The Wives of Beverly Row 5: Lust Has a New Address (7 page)

Read The Wives of Beverly Row 5: Lust Has a New Address Online

Authors: Abby Weeks

Tags: #Literary, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense, #erotica, #Womens

BOOK: The Wives of Beverly Row 5: Lust Has a New Address
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“Oh my God,” she cried out. “Oh my God. Matt, it’s happening!”

Matt sighed in what sounded to Veronica like exquisitely extreme pleasure. She felt his hands on the sides of her ass clench and squeeze her tightly and he pulled her up toward him so that he could get inside her more deeply.

As his cock continued to slide, deeper and deeper into her passageway, Veronica felt overwhelmed by the sensation that was rushing through every bit of her body. She felt as if every nerve was tingling with maximum sensitivity. It was almost as if the cock sliding up into her anus was connected directly to her central nervous system.

Finally, Matt’s cock slid all the way inside her to its full length.

He gave out a long sigh and Veronica felt a massive throb, as if the cock had bulged for a moment.

“How does that feel?” he said to her.

She couldn’t answer. Her voice was caught in her throat. Even if she could have spoken she didn’t know what she would have said. She didn’t know if she was in extreme pleasure or extreme pain.

Keeping a firm hold of her hips in his strong hands, Matt began to slowly pull the cock back out of her anal passage. It was difficult for Veronica to believe, but as Matt pulled out it was as if the sensation was even stronger. She began to tremble. Her entire body began shaking with a mixture of sensitivity and overwhelming satisfaction and pleasure. She wanted to cry out. She wanted to scream.

No sooner had Matt pulled out of her anus than he began pushing it back in.

“Oh God,” Veronica cried out.

“I’m almost there,” Matt said.

“Oh Jesus,” Veronica said.

Matt was sliding back in, stimulating all of those nerves that were so electrifying, so on fire. And then something happened that for the rest of her life, Veronica knew she would never be able to describe. Matt’s cock throbbed again, much harder than it had the first time. She felt the massive girth of it thicken larger than it had been and then subside again, and immediately afterward, a strong jet of semen flew from it as if it was pressurized. There was a powerful force behind that sperm. Veronica could feel every detail of it. She could feel the semen squirting into her, filling her anal cavity, flowing around inside her ass like water in a bottle that someone was shaking.

“Holy Jesus,” Matt cried.

She clenched the muscles in her ass, taking an even tighter hold of his cock with her anus, and felt it pulse another high pressure jet of semen into her.

“Fuck,” she cried out.

Her body was still trembling with stimulation and she felt as if she was vibrating. She could feel pleasure building up in her vagina. It was like being connected to a body sized vibrating machine.

She cried out. She felt a surge of pleasure, the first wave of a life changing orgasm, and at the same time, more semen poured out of Matt into her asshole. The orgasm seemed to come from somewhere deep in the center of her pelvis and then flushed through her like a tidal wave.

“Oh my God!” she cried.

Matt pulled his cock out and as it slid along her passage, another wave of orgasm rushed around her body. She felt Matt’s cock leave her body. Her anus pulsed and trembled with pleasure. He slapped the cock onto her back and another stream of his semen squirted out onto her back, flying all the way up as far as her neck and leaving a stream of sperm across her back. All of her muscles collapsed. She fell onto the pillows that Matt had placed under her. Her body was twitching and trembling, utterly defeated. The aftermath of the orgasm was still flowing around inside her. She took deep breaths.

Matt was still behind her. He was untying the blindfold. She kept her eyes closed for a moment after the blindfold was removed. She reached around to her back and felt the sticky sperm there.

She loved it. She loved that Matt’s semen was all over her back. She could feel it dripping out of her anus too, oozing out of her asshole and down her thighs.

“Oh my God,” she sighed.

“That was the biggest orgasm I’ve ever had in my life,” Matt said.

“Really?” she said.

“No kidding. I never felt something so amazing in all my life.”

“Me neither,” Veronica said.

“You’re just saying that.”

“Honestly, Matt. I waited a long time to feel you come inside me.”

“And you weren’t disappointed?”

“I was amazed.”

“You didn’t mind that I wanted to go in the back instead of the front?” Matt said.

