Read The Wolf's Mate Book 2: Linus & The Angel Online

Authors: R.E. Butler

Tags: #kidnapping, #mating, #werewolf mate

The Wolf's Mate Book 2: Linus & The Angel (24 page)

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“Oh? What’s the right way?” She teased.

He leaned into her ear, “Nice and slow.”


As soon as the plane was in the air, she fell
asleep against Linus’ shoulder, tucked against his side and feeling
more blessed than any one person had the right to. Waiting at
baggage claim was their driver who was theirs to use for the entire
eight days at any time, day or night.

On Goat Island, just a small bridge away from
Newport, their suite overlooked the bay, but neither of them were
interested in the view out the window.

“Come here, love,” Linus said from the
bedroom and she crossed the large sitting room to the lavish
bedroom where he lay comfortably posed on the king sized bed. She
kicked off her shoes and climbed up next to him, settling against
him on her back as he leaned over to kiss her. “Did I tell you I
loved you today?” He whispered against her mouth.

“You might have mentioned it once or twice,”
She smiled, sliding her fingers through his thick hair and
anchoring him to her mouth.

They kissed for a long time, not stopping
until the tug of clothes pulled them apart for mere seconds, and
when they were laid bare together, he stretched out next to her and
ran his thumb down her jaw.

“I love you, Karly.”

“I love you, too, Linus.”

“I feel like I didn’t really live until I met
you. Like my life was all shadows before and now you’re my sun. I
didn’t think I’d ever find someone that could love me in spite of
everything about me, but you do.”

His beautiful blue eyes shimmered with love
and contentment. “Because we were made for each other.”

They spent the entire day and night of the
first day of their honeymoon making love, ordering room service,
and driving each other wild. It was absolutely perfect.

The morning of their second day, Linus called
for the towncar to take them to First Beach. As requested, the
hotel had prepared a breakfast basket for them with coffee and
treats to take along. Armed with enough beach luggage for a family
of eight, they walked onto the nearly deserted beach and set up
their little area as far away from the parking lot and kiddie play
structure as they could get and still actually be on the beach.

The large umbrella provided just the right
amount of shade for their beach towels that they laid out on top of
a sheet they stole from the hotel. Although they had beach chairs
set up, they both stretched out on their stomachs and drank coffee
and fed each other sliced fruit and chocolate filled croissants and
watched the sun glinting off the waves.

Since it was a holiday week, it didn’t take
long for the beach to fill up, but they were in their own little
bubble and ignored everything. After putting on lotion in a nearly
obscene way, they walked down into the waves and held hands,
walking back and forth along the beach, talking about everything
and nothing.

When their stomachs growled for lunch, they
ate at a pizza parlor in town and then headed to the hotel to scrub
off the sand and play, passing out tangled up, still warm from the

She took a bite of heavenly lobster studded
macaroni and cheese as they sat on the deck of a restaurant that
looked out on the bay and sighed. Now this was bliss. Her husband,
a beautiful view, and great food that she didn’t have to cook. If
they could only be naked too, that would make it totally

“Baby?” Linus tapped the end of his fork on
the metal table and snapped her from her revere of watching a boat
tour head out into the bay.

“I’m sorry; I was just enjoying the view.
What did you say?”

“I said I wanted to talk to you about
something important.”

She straightened. “Oh, okay. Sure.”

He folded his hands after putting his fork on
the plate that had held four battered, fried fillets and a huge
pile of French fries. “Would you like us to be part of your folks’

She blinked in surprise. That statement was
way out of left field. “I…well, I don’t know. What brought this

“Well,” he cleared his throat and took a
drink of his beer. “It’s been bouncing around my mind since our
joining ceremony. There’s harmony with that pack, a sense of family
and belonging that’s wholly unique. And I know you miss your
family, and I’m not so selfish that I would want to keep you from

“Who said you were selfish?”

He shrugged. “Me.”

