The Warrior's Tale (34 page)

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Authors: Allan Cole,Chris Bunch

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: The Warrior's Tale
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'I wonder what brought him down?' I said.

'All my senses tell me he was a great ruler, which from what I have heard of his palace is obvious. My senses also say he ruled wisely if firmly. So I wonder why he was overthrown. How and why?'

'Perhaps he'll tell us,' I said.

'Perhaps he shall. Before he lets us know what he wants; Because no ruler, no matter how godlike, no matter how long since he lost or gave up his throne, is ever content with his lot. All we can do, though, is let the wind carry us, just as we have had to do since we fought the Archon.'

'And do you sense any sign of

'No,' Gamelan said. 'At least that's a relief. Not since
since I woke blind but still feeling his presence. I have almost managed to convince myself that was a hallucination.'

'Almost,' I said. 'I wish you were certain.'

Gamelan's lips quirked, but he didn't answer me. Instead, he took me by the arm. 'Young Rali, we have a banquet to attend. Sit close beside me, to make sure I don't put my fish on the meat plate. You can be my eyes.'

'I'm sure,' I said, my tone very dry, 'you want me to be your eyes just for etiquette's sake.' 'Why Captain,' he said archly, 'what other reason could there be?'

We laughed, and then I shouted for my troops. It was time for the banquet.

The meal was maybe not the oddest I've ever eaten, but it was well up on the list. The dining-room was a wide marble hall, hung with tapestries showing deeds as heroic and grotesque as those on the bas-reliefs on the passages leading up to the plateau. There was room and to spare for all of us - in fact, die entire expedition as we set out in pursuit of the Archon could have fitted comfortably into the great chamber. The dining-room was as splendid as any I'd ever seen, as rich as the great Banquet Room in the Citadel of the Magistrates, back i
n Orissa. The chamber was brightl
y but not harshly lit, yet no one could see any sign of taper or torch. Similarly, there was music playing, but there was no orchestra in view, nor curtained anteroom where one might have been hidden, at least not that I could see.

As The Sarzana promised, we were seated sailor next to officer, slinger next to legate, and, indeed, the conversation was more interesting than most court banquets I'd been forced to attend in Orissa. This
a custom worth adopting.

I've just noticed my Scribe frowning, wondering why I said the banquet was so strange, yet haven't given him any reasons for saying that. I could remind him of our circumstances, how but a day earlier we'd been storm-tossed waifs on deadly seas, or how this man, sitting at die head of the table between Gamelan and myself, with Cholla Yi and Stryker on the other side, seemed to be the only human living on this island. But such knowledge wasn't necessary to make the night bizarre.

The servitors accomplished that all by themselves. All of them were the beast-men like the flutist or the rider who'd presented The Sarzana's welcome. They were dressed even more oddly than the rider, however. They wore various costumes, all expensive, some in jewelled women's gowns, some in rich robes such as a magistrate might wear, others in gold-laid armour that a general might envy.

The Sarzana noted my interest. 'This is my conceit,' he explained. 'Or, rather, one of them. Each of my servants is dressed like a member of my court. So I am surrounded by the same lords and ladies I was in the past. Except,' and his light tone grew bitter, 'I do not have to await betrayal, as I did in another palace, in another time.'

I nodded, realizing that, like any storyteller, The Sarzana was preparing the way for his tale, and I wondered when he would choose to tell it.

In spite of their clumsy regalia, the beast-men were most efficient, never allowing a plate to remain in front of a diner when he or she was finished, nor a goblet to be empty for longer than it took to be refilled from a golden pitcher.

I remember each course of that meal very well, each accompanied by a different,
chosen wine. We began with various dishes intended to whet our appetites: richly seasoned liver pastes on bits of bread; shellfish raw in their shells or baked with bits of pork or vegetable; spiced vegetables. Next were ortolans, baked in a wine jelly, each one but an instant, vanishing mouthful. Then there was salmon, a great fish to every few diners, served smoking hot, the g
rill marking its flesh, and a dil
l and butter sauce to complement it for those who wished more seasoning. For myself, a dash of fresh lemon was enough. Then came a wild mushroom soup, with as many varieties of mushrooms in each cup as I have ever seen, each having its own unique savour, as if cooked alone.

The main course came next - great haunches of a game animal, served with a jelly of tart crab-apples and berries, and larded with salt pork. I asked The Sarzana what the animal was, and he told me a species of single-homed antelope that lived on the north of the island. 'A huntsman's challenge,' he said, 'since they never congregate in herds, but live solitary lives. I know nothing about how or when they mate.'

'You yourself hunt?' Polillo asked, from her seat down the table.

'I do not,' The Sarzana said. 'I would find myself puffing and panting, looking like a portly fool who's trying to become an imbecile, dashing through the woods chasing something he'd just as soon first meet on a platter at dinner. My servants hunt for me. Hunt and fish.'

'We saw no sign of boats,' Polillo said. 'Do your
servants hunt from the shore?'

The Sarzana smiled. 'These
and he gestured around at the beast-men,
are not the only ones who've chosen to serve me. There are dolphins
others who have chosen to serve me.'

I suddenly remembered the two dolphins, swimming abreast, under our ship as we approached the island. Was that a net I'd seen them hold in their mouth and the emblem a diadem such as the beast-men wore?

'Chosen?' Gamelan said,

'I admit,' The Sarzana said, 'to having prepared the ground with a spell or two. But what of that? These creatures live far better lives than they did before. Then they hunted and were hunted, lives no longer than an instant. If they sickened, or if storms tossed them, they were helpless. Now, in exchange for performing small favours for me, most of which, such as fishing, were already part of their bestial habits, their lives are happier and

I wondered if any beast, taken from the wild, is happier, but said nothing. This was an argument I'd heard from zookeepers as well. Gamelan, too, had no comment.