Veronica looked at him. “I loved it, Matt.”

“Are you sure? You’re not just saying that to please me?”

“I loved it. I want you to fuck me like that every day for the rest of my life.”


Gabe in a coffee shop close to the warehouse they were working from. The forgery was progressing better than either of them had expected and Gabe was extremely confident that his plan was going to work. Even Ariel was impressed with how it was going. She was proud of it, proud of the fact that she still had the skill to pull off a forgery of that caliber.

“So,” she said to Gabe. “I need a favor.”

The barista called out Gabe’s name and he got up and grabbed the two lattes they’d ordered. When he came back he was smiling and shaking his head.

need a favor from

“Please don’t make me regret asking,” Ariel said.

Gabe held up his hands. “What? Me?”

“Just sit down and drink your coffee. Forget I asked.”

“Seriously,” Gabe said. “Tell me what it is. Of course I’ll help you out if I can.”

“It’s not really for me, it’s for a friend.”

“Who is she?”

“My neighbor. Her name is Zola. She’s having trouble with her husband.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Gabe said. “So what can I do?”

“Okay, first of all,” Ariel said, “to put this all in perspective. She’s having more than just trouble with this husband. He’s making her life goddamn unbearable. I mean, he’s a serious pervert. He’s got this forum on the internet where he and some other guys all swap pictures of their wives.”


“But that’s not all. They go farther. They actually allow each other to screw each other’s wives.”

“Swinging?” Gabe said.

“Yeah, basically. Except that Zola, she’s totally not into it. Jake basically bullies her into allowing the other guys to fuck her.”

“Jesus,” Gabe said. “What about calling the police or something?”

“You know how useless the police are when it comes to anything domestic.”

“So you want me to talk to him? I’m not sure how effective that’s going to be.”

“Well,” Ariel said. “It’s going to be a little more complicated than that. I don’t just want Jake to stop screwing Zola. I want him to let her go. And when she leaves, I want her to leave with a whole lot of his money.”

“I see,” Gabe said. “So how are you going to do all that? Have you got anything on him.”

“Not yet,” Ariel said. “That’s where you come in.”

Gabe was nodding. “Oh, do I?” he said.

Ariel could tell that he was becoming wary. This didn’t sound like it was going to be a small favor. It was sounding bigger and bigger by the minute.

“What did you have in mind?” he said.

“We’ll need to use the painting. The forgery.”

Gabe was already shaking his head. “No way,” he said. “Forget it right now, Ariel. It’s not going to happen.”

“We just need to borrow it.”

“Do you know how much money I’ve spent setting up this forgery? I’m not going to risk it all to help out your friend. She can get a divorce the same way everyone else does it. She doesn’t need me to get involved.”

“She does,” Ariel said. She looked meaningfully at Gabe. “She needs you, and
need you.”

“This is going to screw up our plan, isn’t it?”

“It will delay it, Gabe. It will affect our plan, but it will be worth it.”

“Forget it,” Gabe said. He looked at his watch. “I just remembered, I’ve got to be somewhere.” He got up from the table and grabbed his phone and sunglasses.

“Wait,” Ariel said. She had to stop him from leaving. She had to keep him at the table. “Sit down, there’s more.”


“Sit,” she said.

He sighed and took his seat reluctantly. “It’s not just Zola that Jake’s taken advantage of.”

“What do you mean?”

“He’s gotten the better of me too,” Ariel said.

Gabe had been taking a sip of his coffee and he put his cup down very deliberately. He held Ariel’s eye. “What do you mean,” he said in as stern a voice as she’d ever heard him use.

“He fucked me, Gabe.”


“Recently. I ran into him in a bar close to here. Very close. It was after working on the painting. I ran into him and he showed me a video clip of his wife fucking another guy.”


“Yes, he had a video on his cell, it was Zola with one of his friends from the internet forum.”

“Why did he show you that?”

“He was flirting with me. Trying to get me to spend the night with him.”

“And he showed you that? Why would that make you want to sleep with him? It’s disgusting.”

“Well,” Ariel said. She knew she was using Gabe’s feelings for her to manipulate him. She was trying to make him get involved in her plan by using his jealousy. “It worked. What can I say? I’m not as innocent as I once was.”