She shook her head. “You’re not, I promise.
Once I knew that no one in my parents’ pack would be mine, Linus, I
never expected to be part of their pack in any way except as the
daughter of a member. If you want to join up with that pack, of
course I’ll support you, but don’t do it for me because I don’t
need it.”

“I just want you to have everything you want
and need, sweetheart.” He twisted the empty beer bottle in his hand

“I do. I totally have everything I’ve ever
wanted and needed because I have you. I found the missing piece of
my heart and I get to be in your arms forever. So home is wherever
we are, in Kentucky or West doesn’t matter to me as
long as the home includes you.”


She put her hand up. “Nope. I don’t want to
take you from your family any more than you want to take me from
mine, and besides, your pack needs you. And the drive to my
parents’ isn’t so far we can’t visit a few times a year and they’ll
come to see us, too.”

He looked like he would protest some more or
push the issue, so she reached across the small table and took his
hand in hers. “There’s only one thing that I think is missing from
our lives.”


“A baby.”

A slow, sweet smile spread across his face.
“Now that’s something I can help you with.”

“Good. Just know this, love. I’m happier than
I’ve ever been in my life because you’re in it.”

“Me, too.”

* * * * *

It was dark when they walked out of the bar
at the hotel and down the winding sidewalk past the small firepit
where a few partiers were gathered on wooden lawn chairs chatting.
They walked all the way around to the dock at the back of the hotel
and pulled a chair into the shadows.

She lifted her skirt as Linus freed his cock
from his shorts as he sat on the chair and she straddled him,
sinking down onto his cock and pressing her mouth to his. “Ah, I
love you so much, baby,” he said, nipping a long line down her neck
as she moved slowly up and down his length, the darkness and her
long, loose skirt hiding them from any prying eyes.

“I love you, too,” she promised, dropping her
head to his shoulder and holding him close with one hand tangled in
his hair and the other gripping his shoulder. One of his hands dug
into her hip tightly, and the other slipped up the front of her
tank and under the satin bra. His hand felt warm against the cool
evening air and she leaned back slightly and dropped her head back,
closing her eyes and reveling in the sensations coursing through
her body.

His hand left her breast and trailed down the
front of her body over her clothes before moving under her skirt
and gathering her honey on the tips of his fingers and driving her
to climax with his fast motions over her swollen bud. She clenched
her teeth on the cry in her throat and it came out a muffled moan
that Linus echoed through his own pursed lips, pulling her against
him and dampening the sound into her shoulder while his body
released into hers.

Panting and drifting down from bliss, he
nuzzled against her ear and whispered with a rough voice, “I’ve
never been happier, my sweet angel, and that’s the truth.”




As is the way of most wonderful things like
honeymoons and vacations, they left their little slice of paradise
behind, with fond memories of fireworks over the water, the windows
wide open at night so they could hear the sounds of the ocean, the
siren call of the waves, and having eaten their fill of all things

She spent the summer full swing in decorating
their home. Linus turned one of the two spare bedrooms into a
studio for her, surprising her with a top-of-the-line printer and a
new lens for one of her cameras. As promised, she took a picture of
him in his beautiful shifted form with the woods behind their home
as the backdrop, and she was able to get the oil painting finished
by his 28
birthday at the end of July. She surprised
him a second time on his birthday with news of her pregnancy. He
went into immediate overprotective mate mode and refused to let her
near chemicals of any sort except watercolor paints. So she used
the photos from their beach trip to make some paintings for the
house. They also began to host a Sunday evening meal for the top
ranked in the pack.

For the celebration of the anniversary of the
near disaster on the day they met, Linus locked them up in the
house and turned off all the phones for three solid days so they
could enjoy the last bit of bliss of their private time together
before their child was born.

In the very early spring, Remy Eugene
Mayfield joined their family. Dr. Mirella delivered him at the
nearby hospital with hers and Linus’ family and his close friends
and pack members filling up the waiting room to welcome the next
generation of werewolves into the pack.

