The Winding Road Home (11 page)

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Authors: Sally John

BOOK: The Winding Road Home
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Silly how she had let
man dictate
relationship. Maybe Will would have changed…in time…

Now that really was a silly line of thought. He was gone…and she was ignoring the obvious. Again.

Oh, Lord.

An unknown future lurked, waiting to devour her the moment she stepped toward it. And so it was fear that rooted her to the porch, her companion for a cold night's vigil.


Sunday morning Kate snuggled under the thick down comforter, relishing in the warmth of flannel sheets. It was nearly time to get ready for church, but she chose to luxuriate for a few moments in the coziness of her room and in the knowledge of how she was loved. God had given her so much.

“Even though I'm in Valley Oaks for the duration and not Wash—”

No, she was
going to complain.

Sunlight already streamed through the blinds she had twisted open last night when she wanted to see the stars. It was a quaint room, located on the first floor with a view of Adele's backyard. The bed took up most of the space, but it was an old four-poster, and from it she could see out the two windows. A braided rug covered most of the hardwood floor. The vanity and dresser looked like antiques, but knowing her landlady, they weren't. The closet door's handle was a glass knob. Another glass-knobbed door led to her own private bath. The walls were papered in a tiny blue floral print.

The adjoining room was a sitting room, probably a parlor in the old days. Adele designated it as Kate's space. It contained a desk, a couch, and a chair. Kate had added her own small television, CD player, and bookcase. The kitchen was always open for her use.

It was a good home away from home. Adele's character, of course, permeated the situation, welcoming Kate like a beloved relative.

“Which we are, in a way. Right, Lord? Sisters in You.”

Chelsea accepted her. Rusty accepted her. The book club women accepted her. She had even been invited to Britte Olafsson's for an open house that afternoon, a postnuptial shower for Britte's brother and his new wife. The place would be crawling with resources for
articles, a perfect networking opportunity.

Spring was a few weeks away, practically around the corner. Warm temperatures were predicted for Wednesday. The snow could melt and not fall again until next winter.

And the cherry on top of the chocolate sundae was Tanner. She couldn't have asked for a better tour guide for this internship phase of her life. The guy was a gem. It was fun being silly with him the previous night at the movies, pretending they were romantically involved. For one brief moment, when he put his arm around her, she was dazzled by what that felt like. She quickly set the impression aside.

“Lord, thank You for the laughter with him. Please smooth things between him and his dad. I get the feeling their relationship is strained. And please bring Him into Your family. He has that homeless look about his soul.”

Tanner rubbed his whiskers and poured coffee into a mug. He carried it over to the table and sat in his windowless kitchen, staring at a calendar on the wall.

He wanted to go to church, out in Valley Oaks.

That thought had awakened him, and it wouldn't go away. He let it rumble around in his mind. It was a totally foreign thought that couldn't seem to find its own niche. What was he to do with it?

Last week he had attended church simply on a lark, meeting Kate's challenge. Last night she hadn't brought up the subject and he wasn't about to. Not that he had disliked the service. It was fine. And the pastor had actually given him some new concepts to ponder…like Jesus Christ. God's Son? The way to the Father? A friend who imparts the strength not to drink? Supernatural yet real in the day-today of life?

But he couldn't go out there today. He was having breakfast with his dad, the only time available in the busy doctor's schedule. Not that it was a regular appointment. Today's meeting had been planned because the down payment for the video store was due on Thursday. Sidney wanted to hand him the check in person, his dad's feeble attempt to make sure his son knew how much he cared.

Yeah, right.

The phone rang and Tanner leaned over to grab the cordless from its cradle. “Hello?”


“Hi, Dad.” The guy was going to cancel.

“What are you doing tomorrow morning?”

Tanner closed his eyes. “I'll be in Denver. I'm flying a charter out there tonight. Be back late on Tuesday.”

“I'm sorry to hear that.”

“What? Sorry to hear I'm working?”

“I didn't mean that. Look, something's come up this morning. Marnie needs me here. How about if we postpone breakfast and I'll deposit the check in your account first thing tomorrow?”

“Not a problem.”

After a few so-called pleasantries, they said goodbye.

Not work, not patients crying for attention, but Marnie, the wife, a woman not much older than Tanner's sister. At least he had married her, unlike the handful preceding her.

Tanner drummed his fingers on the table. It was such a familiar scene, his dad letting him down. He wondered that it still surprised him, still carved fresh wounds. Maybe because for years he had managed to escape it by consistently sinking into oblivion.

Unaware of his movements, Tanner felt cool air and found himself standing in front of the opened refrigerator staring at a carton of orange juice. Automatically he removed it along with a package of bagels. Still he stood, one hand resting on the open door, one hand holding breakfast.