“He told you they were swingers?”


“And that convinced you to just jump into bed with him?”

“I was drunk. I was stupid. I can’t really excuse what I did. But it happened, Gabe.”

Gabe didn’t say anything. He was thinking. Ariel didn’t know what was going through his mind. She’d taken a big risk telling him what she’d done. There was a good chance he’d tell her to go to hell. Why should he give up his forgery for some half-baked plan she and her friend were dreaming up? But she also knew that if she hadn’t told him this, there was no way he’d have been involved enough in Zola’s situation to risk the forgery.

“How was it?”

“What do you mean?” she said.

“Did you like fucking him?”

“Gabe!” she said. “Look, it was just a drunken fling. To be honest I don’t even remember the sex.”

“What night was it?”

“What does that matter?”

“Just tell me.”

“I don’t remember, Gabe.”

“It was the night I asked you out, wasn’t it?”

Ariel said nothing. It
been that night. That was going to hurt Gabe’s feelings.

“It was, wasn’t it?”

She nodded her head.

Gabe looked at her. Then he grabbed his sunglasses and phone and got up and walked out of the cafe.


everything,” Ariel said. She was sitting with Veronica at her kitchen table, two cups of coffee steaming in front of them.

“I can’t,” Veronica said. “I don’t even know what I think of it myself yet.”

“I told you I slept with Jake,” Ariel said.

“That’s different.”

“Why is that different?”

Veronica covered her face in her hands. “I don’t know,” she said. “It just is.”

“Well,” Ariel said, “I’ve got more information to share.”

“What is it?”

“No way,” Ariel said with a smile on her face. “You have to go first.”

Veronica hid her face in her hands again. She was clearly very shy about her news. That only made Ariel want to hear it even more.

“Okay, so you know Matt came over to help me with the restaurant, right?”


“Well, we were taking a break, and he took off his shirt.”

“Oh my god, Veronica, there better be more to this story than just that.”

“Well, one thing led to another, and he took me back to a motel room.”

“No way!”

“Yes way,” Veronica said.

Ariel got up and hugged Veronica.

“I don’t know if I should be celebrating this,” Veronica said. “I mean, I just cheated on my perfectly loving husband.”

“But you’ve been pining for Matt for years. You’re in love with him.”

“I am in love with him,” Veronica said.

“I can’t believe it. I’m so happy for you.”

“It’s going to mean a lot of changes in my life,” Veronica said. “I can feel it already. It’s not just going to be an affair. I’m going to have to tell Hank that I’m in love with Matt. It’s going to mean the end of my marriage. The end of my life here on Beverly Row.”

“You’ll start a new life with Matt.”

“Oh, Ariel. I really hope so.”

Ariel poured some milk into her coffee and stirred it.

Veronica looked up at her. “And what’s your news?” she said.

“Well, you know I’ve been trying to form this plan for Zola to get her out of the horrible situation Jake’s put her in?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Well, I tried convincing Gabe to help with it.”

“And what did he say?”

“Well, I was asking for quite a lot. I basically want him to sacrifice a big business project he’s working on so that we can tempt Jake to break the law.”

“So that we can blackmail Jake?”


“And what did he say to that? He doesn’t even know Zola and Jake. It’s a lot to ask.”

“Well, he said no. But then I told him that Jake had fucked me.”

Veronica raised her eyebrows at that news. “How did he take

“Not too good.”

“I wouldn’t have imagined so,” Veronica said.

“But I’ve got him thinking now. I know I do. The hook’s in his mouth.”

Veronica gave Ariel a big grin. “Now all you’ve got to do is reel him in!”


“So tell me, what’s the plan?”

“It’s still a little complicated.”

“Okay?” Veronica said, waiting for more information.

“You know Gabe has an art gallery?”

“Sure I do.”

“Well, basically I want him to talk Jake into trying to sell a painting.”

“What’s so bad about that.”

“Well, the thing is, the painting is a forgery.”

“Oh,” Veronica said. “I see.”

But Ariel could tell that Veronica didn’t quite see yet. “If Jake sells a forged painting, he’ll have broken the law. He could go to jail for a very long time for doing it.”

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