The meal continued. Almost everyone was on his or her best behaviour. All of my Guardswomen had been cautioned to remain sober and I noticed none of them, not even Cliges, my most notorious drunkard, did more than sip at their wines. Three or four of the sailors, however, being sailors, decided to seize the moment. One of them got so rapidly in his cups I heard the beginnings of a song coming from that table. The Sarzana appeared not to notice, nor did his casual, clever dinner conversation change. But I saw him glance at the budding drunkards and as soon as he did, they became quiet.

One of my women said later the s
ailors did, indeed, grow instantl
y sober, but shuddered and shook, as if they underwent the throes of a seconds-long hangover before they did. It was obvious The Sarzana controlled his dining with more than courtesy.

Our meal finished with various tarts - fruits, berries and such, accompanied by an assortment of cheeses such as I'd never tasted.

Just as I finished, there came a babble. My Guardswomen and die sailors were getting up, and, most politely, taking their leave, just as if we were at the end of a barracks meal, and the last of the wine had been drunk. Outside, I heard the shouts of the sergeants forming them up. Before I could do more than gape, I heard them marching away, across the plateau.

The only ones remaining in that vast chamber were Cholla Yi, Gamelan, Corais and myself. I felt alarmed for a moment, then noted, just in the entranceway, Sergeant Bodilon, whom I'd assigned with Corais to stay up here with The Sarzana. On either side of the doorway were two guards, each with her spear butt braced beside her, looking most alert.

The Sarzana looked at me. 'Captain Antero. Forgive me for overstepping my bounds. But I rather assumed your women would be happier returning to their quarters. They've had a most long day, as have your sailors, Admiral Yi.'

For some reason, neither of us objected, nor were we alarmed by The Sarzana's magic. That warm, rich feeling that had marked the day sat about our shoulders, like a welcome wool cloak on a winter's night.

'Now,' he went on, 'if we can adjourn to another room, we can continue our conversation. I know almost everything about you. I know you, and your homelands. I know of your pursuit of your great enemy, and his destruction. I know the perils you have overcome crossing these seas. And I know what lies ahead
But you know nothing of me.'

He smiled. 'Now, that shall change
Now I shall tell you my story, of how I came to be The Sarzana and of the evil that brought me and the great civilization of Konya down.'


The Ruler of Konya

he sarzana turned
and walked away through the banquet hall. He gave no command nor invitation, but the four of us knew we were to follow. Corais took Gamelan by the elbow, and we threaded our way through the tables. The beast-men were busily cleaning up, and paid us no attention.

We walked down a long hallway that reminded me of a museum -there must've been a hundred items, from paintings to sculpture to colourful costumes on the wall, each coming from a different culture.

We went through an archway into a circular room with a round fireplace in the centre. In spite of the evening's balm, a fire blazed, but I felt no unpleasant warmth coming from it. Comfortable couches sat around the fire, and there were small tables near each
couch set with glasses and bottl

'I used a small bit of divination to determine what each of your favourite tipples is,' The Sarzana said, trying to assume the casual gaiety of his earlier conversations. 'I trust you will forgive my intrusion.'

We seated ourselves, and I recognized the flask in front of me - it appeared to be an exact duplicate of Talya, the sweet dessert wine the Antero estates has produced for some generations only for their most honoured guests. We made it from grapes allowed to shrivel on the vine, then picked at the height of their ripeness, each grape taken from its stem and placed into a vat, and the grapes crushed by their own weight. For an instant I forgot where I was, and my eyes blurred, remembering what was so far away, and, I was beginning to fear, unattainable. The last time I'd had this wine had been years ago, when the harvest had been plentiful enough to justify the making of Talya, since it was incredibly wasteful. I'd shared the flask with Tries in the days when there was nothing but silken love between us.

I turned my face away so The Sarzana wouldn't see tears touch my face. Cholla Yi harrumphed, and said something gruffly about how pleased he was Lord Sarzana could produce the finest drink of his homeland, a distilled concoction of cherry pips it seemed not many had the palate to appreciate.

'Not Lord,' The Sarzana said, 'if you please. My tide, to all Konyans, needs no further embellishment.'

I nodded to myself. One of Gamelan's questions had been answered. I used the tip of my dagger to peel the wax sealant off, pulled the cork, poured a bit of the wine and tasted. I hid a smile. The Sarzana's magic wasn't quite perfect - there was a hidden tartness to this vintage our own grapes never held. But I had to admit the effect had been startling, and the wine's taste was quite pleasant.

'This room,' The Sarzana said, 'I use as a reminder of what once was. Look about you.' Two of us turned, but I did not, keeping my eyes fixed on The Sarzana's hands, as Gamelan had taught me to do when watching a sorcerer - right crossed over left, turned palm up, and fingers beckoning. I had the gesture, but thought it would give me nothing, since I saw his lips move in the incantation, but I couldn't make out the words he spoke. Then I turned to see.

The spectacle he'd evoked took me. We were in the midst of the sacking of a great palace. The walls were hung with tapestries, roaring in flames. I saw beautiful women, screaming and being dragged off by drunken men. I saw looters carrying away finery, or tearing or shattering it for the sheer love of destruction. I saw soldiers in armour: some sprawled in death, having fulfilled their last duty; others had turned their coats, and become looters. I saw men, and women too, dressed in the finery of the ruling class, ordering the mob in its destruction. Then there was nothing but marble walls, the marble worked with threads of exotic minerals.

'That was the day of my downfall,' The Sarzana said. 'That was the day I lost everything. And that was also the day my beloved Konya lost its last chance of greatness, freedom and peace.' I saw his lips tighten as he fought for and regained control. 'I keep this memory fresh,' he continued, 'because I do not want to soften, here in my long exile.'

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