And suddenly he realized what he was doing. He was searching for something that was not stashed in the refrigerator nor in any of the cupboards.

“Okay.” He spoke out loud, his voice strange to his ears. “Are You here, Jesus? Is this where You come in? It's been six and a half years and

He shoved the items back into the fridge and slammed the door shut. Swiftly he made his way to the bedroom and grabbed a pair of running shoes from the closet.

He would run. He'd do the long route, down to the river and back, 5.2 miles, embrace the arctic blast, the sensation of icicles forming on his lungs.

Then he would go to Valley Oaks Community Church and surprise Kate. It was fun to surprise Kate. Her face would light up like a Christmas tree. He could easily imagine her dancing around like an elf. She was about the size of one, definitely as energetic as one.

Then, if she didn't mind, he would hang out with her, go together to that open house at Britte's. Maybe she had some more of that chili.

The thing about Kate was, she seemed to like him. Just the way he was. No strings attached.

“So, Pops, what do you think?” Graham sat on the edge of the bed, holding Rand's limp hand between his. It seemed swollen. “I'm getting the impression that she is attracted to me.”

“What's wrong with that?” His breathing was labored.

Exasperated, Graham placed Rand's hand under the covers and stood. Pacing, he fingercombed his hair. “You don't really mean it. I have no business worming my way into Adele's life!”

“It's not worming.”

“Of course it is. I just happened to have become attracted to her in the process!”

“Shh. You'll break Heather's heart.” He breathed a soft laugh.

Graham ignored the joking reference to the young nurse. “My sole purpose for being here is to grant your last request. Once you're gone, the strings will be severed. She'll want nothing further to do with me.”

“Pure conjecture. Graham, you have my blessing. A relationship between you two is my fondest dream.”

In reply, he stuffed his hands in the back pockets of his corduroys.
Stubborn old coot.
“You're a stubborn old coot.”

“Thank you. Tell me again about Chelsea. She's as beautiful as her mother?”

He nodded. “Taller. Just as confident and independent. Bit of an adolescent's attitude, naturally.”

“And when is her birthday?”

“May twelfth. She'll be seventeen.” They already knew that.

“I sure would like to meet her.”

“She works here sometimes, during school breaks. The next one is mid-April, Easter week.”

“I'd like to see Easter again too. Make up for all the ones I missed.”

Graham returned to his side. Rand had had a difficult night. Their hopes to attend the center's church service that morning were waning. “You know those are forgiven and forgotten. I imagine Easter at Home will be somewhat on the magnificent side, don't you?”

He chuckled in his raspy way. “Graham, I have one more last request.”

“You're only allowed one.”

“Don't fight whatever it is developing between you. She needs someone to take care of her. God told me you're the one.”

“Now you're receiving personal messages from God?”

He smiled, his eyes closing. “We're getting chummier every day. He'll be taking me Home soon, you know.”

Adele sat in her minivan on the street, a block from the church parking lot, unsure about continuing further.

She had tossed and turned most of the night, finally falling asleep as the stars faded from view. Chelsea had woken her at eight, but she didn't move a muscle except to mumble she would catch up later. Chelsea and Kate should go on ahead to church.

She rested her forehead against the steering wheel. “Lord, what's wrong with me? I feel like an idiotic teenager again with a crush on a good-looking guy. For goodness sake, I'm thirty-six years old! My life was good and balanced and now all I can think about is some man I just met who doesn't even live here! I'm afraid to take another step. I'm afraid to see him. I'm afraid
to see him!”

Do not be afraid. Trust in your Father.

It wasn't an audible voice, only a distinct impression reminding her of what she already knew: She wasn't walking alone.

“What am I getting into?”

Like He was going to tell her that one.

Adele wiped her tears and pulled down the visor mirror. She looked the wreck she felt. Maybe she should go home.

That thought felt comforting.

But it was the fearful way out and would only postpone the inevitable.

She opened her compact and did some repair work on her face.

He probably wasn't even around. More than likely he was attending the service at Fox Meadow with Rand. Maybe she would see him tomorrow. Maybe not. Their paths didn't necessarily have to cross at the nursing home. She could probably avoid him for a time. Maybe it would be wise to take that time…

At last she drove into the lot, parked, and walked toward the church, ten minutes after the music would have started. A lone figure stood inside the glass doors, looking out.

Adele stopped in her tracks. There was no mistaking that pewter gray caught in the sunlight, nor the broad outline filling the doorway.

She continued slowly.

When she reached the door, Graham pushed it open for her, and she walked in, scarcely breathing as she brushed past him. There was a tentative expression about his eyes that probably mirrored her own. They stared at one another for a long moment.

Then he extended his hand toward her as a friend would invite another…
come, walk with me.

Adele reached out and placed her hand in his. He wrapped his fingers ever so gently around it, and they walked together into the sanctuary.

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