To look into her baby’s gorgeous blue eyes
and know that someday he would lead a pack as alpha filled her with
pride but also fear; to know the burden of his life as it would
come some day. That he’d be responsible not only for his family –
his mate and children – but also for the lives of everyone in his
pack. Linus was committed to teaching Remy and any other children
they had about the history of werewolves.

When Karly turned 21 and began her journey to
find her wolf mate, she had no idea that the path she chose would
take so long to reach the place where she could find rest with her
wolf, but she didn't regret the journey. She learned to stand on
her own two feet and push on no matter what came at her. To be
sure, their lives could have turned out vastly different in many
ways, but she was thankful every day when she woke in Linus’ arms,
in the bed in their home, with their son sleeping quietly in his

Once she stared insanity in the eyes and
thought she would not live to see another sunrise. Now, she took
nothing for granted, especially her family and her husband, who
fought for her and never gave up.

Family. Surely this was heaven.


The End


AUTHOR: I hope that you enjoyed reading Linus’ story in the second
book in The Wolf’s Mate Series. If you haven’t read the first book,
The Wolf’s Mate Book 1: Jason & Cadence, I encourage you to do
so. And don’t forget to check out my blog for news and updates
about upcoming books at
Send me an email at
[email protected]
I’d love to hear from you! Happy Reading! -R


Also available from the author:

The Wolf's Mate 1: Jason & Cadence

A Curve of Claw (Wiccan Novella series

A Flash of Fang (Wiccan Novella series

A Price for a Princess (Wiccan Novella Series
#3) -
Coming April 2012


Coming Soon:

Wolf’s Mate 3: Callie & The Cats

Callie Hunter, best friend to alpha half-wolf
Cadence, has had enough of the pack life. Setting her sights on
anyplace without wolves, she heads north only to be sidetracked by
a devastating car crash that brings her face to face with twin
mountain lions. 

Ethan and Eryx knew the moment they touched
Callie that she was the mate they'd always hoped for, but the
females of their pride don't want Callie to stick around, and
they’ll go to any lengths to drive her away.  Will Ethan and
Eryx's attempts to keep Callie cost them everything or will Callie
find her inner wolf and the home she's always dreamed of?


Read on for an excerpt of The Wolf’s Mate
Book 3: Callie & The Cats


Callie didn't even want to know how much this
hospital bill was going to cost her. And where the hell was she,
anyway? And who brought her here? And where was her damn purse?
None of the nurses had answers for her, and once the doctor told
them she was a wolf, they scattered like bunnies, and not the tasty
sort. Helpful tip: when trying to blend into a town as a human,
don’t get looked over by the local werewolf doctor.

She had no ID, but they somehow knew who she
was. And she had no clothes, because they’d cut off her favorite
pair of jeans and the rest of her stuff, and wherever the hell her
car was, her two suitcases were in the trunk so she had a stupid
hospital gown on and nothing to wear instead. The doctor had
offered to bring her scrubs and she’d accepted, but so far, no one
had brought any. That was 20 minutes ago.

This just wasn't how she'd planned to spend
the night. Her body ached, but was thankfully healing. They’d
cleaned her up in the ER and found her wounds healed. She didn't
know how long she was out for, but she didn’t remember anything
after her brakes went out. Feeling sorry for herself, and wishing
she could call Cadence for some commiserating, she reminded herself
she was trying to stand on her own two feet and make a new life for
herself. She could get through this. She would wait for her things
and then find a place to stay for the night and figure the world
out after a good night’s sleep.

The door opened and in walked two of the most
handsome men she’d laid eyes on in her entire life. She stared at
them gape mouthed like a fish while they grinned and walked towards
the bed. She put her hand up to stop them from coming further and
they both froze.

BOOK: The Wolf's Mate Book 2: Linus & The Angel
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