The Wolf's Mate Book 1: Jason & Cadence (30 page)

Read The Wolf's Mate Book 1: Jason & Cadence Online

Authors: R.E. Butler

Tags: #werewolf romance alpha male alpha female kidnapping mf paranormal romance

BOOK: The Wolf's Mate Book 1: Jason & Cadence
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Well, it wasn’t their mouth, was it? That’s
just fucking great. What if she walked around for the rest of her
life with fangs? She needed to think about something else before
her head exploded, and her husband, her sweet wolf mate, sensed her
tightrope walk with her emotions, thanked his dad, Michael and Lon
for their help, and promised to let them know how she was in the

As he hefted her over his shoulder in what
was clearly one of his favorite ways to haul her upstairs, she
stared down at the view of his incredible ass and pondered her

He dropped her to the bed abruptly and walked
into the bathroom. She heard the water running in the sink and
realized he was brushing his teeth. She was tempted to join him to
look at her fangs some more, but she didn’t think she could really
do that without having an utter meltdown and if she did that, then
the heat in Jason’s eyes would disappear and be replaced with pity
and concern. There wasn’t a look that killed a libido much more
than pity.

“Why are you still wearing clothes?” He
demanded, walking out of the bathroom and stalking towards her in
all his nude glory.

She didn’t have an answer for him. If she
said she was thinking about her fangs, well, she’d already reasoned
out that scenario so she instead said, “I was just waiting for my

A happy grunting reply was all he could seem
to manage as he stripped her hurriedly and climbed on top of her.
Spreading her thighs with his knees and her arms out to the side
with his hands on her wrists, he nuzzled under her chin and sucked
open mouthed kisses down the column of her throat, hard enough to
twist her gut into a tight ball of need and bring every nerve
ending to life. He slid into her with one hard thrust that made her
teeth crack together with the force of it, and he pounded into her
as he held himself just slightly away from her so that she could
watch his cock saw in and out of her body. Bracing on her wrists,
he drove them with determined, bold thrusts until they both crashed
into climax, and her need to mark him rose like a tidal wave. She
had fangs now. She could use them. She wanted to. She needed

Panting, dewy sweat lighting his features, he
kissed her gently and then licked once across her bottom lip.
Parroting her own words to him, he growled, “Mark me, Cades, make
me yours in truth.”

He slid over, rolling to his side, and she
pressed him forward slightly by the shoulder and lifted the curl of
his dark blonde hair up from his neck to reveal the bare skin. She
licked the sweat from his neck and he shivered at the action. She
had only the top fangs, so it wouldn’t look entirely normal for a
wolf marking, but she was going to take what he offered willingly
and bite the hell out of him.

Anxious to sink her fangs into his flesh, she
hugged her leg across his hip and her arm across his chest, and
lowered her mouth to cover his spine. She dug her fangs in until
they broke through the skin, slicing easily into his flesh like the
sharp knives they appeared to be. He let out a quick breath that
ended on a moan and she felt his cock grow hard against her ankle
that was draped over him. She tasted his blood, a delicious hot and
salty metallic taste as she pulled her fangs out and licked the two
puncture wounds.

She kissed each mark and lifted up so that he
could roll onto his back as she straddled him. Leaning forward, she
kissed him carefully, letting him caress the edges of her fangs
with his tongue as he hummed a wolfy purr of pleasure. He guided
himself into the wet, hot depths of her core and they spent the
night locked together, two marked alphas.

When she finally woke in the morning, her
fangs had receded at some point while she slept. She was thankful
that they were gone but worried what it meant that she actually had
no control over their coming and going. Jason said he didn’t care
if they came back and stayed permanently because he thought they
were hot.

They passed into the new year without much
fanfare. They had a party that went all night with lots of toasting
and Jason not letting her kiss anyone at midnight that wasn’t

She had big hopes for the first year of their
marriage and of her place as alpha of the pack. She wanted to make
him proud, to behave the way he needed and expected and to be the
softer balance of his rough nature. Even though she couldn’t shift,
she felt like a werewolf and she was treated that way.

