find those next year because I read that they can be found in the same spots as the fiddleheads.




After Ben and Stephen had gone to the guest room, Jack powered on his computer and inserted the memory card. He made sure his machine was not set to automatically execute anything it would find on the card and then began to explore its contents. It appeared to be empty.

Jack poked around on the device, but couldn’t find any files. Unconvinced, he used some of his recovery tools to see if there were any hidden or deleted files on the card. He was startled by a light tapping on his door. Stephen let himself in.

“Hey,” whispered Stephen.

“Ben’s asleep?” asked Jack.

“Yeah—find anything?”

“I think so,” said Jack, “check it out. There’s a couple of spots with data.”

“What kind of files?” asked Stephen.

“Not files,” answered Jack. “Just data.”

“What do you mean?” Stephen asked.

Jack was accustomed to having to explain computer stuff to his friends and parents. He had an innate understanding of how things worked—it was like a puzzle to him. When he saw something interesting, his brain would keep working at it until he figured out how he would accomplish that same behavior. When he had devised a methodology, he discovered that he could predict behavior and verify his assumptions.

“Think of it like a bookshelf. All the books are really there, but someone has removed all the covers from the books,” explained Jack. “So, if we pull down pages, we can look at what they contained, but they’re not exactly books anymore. And, some might have been partially replaced by other books, so what we find might not make sense anymore.”

“So can you see 
 that does make sense there?” asked Stephen.

“Let me look,” said Jack.

After a few minutes, Jack had found something he could recover. “This one looks intact, and I think it’s a PDF file.” Jack extracted the file to his computer and opened the file. His PDF reader launched and they saw a window filled with white pages and black lines.

“Looks like building plans,” said Jack.

“Hey,” said Stephen, “scroll down.” Stephen pointed to the label on the bottom of the page. It read “Level Zero.”

“So, if this is the hotel, then this must be the drawing room,” said Jack. He pointed to a small rectangle on the left side of the drawing. The line describing the right-hand wall had a small star affixed to it. “See, if this is the drawing, then the star shows where the card was.”

“Yeah, that seem about right,” said Stephen. “What’s the next page? Is it level one?”

Jack advanced to the next page of the document, but he and Stephen saw nothing but white. “There’s nothing there,” said Jack.

“Good job, captain obvious,” said Stephen.

“Hold on,” said Jack. He highlighted the page and the background of the area turned a light-blue color. Superimposed on the highlight, white lines showed them the next floor of the building and the words “Level One” at the bottom.

“Ah,” said Stephen, “white lines—tricky.”

“There’s the bishop’s room,” said Jack. “And the tripwire hallway.”

“Holy shit,” said Stephen. “Look at that.” He pointed on the diagram to where the hallway took the short right-hand jog. “That’s where the level two ladder is.”

Above Stephen’s finger the drawing was adorned with a skull and crossbones.

“That can’t be good,” said Jack.

They studied the drawing. The only rooms shown on the floor plan were the ones they had seen. It depicted the bishop’s room, the tripwire hall, the ladder, and the white room, but the rest of the floor was blank.

“Looks like a closet or something in the corner of the white room,” said Jack. He pointed to the lower left-hand corner of the depiction of the well-lit room. “Do you remember seeing anything there?”

“Naw, but I was trying to not get my hand chopped off by that switch thing,” replied Stephen. “I probably wouldn’t have noticed. What’s on the next page?”

“That’s it,” said Jack. “Just the two pages.”

“Any more data on that thing?” Stephen asked.

“Not that I can recover. I don’t think,” said Jack.




The boys set off the next morning into the cool woods. Their backpacks felt heavier with the extra supplies—more clothes, a broken broom handle, chalk, duck tape, a box-cutter, fishing line, and a small mirror. Single-minded, they hiked through the woods silently and quickly. All three stopped and looked up at the sound of distant voices. Jack pivoted and looked back at Ben and Stephen. The voices sounded like they were moving their direction.

Stephen pointed to their right and the boys scurried off the path into a dense cluster of pines. A little rock wall offered them shelter—they crouched behind and watched the path. The people approaching were loud, but the boys couldn’t make out what they were saying.

Finally, the owners of the voices came into view—Smoker and Bag Man. Hunched and tense, the boys watched the two young men pass down the path.

“Did you hear what they were saying?” asked Jack.

Ben replied—“All I could get was ‘They have to live down here. It’s the only neighborhood.’ or something.”

“Do you think they were talking about us?” asked Jack. “Didn’t the sheriff say those guys thought we ratted them out?”

“Yup,” said Ben.

“They could have been talking about anything,” said Stephen.

“Well, still best to keep out of sight,” said Jack.

“No shit,” said Stephen.

“I guess we can find our way through the woods,” said Jack. “It’s not that far from here.”

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