Her fangs returned on the January full moon
and disappeared by the next morning. At Jason’s urging, she
explored the area around the bonfire the night of the full moon
with the female wolves and tried out the main senses that the
wolves had over humans: speed, strength, scent, sight, and taste.
Everything was slightly more pronounced for her on the full moon.
Already she was faster and stronger than a typical human female,
but on the full moon she could smell better. She could pick out
Jason’s location if he was within a few hundred feet of her, even
in the darkness, and he tested her in February by having her track
him. Although a few guards followed her closely, they offered no
help. She succeeded brilliantly. Her sight didn’t get better and
her sense of taste was no different, but she did experience food
cravings on the full moon that trended more towards red meat of the
rare variety. The alterations to her body once she’d become alpha
and her she-wolf had blossomed, made her wonder what their children
would be like. If she was part human, they may be human. It was the
most likely scenario. But hopefully because she was unique, their
children would be unique as well and in her eyes they’d be

She was human and werewolf, one foot in two
vastly different worlds. She could have gone human. She could have
shuttered away what made her the person she was, but she would have
been lying to herself and anyone she was with.

She’d been an outcast and a leader, a vixen
and a wall flower. She’d walked the edge of death, been threatened
and beaten for friendship and love. She’d stood before a pack of
wolves as their leader. She suffered grief and heartache and love
at its most pure form. And she stood securely in the arms of the
man that she loved more than her next breath and waited for their
future to unfold.


The End



From the Author: Thank you so much for purchasing The Wolf’s Mate:
Jason and Cadence. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I
enjoyed bringing the Tressel Pack to life. Check out my blog for
news and updates about the future books in the series at
or drop me a line at
[email protected]
too! All the best, R.E.


* * * * *


*Also by R.E. Butler*

A Curve of Claw

A Flash of Fang


Read on for an excerpt from the next book in The
Wolf’s Mate series,

The Wolf’s Mate Book 2: Linus & The Angel by R.E.


Linus Mayfield had a lot of good things in
his life: fourth ranked in the Tressel wolf pack, nice house,
decent job, and plenty of friends. What he didn’t have was what he
longed for most – a true mate. His first foray into marriage was a
disaster and he thought he would never be free to love again. One
icy winter night, he found the nearly frozen body of a woman in the
snow and brought her back from the brink of death. Then he wanted
to keep her forever. Will his past destroy his growing love for
her? Will her secrets keep them from being together? You can't have
a Wolf's Mate story without claws and fangs, possessive wolves, and
plenty of hot werewolf mate sex. What happens when legend meets
reality? Find out in the second novel in The Wolf's Mate Series by
R.E. Butler.


* * * * *

The Wolf’s Mate

Book 2: Linus & The Angel

By: R. E. Butler



Linus was woken from sleep by the buzz of his
cell as it danced across the nightstand next to his bed and sounded
like an out of control woodpecker. He blinked the sleep from his
eyes and picked up the phone, his eyes barely registering the alarm
clock that read 2:17.
Shit, it’s early

He should have checked the ID, because he
wouldn’t have answered it if he’d known it was her.

“Linus!” Brenda whined, “Linus I need a

He sighed and sat up, swinging his feet down
to the carpet. “It’s fucking late, Brenda.”

“But there was like a blizzard, Linus, and I
don’t want to get trapped at this guy’s house for days.”

His sluggish brain picked up on part of that.
“Wait, are you on a date and you’re fucking calling me for a ride?
You have got to be kidding me, Brenda. That’s low even for

Her voice tipped whinier, “But you’re my

“Not any more. We’ve been divorced for three
years. This has to stop. Just don’t fucking call me anymore.”

He hung up and sat there staring at his cell
phone while she proceeded to call him four more times and leave
both voice mails, emails, and texts. He finally turned it off. In
one of the kitchen drawers, he found the paperwork for his cell
plan and called the 24 hour customer service number and had his
number disconnected and exchanged for a new one. As he sat at the
computer to send a message to the pack about his new number, he
also decided it was a must to get a new email address so he did
that first and then sent all the new information out to everyone.
Except his ex. He was sure to get a ribbing from them, especially
Jason the alpha, on what a whipped puppy he’d been the last three
years for her. Six months ago he would have gone running to rescue
her and then begged her for sex.

But three months ago he’d watched Jason
finally claim his rightful mate in the hybrid wolf Cadence. They’d
grown up together and it had been a hot mess for years, but finally
she realized what he meant to her, what it meant to all of them,
and they’d become true mates, her taking her rightful place as his
alpha mate. That didn’t technically have anything to do with him,
since he was only fourth ranked in the pack, but because of some
other shit with Cadence, their pack, the Tressel Pack, had to
handle the next in line alpha of the other pack that shared their
small town of Allen, Kentucky, who had wanted to claim Cadence as
his own.

When it came right down to it, Linus had let
Brenda walk all over him because he wanted her back. She was
completely human and he was completely wolf, but he’d loved her
enough to marry her, or at least he thought he loved her. Is it
really love if it’s not reciprocated? They hadn’t even made it a
year She refused to be around the wolves, accused his friends of
trying to sleep with her, and then in the end she’d threatened to
leave him if he didn’t turn his back on the pack. She was what the
others called a Chew Toy, and he’d broken the cardinal rule of
wolves which is you don’t marry the girls that just want to fuck
the big bad. He’d helped her pack, given her money for her own
place, and hell, he’d sat by the phone waiting for her to call and
want to come home. And she did, sometimes. When she needed
something or when she had an itch that needed scratching.

But this was it. He was done with Brenda,
done with that part of his life, and now, he was tired as hell but
restless and couldn’t even think about going back to sleep.
Oblivious to it while he’d slept, a storm had blanketed their town
with a few feet of snow. He was infinitely glad he’d gone to the
grocery yesterday and stacked firewood in the garage.

Most of the wolves his age, which is 27, live
in a trailer park on the north side of Allen, Kentucky. The next
generation up, their parents, lives in regular homes scattered
around town. Allen was a low income, blue collar sort of southern
town. One garage where he worked as a mechanic for Jason who owned
the place, one nice restaurant, one bar, and one grocery. There was
a post office, too, but it had been shut down and blended with the
next town up which meant their mail was always late.

The Shrew had been too high class for the
trailer park, so he’d sold his trailer to one of the younger wolves
and bought a three bedroom modular home that took six weeks for the
pack to build. And then she left. He’d wanted to sell it, but Jason
had convinced him to keep it and just get rid of everything that
made him think of her, so he’d done a thorough housecleaning six
months ago, and this was the first time he’d heard from her since
then. It was easier to talk to her, think of her now, since he’d
watched Jason fight for his woman.

In the beginning, he’d thought he was in love
with her, but he could see now that he’d been foolish. She was
attractive but not pretty, too thin for his normal tastes, but
she’d wedged herself into his life and he’d let her. And then he
didn’t want to live without her. No one liked her, everyone thought
he was a complete idiot for being with her, but he’d mistaken her
desire to be with him because he was a wolf for real affection.
Now, he vowed not to rush into the physical side of things again,
because that’s how he’d gotten trapped with Brenda in the first

Granted he didn’t want to take 14 years to
finally get another girl, the way that Jason and Cadence had danced
around each other since they were children, each too chicken to
admit that they craved the other. They were hard to be around, even
now, because they couldn’t keep their hands off each other and they
didn’t care if it was public or not. He’d walked in on them a dozen
times in one of the spare bedrooms in his own home. He tried not to
be jealous but he couldn’t help it sometimes. Seriously, if he
wasn’t having sex in his own house, than no one else should have
sex in it either. It just wasn’t fair. He wanted a woman that he
could lose himself in like Jason did with Cades. A woman that only
wanted him, only loved him, not because he was a wolf, not because
of anything else he had to offer, but just because she loved

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